Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963April 18Beloved One of God:This is my diary entry. Recently, I had to “reverse my field.” I have had two awkward rejections,the nature of which need not concern anybody. So I began doing something different.a. Spiritual Music. Completing the typing of “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” I saw it wastime to open this up. Then Tuesday night, something happened which gave the sign, and as God hasgiven me some keys, I shall take the next steps very soon. At first it may be only to a few, but if it canbe started here, then I would bring it to Mendocino. I never studied the last chapters of this bookbefore, stopping with “Architecture.” I shall return it as soon as possible.b. Buddhism. Now I find I am in the Wesak Day Program, a huge gathering to take place thefirst Sunday in May. There was already an immense gathering, the largest in the history of San Francisco,on the Zen celebration of Buddha’s Birthday. I was away.Also, after waiting 40 years, I have the first fascicule of the Buddhist encyclopedia.c. The Lotus And The Universe. I find myself in the pleasant, but awkward, situation of havingtoo much material now on “The Lotus.”d. Editha Blesh came back into my life. She has gotten away from the metaphysical peopleand told me some awful stuff. But she has not gotten over her habits. Again she struck out blindlyagainst a person, not knowing it was one of my best friends, only this time, it was a man. She is nowanti-metaphysical and a member of the Unitarian Church.e. Rehana. I met Editha at Gale Darling’s home and a good deal of discussion was aroundRehana, whom both Gale and I consider the “Mother India” in the flesh, and know Rehana wouldobject to vigorously. But Rehana has had her spiritual come-uppance lately, and although a Krishnadevotee, it will be interesting to see how she would react to the Spiritual Music alluded to above.f. Pakistan. This is a diller. Major Sadiq is now making an effort to come to the United States.I don’t know whether my plans to take another room have any direct connection with this or not.Anyhow, my adopted son, who is also the brother by adoption of the Major’s wife, has met my KhalifaKhawar and fallen in love. I should have wished this, but Khawar did not want a divorcee. Eachof these persons has offered me a home—Khawar in Lahore, and the Major Anwar in Islamabad.Have already sent some spiritual instructions, and will add to these. For me, personally, this wouldbe the greatest blessing possible, but we shall see.g. Islamabad University. The new policy of the American Friends of the Middle East is goingto be of tremendous value. We shall see.

Diaries 19631088 Fulton St.San Francisco 17, CalfApril 22, 1963Rev. Jack Austin, Editor“The Western Buddhist”Dear Jack:Memories of a Rice Pounder.Life got too hard so we decided to go back to the neglected profession of rice-pounding. Thiswas taught to me by one Sokei-an Sasaki years ago, but during prosperity and adversity, one tendsto be concerned with self. But while most people have road-blocks, this must-be-different personhas a bottle-neck. And belonging to the bottle-necks instead of the road-blocks makes one more thansuspect. So we began pounding the pavements a la Sasaki, and to use a popular phrase, “Then thefun began.”You see by this method of rice-pounding you find yourself surrounded by a world which wemight call Prajna. It is not the same as the “Prajna” you read of in books, which is translated “wisdom”and which with equal validity might be translated “madness,” “wisdom,” “chicanery,” or“oofle-doofle-ism.” The difference between this Prajna and all the other “prajnas” or pannas is (1) itworks and (2) you lost your ego.Money. There was not any road-block, only a bottle-neck, and as soon as the Prajna steppedin, the shekels followed. I don’t know whether there is any karma or not in it. So we went out andbought some things and were told one must not pay for a whole month at least. This is our “creditsystem.” Then the bank statements came in, and oh-me, oh-my, there was a mistake, and I had moremoney than I thought and went out to spend it, and could not. Oh, yes, I bought things all right, butmust not pay; this would be social revolution or something.a. Must send money order to Japan to “International Institute for the Study of Religions,” soone Jack Austin can get the stuff free.b. Determined to get copy of latest translation called, “Most Excellent Means of Rice-Pounding”or “Sutra of Sixth Patriarch” by one Hui-Neng or Daikan Enō or somebody, translated by Revs.George and Paul Fung (the last shall be first), so bought two copies and then George said, “Will yousend one to Jack Austin?” Already having the copy, will do so you will get it under separate cover.c. The Buddhist Encyclopedia is out, at least First Fascicule. Have you purchased it? Can youget it? If it is available, will reimburse you, and if it is not available will send from here.Note: The above don’t come off income tax returns because now being free, white, and over 65,no income tax.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>April 18Beloved One of God:This is my diary entry. Recently, I had to “reverse my field.” I have had two awkward rejections,the nature of which need not concern anybody. So I began doing something different.a. Spiritual Music. Completing the typing of “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” I saw it wastime to open this up. Then Tuesday night, something happened which gave the sign, and as God hasgiven me some keys, I shall take the next steps very soon. At first it may be only to a few, but if it canbe started here, then I would bring it to Mendocino. I never studied the last chapters of this bookbefore, stopping with “Architecture.” I shall return it as soon as possible.b. Buddhism. Now I find I am in the Wesak Day Program, a huge gathering to take place thefirst Sunday in May. There was already an immense gathering, the largest in the history of San Francisco,on the Zen celebration of Buddha’s Birthday. I was away.Also, after waiting 40 years, I have the first fascicule of the Buddhist encyclopedia.c. The Lotus And The Universe. I find myself in the pleasant, but awkward, situation of havingtoo much material now on “The Lotus.”d. Editha Blesh came back into my life. She has gotten away from the metaphysical peopleand told me some awful stuff. But she has not gotten over her habits. Again she struck out blindlyagainst a person, not knowing it was one of my best friends, only this time, it was a man. She is nowanti-metaphysical and a member of the Unitarian Church.e. Rehana. I met Editha at Gale Darling’s home and a good deal of discussion was aroundRehana, whom both Gale and I consider the “Mother India” in the flesh, and know Rehana wouldobject to vigorously. But Rehana has had her spiritual come-uppance lately, and although a Krishnadevotee, it will be interesting to see how she would react to the Spiritual Music alluded to above.f. Pakistan. This is a diller. Major Sadiq is now making an effort to come to the United States.I don’t know whether my plans to take another room have any direct connection with this or not.Anyhow, my adopted son, who is also the brother by adoption of the Major’s wife, has met my KhalifaKhawar and fallen in love. I should have wished this, but Khawar did not want a divorcee. Eachof these persons has offered me a home—Khawar in Lahore, and the Major Anwar in Islamabad.Have already sent some spiritual instructions, and will add to these. For me, personally, this wouldbe the greatest blessing possible, but we shall see.g. Islamabad University. The new policy of the American Friends of the Middle East is goingto be of tremendous value. We shall see.

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