Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963April 3, 1963My dear friends:The one between gossip, sermonizing and news is often very thing and I feel like that now.My whole objection to the teachings of what is known as “Oriental Philosophy” is that words andpersons have taken the place of realities and when it comes to the direct insight which is called “Prajna”in Buddhism, a thousand manifestations by the “wrong person” are rejected because a humbugsaid—and he was well beloved: “that the right means in the wrong hands are wrong.” Opposite thisis the extreme teaching of the Patriarch who refused anything wrong but did observe the existence ofignorance. But as the glamour of persons controls so much of our lives and thoughts, we cannot realizehow simple or intricate are the affairs of others because we tend to observe and sometimes themby a different standard that we are able to apply to ourselves.The Heart—Sciences are unknown in the West and the first very slim effort on the part offellow Americans who here an inkling into them is nothing but the shadow of Christ-crucifixion.But the willingness to accept delightful personalities as the emissaries of the universe has been thesource of the tragedies, and comedies of “Mother” and “Daughter” here. Of course “Mother” is not“Mother” and Daughter is not “Daughter” and yet both are. At least there is and admittance of anaeonic karma which has produced the laughter, pain and tears of all of us and we recognized it.The Music Box is owned and operated by Grace West Frye. When I left she was on Grant Avealmost in the middle of the Beatnik district and there is no doubt that her transference led in partto the downgrading of the area. She had no relation with the Beatnicks other than propinquity, buttheir common adjacency helped to bring people there. For Grace is a pioneer and a firm advocate inreal Folk Arts. Her present marriage to a man half-Greek and with a double Christian heritage plusher own adherence to a sort of folk-lore Judaism keeps both of them in harmony with universal outlooks.This is immediately reflected in the programs here covering almost every period of musicaland entertainment and a wide variety of performers and performances not related in the elsewhere.One question I have asked, half in humor and half serious, which nobody here has been able to answerso. How many instruments does Grace play?”I don’t remember when Donna met Grace but she studied Recorder with her in the past andthe rumor was that Grace being up here in part was responsible for her coming to Mendocino. Alsoher second “wild” husband liked it here.Grace was always a mother to her classes, but I guess, being older I was more like a brotherand in feeling there has been something like it. I know the void in Grace and the difficulty of a typewhich we may call “Uranian” to find a subtitle mate. I don’t mean “Uranian” which is used byEdward Carpenter and with a slightly different meaning by Astrologers, but it is as near as we havea term in English. They correspond more to the Overman of Sri Aurobindo. The Uranian type ofGrace is simple and elegant but very different from what psychologist consider. Even to her presenthusband who is certainly a Uranian, she is much like a mother.

Diaries 1963-2It was very significant that when Donna showed me her chart, the role of events is evident andmy interpretations were both bolstered by what Gavin had told her and from what I see in it. Butthe chart has limitation in that it only measures the strictly karmic forces and not much the universeof the genius-side of man (Uranian) and nothing at all of the heart side, thought the indicators arethere.One thing I learned from Dr. Baker is that patterns remain until we break them and often theyare so big and strong we cannot. Gavin did explain in the basic pattern of Donna’s psyche but thestrong urges of sex on one hand and of the heart on another make us difficult and even unnecessaryto follow our own “blue-prints.” Her trip to Puerto Rico brought out little excepting more hardshipand pain and an almost realization on that she may have to follow a new pattern. It also shows inher chart why she is drawn to Grace and to certain people whom I do not name. I only hope that ifshe has romance again ether the man’s chart will be drawn up or that the heart rather than the egoor psyche will determine the next step. This is not easy when one has children.I expect to see her home here which is now rented. She is going to move with the children intoa barn on her property and I hope to be helping her in this after this letter is completed—it may beleft open. Donna does seem satisfied to be here and the children love it. On the whole I would sayshe fit in very well with the folks who come to the Music Box where I am staying.I told both Grace and Donna a little of what I know of Yvonne’s plans and they both like it andfeel there is a need for something of that sort. I am observing a lot of the details of observation soI can report more fully