Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-2In a few minutes, it came out that when Saladin was divorced from Susan (Birgit), Helenestepped into her life—I bet I met her before, but would not say. Then Estelle came, marriage, divorce,and back to “Girl-Friday” Helene. For 20 years, whenever he wanted some mothering he cameto her. And so on.After we talked about other things, I suggested sending for the poem “Saladin” and I wouldtake care of it as soon as I returned. And as soon as I returned, in the next mail there was a letterfrom Khawar—suggesting the return of the manuscript—right to the dot. And two days later, rightto the dot, a letter from Saladin. And in it, also the name of his local publisher.I have already made some preliminary steps to get some day in typing.The Ted Reich Story. Ted has been telling me about an awakened interest in spiritual Judaism,and at the same time, he has been deeply involved in Theosophy and Buddhism. Yesterday, January8, I spoke for one hour at the Rudolph Schaeffer School of Design on “The Interaction of the East andthe West in the Arts.” The lecture—entirely under inspiration—began with a free translation of theopening of Genesis: “At first in principle he—the Gods thinked the essence of spatialities and theessence of form.”The lecture went on, mostly dealing with the symmetrically opposite approaches of the Mediterraneanand Chinese people; and interludes of the circularism of India.After the talk, I was surprised to be besieged by several Jewish women who had been in theaudience, and they begged me for more. They wanted to know (a la Ted) about both Judaism andBuddhism. So their names were recorded, but when I arrived home, there was an invitation from theBuddhist-Taoist Assn. (Iru Price), so I am holding off decision.Meanwhile, saw Ted to tell him about the above incidents. And in turn, he told me about someof the psychic research people here who wish to know about Sufi Inayat Khan. So an arrangementhas been made for tomorrow night.There is a certain feeling of adventures in new directions now.Tsong Kapa. Edward Connaughton sent me a scroll to be sold and I looked up ChingwahLee—and met him in the street. If this can be sold it would give me some money for a part-timesecretary or other purposes.Ted also gave me Carlton Kendall’s address, and about Lottie Fernandez. It would seem ingeneral a lot of my very old friends are coming back into my life.

Diaries 1963January 11Most of the things that have followed are connected with Ted Reich. Lottie Fernandez has comeout of her hole, and appears at the TS on Tuesdays. I hope to see her and arrange a meeting withDella Goertz. One does not know if there is any advantage in bringing the Rinzai and Soto peopletogether. Tomorrow afternoon, I go to the Buddhist-Taoist Assn., which is Chinese and Americans,but contains more mature people, and some I knew at an earlier period. The Chinese Buddhists areas divided as the Japanese, but the Japanese differences are based in part by analytical selection, andthe Chinese by synthetic selection (like the Brahmo Semaj.)Last night was spent at the home of Mrs. Charlotte White, 556 Spruce St. It was complicated becauseshe, her friend Pelle, and her closest associate, all wanted to learn both about Sufism and psychism,and it took about two hours to integrate them. However, these are functional people whosepsychism depends neither on mediums nor trances. Yet they all want me to meet a leader here, a Dr.Haley. This is indeterminate on my part.Ted loaned me a copy of “Atomic Suicide” by the Russells. I had met Walter two or three timesin 1946, very long sessions. He is a sort of mystic, and certainly has a cosmic vision. He was veryanti-Atchabelli. Besides, his work is remarkably impersonal. A single reading does not impress, andthe authors distinctly ask readers to read at least three times. I am not enough advanced in physicsand cosmology. But their warning seems well taken, and I believe they are near some of those principleswhich, if accepted, might lead to the eradication of cancer and other virulent diseases.Ted and I have talked this over and we agree that until our sciences accept three bodies, therewill always seem some very unsolvable problems. It is necessary to follow this up. Ted has also locatedPaul Reps’ publisher, and has prepared the way for my visit.I am at last “getting it” in the drawing class. The lecture did go over from the extremely warmwelcome received. I shall go slowly about following up because it is impossible to meet everybodysocially. Tonight I am going to visit my old dancing class, but whether this is resumed is questionable.Life shows at the moment the rejection of reports by a lot of people I thought would receivethem, but a much larger acceptance by people I did not know before. Between the blank walls metby psychic researchers, people with streams of unhappiness and inhibitions, and the searches forGod and spiritual freedom, the outlook is favorable at the moment. It does involve some radicalchanges in my social life, but some of the welcomes given by my very oldest friends here more thancompensate for the displacements of others.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>January 11Most of the things that have followed are connected with Ted Reich. Lottie Fernandez has comeout of her hole, and appears at the TS on Tuesdays. I hope to see her and arrange a meeting withDella Goertz. One does not know if there is any advantage in bringing the Rinzai and Soto peopletogether. Tomorrow afternoon, I go to the Buddhist-Taoist Assn., which is Chinese and Americans,but contains more mature people, and some I knew at an earlier period. The Chinese Buddhists areas divided as the Japanese, but the Japanese differences are based in part by analytical selection, andthe Chinese by synthetic selection (like the Brahmo Semaj.)Last night was spent at the home of Mrs. Charlotte White, 556 Spruce St. It was complicated becauseshe, her friend Pelle, and her closest associate, all wanted to learn both about Sufism and psychism,and it took about two hours to integrate them. However, these are functional people whosepsychism depends neither on mediums nor trances. Yet they all want me to meet a leader here, a Dr.Haley. This is indeterminate on my part.Ted loaned me a copy of “Atomic Suicide” by the Russells. I had met Walter two or three timesin 1946, very long sessions. He is a sort of mystic, and certainly has a cosmic vision. He was veryanti-Atchabelli. Besides, his work is remarkably impersonal. A single reading does not impress, andthe authors distinctly ask readers to read at least three times. I am not enough advanced in physicsand cosmology. But their warning seems well taken, and I believe they are near some of those principleswhich, if accepted, might lead to the eradication of cancer and other virulent diseases.Ted and I have talked this over and we agree that until our sciences accept three bodies, therewill always seem some very unsolvable problems. It is necessary to follow this up. Ted has also locatedPaul Reps’ publisher, and has prepared the way for my visit.I am at last “getting it” in the drawing class. The lecture did go over from the extremely warmwelcome received. I shall go slowly about following up because it is impossible to meet everybodysocially. Tonight I am going to visit my old dancing class, but whether this is resumed is questionable.Life shows at the moment the rejection of reports by a lot of people I thought would receivethem, but a much larger acceptance by people I did not know before. Between the blank walls metby psychic researchers, people with streams of unhappiness and inhibitions, and the searches forGod and spiritual freedom, the outlook is favorable at the moment. It does involve some radicalchanges in my social life, but some of the welcomes given by my very oldest friends here more thancompensate for the displacements of others.

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