Eurail Traveler's Guide - Rail Europe

Eurail Traveler's Guide - Rail Europe

Eurail Traveler's Guide - Rail Europe

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EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 2 14-10-10 13:53

ContentsIntroduction 5<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass - Essential information 7Flexi Passes 11Trains in <strong>Europe</strong> 13<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass - Practical information 15Information by country 18Conditions of use 36For information about the <strong>Eurail</strong> Group and its products,visit www.eurailgroup.com. Or perhaps you’d like to getinspiration and itinerary ideas for traveling in <strong>Europe</strong>? Goto www.eurailtravel.com. This comprehensive website isdesigned to help you get the most out of your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass, andexperience the best in culture and adventure that <strong>Europe</strong> hasto offer.What do you think?The aim of this Traveler’s <strong>Guide</strong> is to help you clearly understandexactly how to use the <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass and get the most outof it. Does the guide do its job? We would very much like toknow what you think, whether you are the Pass holder, or justa casual reader. Please email your comments tofeedback@eurail.nlEvery effort has been made to ensure the information in thisguide is correct and up to date. Such information, however,is subject to change withoutnotice, and no guaranteecan be made regarding itsaccuracy or completeness.Share your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.com3EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 3 14-10-10 13:53

EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 4 14-10-10 13:53

Welcome to the worldof <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass!Dear <strong>Eurail</strong> traveler,IntroductionCongratulations! You’ve chosen the perfect way to travelthrough <strong>Europe</strong> - by train! The extensive <strong>Europe</strong>an trainnetwork is safe, eco-friendly, comfortable and reliable. It willtake you quickly and easily from the continent’s most dynamiccities to its loveliest villages. Equally important, you’ll beable to travel with maximum fl exibility - when and where youwant - and in a relaxed way that gives you the chance to fullyexperience and appreciate the magnifi cent variety in <strong>Europe</strong>’sscenic landscapes.Your <strong>Eurail</strong> travel documentation includes this Traveler’s<strong>Guide</strong>, a <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass Map, a <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass Timetable, anda <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass Cover with a Travel Report inside. The <strong>Eurail</strong>Pass itself consists of the Pass Cover with the Travel Reporttogether with an attached ticket. In this Traveler’s <strong>Guide</strong> you’llfi nd ‘Essential Information’ on how to use your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass,when and how you should make reservations, and more.Please read this section carefully! The guide also containsdetails of many other benefi ts and discounts the Pass entitlesyou to, and hints and tips to help you make your <strong>Eurail</strong>adventure as enjoyable and unforgettable as possible.Thank you for choosing <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass, and enjoyyour journey!5EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 5 14-10-10 13:53

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<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass -Essential informationPlease read the following very carefully to ensure asmooth and pleasant <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass experienceWhat travel documents will I need?Aside from the ticket and Pass Cover with the Travel Reportthat together make up your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass, you will need a validpassport. Depending on your nationality, you may also needa visa to visit certain countries (find out at http://europa.eu/travel). Travel insurance is also strongly recommended - this isnot included in your Pass!How do I start using my <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass?<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass - Essential informationFirst, you must activate the ticket. This can be done bythe travel agent you purchased the Pass from, but alsoat a ticket window in any <strong>Europe</strong>an train station.You must activate your Pass within 6 months after youbuy it. The person activating your ticket will stamp thedate in the activation box, and fill out your passportnumber and the first and last allowed days of travel.The first travel day can be the one on which the ticketis activated, or a later date - you choose. The last daywill always correspond to the complete length of timethe pass is valid for.Once the ticket is activated, treat your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass ascarefully as cash (no refunds if it is lost or stolen!), andkeep it clean and unmarked. You are only allowed towrite in the Travel Report section of the Pass Coverand, if you have a Flexi Pass, in the Travel Calendarsection on the ticket itself. Flexi Passes have a TravelCalendar printed directly on the ticket (see exampleon page 11). If you have a Flexi Pass, please read the‘Using the Flexi Pass’ section carefully, page 11.What is the <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass Cover for?The Pass Cover protects your activated <strong>Eurail</strong> ticket, whichis stapled inside. It also includes the Travel Report formthat you must present, together with the ticket, to ticket7EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 7 14-10-10 13:53

For free passage on international ferry routes, your Passmust be valid for the country of departure AND the country ofarrival. For discounted passage, the Pass must be valid for thecountry of departure OR the country of arrival.Share your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comWhat if I need to travelthrough a country notcovered by my <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass?If any portion of your journeygoes through a country thatis not covered by your Pass,you will need to buy a ticketfor that leg of your journey.Do this at a ticket counter inadvance, since tickets on thetrain will be more expensive.<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass - Essential informationHow do I make seat and bed reservations?Before your trip, you can make reservations through thetravel agent who sold you your Pass. In <strong>Europe</strong>, makereservations at a railway station ticket counter, or adedicated <strong>Eurail</strong> Aid Offices. These are located at airportsand train stations in major <strong>Europe</strong>an cities (see Informationby Country for locations, page 18).9EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 9 14-10-10 13:53

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Using the Flexi PassIf you have a Flexi Pass, please read the followingcarefully to make sure you use it properlyWhat’s the Travel Calendar on the Flexi Pass ticket for?Your Flexi Pass entitles you to a set number of travel dayswithin a specific period of time. On any travel day, you can hopon and off as many trains as you like. But before you boardyour first train of the day, it is extremely important that youwrite the date in the Travel Calendar on your ticket. Not doingso is the same as traveling without a ticket, which means youwill have to pay a full-fare ticket and may also risk a fine.Flexi PassesHow do I fill in the Travel Calendar?Your Travel Calendar will have a day and month box for eachof the travel days you are entitled to. Even if you already havea carefully planned schedule worked out, don’t fill in the wholecalendar at once - you’ll lose all flexibility about when you cantravel! As you start each travel day, write the day and month inthe proper boxes under ‘1’, for the first travel day, under ‘2’ forthe second, etc. (see example below). Do not do this in pencil:you must use blue or black ink! Also, don’t forget to fill out thejourney details on your Travel Report before taking each train,ferry or bus on a travel day.Example of the Travel Calendar andactivationThese 2 dates need to be filled in for your pass to be valid.Travel calendar11EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 11 14-10-10 13:54

