4 - Kuwait Oil Company

4 - Kuwait Oil Company

4 - Kuwait Oil Company


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Figure 1: ECM Strategy at KOCToday, the idea of managing KOC Groups’ business processes andcontent is not enough. Managing the complete lifecycle of content,from creation to disposal, and managing the complexity of thedata and information which results from isolated applications areunderstood as the two main challenges that the <strong>Company</strong> shouldlook at in order to achieve its strategic objectives.ECM Business Case and BVA ApproachThe preliminary step in this exercise was to identify a suitablebusiness case for further investigation. Among many candidate cases,the “Burgan Development Drilling Wells Process” was the mostapplicable case for its direct relation to KOC core business.Figure 2: High-levelflowchart of BurganDevelopment DrillingWells Business ProcessThe diagram illustrates a "birds-eyeview" of the process and portraysthe major stages to identify anddrill the necessary number offuture wells required to meet the<strong>Company</strong>’s strategic productiontarget, including conductingstudies, identifying appropriatewell locations and drilling andconnecting the wells to therespective GC.To achieve more accurate andcredible results, CITG had tolook at business value from thecustomer’s viewpoint. Therefore,in-depth inquiries into the BurganDevelopment Drilling WellsProcess had to be conductedby an internal task force teamwhich was formed to achieve thisobjective. Key members of theteam included, in addition to ECMBVA domain experts from IBM,selected members from CITG andbusiness owners from differentareas, represented by TL FieldDevelopment (SK), TL GeneralProjects, TL Production Operations(EK) and TL HSE (S&EK). Theywere all very committed andsupportive and have contributedimmensely towards successfullyachieving the objectives of thisexercise.Several meetings, interviews,workshops and conference callswere held in order to obtain asmuch information as possible andgain a deeper understanding of thepotential business value that willbe realized from the ECM program.Activities included:• Fully comprehending theinformation intensive businesschallenges across the BurganDevelopment Drilling WellsProcess (the current state businessproblems, the drivers for changeand goals and benefits of FutureState environment).October - December 2012 17

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