Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-2Sushiddi’s interpretation of the Eightfold Path is the only one I accept against any, all and sundries.It has no dualism and assumes that the orator (i.e. the Buddha) has had Enlightenment. Peoplesimply don’t know what the Turning of the Wheel-of—the-Law is and make linear and dualisticexplanations which tell us nothing.All the people at both these Waverly Places know about you and send their greetings.On Wednesday night there was a joint meeting between the Buddhist Association, the Soto ZenSangha and the Neo-Dhamma Group. As I attend Art School I did not go. The Neo-Dhamma Groupis made up of Americans and I am inclined to think they are elementary, philosophical and Hinayana.Very moral, fine, etc. but on the “outside.”Last night was also the Chief Monk of another group, entirely Chinese. He came here to mediatefor world peace. I met him at the former services. He talked in Mandarin which had to be translatedfor the Chinese here too. He is very tall, majestic, noble and peaceful.The last Chapter in my The Lotus and the Universe will be on Peace and will be against all philosophies,dualisms and emotionalisms, or, as I say: “Every ten years a Noble Peace Price, every fiveyears another war.”“Who can replace Sumangalo?” I gave two short talks:“When I’m gone, you have the Dharma with you. Work out your salvation with diligence.”“Salutation to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva who, by reincarnating, demonstrated Dharma forus.” (Please publish this as my obituary on Phra Sumangalo.) (Although invited I saw no reason foran emotional harangue.)Will obtain more news from the Buddha’s Universal Church and pictures when I can. I havesome around but am over busy—the above partly explains. And this Sunday we go to 109 WaverlyPlace for Services and luncheon. All the Buddhists—English, Japanese and Chinese are beginning todraw closer together. I don’t know yet but the Universal (?) Church—Faithfully and cordially,SamP.S. Remember, Phra Sumangalo was Samantabhadra and this piece of toughness is Fudo.

Diaries 1963March 10, 1963This is my diary entry. I have just completed the sixteenth chapter of the revised “The Lotusand the Universe” and am under inspiration to write just two more which will be entitled “Shangrila”and “Peace.” The last chapter has an extra carbon for Chancellor Strong at U. C., visit this Friday.The last few days saw many visits with the Chinese Buddhists and I now have a fair, objectivepicture of them here–nothing at all like what you can read in any books. There are four groups, threeof which work fairly close together. They are also working with the Soto Zen, but not other JapaneseBuddhists and with the American Neo-Dhamma Society which is philosophical only. Outwardly,there is intense competition between these groups and the Chinese Universal Buddha Temple. Theyundoubtedly have more love and compassion, but the Church has the scriptures I admire most.The number of visitors to the church is remarkable, but the papers have been criticized for notgiving them more space. This is fortunate, because, on the one hand, it would offend the Christiansand on the other the rival sects.Della Goertz and I walked downtown and we passed the Grace Cathedral which, after all theseyears, is not complete–in stark contrast to the Buddha Universal Church, self-built and financed onthe same plan that Pir-o-Murshid told me, and functioning well.The services were quite different at the Buddhist Association of America, consisting mostly ofchants and a few mantras. After that we had a fine “monastery” lunch and then saw an Americantake the pledge. Dr. Katzoff came in–I haven’t seen him for years–looking mighty well for his age.By this time my name had gotten around. There are three or four people whom I hardly knowwho go around saying I am a great sage or master and this, evidently, is being believed by some.In any case, I shall be invited to join the Asia-American Friendship Society of whom I have hardlyheard. This about completes my effort at alliances with Asian-Asians excepting the Armenians, andeven there I have previously stepped forward.This week I plan to visit the Indians, Indonesians and Arabs before calling on ChancellorStrong. Received a reply but no comment from the Secretary of the Prime Minister of Malay. Thismay mean my presenting the Indonesian program to Strong or the World Affairs Council and here Ishall also have the cooperation of “Asian Survey” on campus.Typing is very difficult because of intervention of states of semi-ecstasy plus absolute recall ofevents clearer than in the diaries. Will probably make a carbon of next chapter for Saladin. Will presentmy Buddha lecture from Japan next to the Japanese here.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-2Sushiddi’s interpretation of the Eightfold Path is the only one I accept against any, all and sundries.It has no dualism and assumes that the orator (i.e. the Buddha) has had Enlightenment. Peoplesimply don’t know what the Turning of the Wheel-of—the-Law is and make linear and dualisticexplanations which tell us nothing.All the people at both these Waverly Places know about you and send their greetings.On Wednesday night there was a joint meeting between the Buddhist Association, the Soto ZenSangha and the Neo-Dhamma Group. As I attend Art School I did not go. The Neo-Dhamma Groupis made up of Americans and I am inclined to think they are elementary, philosophical and Hinayana.Very moral, fine, etc. but on the “outside.”Last night was also the Chief Monk of another group, entirely Chinese. He came here to mediatefor world peace. I met him at the former services. He talked in Mandarin which had to be translatedfor the Chinese here too. He is very tall, majestic, noble and peaceful.The last Chapter in my The Lotus and the Universe will be on Peace and will be against all philosophies,dualisms and emotionalisms, or, as I say: “Every ten years a Noble Peace Price, every fiveyears another war.”“Who can replace Sumangalo?” I gave two short talks:“When I’m gone, you have the Dharma with you. Work out your salvation with diligence.”“Salutation to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva who, by reincarnating, demonstrated Dharma forus.” (Please publish this as my obituary on Phra Sumangalo.) (Although invited I saw no reason foran emotional harangue.)Will obtain more news from the Buddha’s Universal Church and pictures when I can. I havesome around but am over busy—the above partly explains. And this Sunday we go to 109 WaverlyPlace for Services and luncheon. All the Buddhists—English, Japanese and Chinese are beginning todraw closer together. I don’t know yet but the Universal (?) Church—Faithfully and cordially,SamP.S. Remember, Phra Sumangalo was Samantabhadra and this piece of toughness is Fudo.

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