Flexi PassesHow do I enter an overnight journey inmy Flexi Pass Travel Calendar?There are two ways:• If your train departs before 19.00h (7 pm), you need touse two travel days (fill in the day of departure in one setof boxes and the day of arrival in the next).• If you are traveling on a direct night train (with no connectionsor layovers) that departs after 19.00h (7 pm)and arrives after 04.00h (4 am), you only need to use oneday - the day of arrival. For instance, if you take the directnight train from Prague to Vienna that departs on August2nd at 21.53, you only have to write August 3rd in thecalendar. Please note that for such an overnight trip, yourPass must be valid on the day of departure and arrival(see Conditions of Use, article 7, page 37).A free overnight ferry, which includes one night, requiresjust one travel day. You may enter either the day of departureor the day of arrival in the Travel Calendar.What if I make a mistake filling out the Travel Calendar?Be very careful and try not to - mistakes cannot be corrected,since an altered travel date could be interpreted as an attemptat fraud. You will have to enter the correct day in the nextbox, which means you ‘lose’ one travel day. In case you makea mistake, you can have your Pass replaced for €30 (or theequivalent in local currency) at the nearest <strong>Eurail</strong> Aid Office(see Information by Country section, page 18).Does my Pass entitle me to anything else?12Yes - to a great range of special benefits, includingfree or discounted transportation on <strong>Europe</strong>an busesand ferries. See the Information by Country section fordetails. When making use of these benefits, keep thefollowing points in mind.• You may only make use of free transportation on atravel day that you have written on your ticket.• Discounted travel does not require use of a travel day.You can take advantage of this at any time (even if youhave used all your travel days) as long as the journeytakes place before the last day of the overall validity.EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 12 14-10-10 13:54

Discover the trainsNot all trains in <strong>Europe</strong> are the same! There are manydifferent types, each with its own advantages andoffering different types of travel experiences.Local trainsEasy, relaxed and intimate - that sums up the atmosphere ofthe countless local trains that you will find throughout <strong>Europe</strong>.Some of them only have 2nd class cars. Nowhere else will youget a better feel for the local people and <strong>Europe</strong>an life than onthese trains that weave their way from town to town, takingthe locals to work, market or play.Trains in <strong>Europe</strong>Express trainsDomestic and international express trains make fewerstops, and get you to your destination more quickly thanlocal trains. These are commonly called InterCity (IC) orEuroCity (EC) trains. These trains sometimes require a seatreservation.High speed trainsWant to cover a long distance really fast, or as luxuriously aspossible? There are many high speed services that criss cross<strong>Europe</strong> - all of them with comfortable 1st and 2nd class carsand catering services. Seat reservations are usually required,and additional costs must be paid.Legendary scenic rail routes<strong>Europe</strong> is bursting with picturesque scenery that can beenjoyed from any type of train. But there are numeroustrain routes that are legendary for the magnificent vistasthey pass through. <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are valid for many ofthem, or entitle you to a discount. Reservations are sometimesrequired - they are always highly recommended. Seethe back of the <strong>Eurail</strong> Map for a sample of <strong>Europe</strong>’s mostscenic routes.Night trainsNight trains run between many of <strong>Europe</strong>’s major cities, andoffer a variety of sleeping accommodations for different budgets.It’s a unique experience to arrive rested and ready-to-goin a brand new country early in the morning. A night train canalso save you money, since the supplement you pay can costless than a hotel room, depending on the accommodation youchoose. Some overnight trains offer reclining seats (generallyonly 2nd class), which have the least expensive surcharge.13EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 13 14-10-10 13:54

Trains in <strong>Europe</strong>The majority offer standard couchettes as well as more luxurioussleepers, with the required supplement rising accordinglyin price.Couchettes are compartments with four open bunks in 1stclass and four or six open bunks in 2nd class. These areshared with other passengers of both sexes, and peoplegenerally sleep in their day clothes. Wash basins and toiletsfacilities are at the end of each train car corridor. A sheet,blanket and pillow are provided. Sleepers offer more comfortand privacy, accommodating one or two passengers in1st class, and two or three in 2nd class. They usually havea private wash basin and are allocated exclusively for eithermen or women, unless your party occupies all the beds in thecompartment. Some night trains even offer deluxe sleepercompartments with a private toilet and shower. Reservationsare always required.Travel document collectionBorder crossings and passport checks often take placeon these trains in the middle of the night. It is thereforequite common before you go to sleep for the car attendantto collect your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass and passport for borderformalities, so you won’t have to be disturbed. This isstandard procedure - your documents will be returned toyou in the morning. Just double-check that the returneddocuments are indeed yours, and that they are all there.14EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 14 14-10-10 13:54

<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass - Practical informationBig city, many stations!Most larger cities have multiple train stations, and trains do notalways stop at all of them. If you want to arrive at a specificstation in a particular city, be sure to check that the train youwant to take does stop there. And when heading on to a newdestination, double check exactly which station you need todepart from, so you don’t go to the wrong one.Getting on the right train(and staying on it)!Ready to board? If you’ve made a reservation, you’llfind the car and seat number printed on the ticket.Some platforms feature a poster indicating exactlywhere specific cars stop on the platform. Be readyto board the train the minute it arrives; station stopsare often very short. You can see if a car is 1st or 2ndclass by the numbers posted near the train door orwindow (some trains have both classes in one car).Also keep in mind that trains are sometimes split inthe middle of a journey, and continue on to differentdestinations. Pay close attention to the destinationdisplays, where this will be indicated, and to any carnumbers you see near exterior or interior doors. Beforesplitting, the conductor will announce which carsare going where.Are we there yet?Station stops are not always announced or may be announcedin a foreign language that you do not understand.Take note of your scheduled arrival time and the names of thestations before your stop so you will be prepared to exit thetrain when it arrives at your destination. Station names areusually clearly visible on platforms, but you can always ask theconductor or a fellow passenger if you are not sure.16Food on boardMany long-distance and high-speed trains have full-servicerestaurant cars offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. On expresstrains, there are sometimes buffet and bar cars that selllight meals throughout the trip, and vendors who pass throughthe carriages selling snacks and beverages. Food serviceis not very common on local domestic trains. If you want toknow if your train has a buffet or restaurant car, ask at the station.And of course you can always take your own picnic meal!EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 16 14-10-10 13:54

MoneyYou’ll find many ATMs affiliated with Plus (Visa) and Cirrus(MasterCard) where you can regularly get cash for dailyexpenses. Bring a credit and/or debit card, and enough cashin the currency of the country you’re arriving in for a day or soas an emergency backup. Make sure this is mostly in smalldenominationbills ($50 equivalent or less) as larger bills aren’talways accepted in certain outlets and trains. For an overviewof <strong>Eurail</strong>-participating countries that have the Euro as currency,see the back of your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass Map.LuggageSince you’ll be carrying or wheeling this around for most ofyour trip, we recommend that you travel light! Depending onthe type of train, you’ll find luggage racks above the seatsand/or at the end of the car. Do keep an eye on your luggage,since railways cannot be held responsible for lost or stolenbags. Most major train stations offer storage facilities or coinoperatedlockers for luggage.<strong>Eurail</strong> Pass - Practical informationSafetyTrain stations can be busy, exciting and sometimes even overwhelmingplaces. In <strong>Europe</strong>, they are generally quite safe, butthose with a lot of tourist traffic will sometimes draw thievesand pickpockets. Be especially alert in stations and on trainsgoing to or from an airport, and always keep a close eye onyour valuables!17EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 17 14-10-10 13:54

