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The Quran: An Introduction to Islam’sHoly BookThe AWARE Center recently hosteda presentation by Dr. Teresa Lesherwhich focused on presentingintroductory information aboutthe Quran, Islam’s Holy Book. Dr.Lesher was born and raised in theUnited States but has lived heradult life in the Middle East, whereshe is an Associate Professor ofInformation Science. Dr. Teresaholds her PhD in InformationScience from the UK and teachesat the <strong>Kuwait</strong> College of BasicEducation. She held the positionof General Manager of the AWARECenter for three years and returnsoften to host presentations relatedto Arab and Islamic culture. Shehas spent the last 30 years as aMuslim focusing on the study ofthe Quran.During the AWARE CenterDiwaniya Event, Dr. Lesher toldthe audience that the Holy Quranis one of the divine scriptures,with one major and fundamentaldifference. Although the Quranmentions the divine scripturesthat Christians and Jews follow,what sets the Holy Quran apartfrom those scriptures is that theHoly Quran is considered thelast testament and final versionof divine revelation. In addition,the truly remarkable aspect ofthe Holy Quran is its original andunadulterated content. The Torahand the Bible were written bynumerous individuals over differentperiods of time, and they have alsobeen altered throughout history.The content of the Holy Quran,however, has remained intact andexactly as it was received since itsbeginning.“The Holy Quran is considered arevelation from God, the Creator,”Dr. Lesher delivers her presentation at the AWARE CenterDr. Lesher said. “It is a messagethat was received by the ProphetMuhammad (PBUH), who wasresponsible for conveying it to allof mankind. The exact wordingof the Quran is essential incommunicating the divine message,and the way the words in the HolyQuran are pronounced today is theexact same way in which they wereheard by the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).”Composed of a collection ofverses (Ayat) which make up 114chapters (Suras), The Holy Quranis the central religious text ofthe Islamic faith which Muslimsconsider as the verbatim word ofGod. Revered by many as the finestpiece of literature in the Arabiclanguage, Dr. Lesher went on tosay that Muslims believe that itstext was revealed to the ProphetMuhammad (PBUH) through theangel Jibril over the course of 23years beginning on December 22,609, when Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was 40, and concluding in632, the year of his death. Beforehis death, the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) specified the order of theplacement of chapters (Suras) ofthe Holy Quran as told to himthrough divine instruction.“At first glance, the Quranmay appear fragmented ordisorganized,” Dr. Lesher said,“However, it exceeds humanconceptions of human organization.There is a purposeful organizationto the Holy Quran which begsfurther study and contemplation,”46October - December 2012

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