when I return—the arrangements of the titles, the décor, the close relationswith the clientele and a lot of other things.It was fortunate I booked ahead of time for within four hours after I arrived all rooms weretaken up; Easter has been booked so ahead and after that a cinema company is coming here whichwill be a great attraction all around. Indeed the question is finding help—cooks, waiters, etc. for evenwith everybody pitching in, it is not enough and there is not much help available. This is an almostisolate community excepting slightly to the worth, to Fort Bragg.Donna has a huge car, like a van and I’ll know more about it later, no doubt. The children weretoo tired. She has Pogo still but I did not check about the other dogs.I am only hoping to put a touch of courage. I see our society poised between firm pessimismand superficial optimism while I am trying to bring a firm optimism based on the existence of spiritualvalues—the values themselves and not any talk about them. The glamour of Alan Watts andothers has been followed by the very questionable antics of dramatists posing as spiritual leaders,accepted and then behaving as Pied Pipers. This will continue and it is only when we have the victimswe are spooked, but it is usual we either become pessimistic or accept another Pied Piper. Thisis due to the failure of the common religion which even I shudder to consider and at least sociallyprefer the Alans or the Pied Pipers. But that does not help Donna or the others. If I can bring out“The Kingdom of Heaven is Within” I believe this will be wonderful. And here I go almost like a“father” to Grace’s mother and there may more in it than meets the eyes or the I.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>April 3, <strong>1963</strong>My dear friends:The one between gossip, sermonizing and news is often very thing and I feel like that now.My whole objection to the teachings of what is known as “Oriental Philosophy” is that words andpersons have taken the place of realities and when it comes to the direct insight which is called “Prajna”in Buddhism, a thousand manifestations by the “wrong person” are rejected because a humbugsaid—and he was well beloved: “that the right means in the wrong hands are wrong.” Opposite thisis the extreme teaching of the Patriarch who refused anything wrong but did observe the existence ofignorance. But as the glamour of persons controls so much of our lives and thoughts, we cannot realizehow simple or intricate are the affairs of others because we tend to observe and sometimes themby a different standard that we are able to apply to ourselves.The Heart—Sciences are unknown in the West and the first very slim effort on the part offellow Americans who here an inkling into them is nothing but the shadow of Christ-crucifixion.But the willingness to accept delightful personalities as the emissaries of the universe has been thesource of the tragedies, and comedies of “Mother” and “Daughter” here. Of course “Mother” is not“Mother” and Daughter is not “Daughter” and yet both are. At least there is and admittance of anaeonic karma which has produced the laughter, pain and tears of all of us and we recognized it.The Music Box is owned and operated by Grace West Frye. When I left she was on Grant Avealmost in the middle of the Beatnik district and there is no doubt that her transference led in partto the downgrading of the area. She had no relation with the Beatnicks other than propinquity, buttheir common adjacency helped to bring people there. For Grace is a pioneer and a firm advocate inreal Folk Arts. Her present marriage to a man half-Greek and with a double Christian heritage plusher own adherence to a sort of folk-lore Judaism keeps both of them in harmony with universal outlooks.This is immediately reflected in the programs here covering almost every period of musicaland entertainment and a wide variety of performers and performances not related in the elsewhere.One question I have asked, half in humor and half serious, which nobody here has been able to answerso. How many instruments does Grace play?”I don’t remember when Donna met Grace but she studied Recorder with her in the past andthe rumor was that Grace being up here in part was responsible for her coming to Mendocino. Alsoher second “wild” husband liked it here.Grace was always a mother to her classes, but I guess, being older I was more like a brotherand in feeling there has been something like it. I know the void in Grace and the difficulty of a typewhich we may call “Uranian” to find a subtitle mate. I don’t mean “Uranian” which is used byEdward Carpenter and with a slightly different meaning by Astrologers, but it is as near as we havea term in English. They correspond more to the Overman of Sri Aurobindo. The Uranian type ofGrace is simple and elegant but very different from what psychologist consider. Even to her presenthusband who is certainly a Uranian, she is much like a mother.

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