Information by countryInformation by countryHere you will find country-specific information that is usefulfor your <strong>Eurail</strong> journey, including airport links to the main citycenters, Aid Offices and extra Pass benefits. These benefitsusually cannot be secured in advance, but must be arrangedon the spot. Please note that benefits are subject to change:before booking, confirm that the company honors the discount.Multiple countriesMP3 Audio City <strong>Guide</strong>s15% discount on over 250 audio city guides at All Audio <strong>Guide</strong>s. To claimyour discount and get your private city guide enter code: <strong>Eurail</strong>11 onwww.allaudioguides.com/eurail.php18AustriaA Pass valid in Austria is valid with ÖBB,the national railway company of Austriaand with the following private railway line:• ROeEEDiscounted boat servicesBlue Danube Schiffahrt 20% discount;www.ddsg-blue-danube.at• Sightseeing boat trips in Vienna andWachauBSB, SBS and ÖBB 50% discount;www.bsb-online.com• Boat crossings on Lake Constance(Bodensee) from May to OctoberDonauschiffahrt Wurm & Köckspecial price; www.donauschiffahrt.de• Linz-Passau: reservation compulsoryOther pass benefitsMeininger hotels 10% discountif you book directly with Meininger atwww.meininger-hotels.com• Located in Berlin, Frankfurt,München, Köln, Hamburg, Wien,London and Salzburg (from spring2011). All-you-can-eat breakfast is€ 4,00 and free WiFi in the lobby.Contact: +49(0)30 6663 6100 orwelcome@meininger-hotels.comÖBB Intercitybus(1st and 2nd class)free transportation; www.oebb.at• Graz-Klagenfurt• Klagenfurt/Villach-Venezia (Mestre& Piazzale Roma) (included if yourPass is valid in both Austria andItaly; supplements are required)Aid OfficesInnsbruck HauptbahnhofDaily: 6:30am - 9:45pmSalzburg Hauptbahnhof (Lounge)Daily: 6:30am - 9:30pmWien Westbahnhof (Vienna)Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pmSaturday: 8:00am - 1:00pmAirport linksVienna: the international airport isVienna Schwechat (VIE). From theairport there are connections to Wien-Nord, Wien-Mitte (<strong>Eurail</strong> Passes arevalid on S-Bahn, not on CAT), Wien-West, Wien-Meidling (VAL,ViennaAirport Lines, bus every 20 minutes,<strong>Eurail</strong> Passes are not valid)BelgiumA Pass valid in Belgium is valid with thenational railway company NMBS/SNCB.EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 18 14-10-10 13:43

Extra pass benefitsHUSA-Hotels 10% discount;www.husa.esDiscount on the best internet rate, notin combination with other offers.Book at www.husa.es (login: RAILPASS, password: EURAILINTERRAIL)or by tel. +34 902 100 710 (reference<strong>Eurail</strong> Inter<strong>Rail</strong>)Aid OfficeGare de Bruxelles-Midi (Brussels)Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 8:00pmSaturday, Sunday and holidays:9:00am - 4:30pmAirport linksBrussels: the main airport isBrussels Nationaal Airport. Fromthe airport there are connectionsto Brussels North, Central,Midi (Train, every 20 minutes)and to many other destinations.CroatiaA Pass valid in Croatia is valid with HZPutnicki prijevoz, the national railwaycompany of Croatia.Extra pass benefitsCroatia hotels 20% discountin hotel Porin (Zagreb), hotel Diora(Zagreb), hotel Mursa (Osijek) andhotel Zeljeznicar (Split).www.croatia-express.comAid OfficeZagreb Glavi Kolodvor(main railway station)Daily: 0:00am - 11:59pmAirport linksZagreb: from the airport there are1 - 2 busses per hour to the city busterminal. <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.Information by countryShare your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comCzech RepublicA Pass valid in the Czech Republicis valid with CD, the national railwaycompany of the Czech Republic.Extra pass benefitsCD loungesHolders of a 1st class rail pass havefree access to the CD lounges locatedin several railway stations.BulgariaA Pass valid in Bulgaria is valid with BDZ,the national railway company of Bulgaria.Airport linksSofia: from the airport there arebusses to the Sofi a central railwaystation (bus 84 and 284). <strong>Eurail</strong>passes are not valid.Czech <strong>Rail</strong>way Museums• Luzna: 20% discount. Czech <strong>Rail</strong>wayMuseum at Luzná u Rkovníka;www.cdmuzeum.cz• Zlonice: 50% discount. Openinghours (May till September):Saturdays 9:00am - 3:00pm or onrequest. www.sweb.cz/zmzlonice19EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 19 14-10-10 13:43

Information by country20Expressbus Nürnberg - Praha• 6 times a day, travel time 3 hours 50min. Pass holders with a Pass valid inGermany AND Czech Republic needa reservation (10 Euro 2nd class, 15Euro 1st class). Pass holders witha Pass valid ONLY in Germany ORCzech Republic need a special ticket.Tickets and reservations available inPraha and Nürnberg.Orea Hotels Up to 20% discountupon presentation of your pass. Phone+420 800 12 00 12; www.orea.czPrague Castle 20% discount forthe ‘Full Visit‘; www.hrad.czFor more benefi ts in Czech Republicsee www.cd.cz/cdbonusAid OfficePraha Liben (Prague Liben station)Daily: 6:00am - 8:50pmAirport linksPrague: from the airport there areconnections to Praha Hlavni Nadrazirailway station (Airport Express BusAE). <strong>Eurail</strong> Passes are not valid.DenmarkA Pass valid in Denmark is valid withthe national railway company DSBand with the following private railwaycompanies:• Arriva• DSB S-Tog• DSB-FirstDiscounted boat servicesColor Line 50% discount on normalfares (not on reclining seats andmeals); www.colorline.com• Hirtshals-Kristiansand• Hirtshals-LarvikDenmark +45 (0)99 561 977;Norway +47 (0)81 500 811Share your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comDFDS Seaways 25% discount on allcategories except Commodore class• Copenhagen-Osloreservation at: www.dfdsseaways.com/railpass (subject to availability)Scandlines free transportation;www.scandlines.de• Helsingør-Helsingborg• Puttgarden-Rødby FærgeStena Line 20% discount;www.stenaline.com• Frederikshavn-Göteborg• Grenå-VarbergDenmark +45 96 200 200;Sweden +46 (0)31 704 0000Other pass benefitsDSB loungesHolders of a 1st class rail passhave free access to the DSB loungelocated in Århus, Copenhagen andOdense.Jernbane museum25% discount;www.jernbanemuseum.dkDanish railway museum in OdenseNordjyske Jernbaner (<strong>Rail</strong>way)50% discount• Frederikshavn-Skagen• Hirtshals-HjørringAid OfficeCentral Station København(Copenhagen)Daily: 9:30am - 6:00pmEUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 20 14-10-10 13:44

