Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963February 3It is quite evident that God, so to speak, wanted me to keep this diary and it is equally certainthat there is “something brewing.” The last letter from Major Sadiq quoted that “Major Sadiqand the Pir of Dewwal Shereef are one” the absolute justification of Pir-o-Murshid’s, “Murshid andMureed are one.” Have had to write at length to Vocha Fiske that I dare not change my role—failuredoes not matter.I certainly took up the dharma-karma of Paul Fernandez who followed the same pattern and isnot “among the elect” in the next world.Continue to bait the KPFA apologists. With A.W. practicing both adultery and dope-experimentationas well as indulging in alcohol and all the “experts” writing in “Cosmic Consciousnessand Drugs”—and no criticism permitted, the following doors open:a. Japanese professor coming to UC to lecture on the real religions of real Japan. That will besomething.b. Am to draw up a letter to the Episcopalian Seminary on Berkeley in re: Mysticism. Not sureof carbon copies.One reason for this is that Swami Kriyananda in talking about Yoga for today offered littlebesides postures which old ladies simply cannot perform and quotations from Christian lady saints.I am all for the latter, but why then the postures? and the Karma Yoga? and Raja Yoga? and BeatnikYoga? All that is given is aphorisms,Last night went as “Puck of Pukhtunistan” to folk dance party and met many of my oldfriends. It was like a get-together—Simon, Frank, Clara, Shoshana, etc. Not many strange faces. Butbest of all, Martha Curtis. It is curious that I helped her in her first lessons years ago.Now it comes out that she is really a spiritual seeker—might have guessed that, and friendlywill be resumed, I hope, on a high plane.Another session with Ted Reich. It is wonderful how far and high a friendship of 40 years cancontinue on all planes, in all directions. Am to ready his Graves Hercules and then other works. Findinglots in Graves but different from him in re Jung. The two must be integrated.Letter from Shamcher Beorse. I am always his brother when he is in trouble and Pir Zade is hisbrother when it comes to the harvests. I take this internally as a great recognition. No mention byhim or from Cleveland of each other.Paul Reps sent Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. Am copying Tantra material at the end for the Baptistes.This whole “Lotus” cycle is blossoming so wonderfully, it is hard to realize—differing from Kriyananda,I am “eating my words” and, of course, getting the blessing. Maybe the publishers andpublic will accept a book on mysticism about mystics by a mystic” There’s always a first.Must also see Simon, in re my agricultural work. He has aged. No love, and he is one of thefew young men in whom I had recognized no faults or weaknesses and who succeeded in what hewanted to do. Something wrong somewhere.Martha put up the question, where are the Christians giving out spirituality? “Anything youcan say I can any better,” but then people read Upanishads which they don’t understand and don’tread “The Gospel of St. Thomas” which is one of the clearest of scriptures—also one which wouldutterly destroy nearly all present religious trends. As Fudo is not to take off his mask, one must wait.

Diaries 1963February 8Dear Saladin:This is not so much a letter as the diary entry of the time. One day in Lahore after I had beengiven healing instructions I felt drawn to the Naqshibandi Khankah where my friend Haji Safraz isMurshid. After the Zikr my friend Shamsuddin approached me and told me that there was illness inthe house of our friend the Nawab and asked me to go. When we got there nobody was home, butafter a while the Nawab came in with his sick son and I tried various healing methods and soon theboy felt well. This was not forgotten.Now you can understand why my life is full of laughter and warfare and it is hard to distinguishthe two. Pir-o-Murshid said, “It is the mureeds who make the Murshid” and today he is beingacclaimed far and wide in Pakistan because it is Ahmed Murad who has made Sufi Inayat Khan andthere is a rising demand for the writings of PoM But please don’t send me any money for books.This will require careful campaign and before doing anything I may need a lot more advice thanmoney. This is not an opportunity to reach 200 new mureeds; it may become an opportunity to meetmillions of people and just that is meant and no nonsense.Of course SAM is back at the old stand too. When Shamcher has a problem you know where hegoes and when he has time or money you know where he goes, but it is exactly the same tack Rabia,poor soul, followed and I am so used to it it does not matter a bit.But you will have to wait and face one thing: Saladin is going to become immortal, inshallahand you are in. For instance recently Eric Barker, who won prize as being the best poet in a nationalcontest, could not go to New York to get the money. So I meditated and returned to folk dancingtaking lessons from his wife Madelynne Greene, so I could give him money by this method (Allahis wonderful). Last night I asked Madelynne whether Eric would be at the Summer Camp which Ihope to attend and she said probably yes and there would be poetry readings. Did not even have tobring the subject up (Allah is wonderful, or maybe Ramdas’ Ram). So I told her of the coming arrivalof my lost luggage with his poetry—including “The Rejected Avatar.” Frost may be dead but after Iam gone you are going to see somebody else acclaimed, inshallah. I am also waiting, of course, forthe “Saladin” manuscript.I had a strange meeting with one Jonathan Garst whose “agricultural plans” I carried forthousands of miles, but whom I had never met. Also some good friends are coming back. Also thosemetaphysical ladies who gush all over and from God Allah protect me. Although in my writingsI am vehement about scribes and Pharisees, in my private life I have to deal with these Scorpioswhose hearts and souls are in their tongues; also their sex organs. Of course they are “undernourished”but they want to “feed” everybody else.My luggage contains manuscripts, diaries, some clothing and all my spiritual insignia. Also abox of minerals for assaying and evaluating. I feel now that all my previous problems are essentiallysettled and now I turn with new face. Sooner or later may have to face Ivy. Gave Admiral Evenson,who is one of Terry Duce’s best friends, my duplicate books from Lahore. He was the first one to acclaim“Saladin.”Drawing improving and joined class on the history of art. Was indeterminate but enjoyed firstlesson. Can now see the Yang-Yin universal operations, and then some; or Jelal-Jemal and then somemore. As the mystery monger says over the radio: “Won’t you join me?”[Sentences written on top one another and not readable—Ed]

