Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream Diary 1963 - Murshid Sam's Living Stream

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Diaries 1963-3The party who kicked me out of Fairfax and then defamed me has returned the bulk of mywritings, and also some of the research she had. Already this material is honored in Pakistani, andit will enable me to occupy a position of trust and even financial security if I go there—or even if Iwrite from this end.When I released a very small portion of this material, actually an infinitesimal amount here, ithas resulted in my being offered a place to live in Marin County again under most favorable circumstances.I do not know the place or details yet and it may be for the future.While this was going on I received, among other new things, the latest advances in severalsciences by a Frenchman who may far outshine—if his work is found valid—even Einstein and theCuries. It is exceedingly astonishing. I have been asked to help find a publisher but not the Universityof California. My inclination has been to seek my soil chemistry professor who is down in Indio,one of the “experts” referred to who is bypassed. He was very, very high among the “Who’s Who inScience” which does not mean that he commands any top salary. I don’t know how I am going to dothis.While this is going on—and I have not even completed my memoirs there are more and moresigns both of recognition and corroboratory material even right here in San Francisco. Yet recognitionis exceedingly slow and the newspapers continue unanimously to turn down everything sent in.It is only that tonight I received an introduction to an offbeat publication in New York which may bepublication, not where I want it, but the more I gripe, the more likely is the editor to publish.My health is excellent, I look fine, but no time for rest and relaxation excepting in the danceformsand efforts which are also progressing and progression towards a goal.I am not asking for any meeting, bat I thought a report would be in order.Cordially,S. A. M.Samuel L. LewisP.S. The woman to whose house I was supposed to move has not only kept my money but mymail!

Diaries 1963September 8, 1963My dear Uncle and Aunt:Not having heard from you for some time I am assuming that everything is not too well, but Iam so utterly busy, and pretty nearly confused too, that it is only a series of climaxes that impels meto write.Around 1958 when I was on Clementina St. my friend, Robert Clifton visited me and I said tohim: “Robert, you and I are mere nobodies. We can’t get an audience. Congress, the government,the newspapers, nobody pays any attention to us, but I do not think there is a King, Prime Minister,Cabinet Official, head of a university, professor … holy man … or peasant, from one end of Asia tothe other whom either you or I could not meet if we have not met already, yet we are more nobodies.”“Too true, Samuel, too true.”Robert died in 1962 but I have been commissioned to work on his biography. Indeed I ammeeting sons of his friends today. He worked severally for the Kings of Laos, Annam (Bao Dai),Cambodia, Thailand, was close to the government of Burma and died a close friend of Tunku AbdulRahman, Prime Minister of Malaya, and was a Malayan citizen.The reason for his having become a Malayan citizen is that when he came to warn of troublesin S.E. Asia, the late J. F. Dulles issued a directive that anybody giving him an interview would besummarily discharged. Robert returned to Asia, got caught in the Laos chaos, came back to claiman estate, and then go to Asia. In the course of events he found he was a third cousin of SenatorFulbright by marriage and this got him a very few interviews and this disgusted him more becauseit was his family and social connection not his knowledge. Yet he was responsible for the Buddhisttemple in Washington, and became one of the three top men in the Buddhist world.Then there is Sam Lewis. True, Sam Lewis’s name is up at Fort Mason on the heroes’ list butnobody close is going to believe that too much. More recently his name has become more and moreimportant in Pakistan. Even a letter was not only published but headlined in the most importantEnglish paper in the country (Pakistan Review) and the editorial given to him to send in ideas forsocial, educational and agricultural reform.Last week there was a top climax for me. I had to move and am back at 58 Harriet St. belowwhere I used to live. Money has been allocated for my autobiography in Pakistan, and I found thetop CIA official in S.E. Asia, Colonel Lansdale, is a man with whom I formed a very close friendshipduring the war and he gave me his picture which I should be glad to have copied and sent to you.Meanwhile Under-Secretary George Ball of the State Department has gone to Pakistan and fumbledand fuddled where I was a first-hand witness, and even participant in some of the events. So I geton the telephoned and asked an official, “Does one have to perform an act of treason for an appointmentwith anybody? I am not fooling. I am about to commit treason to save my country.” I won’t gointo details on this but the upshot is that everything I have done, and everything I have planned is tobe written and I have now an agent to cover … everything, and I mean everything.

Diaries <strong>1963</strong>-3The party who kicked me out of Fairfax and then defamed me has returned the bulk of mywritings, and also some of the research she had. Already this material is honored in Pakistani, andit will enable me to occupy a position of trust and even financial security if I go there—or even if Iwrite from this end.When I released a very small portion of this material, actually an infinitesimal amount here, ithas resulted in my being offered a place to live in Marin County again under most favorable circumstances.I do not know the place or details yet and it may be for the future.While this was going on I received, among other new things, the latest advances in severalsciences by a Frenchman who may far outshine—if his work is found valid—even Einstein and theCuries. It is exceedingly astonishing. I have been asked to help find a publisher but not the Universityof California. My inclination has been to seek my soil chemistry professor who is down in Indio,one of the “experts” referred to who is bypassed. He was very, very high among the “Who’s Who inScience” which does not mean that he commands any top salary. I don’t know how I am going to dothis.While this is going on—and I have not even completed my memoirs there are more and moresigns both of recognition and corroboratory material even right here in San Francisco. Yet recognitionis exceedingly slow and the newspapers continue unanimously to turn down everything sent in.It is only that tonight I received an introduction to an offbeat publication in New York which may bepublication, not where I want it, but the more I gripe, the more likely is the editor to publish.My health is excellent, I look fine, but no time for rest and relaxation excepting in the danceformsand efforts which are also progressing and progression towards a goal.I am not asking for any meeting, bat I thought a report would be in order.Cordially,S. A. M.Samuel L. LewisP.S. The woman to whose house I was supposed to move has not only kept my money but mymail!

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