Airport linksCopenhagen: the main airport isCopenhagen Kastrup. From the airportthere are connections to København H(Train every 10 minutes), Malmö (Trainevery 20 minutes) and to many otherdestinations.FinlandA Pass valid in Finland is valid withVR, the national railway company ofFinland.Discounted boat servicesFinnlines 30% discount on offi cialfares (port tax and meals excluded) foronline bookings; www.fi nnlines.com• Gdynia-Helsinki• Helsinki-Rostock• Helsinki-TravemündeInformation and reservations:www.fi nnlines.com or callGermany +49 45 028 0543 orSweden +46 771 340 940Tallink Silja Oy; www.tallinksilja.com• Helsinki-Rostock: 30% discount• Helsinki-Stockholm via Mariehamn:50% discount• Helsinki-Tallinn: 50% discount• Stockholm-Turku via Mariehamn:50% discountAll discounts granted on the cabincategory C-A. Port taxes are extra.Finland +358(0)600 174 552;Sweden +46(0)822 2140Viking Line Special price for Passholders; www.vikingline.fi• Turku/Helsinki-StockholmOther pass benefits<strong>Rail</strong>way Museums freeadmission• Hyvinkää: www.rautatie.orgHyvinkäänkatu 9,tel +358 (0) 3072 5241• Jokioinen: Narrow-gauge railway(open June - mid August)Veljekset Salmela free bustransportation• Kemi / Tornio-HaparandaAid Office<strong>Rail</strong>way station HelsinkiMon-Fri: 10:00am - 5:00pmAirport linksHelsinki: from the airport there arebusses every 10 minutes to the railwaystation (bus 615). Bus 61 goes toTikkurila railway station. <strong>Eurail</strong> passesare not valid.FranceA Pass valid in France is valid with SNCF,the national railway company of France.It is then also valid for travel betweenFrance and Basel, Geneva (Switzerland),Port Bou (Spain) and Ventimiglia (Italy).Discounted boat servicesBateaux Parisiens 50% discount;www.bateauxparisiens.comSeine river excursionsIrish Ferries 30% discount;www.irishferries.com• Cherbourg-Rosslare (February toDecember)*• Roscoff-Rosslare (May to September)**No daily sailings, reservation compulsory.France +33(0)233 234 444;Ireland +353(0)818 300 400Other pass benefitsAdmission with a discount• France Miniature Parc in Elancourt;www.franceminiature.com• Grévin Wax Museum in Paris: 20%off (www.grevin.com)Bus SNCF free transportation• Digne-St Auban• Digne-Veynes• Canfranc-OloronInformation by country21EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 21 14-10-10 13:44

Information by country22Chemins de Fer Corse 50% discount;www.trainstouristiques-ter.com• All journeys in CorsicaChemins de Fer de Provence 50%discount; www.trainprovence.com• Digne-NiceRER Paris Free transportation on theRER train from Paris Charles De Gaulleairport to Paris Nord railway station (inthis direction only). In order to obtainaccess, go to the RER station at CDGTerminal 1 or 2. Ask for a ‘contremarque‘at the ticket window, showingyour Pass. You will need this ‘contremarque‘to enter the platform, and toexit the RER station at Paris Nord.Aid OfficesGare de Marseille St. CharlesDaily: 6:00am - 10:00pmGare de Nice VilleMon-Sat: 8:00am - 8:30pmSun: 8:30am - 5:30pmGare de Paris-LyonMon-Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pmGare de Paris-NordMon-Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pmSat-Sun: 9:00am - 8:00pmGare de Paris-St. LazareMon-Fri: 7:30am - 8:00pmSat-Sun: 9:30am - 7:30pmAéroport Charles de Gaulle(Paris CDG Airport)Terminal 1 RER Station Bureau SNCFMon-Fri: 6:30am - 8:00pmSat: 8:00am - 3:00pmSun: 10:00am - 5:00pmAirport linksParis: the main airport is AirportCharles de Gaulle. From the airport thereare connections to Paris Nord (RER LineB) and many other destinations.Lyon St. Exupéry: from the airportthere is a tram link to Lyon Part Dieu(Rhônexpress, every 15 minutes -<strong>Eurail</strong> Passes not valid)GermanyA Pass valid in Germany is valid withDB, the national railway company ofGermany.A Pass valid in Germany is also validfor travel from Germany to the stationsof Basel Bad Bf(Switzerland) andSalzburg Hbf(Austria).For the validity of your <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass ontrains operated by privaterailway companies please refer towww.eurailgroup.com/germanrailways.aspxDiscounted boat servicesBSB, SBS and ÖBB 50% discount;www.bsb-online.com• Boat crossings on Lake Constance(Bodensee) from May to OctoberDonauschiffahrt Wurm & Köck;www.donauschiffahrt.de• Linz-Passau: reservation compulsoryFinnlines 30% discount on officialfares (port tax and meals excluded) foronline bookings.; www.finnlines.com• Helsinki-Rostock• Gdynia-Rostock• Helsinki-Travemünde• Malmö-Travemünde: 20% discountInformation and reservations:www.finnlines.com or call Germany+49 45 028 0543 or Sweden+46 771 340 940KD-German Rhine Line freetransportation; www.k-d.deFree sailings on boats operated by ‘KDGerman Rhine Line‘ making trips onthe Rhine between Köln and Mainz andon the river Mosel between Koblenzand Cochem (except on boats makingcruises of several days between Baseland Rotterdam or Trier and Koblenz).Scandlines free transportation;www.scandlines.de• Puttgarden-Rødby FærgeEUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 22 14-10-10 13:44

