Make Make - Venmar

Make Make - Venmar

Make Make - Venmar


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The Harmful Effectsof Dust, Excess Humidityand Indoor Air PollutionYou’ve made your home safe and sound from harm.Think again. Silent hazards to your health and home lurkin the air. Studies show that the indoor air of the averagehome can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.*Invisible pollutants produced by commonhousehold substances, plus dustand excess humidity that get trapped intoday’s well-insulated homes, can increase your risk ofchronic respiratory illness and your home’s risk ofserious structural damage.*Source: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)PRIMARY SOURCES OFATTICAsbestosInsulationFibreglassDust and dust mitesBATHROOMExcess humidityPersonal hygieneproducts (aerosols,sprays, etc.)Mold sporesBEDROOMAllergensDust and dust mitesPet hair and danderCarbon dioxide (CO 2 )CarpetGARAGECarbon monoxide (CO)GasSolventsPesticides and herbicidesDustPaint and chemicalsCleaning agentsClean air is within

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