Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-2At the present time there is more acceptance of Hebraic folklore among Muslims, especiallyof Arabic extraction, than among Jewish groups officially. Therefore it becomes wise either to bypassthis folk-lore or to accept only such portions of it which are mutually regarded. But in respectto “Nehemiah-ism” we have another out. Why not restore a temple as the Bible says, a house ofprayers for all people, but basically a synagogue.Jordan, I believe, holds Mount Scopus or else it is on terra incognita. Hebraic peoples, returningfrom their original exile, went to praise God and then to put their own houses in order. The politicosnot only do not praise God, have ignored all the biblical institutions, substituted a few Ghettomethods—which they are supposed to give up on return to Palestine, and are headed by a man whoseems to be half Yogi, half Buddhist. There is no disrespect in this man’s private beliefs, but does heneed any “Israel,” any Palestine for that kind of freedom?The establishment of a House of Prayer as the Bible sanctions and as was successfully institutedby Nehemiah and his associates will end once and for all a good deal of nonsense. The realJewish tradition—hidden by the by “Israelis” was that when the Messiah returned the Holy Landwould extend even from Jerusalem to Minsky must be repudiated. Indeed all pure Messianism mustbe repudiated and in this we have the old habit which the Prophets declaimed at for centuries thatevery man did according to his own liking.In addition to the Bible, we have the Jewish Prayer Book, and even the Seder Service. Point bypoint “Israel” has been established with total disregard for these things. And as the “Jews” (who arenot necessarily Jews at all) repudiate their own documents, we see more and more of their scions becomenon-believers of some sort. The results are that abroad, as the synagogues, captivate by “Zionism”ignore the traditions; and as those who return to Palestine seem almost 50% total unbelievers,where are the glorious predictions of other ages?Giving up hope—although it is still possible—for the spiritual leaders of respective faiths tocome together, the raising of funds by Arabs to build a synagogue-temple which will be a House ofPrayer for all peoples, may end much of the raison d’être for an independent “Israel” on the linesnow constituted.This may merit some consideration and if one can be of any service toward bringing believersin either the Hebraic or Islamic religions and close associates of Gen. Burns and the UN together inany manner it might lead toward settlement of a status from which murder disguised as politicalwarfare seems to be the only way out, or else—which is in line with present day affairs, the wholeworld end as “A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur’s Court.”Faithfully,Samuel L. Lewis

Diaries 196358 Harriet St.,San Francisco 3, Calif.November 2, 1963Dr. Howard Benninghoff,25601 Oasis,Indio, Calif.Dear Howard:I feel like a playwright completing a drama in which there is a role for you becoming the hero,or leading actor. For my diary and other purposes, I wish to detail everybody. For I believe there is awisdom or justice which can, in the end, terminate events.There is no question, to me, that we live in a world of C.P. Snow’s two cultures, which havebeen called scientific and literary, or humanistic for want of better terms. What my conclusions, Science,the journal of the AAAS seem to bear this out to the full. For instance last week I called on GuyAtkinson who is handling some vast engineering projects in Pakistan and not only was there entireaccord but also agreement that the United States has been sucked into dialectics by communist propaganda,that we are today largely merely anti-Marxist dialecticians and that the American, if notdelightful Jeffersonian and Pragmatic, philosophies have been rejected by the press and journalistsand fiction writers. The Guy Atkinson story can’t be told because it does not fit in with the politicsand polities of either the political parties or the press or even the universities. It is a simple anddirect story.But the success or failure of the Guy Atkinson efforts means largely a geographical transferenceof the problem of salinity. And after long sessions with Dr. Schoonover there is nothing I can add.The difference is that Dr. Schoonover and Prof. Keim have been recalled to India and Egypt respectivelybecause the political-dialectics, Marxist or anti-Marxists, does not works and Milton Firemanand Howard Benninghoff are in lost corners when they ought to be handling vast projects.For it is not even the introduction to this letter that I have been asked for a plan of both engineeringand agricultural procedure by a friend who has been promoted to the top technical post inSind which includes the mouth of the Indus River, while the politicians of all countries concerned,are using piece-meal methods, totally different from that used in the Mississippi Valley, and perhapsbeing forced on us here with regard to the Colorado.In any event I have spoken twice in public, and will speak again on the superior methods of theprivate Foundations as against government, so-called aid or AID, for the letter is disjunctive both inpersonnel and planning and efficiency often ends in adjournment sine die—and I know what I amtalking about.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-2At the present time there is more acceptance of Hebraic folklore among Muslims, especiallyof Arabic extraction, than among Jewish groups officially. Therefore it becomes wise either to bypassthis folk-lore or to accept only such portions of it which are mutually regarded. But in respectto “Nehemiah-ism” we have another out. Why not restore a temple as the Bible says, a house ofprayers for all people, but basically a synagogue.Jordan, I believe, holds Mount Scopus or else it is on terra incognita. Hebraic peoples, returningfrom their original exile, went to praise God and then to put their own houses in order. The politicosnot only do not praise God, have ignored all the biblical institutions, substituted a few Ghettomethods—which they are supposed to give up on return to Palestine, and are headed by a man whoseems to be half Yogi, half Buddhist. There is no disrespect in this man’s private beliefs, but does heneed any “Israel,” any Palestine for that kind of freedom?The establishment of a House of Prayer as the Bible sanctions and as was successfully institutedby Nehemiah and his associates will end once and for all a good deal of nonsense. The realJewish tradition—hidden by the by “Israelis” was that when the Messiah returned the Holy Landwould extend even from Jerusalem to Minsky must be repudiated. Indeed all pure Messianism mustbe repudiated and in this we have the old habit which the Prophets declaimed at for centuries thatevery man did according to his own liking.In addition to the Bible, we have the Jewish Prayer Book, and even the Seder Service. Point bypoint “Israel” has been established with total disregard for these things. And as the “Jews” (who arenot necessarily Jews at all) repudiate their own documents, we see more and more of their scions becomenon-believers of some sort. The results are that abroad, as the synagogues, captivate by “Zionism”ignore the traditions; and as those who return to Palestine seem almost 50% total unbelievers,where are the glorious predictions of other ages?Giving up hope—although it is still possible—for the spiritual leaders of respective faiths tocome together, the raising of funds by Arabs to build a synagogue-temple which will be a House ofPrayer for all peoples, may end much of the raison d’être for an independent “Israel” on the linesnow constituted.This may merit some consideration and if one can be of any service toward bringing believersin either the Hebraic or Islamic religions and close associates of Gen. Burns and the UN together inany manner it might lead toward settlement of a status from which murder disguised as politicalwarfare seems to be the only way out, or else—which is in line with present day affairs, the wholeworld end as “A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur’s Court.”Faithfully,Samuel L. Lewis

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