Tallink Silja Oy; www.tallinksilja.com• Helsinki-Rostock: 30% discountAll discounts granted on the cabincategory C-A. Port taxes are extra.Finland +358(0)600 174 552;Sweden +46(0)822 2140Other pass benefitsBerlin Night Express reducedfare if your Pass is valid in Sweden(compulsory reservation of a couchetteor bed);www.berlin-night-express.com• Berlin-Malmö (not daily, includesferry crossing Sassnitz-Trelleborg)S-BahnFree transportation on the S-Bahn inmajor German cities. S-Bahn can berecognized by the logo; White S on agreen background.Zugspitzbahn 10% discount;www.zugspitze.de• mountain railroad Garmisch-Partenkirchen- Grainau - Zugspitzplatt andon some cable cars in the summit areaEuropabus 20% discount;www.romanticroadcoach.de• on the EB 190/190A RomantischeStrasse (May to October): Frankfurt/M- Rothenburg ob der Tauber -Augsburg - München/Füssen.Reservation strongly recommendedvia incoming@touring-travel.de orTouring Tours & Travel byphone +49 (0)69 719 126 261 orfax +49 (0)69 719 126 156Expressbus Nürnberg - Praha• 6 times a day, travel time 3 hours 50min. Pass holders with a Pass valid inGermany AND Czech Republic needa reservation (10 Euro 2nd class,15 Euro 1st class). Pass holderswith a Pass valid ONLY in GermanyOR Czech Republic need a specialticket. Tickets and reservations availablein Praha and Nürnberg.Meininger hotels 10% discountif you book directly with Meininger atwww.meininger-hotels.com• Located in Berlin, Frankfurt,München, Köln, Hamburg, Wien,London and Salzburg (from spring2011). All-you-can-eat breakfast is€ 4,00 and free WiFi in the lobby.Contact: +49(0)30 6663 6100 orwelcome@meininger-hotels.comAid OfficesFor general train information: phone:+ 49 1805 99 66 33 internet:www.bahn.com/internationalReisezentrum BerlinHauptbahnhof (Hbf)Daily: 6:00am - 10:00pmEurAide Berlin Hbf Reisezentrum(lower level)Mon-Fri: 11:00am - 8:00pm(in Summer extended hours)Closed January and FebruaryReisezentrum Köln Hbf (Cologne)Mon-Fri: 6:00am - 10:00pmSat-Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pmReisezentrum Dresden HbfMon-Fri: 6:00am - 9:00pmSat-Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pmReisezentrum Frankfurt am MainHbf (Frankfurt Central Station)Mon-Fri: 6:00am - 10:00pmSat-Sun: 7:00am - 10:00pmReisezentren Frankfurt FlughafenFernbahnhof UND Regionalbahnhof(Frankfurt Airport Long DistanceAND Regional railway stations)Daily: 6:00am - 10:00pmReisezentrum Hamburg HbfMon-Fri: 6:00am - 9:30pmSat-Sun: 8:00am - 9:00pmReisezentrum Hannover HbfMon-Fri: 6:00am - 9:30pmSat-Sun: 8:00am - 9:30pmReisezentrum Heidelberg HbfMon-Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pmSat+Sun: 10:00am - 6:00pmReisezentrum Leipzig HbfMon-Fri: 6:00am - 10:00pmSat+Sun: 7:00am - 10:00pmReisezentrum München Hbf(Munich Central Station)Daily: 7:00am - 9:00pmInformation by country23EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 23 14-10-10 13:45

Information by countryEurAide München Hbf (Munich)ReisezentrumMon-Fri: 11:00am - 7:00pm(in Summer extended hours)Closed January and FebruaryMünchen Flughafen (MunichAirport)DB Counter in Terminal 1Daily: 7:30am - 10:00pmReisezentrum Stuttgart HbfDaily: 6.00am - 10:00pmShare your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comMunich: the main airport is MunichF.J.Strauss. From the airport there areconnections to München Hbf and tomany other regional destinations bytrain (S-Bahn, every 10 minutes).Great BritainAid Offices<strong>Rail</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> Travel CenterBritish Columbia HouseLondon SW1Y 4XTMon-Fri: 10.00am - 6:00pmSat: 10:00am - 5:00pmGerman <strong>Rail</strong> UK Booking CentreSurbiton KT6 6UBTel.: 08718 808 066Mon-Fri: 9.00am - 8.00pmSat+Sun: 9.00am - 1.00pm24Airport linksBerlin: the major airports are BerlinTegel (TXL) and Berlin Schönefeld(SXF). From Tegel Airport there isa frequent Bus service to BerlinZoo station (bus 109 or X9 - railpasses or rail tickets are not validon the buses).From Schönefeldairport there are train connectionsto Berlin Hauptbahnhof (CentralStation) and many other city andregional destinations (S-Bahn (every20 minutes) and Regional-Express/Regionalbahn (every 30 minutes).Düsseldorf: from the airport there areconnections by train (S-Bahn, every20 minutes) to Düsseldorf Hbf and tomany other destinationsFrankfurt: from Frankfurt Rhein/Mainairport there are train connections toFrankfurt am Main Hbf and to manyother destinations (regional trains andS-Bahn, every 10 to 15 minutes). Theairport is also directly linked to thelong-distance ICE/IC network.GreeceA Pass valid in Greece is valid withTRAINOSE, the national railwaycompany of Greece.Discounted boat servicesAttica Group (<strong>Eurail</strong> Member):Superfast Ferries 30% discountprovided you have already realized(or reserved) a crossing in the AdriaticSea with Superfast Ferries or Blue StarFerries; www.superfast.com• Heraklion (Crete)-PiraeusReservations: +30 210 891 9130 orinfo.athens@superfast.comAttica Group (<strong>Eurail</strong> Member):Superfast Ferries / Blue Star FerriesFree air seats/dormitories for 1st classPass holders, free deck passage for 2ndclass Pass holders with a Pass valid inGreece AND Italy; www.superfast.com• Bari-Corfu (sailings during summerperiod)• Ancona-Igoumenitsa• Bari-Igoumenitsa• Ancona-Patras• Bari-PatrasEUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 24 14-10-10 13:45

