Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963April 15I was about to write to Saladin when another foment, and I had to call the police. The circumstancesaround here have been thoroughly complicated add messed up. Yesterday JS called for histhings and found his room occupied and he can’t get his furniture. K. who now has it has been tryingto make a deal with L. and she been so undecided I could not find out, Norman does not want tomove but the circumstances over at Isabel’s are so such more conducive to peace and with the possibilitynow for the first time of getting help, pay or no pay, can hardly be refused. Besides this offercame immediately after an hour’s meditation at Master Too Lun’s, like a miracle.Now this has been compounded by my having all the basis materials of POM. But I am astonishedand joyful that the best teachings of PoM appear, not in the esoteric papers, but in A Sufi Messageof Spiritual Liberty. This has not been studied, not only not between the lines but even the lines.Almost every phase gives a lie to the European claims and statements with their Sufism sans Allah.Last night, no peace and I have written to Iru, copy to Saladin. I see no value in going to forumswhere people speak on religions they have neither studied nor practiced and what is more don’trespect those who did. When a man said that the Zen with a purpose was not Zen and I gave him atop-dressing: “It is time that a few people listen to those who have had some Zen training and notto a motley lot of ex-patriate Germans, Englishmen and social outcastes. If one took the trouble tostudy Zen literature or to meditate with a Zen master they would know different. I appear to be theaccredited representative of Zen Masters, and whether this is received or not place it alongside a lotof humbug which is now called Zen.”After the meeting a couple did ask where they can study Zen and I told them but cannot yetfavor one group over another.P.M. This remains a most hectic day and again it may be necessary to call the police. Arrangementswith Isabel seem most satisfactory in all directions and we have agreed down to details concerningKim and Daniel.For the first time the World Affairs Council has accepted my application for a Seminar on Asia,this after at least four rejections with the phoniest excuses. Have already protested on reports againstPakistan elsewhere. While this is a sort of show, the loss of life, the continued battling, cold war ornot, caused merely because our Foreign Services point blank refuse to accept warnings from peopleon the spot, keeps us in turmoil.Syria has rejected Lowell Thomas’ report on “Lawrence of Arabia” and rightly so. The mishmashcaused by this phony is beyond our conception.All of this is overbalanced by the materials copied in between from A Sufi Message of SpiritualLiberty. One does not have to seek poise, it is right there. That book is going to be my Archimedeslever by which I may move the whole earthy inshallah.

Diaries 19631088 Fulton St.,San Francisco 17, Calif.April 17, 1963My dear Jack:On: The Buddhist Encyclopedia and Other MattersLast week I went to the village of Mendocino about 300 miles to the North and spent fourlovely days with friends and artists that have established a colony there, yet unspoiled. The previousartist, now arty colony is to the south of here and Mendocino is to the north. At the former place youcan hear a lecherer and an adulterer lecture on Zen or Buddhism or Cosmic consciousness; or one ofyour fellow countrymen by birth tell us what drug produces what samadhi. The respectable peoplego and go now in large numbers because there is no question that in this region the pervading religionsare on the downgrade.The surprising good time contrasting with years of difficulty caused me to change a methodof living. Now the interpretation I have of the crucifixion is that it means the death of the ego; andof the resurrection is that it means the full an-atta life. I therefore resumed a practice I learned fromSokei-an Sasaki of anatta in everyday life, and the abandonment of effort and especially the aimingat success. (Assorted)The first thing that happened was in going into Fields Book Store—where you can buy annumber of books of Zen and Buddhism written by people from almost every country in Europe anda few Americans. Up to this time there was none by any Russian and I saw one by a Russian whichI purchased immediately: “Buddhist Logic” by T. Stcherbatsky, perhaps the one man on the wholecontinent I really respect.Sometimes I feel like establishing an Arya Dharma Society devoted to anatta, anicca anddukha. It is certain that as mushroom organizations and anti-social speakers are offering all kindsof things called “Buddhism,” the contemporary discoveries in Physics and Cosmology are sustainingthis Arya Dharma no end, just as the previous work in Genetics, Biology, etc. did. And later onI have to review the “Buddhist Logic” for you; for I feel it will apply to contemporary Physics andPsychology, and equally will not apply to much which is offered as Buddhism.I next received a report from Paul Reps who is now in Honolulu, which is enclosed. The receiptof this activated Prajna and I suddenly changed plans and went to the meeting of the combinedBhinest Buddhists, excepting the Fung group. It was well I did.Wesak Day. In my absence the Soto Zen group took over the celebration of Buddha’s birthdayaccording to the Japanese calendar. I am told it was the largest gathering ever in this vicinity, whichconfirms my statement that the prevailing religions are going down and people are seeking. SenseiSuzuki is going to Japan, and I’ll find out more later.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>April 15I was about to write to Saladin when another foment, and I had to call the police. The circumstancesaround here have been thoroughly complicated add messed up. Yesterday JS called for histhings and found his room occupied and he can’t get his furniture. K. who now has it has been tryingto make a deal with L. and she been so undecided I could not find out, Norman does not want tomove but the circumstances over at Isabel’s are so such more conducive to peace and with the possibilitynow for the first time of getting help, pay or no pay, can hardly be refused. Besides this offercame immediately after an hour’s meditation at Master Too Lun’s, like a miracle.Now this has been compounded by my having all the basis materials of POM. But I am astonishedand joyful that the best teachings of PoM appear, not in the esoteric papers, but in A Sufi Messageof Spiritual Liberty. This has not been studied, not only not between the lines but even the lines.Almost every phase gives a lie to the European claims and statements with their Sufism sans Allah.Last night, no peace and I have written to Iru, copy to Saladin. I see no value in going to forumswhere people speak on religions they have neither studied nor practiced and what is more don’trespect those who did. When a man said that the Zen with a purpose was not Zen and I gave him atop-dressing: “It is time that a few people listen to those who have had some Zen training and notto a motley lot of ex-patriate Germans, Englishmen and social outcastes. If one took the trouble tostudy Zen literature or to meditate with a Zen master they would know different. I appear to be theaccredited representative of Zen Masters, and whether this is received or not place it alongside a lotof humbug which is now called Zen.”After the meeting a couple did ask where they can study Zen and I told them but cannot yetfavor one group over another.P.M. This remains a most hectic day and again it may be necessary to call the police. Arrangementswith Isabel seem most satisfactory in all directions and we have agreed down to details concerningKim and Daniel.For the first time the World Affairs Council has accepted my application for a Seminar on Asia,this after at least four rejections with the phoniest excuses. Have already protested on reports againstPakistan elsewhere. While this is a sort of show, the loss of life, the continued battling, cold war ornot, caused merely because our Foreign Services point blank refuse to accept warnings from peopleon the spot, keeps us in turmoil.Syria has rejected Lowell Thomas’ report on “Lawrence of Arabia” and rightly so. The mishmashcaused by this phony is beyond our conception.All of this is overbalanced by the materials copied in between from A Sufi Message of SpiritualLiberty. One does not have to seek poise, it is right there. That book is going to be my Archimedeslever by which I may move the whole earthy inshallah.

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