Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream


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Diaries <strong>1963</strong>November 25, <strong>1963</strong>Dear Connie:I am writing you but this does not need an answer. It is only to say that I may, or may not suddenlyappear in Southern California under quite different conditions, namely that Major Sadiq, myclosest spiritual friend may be coming here on a combination of spiritual and scientific purposes; thedates are uncertain and the details also.The death of President Kennedy found me prepared. My friend, Chester Arthur III, himself thegrandson of a President of the U.S. has specialized in the astrological and occult study of Presidentsand is either crazy or a “wizard.” As I am always against the Philistines I can overlook his faults, andin this case he certainly kept on hitting the bull’s eye. The prediction kept on appearing in the S.F.Chronicle but CAIII, or Garvin, as we call him, practically placed his reputation on it. As my alterego is P. Puck, the P. standing for “Puddinhead” or Puddinhead Wilson (Mark Twain) thumb-printfame, I could stand by the insistence of others too. So there was no shock and a control over emotions.Did attend two Buddhist worships but these are fully of calmness and peacefulness withoutoverlooking humanity.On October 18 was my birthday and it seems that on my birthdays I generally find myself inthe midst of VIPs out of somewhere or nowhere. This time it was real Zen spiritual teachers, a bigparty with both blessings and fun. Since that time the Wheel-of-life has changed and there is no badnews of any kind.One may start with this possible visit of Major Sadiq. He is a remarkable healer and I wouldhave staked his reputation on a treatment of Aldous Huxley—that is too late, but I have seen himheal the blind. With this exception all the “miracles” he performed were in the presence and in cooperationwith attendant physicians, usually allopathic MDs, and attested to legally too. This is somewhatdifferent from most so-called ‘spiritual healers.” He also has other faculties.We have to visit UCLA and may even call on Sam Yorty, but until I know details, can not saymuch more.My own revolt against the Philistines has become a comic opera. Now I am allied and alignedwith several other “ugly Americans,” men who have been to Asia, tried to help their country andone and all of us have been snubbed by press, government and “experts.” The other day we joinedforces as if by intent and practically broke up a meeting which was discussing whether India orChina would have Ladakh and we began defending Pakistan to see what would happen. Before theend the chair and the speakers were utterly wiped out. And there has been more of this stuff. Mylong battles against “phantasia” for real Asia are coming to a successful conclusion.One of our next discussions will be on Vietnam. Meanwhile Cambodia has deflected. It wantsno dialectics either American or Russian. And Asia is sick of our “aid” cum dialectics and our nowwanting to have “cultural exchange” with the cold-war enemy while ignoring all the contributions tocivilization of the largest of continents. As I challenged: “What is our policy?”

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