Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-2India & Integration. On the world scene my colleagues have been entirely successful but correspondenceis not easy. In the meanwhile I ran into a representative of Tagore today and this is goingto enable me to present my poem to him. I said nothing but showed him my copy of “The LesserUpanishads.” This was given to me in India, but is so poor a copy—very atrocious paper—I am goingto have to type it. One cannot even Photostat it if I had the money—which I do not. I feel verygood here.Pakistan. Here again I have to help rather than be helped. I am going to have to write out “MoralCulture” and then write the commentaries on it. After that if I can obtain it, “Yesterday, Today andTomorrow.”The University has required my help but here again this is more typing, even though somewhatsuccessful. Rosy predictions do not get my typing through. I have been given until July 23 forthis, which is a sort of spiritual deadline, if I can hold out and I am not the least bit sure I can.Grapevine. I have written the Reinholds the strange situation. When I said the grapevine wasagainst me, that was “paranoia” but now the grapevine is against me and it is disgusting. Thescandal mongers have attached themselves on to a person who was leading the scandal-mongeringagainst me and are having a field day. I have been able to look at these people one by one. The psychologistsnever pick on the villains, only on the victims. So it is cold comfort that I’m getting a sortof good name the wrong way.Paul Reps is now back in Hawaii. The grapevine has it that he may come here to see a publisher butno conformation. Since I saw the 600,000 displaced persons in Karachi in 1956 I have never felt comfortable;and since I have met so many actual Murshids and Masters I am unable to conform to a lotof things which look simple but easy.Yoga. This note is of an entirely different order, nothing but progress and wonder but still a littleunresolved.Bryn Beorse certainly knows some of the relations of this Sufi, Farooq Mawlawi, but I have not toldhim about this incident. He it too mixed up in his own affairs to have time for anything or anybodyelse. When he comes down here again I’ll arrange a meeting. There will be a big gathering nextmonth for him over near the University of California.Faithfully,Samuel L. LewisSufi Ahmed Murad

Diaries 1963-3Of great interest and importance to me personally has been the interpretation of the Lotus byboth Iru and Paul which are going to help me no end in “The Lotus and the Universe.” I should beworking on my copy for submission to the publishers this week. The Universal Church has used theLotus-theme all over and I feel very happy about it.Neo Dhamma Society. I shall not get mixed-up with these people. First, I like the Lotus, as opposedto the Wheel or Swastika as the Buddha-symbol. Next, these people are introducing a dialecticalBuddhism and I have a horror of dialectics.The first efforts of the Theravadins resulted in a long, drawn-out battle with the Zen peoplehere. Then we had one Sister Dhammadina come here and her moral background was no differentfrom that of the men who are lecturing on “Dzen” and “Cosmic Consciousness.”The Neo Dhamma Society is an attempt by Americans to reintroduce Theravada without aSangha. This is nonsense. And now, with Paul lecturing on Buddha and sorrow and pain, I see noreason for anybody to unite with such a group. It serves no function at all excepting to satisfy theegos of those involved. And if they have abandoned the problem of suffering, they have equallyignored the process of enlightenment and emancipation from pain. If a Mahayana group deals withthe historical Buddha and the law of Causation and the Eight-fold Path of deliverance, there is noplace, to me, for a semi-phony Theravada group. But they will probably join in the Wesak Ceremonyand I shall report later.Phra Sumangalo’s two associations, Brian Goode and James Wagner are very busy runningaround and next time I see them I’ll try to get more news from them.Japanese Buddhist Association. I am submitting to them, today, the carbon of my talk, “ChineseInfluence on Japanese Art.” They may want me to deliver it to some of their groups. As years go on,I am getting an ever-increasing knowledge of both Chinese and Buddhist art. I remember saying ittakes 40 years to turn page one. I began this study, however, in 1928. The 40 years aren’t up, but Ibegan the Zen in 1920.Please let me know about the Encyclopedia.Faithfully,S.A.M.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-3Of great interest and importance to me personally has been the interpretation of the Lotus byboth Iru and Paul which are going to help me no end in “The Lotus and the Universe.” I should beworking on my copy for submission to the publishers this week. The Universal Church has used theLotus-theme all over and I feel very happy about it.Neo Dhamma Society. I shall not get mixed-up with these people. First, I like the Lotus, as opposedto the Wheel or Swastika as the Buddha-symbol. Next, these people are introducing a dialecticalBuddhism and I have a horror of dialectics.The first efforts of the Theravadins resulted in a long, drawn-out battle with the Zen peoplehere. Then we had one Sister Dhammadina come here and her moral background was no differentfrom that of the men who are lecturing on “Dzen” and “Cosmic Consciousness.”The Neo Dhamma Society is an attempt by Americans to reintroduce Theravada without aSangha. This is nonsense. And now, with Paul lecturing on Buddha and sorrow and pain, I see noreason for anybody to unite with such a group. It serves no function at all excepting to satisfy theegos of those involved. And if they have abandoned the problem of suffering, they have equallyignored the process of enlightenment and emancipation from pain. If a Mahayana group deals withthe historical Buddha and the law of Causation and the Eight-fold Path of deliverance, there is noplace, to me, for a semi-phony Theravada group. But they will probably join in the Wesak Ceremonyand I shall report later.Phra Sumangalo’s two associations, Brian Goode and James Wagner are very busy runningaround and next time I see them I’ll try to get more news from them.Japanese Buddhist Association. I am submitting to them, today, the carbon of my talk, “ChineseInfluence on Japanese Art.” They may want me to deliver it to some of their groups. As years go on,I am getting an ever-increasing knowledge of both Chinese and Buddhist art. I remember saying ittakes 40 years to turn page one. I began this study, however, in 1928. The 40 years aren’t up, but Ibegan the Zen in 1920.Please let me know about the Encyclopedia.Faithfully,S.A.M.

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