Seasonal surcharge: June andSeptember € 10 per person; July andAugust € 20 per person. Port taxes€ 7 per passenger, per embarkation.A fuel surcharge may apply. Check-intime 2 hours.When your Pass is valid in Greeceonly, you can get 30% discount.Italy, Ancona +39 071 202 0334info.anconaport@superfast.comItaly, Bari +39 080 528 2828info.bariport@superfast.comGreece +30 210 891 9130info.athens@superfast.comBlue Star Ferries 30% discountprovided you have already realized (ormade a reservation for) a crossing inthe Adriatic sea with Superfast Ferriesor Blue Star Ferries;www.bluestarferries.com• Piraeus - Cyclades• Rafi na - CycladesReservations: +30 210 891 9800 orinfo.athens@superfast.com orbooking@bluestarferries.comHML, service operated byEndeavor Lines• Patras-Brindisi, extra stops at Corfu& Cefalonia in the summer.In high season (15/06-15/09) 30%discount on all categories (except theluxury cabin); Outside the high season50% discount. Information and booking:Brindisi +39 0831 528 531,Email: resa@hml.it andRome +39 06 4740141,Email: hml.roma@tiscali.itIonian Travel 20% discount• Day cruise from Athens to theislands of Aegina, Poros and Hydra;including lunch.Booking: Ionian Travel, 4, Pireos str.(1st fl oor), AthensTel: +30 210 523 4774;email: ionian@acci.gr.Minoan Lines (<strong>Eurail</strong> member) -Domestic 30% discount providedyou have already realized (or reserved)a crossing in the Adriatic Sea withMinoan Lines; www.minoan.gr• Corfu-Igoumenitsa• Igoumenitsa-Patras• Corfu-Patras• Heraklion-PiraeusMinoan Lines (<strong>Eurail</strong> Member) -International Free air air-type seatsfor 1st class Pass holders, free deckpassage for 2nd class Pass holderswith a Pass valid in Greece AND Italy.;www.minoan.gr• Patras/Corfu/Igoumenitsa-Venice• Patras/Igoumenitsa-AnconaSeason Surcharge: In middle season:€ 10, High Season: € 20. Port Taxes:€ 7. Fuel surcharge is extra.Check-in time 2 hours.Upgrades available with reduced faresupon embarkation.For more information:Italy, Ancona tel.: +39 071 201708,email: Minoan@minoan.itItaly, Venice tel.: +39 041 5041201,email: booking@minoanlines.itGreece, Piraeus tel.:+30 210 4145700,email: booking@minoan.grOther pass benefitsAthens railway museumfree admissionDaily (except Mondays) 9:00am -1:00pm + Wednesdays from 5:00pm- 8:00pm; 4, Siokou street, AthensIonian travel in Athens 15%discount• Athens sightseeing tour• Certain hotels in Athens• One day excursion to Delfi orEpidaurus (lunch included)Booking: Ionian Travel, 4, Pireos str.(1st fl oor), AthensTel: +30 210 523 4774;email: ionian@acci.gr.TRAINOSE loungesHolders of a 1st class <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass havefree access to the TRAINOSE loungeslocated Athens and Larissa.Information by country25EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 25 14-10-10 13:45

Information by countryAid OfficesHellenic <strong>Rail</strong>ways Travel agency 6,Sina Street AthensMon-Sat: 8:00am - 3:00pm<strong>Rail</strong>way Station of PatrasDaily: 8:00am - 4:00pm &5:00pm - 0:30amCentral <strong>Rail</strong>way Station ofThessalonikiDaily: 5:30am - 1:00pm &4:00pm - 0:30amAirport linksAthens: the major airport is AthensE.Venizelos. From the airport there isa train every hour to Athens Central<strong>Rail</strong>way Station and to Kiato New<strong>Rail</strong>way Station (change at AnoLiossia station)HungaryA Pass valid in Hungary is valid withMÁV-START, the national railwaycompany of Hungary.A Pass valid in Hungary is also valid onthe following private railway lines:• Györ-Sopron-Ebenfurt & Sopron-Szombathely-Szentgotthárdoperated by GySEV/Raaberbahn(www.gysev.hu)Extra pass benefitHungarian Heritage <strong>Rail</strong>wayPark 50% discount on the entrancefee for the Hungarian Heritage <strong>Rail</strong>wayPark (seasonal opening hours). ThePark can be reached from BudapestNyugati <strong>Rail</strong>way Station with Desirotrains running towards Esztergom.www.mavnosztalgia.hu orwww.vasuttortenetipark.huAid Office16 József Attila Street, Budapest 1051(V. district),Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 6:00pmAirport linksBudapest: the main airport is BudapestFerihegy 1. Direct connectionsto Budapest Nyugati (train every 15minutes) and other destinations.IrelandA Pass valid in Ireland is valid withIrish <strong>Rail</strong>/Iarnród Éireann, the nationalrailway company of the Republic ofIreland and with Translink NI <strong>Rail</strong>ways,the national railway company ofNorthern Ireland.Discounted boat servicesIrish Ferries 30% discount;www.irishferries.com• Cherbourg-Rosslare(February to December)*• Dublin Ferryport-Holyhead• Pembroke-Rosslare• Roscoff-Rosslare (May toSeptember)**No daily sailings, reservationcompulsory.France +33(0)233 234 444;Ireland +353(0)818 300 400Norfolkline Irish Sea 25% discount;www.norfolkline.com• Belfast-Liverpool (Birkenhead)• Dublin-Liverpool (Birkenhead)+44 20 8127 8303Stena Line 30% discount;www.stenaline.com• Fishguard-Rosslare: Express/Superferry• Dublin Port-Holyhead SuperferryStena Adventurer• Holyhead-Dun Loaghaire: HSS (HighSpeed Service) Summer only• Stranraer-Belfast: Superferry/HSS+ 353 (0)8447 707070;in Ireland 01204 77726EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 26 14-10-10 13:45

Other pass benefitsHINI Youth Hostels 10%discount on HINI hostels in Belfast,Armagh, Bushmills, WhiteparkBay, Newcastle and Enniskillen.Reservations via info@hini.org.uk or+44 28 9032 4733; www.hini.org.ukAid OfficesRep. of Ireland:Irish <strong>Rail</strong> Travel Centre35, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pmNorthern Ireland:NIR Travel, Great Victoria StreetStation, BelfastMon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pmSat 9:00am - 12:30pmAirport linksDublin: from the airport Airlink bussesgo to Heuston and Connolly railwaystation (bus 748). <strong>Eurail</strong> passes arenot valid.Belfast: Sydenham railway station isnext to the airport.ItalyA Pass valid in Italy is only valid withTrenitalia, the national railway companyof Italy.Discounted boat servicesAttica Group (<strong>Eurail</strong> Member):Superfast Ferries / Blue Star FerriesFree air seats/dormitories for 1st classPass holders, free deck passage for 2ndclass Pass holders with a Pass valid inGreece AND Italy, www.superfast.com• Bari-Corfu (sailings during summerperiod)• Ancona-Igoumenitsa• Bari-Igoumenitsa• Ancona-Patras• Bari-PatrasSeasonal surcharge: June andSeptember € 10 per person; July andAugust € 20 per person. Port taxes€ 7 per passenger, per embarkation.A fuel surcharge may apply. Check-intime 2 hours. When your Pass is validin Italy only, you can obtain a 30%discount.Italy, Ancona +39 071 202 0334info.anconaport@superfast.comItaly, Bari +39 080 528 2828info.bariport@superfast.comGreece +30 210 891 9130info.athens@superfast.comGrimaldi Lines 20% discount on officialfares (port taxes, fixed dues andspecial fares excluded);www.grimaldi-lines.com• Barcelona-Civitavecchia Daily, exceptSundays. In summer daily• Barcelona-Livorno 3 times a week• Catania-Valletta twice a week• Civitavecchia-Tunis (Tunisia) oncea week• Catania Trapani-Civitavecchia oncea week• Civitavecchia-Porto Torres (Sardinia)Low season: 3 times a week; midseason: daily, except Sundays; highseason: daily• Catania-Genova once a week• Genova/Civitavecchia-Valletta oncea week• Livorno-Valencia 2 times a week• Salerno/Palermo/Trapani-Tunis(Tunisia) twice a weekGet your ticket onwww.grimaldi-lines.comand then fill in the form EURAILINTERRAIL. The discount will berefunded on the credit cardItaly: +39 081 496 444;Fax +39 081 551 7716;email: info@grimaldi.napoli.itHML, service operated byEndeavor Lines• Patras-Brindisi, extra stops at Corfu& Cefalonia in the summer.In high season (15/06-15/09) 30%discount on all categories (except theluxury cabin); Outside the high season50% discount. Information and booking:Brindisi +39 0831 528 531,Email: resa@hml.it andRome +39 06 4740141,Email: hml.roma@tiscali.itInformation by country27EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 27 14-10-10 13:45

