Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream


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Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-4Those who have seen my diaries think I am very conceited and self-centred. I write whathappens. So Master Too Lun has written what happens. He is like a child, he does not know all thehumbug and boogaboos of metaphysicians and professors and you can listen to tape recordings allday or all year and you are only learning what so-and-so thinks, not what he is or what somebodyelse is or what you are. But when you come to Master Too Lun you not only learn what he is, but ifyou listen close you find out also what you are. In other words, not like the popular lecturers and themetaphysicians and the professors. After being with Master Too Lun You Are Transformed.The miracles may not be different in form, but in the spirit they are different. And yesterday I“cheated” by grasping the Master’s spirit. I did something which you can read about in the Logia ofJesus Christ, but nobody reads those things. We have all these Europeans telling (?) us about ancientwisdom and Asian wisdom, we do not go to the sources. But when I tried the Christ technique withMaster Too Lun there was immediate ecstasy. You may not be learning about the breath and you cannow read a little about Paul Brunton who learned from Maharshi, but Samuel has already describedToo Lun as a “Chinese Maharshi.” And even if it be not so, if because of him You Are Transformedthat is the difference.So all the nonsense of everybody who has been to the American Academy or to the MetaphysicalHalls or who have written the books about saints and sages and masters, it is nonsense and evenDr. Chaudhuri dared not face Master Too Lun. We love the word “reality” we don’t want the realities.The Three Jewels. Only for you this last is not necessary. When you take the oath of the ThreeJewels and have a teacher, it is not necessary to move about and at the same time you may moveabout. If Jeannette lives on Sutter St. that is her way, and if the others go to Bush St. that is their wayand these are right ways—and you can learn through the breath, through the spirit and have a greatadventure. Then after a while you will observe the differences between the metaphysical-lecturerand the really wise. Nothing in the above is secret or confidential and cannot be shared, even to orwith Connie.

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