Overload Protection Devices English

Overload Protection Devices English Overload Protection Devices English


Number ofSpecial camsRotational detection speed ranger/minNumber ofSpecial camsRotational detection speed ranger/min1 6 60 6 1.0 102 3 30 7 0.85 8.53 2 20 8 0.75 7.54 1.5 15 9 0.67 6.75 1.2 12 10 0.6 6.0 65

asdfTorque LimiterModel No.Sprocket borediameter(center memberbore diameter)Min.No.of teethMin. No. of sprocket teethRS35 RS40 RS50 RS60 RS80 RS100 RS120 RS140 RS160Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bushlength of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth lengthTL200 30 0.030TL250 41 0.050 20 3.8 16 6 20 6.5 17 6.5 TL350 49 0.050TL500 74 0.050TL700 105 0.050TL10 135 0.070TL14 183 0.070TL20 226 0.070 26 4.5 21 6.5 18 9.5 15 9.5 29 6.53025 9.5 19 9.5 339.53526 12.5 21 12.5 18 12.5 29 12.53024 15.5 22 19.5 39 3315.5 15.5 29 19.5 26 23.540 35 54 15.5 46 15.5 40 19.5 35 23.560 Torque LimiterModel No.Sprocket borediameter(center memberbore diameter)Min. No. of sprocket teethRS35 RS40 RS50 RS60 RS80 RS100 RS120 RS140 RS160Min.No.Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No.Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bushof No.of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of No.of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth lengthTL200 30 0.030TL250 41 0.050 25 3.8 19 6.0 24 6.5 20 6.5 TL350 49 0.050TL500 74 0.050TL700 105 0.050TL10 135 0.070TL14 183 0.070TL20 226 0.070 30 4.5 24 6.5 21 9.5 17 9.5 32 6.5 2830 36 9.5 28309.5 21 9.5 239.5 12.5 20 12.5 24 31 12.5 26 15.5 23 19.5 32 41 15.5 35 15.5 30 19.5 27 23.545 56 4715.5 15.5 41 19.5 36 23.560 60 66

asdfTorque LimiterModel No.Sprocket borediameter(center memberbore diameter)Min.No.of teethMin. No. of sprocket teethRS35 RS40 RS50 RS60 RS80 RS100 RS120 RS140 RS160Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bushlength of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth lengthTL200 30 0.030TL250 41 0.050 20 3.8 16 6 20 6.5 17 6.5 TL350 49 0.050TL500 74 0.050TL700 105 0.050TL10 135 0.070TL14 183 0.070TL20 226 0.070 26 4.5 21 6.5 18 9.5 15 9.5 29 6.53025 9.5 19 9.5 339.53526 12.5 21 12.5 18 12.5 29 12.53024 15.5 22 19.5 39 3315.5 15.5 29 19.5 26 23.540 35 54 15.5 46 15.5 40 19.5 35 23.560 Torque LimiterModel No.Sprocket borediameter(center memberbore diameter)Min. No. of sprocket teethRS35 RS40 RS50 RS60 RS80 RS100 RS120 RS140 RS160Min.No.Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No.Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bush Min.No. Bushof No.of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of No.of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth length of teeth lengthTL200 30 0.030TL250 41 0.050 25 3.8 19 6.0 24 6.5 20 6.5 TL350 49 0.050TL500 74 0.050TL700 105 0.050TL10 135 0.070TL14 183 0.070TL20 226 0.070 30 4.5 24 6.5 21 9.5 17 9.5 32 6.5 2830 36 9.5 28309.5 21 9.5 239.5 12.5 20 12.5 24 31 12.5 26 15.5 23 19.5 32 41 15.5 35 15.5 30 19.5 27 23.545 56 4715.5 15.5 41 19.5 36 23.560 60 66

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