Information by countryMinoan Lines International (<strong>Eurail</strong>Member): free air air-type seats for 1stclass Pass holders, free deck passagefor 2nd class Pass holders with a Passvalid in Italy AND Greece.; www.minoan.gr• Patras/Corfu/Igoumenitsa-Venice• Patras/Igoumenitsa-AnconaSeason Surcharge: In middle season:€ 10, High Season: € 20. Port Taxes:€ 7. Fuel surcharge is extra.Check-in time 2 hours.Upgrades available with reduced faresupon embarkation.For more information:Italy, Ancona tel.: +39 071 201708,email: Minoan@minoan.itItaly, Venice tel.: +39 041 5041201,email: booking@minoanlines.itGreece, Piraeus tel.:+30 210 4145700,email: booking@minoan.grOther pass benefitsÖBB Intercitybus(1st and 2nd class)free transportation; www.oebb.at• Klagenfurt/Villach-Venezia (Mestre& Piazzale Roma) (included if yourPass is valid in both Austria andItaly; supplements are required)Airport linksPisa: the main airport is PisaGalileo Galilei. From the airportthere are connections to FirenzeSMN, Pisa Centrale and many otherdestinations.Rome: the main airport is RomaFiumicino. From the airport thereare connections to Roma Tiburtina/Ostiense (train every 15 minutes- allpasses are accepted) and RomaTermini (train every 30 minutes - only1st class Passes are valid on theLeonardo Express.)Milan: the main airport is MilanMalpensa. From the airport thereare connections to Milano Centrale(Bus: Malpensa Shuttle), MilanoBovisa/ Milano Cadorna (Express trainFerrovie Nord Milano). <strong>Eurail</strong> passesare not valid in these connections.Twice a day, Frecciarossa Trenitaliatrains go directly to/from MilanoCentrale, Bologna, Firenze, Roma andNapoli. <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are accepted onthese trains, reservation is compulsory.28Aid OfficesStazione Bari CentraleDaily: 8:00am - 7:30pmStazione Bologna CentraleDaily: 6:15am - 10:10pmStazione Firenze SMN (Florence)Daily: 5:45am - 9:50pmStazione Genova PPDaily: 6:00am - 8:30pmStazione Milano Centrale (Milan)Daily: 6:00am - 9:00pmStazione Napoli Centrale (Naples)Daily: 6:30am - 9:30pmStazione PisaDaily: 7:20am - 8:40pmStazione Roma Termini (Rome)Daily: 6:30am - 10:55pmStazione Torino PN (Turin)Daily: 7:30am - 8:30pmStazione Venezia Santa Lucia(Venice)Daily: 7:30am - 8:00pmLuxembourgA Pass valid in Luxembourg is valid withCFL, the national railway company ofLuxembourg, but not on CFL buses.Aid OfficeLuxembourg Central StationDaily: 6:00am - 8:00pmAirport linksLuxembourg: from Findel airport bus9 and 16 go to the railway station.<strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.MontenegroA Pass valid in Montenegro isvalid with ZCG, the nationalrailway company of Montenegro.EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 28 14-10-10 13:45

The NetherlandsThe national railway company of theNetherlands is NS.A Pass valid in the Netherlands is validwith NS, and on the following privaterailway lines:• Arriva• Connexxion• DB Regio Westfalen / PrignitzerEisenbahngesellschaft• DB Regiobahn / AVV• Eurobahn / Keolis• Synthus• VeoliaNorwayA Pass valid in Norway is valid withNSB, the national railway companyof Norway and also valid for travelfrom Oslo to Gøteborg (Sweden) andfrom Oslo to Stockholm (Sweden) indirect border crossing trains.Information by countryDiscounted boat servicesDFDS Seaways 25% discount on allcategories except Commodore class• IJmuiden-Newcastlereservation at:www.dfdsseaways.com/railpass(subject to availability)Stena Line 30% discount;www.stenaline.com• Harwich-Hoek van Holland:reservation compulsory+ 353 (0) 1204 7777Other pass benefitsNS Hispeed loungesOn the day of travel, holders of a 1stclass reservation have free access tothe NS Hispeed lounges located inseveral railway stations.Aid OfficesSchiphol Airport <strong>Rail</strong>way stationDaily: 6:30am - 9:00pmAmsterdam Central StationDaily: 6:00am - 9:00pmAirport linksAmsterdam: the major airport isAmsterdam Schiphol. From Schipholevery 15 minutes there are directtrains to Amsterdam Centraal andto many other destinations in theNetherlands as well as to Belgium,France and Germany.Share your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comDiscounted boat servicesColor Line 50% discount on normalfares (not on reclining seats andmeals); www.colorline.com• Hirtshals-Kristiansand• Hirtshals-LarvikDenmark +45 (0)99 561 977;Norway +47 (0)81 500 811DFDS Seaways 25% discount on allcategories except Commodore class• Copenhagen-Osloreservation at: www.dfdsseaways.com/railpass (subject to availability)Other pass benefitsNettbus Møre AS50% discount; www.nettbuss.no• Ålesund-Åndalsnes bus servicesVeøy Buss AS 50% discount;www.veoy.no• Åndalsnes-Molde bus services<strong>Rail</strong>way museum free admission;www.norsk-jernbanemuseum.no• Hamar29EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 29 14-10-10 13:46

