Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-3Or again. Many Orthodox refuse the above Hadith which speaks about Holy Qur’an coming inseven dialects and say there is one meaning to the text. Then they translate Rab Alamin as “Lord ofthe worlds” and they seek Ilm but Ilm and Alamin come from the same root, which shows there is aconnection between the divine wisdom and the creation. This also comes in the Hebrew mysticismwhich says creation came from Chokmah (Hakimat). But the mind of man makes the divisions andso there is no understanding. But when one effaces oneself (fana) and comes into the reality he sees(Shahud) these things plainly and there is no mystery anymore.It is most interesting your coming from Hyderabad. My first Pir-o-Murshid, Hazrat InayatKhan, was given Bayat there by one Seyyed Mohammed Moudani of the Chisti Order and then hehad the full Four School teaching which he brought to the West. The chief Khalifa in that school(Four School) is Fayaz-ud-din Nizami, the Town Planner, who lives on Jubilee Hills and has been myhost many times. I also met the former mayor in strange circumstances (by Shahud).Unfortunately my visits to Hyderabad always came during intercession so that while I did visitthe new grounds of Osmania this last time I was not only too busy but had a complexity of spiritualduties—all quite successful, but many. I did not visit the Nizam because his secretary refused admittance,but I have been to shrines in that vicinity.Although I had a most mysterious and marvelous greeting at Ajmir I consider the DargahNizam-ud-din Auliya my center in India and it is written in the ethers so to speak and the self hasnothing to do about it. In a similar way, perhaps, in Pakistan it is the tomb of Data Ganj Baksh,whose “Kashf-al-Mahjub” has been a lifelong study. But in Pakistan also there is a very strong bondto and with Bullah Shah at Kasur and Mian Mir at Lahore, and I have accepted Mian Mir as the intermediaryfor Ghaus-i-Azam. By tasawwur and fana one can efface oneself and commune and it isthis communion—and no worship of any kind—which draws one to saints, living or “dead.”Tarikat. I have never experienced blind love. I have had the heart-union after vision with eachPir-o-Murshid; and again with Mohammed as Rassoul, the vision came in 1925 as above, the unionin 1945—a long story consummated in the poem “Saladin” alluded to. It is a mistake to say thereis any blindness in Tarikat. If so, it is not Tarikat. We say: Ashadu La Illaha El Il Allah and thenAshadu Mohammedar Rassoul-Lillah. The Tarikat takes one ultimately into Mushahida when thisbecomes reality. But there can be no blindness in Shahud and when there is blindness the Shahudis incomplete and when there is experience the Shahud is completed but only to go on to the higherstages in Mushahida.The same applies to Murakkabah, Mujahida, etc.Today I have been received into about eight Orders, two in the Arab world and the rest in theIndian sub-continent. But those Bayats all came from experience and union or attunement. And thisis mentioned because when I reached Pakistan last my old friend from San Francisco (who is not intarik, not even religious) took me to a home and there on the wall was a picture of Ghaus-i-Azamwith the other grand Pirs, and apart Pir Bu Ali Shah Qalandar. I looked at that picture and saw myfuture history, and so it was and left Pakistan a year and a half later as a “mureed” of all of them.

Diaries 1963-4Did you know Syed Mahmud who was temporary Minister of External Affairs in India? I methim on a former trip, but did not try to see him again.Now I have mentioned the lady who became Murshida and then denounced me. She left theTarikat and followed a false teacher. Now she returned all my commentary writings on HazratInayat Khan’s teachings. But I found also a tremendous compendium of materials mostly on Zikrand Fikr, some on Kalama and breathing methods and some on other forms of Ryazat. This will becopied for Sufi Pir Barkat Ali. But the Ryazat he gives me are of another order in complete harmonywith the history delineated here. I am unable to tell this time how these ryazat will be utilized in thefuture.For also when one practices Tasawwuri on all levels he has both experiences and receptivity.It is my dream to have an integrated Islam beginning with a new form of Tarik which is so simplechildren can use it and it will be based on Azam and Kalama first and then on Fatima, after that onKashf. But one dare not put any limits on anything nor abolish anything.It is certain that the present Sharia does not suffice—we have poverty, misery, unhappiness,and everything but peace—instead multitudes of law-suits. But with all this I do not know any alternativeto Sharia, only must say as is said in Hadith. “The word of the Messenger can never abrogatethe word of Allah but the word of Allah can abrogate the words of the Messenger.” The false Mahdisall come out with new words but I say, you have to go back to Qur’an and stop saying “Back toQur’an”—for the saying blinds, but the deeds awaken. Therefore I hope to renovate Islam throughBulla Shah first and then to awaken to the spiritual accomplishments of Ghaus-i-Azam and Data Sahiband all the accomplishments of Mecca Shereef in all his capacities and personalities from Ahmedto Khatim al Nabi.As Al-Ghazali has said, “Tas awwuf consists of experiences and not premises.”When I was at Hyderabad I asked why the workings at Golconda were stopped. “No more diamonds.”Nonsense. There are plenty of diamonds and other wealth in those hills. And likewise thereis a tremendous treasure both in the teachings as we now have them, and also in the heart of man. Itis time to resume diggings in the Golconda without, and in the Golconda of the written records andin the Golconda of the heart.My love blessings and best wishes,Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-4Did you know Syed Mahmud who was temporary Minister of External Affairs in India? I methim on a former trip, but did not try to see him again.Now I have mentioned the lady who became <strong>Murshid</strong>a and then denounced me. She left theTarikat and followed a false teacher. Now she returned all my commentary writings on HazratInayat Khan’s teachings. But I found also a tremendous compendium of materials mostly on Zikrand Fikr, some on Kalama and breathing methods and some on other forms of Ryazat. This will becopied for Sufi Pir Barkat Ali. But the Ryazat he gives me are of another order in complete harmonywith the history delineated here. I am unable to tell this time how these ryazat will be utilized in thefuture.For also when one practices Tasawwuri on all levels he has both experiences and receptivity.It is my dream to have an integrated Islam beginning with a new form of Tarik which is so simplechildren can use it and it will be based on Azam and Kalama first and then on Fatima, after that onKashf. But one dare not put any limits on anything nor abolish anything.It is certain that the present Sharia does not suffice—we have poverty, misery, unhappiness,and everything but peace—instead multitudes of law-suits. But with all this I do not know any alternativeto Sharia, only must say as is said in Hadith. “The word of the Messenger can never abrogatethe word of Allah but the word of Allah can abrogate the words of the Messenger.” The false Mahdisall come out with new words but I say, you have to go back to Qur’an and stop saying “Back toQur’an”—for the saying blinds, but the deeds awaken. Therefore I hope to renovate Islam throughBulla Shah first and then to awaken to the spiritual accomplishments of Ghaus-i-Azam and Data Sahiband all the accomplishments of Mecca Shereef in all his capacities and personalities from Ahmedto Khatim al Nabi.As Al-Ghazali has said, “Tas awwuf consists of experiences and not premises.”When I was at Hyderabad I asked why the workings at Golconda were stopped. “No more diamonds.”Nonsense. There are plenty of diamonds and other wealth in those hills. And likewise thereis a tremendous treasure both in the teachings as we now have them, and also in the heart of man. Itis time to resume diggings in the Golconda without, and in the Golconda of the written records andin the Golconda of the heart.My love blessings and best wishes,Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti

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