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>February 3It is quite evident that God, so to speak, wanted me to keep this diary and it is equally certainthat there is “something brewing.” The last letter from Major Sadiq quoted that “Major Sadiqand the Pir of Dewwal Shereef are one” the absolute justification of Pir-o-<strong>Murshid</strong>’s, “<strong>Murshid</strong> andMureed are one.” Have had to write at length to Vocha Fiske that I dare not change my role—failuredoes not matter.I certainly took up the dharma-karma of Paul Fernandez who followed the same pattern and isnot “among the elect” in the next world.Continue to bait the KPFA apologists. With A.W. practicing both adultery and dope-experimentationas well as indulging in alcohol and all the “experts” writing in “Cosmic Consciousnessand Drugs”—and no criticism permitted, the following doors open:a. Japanese professor coming to UC to lecture on the real religions of real Japan. That will besomething.b. Am to draw up a letter to the Episcopalian Seminary on Berkeley in re: Mysticism. Not sureof carbon copies.One reason for this is that Swami Kriyananda in talking about Yoga for today offered littlebesides postures which old ladies simply cannot perform and quotations from Christian lady saints.I am all for the latter, but why then the postures? and the Karma Yoga? and Raja Yoga? and BeatnikYoga? All that is given is aphorisms,Last night went as “Puck of Pukhtunistan” to folk dance party and met many of my oldfriends. It was like a get-together—Simon, Frank, Clara, Shoshana, etc. Not many strange faces. Butbest of all, Martha Curtis. It is curious that I helped her in her first lessons years ago.Now it comes out that she is really a spiritual seeker—might have guessed that, and friendlywill be resumed, I hope, on a high plane.Another session with Ted Reich. It is wonderful how far and high a friendship of 40 years cancontinue on all planes, in all directions. Am to ready his Graves Hercules and then other works. Findinglots in Graves but different from him in re Jung. The two must be integrated.Letter from Shamcher Beorse. I am always his brother when he is in trouble and Pir Zade is hisbrother when it comes to the harvests. I take this internally as a great recognition. No mention byhim or from Cleveland of each other.Paul Reps sent Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. Am copying Tantra material at the end for the Baptistes.This whole “Lotus” cycle is blossoming so wonderfully, it is hard to realize—differing from Kriyananda,I am “eating my words” and, of course, getting the blessing. Maybe the publishers andpublic will accept a book on mysticism about mystics by a mystic” There’s always a first.Must also see Simon, in re my agricultural work. He has aged. No love, and he is one of thefew young men in whom I had recognized no faults or weaknesses and who succeeded in what hewanted to do. Something wrong somewhere.Martha put up the question, where are the Christians giving out spirituality? “Anything youcan say I can any better,” but then people read Upanishads which they don’t understand and don’tread “The Gospel of St. Thomas” which is one of the clearest of scriptures—also one which wouldutterly destroy nearly all present religious trends. As Fudo is not to take off his mask, one must wait.

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