Information by countryThe Flåm <strong>Rail</strong>way30% discount; www.fl amsbana.no• Flåm-MyrdalAid OfficeCentral Station OsloMon-Fri: 8:00am - 3:00pmAirport linksOslo: the main airport is OsloGardermoen. From the airport thereare connections to Oslo Sentral. <strong>Eurail</strong>Passes accepted on regional trains,but not on the airport express train/Flytoget.Moss Airport Rygge has alsobecome an important internationalairport. Free bus transfer to Ryggestation. From Rygge to Oslo NSBtrains every hour.PolandA Pass valid in Poland is valid withPKP dependent railway company:PKP Intercity JSC.A Pass valid in Poland is also validwith the following companies ownedby local governments:• KM Koleje Mazowieckie• Przewozy Regionalne (RegionalServices)Airport linksWarsaw: bus 175 City-Airport Link,every 15 minutes from the airport toWarszawa Centralna railway station.<strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.PortugalA Pass valid in Portugal is valid withCP, the national railway company ofPortugal.Extra pass benefitsCarristur; www.carristur.pt• Lisboa: City - Airport connectionin Aeroshuttle and Aerobus*:€2,00• 25% discount on touristic toursin Porto, Braga, Coimbra andLisboa* by CARRISTUR.*It is necessary to present a reservationvalid within 3 days before or afterthe date of the tour for one of thefollowing trains: Alfa Pendular (AP),Intercidades (IC), Sud Expresso orLusitânia.CP loungeTwo hours previous to departure orafter arrival, holders of a 1st class trainreservation for the trains Alfa Pendular(AP), Sud Expresso or Lusitânia havefree access to the CP lounge locatedin Lisboa Oriente.30Discounted boat servicesFinnlines 30% discount on offi cialfares (port tax and meals excluded)for online bookings.;www.fi nnlines.com• Gdynia-Helsinki• Gdynia-RostockInformation and reservations:www.fi nnlines.com or call Germany+49 45 028 0543 or Sweden+46 771 340 940Other pass benefitPKP loungeHolders of a 1st class rail pass havefree access to the PKP lounge (StrefaVIP) at Warszawa Centralna.Hotels in PortugalVisit ‘Special Offers - Hotel Partnerships‘at www.cp.pt in order to consultspecial hotel rates and reservationconditions.Oceanário 15% discount;www.oceanario.pt• located near Lisboa Oriente railwaystationAid OfficesEstação de Santa Apolónia Lisboa(Lisbon)Daily: 6:15am - 10:30pmEUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 30 14-10-10 13:46

Estação de Porto Campanhã(Oporto)Daily: 7:00am - 12:00am and from1:00pm - 11:30pmAirport linksLisbon: from the airport there areconnections to Lisboa Cais do Sodre,Oriente (Aerobus and Aeroshuttle -<strong>Eurail</strong> Passes not valid)Porto: the main airport is FranciscoSá Carneiro. From the airport thereare connections to Campanha (MetroPorto every 20 minutes). <strong>Eurail</strong> Passesare not valid.Aid OfficesBucuresti Nord <strong>Rail</strong>way Station(Bucharest)Wasteels Voyages RomaniaMon-Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pmSat: 8:00am - 2:00pmBrasov <strong>Rail</strong>way StationWasteels Voyages RomaniaMon-Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pmSat: closedAirport linksBucuresti: from Henri Coanda airport,bus 780 to Bucuresti Nord railway stationor bus 783 to Plata Victoria, 800mfrom Bucuresti Nord railway station.<strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.Information by countryRomaniaA Pass valid in Romania is valid withCFR Calatori, the national railwaycompany of Romania.Extra pass benefitsHotel Alexandros and LotruVilla in Busteni: 30% discount fromreception rates. The reservation has tobe made 15 days in advance viawww.hotel-alexandros.ro;telephone + 40 (0) 244 320 138;fax +40 (0) 244 320 056• Hotel Crowne Plaza in Bucharest:20% discount from best availablerate on the offi cial websitewww.crowneplaza.com/bucharestvia reservations@crowneplaza.ro orby telephone: + 40 (0) 212 240 034.• Hotel Europa and Ana AslanHealth Spa in Eforie Nord: 30%discount from best available rate onthe offi cial website www.anahotels.ro; telephone +40 (0) 241 702 807Romanian railway museum50% discount; www.cenafer.ro• Bucuresti: Nord station,Str. Grivitei nr. 193 B, sect 1Share your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comSerbiaA Pass valid in Serbia is valid with ZS,the national railway company of Serbia.Extra pass benefitSerbian <strong>Rail</strong>way museum• Beograd - Free sightseeingAid OfficeBeograd <strong>Rail</strong>way Station (Belgrade)Daily: 0:00am - 12:00pmAirport linksBeograd: From Nikola Tesla airport, citybus 72 goes to the bus station Zelenivenac (about 500m from Belgrade‘s railwaystation). <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.31EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 31 14-10-10 13:47

Information by country32SloveniaA Pass valid in Slovenia is valid with SZ,the national railway company of Slovenia.Aid OfficeLjubljana <strong>Rail</strong>way StationMon-Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pmSat, Sun and holidays: closedAirport linksLjubljana: 1 bus per hour fromLjubljana Airport to the main railwaystation. <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.SpainA Pass valid in Spain is valid withRENFE, the national railway companyof Spain.Discounted boat servicesBalearia: 20% discount on offi calseat fares; www.balearia.com• Various crossings between theBalearic islands• Barcelona-Palma de Mallorca/Ciutadella/Ibiza/Mahon• Denia-Ibiza/Formentera• Palma de Mallorca-ValenciaTickets and reservations available intravel agencies or locally in Baleariaoffi ces or at +34 902 160 180.Grimaldi Lines: 20% discount on official fares (port taxes, fi xed dues andspecial fares excluded);www.grimaldi-lines.com• Barcelona-Civitavecchia Daily,except Sundays. In summer daily• Barcelona-Livorno 3 times a week• Livorno-Valencia 2 times a weekGet your ticket on www.grimaldi-lines.comand then fi ll in the form EURAILINTERRAIL. The discount will berefunded on the credit cardItaly: +39 081 496 444;Fax +39 081 551 7716;email: info@grimaldi.napoli.itOther pass benefitsBus SNCF free transportation• Canfranc-OloronFEVE 50% discount;www.feve.es• Cartagena - Los Nietos• León - Bilbao• Oviedo - Ferrol• Oviedo - Santander• Santander - Bilbao• Local lines in Asturias, Galicia,Cantabria, Vizcaya, León and Murciatel. +34 985 982 380FGC (Ferrocarrils de la Generalitatde Catalunya) 50% discount;www.fgc.net• Barcelona-Vallès• Cable line of Gelida-Cable line ofMontserrat• Anoia-Llobregat• Monistrol-Montserrat: rack line• Nuria-Ribes de Fresser: rack lineHUSA-Hotels 10% discount;www.husa.esDiscount on the best internet rate, notin combination with other offers.Book at www.husa.es (login: RAILPASS, password: EURAILINTERRAIL)or by tel. +34 902 100 710 (reference<strong>Eurail</strong> Inter<strong>Rail</strong>)<strong>Rail</strong>way Museums 50%discount www.museodelferrocarril.org• Barcelona: Vilanova i la Geltru,Pl. Eduard Maristany s/n• Madrid: Paseo de las Delicias, 61Sala club loungeTwo hours previous to departure,holders of a Club, Gran Clase or Preferente1st class train reservation havefree access to the Sala Club loungelocated in several railway stations.Aid OfficesInternational train information:902 243 402 (daily 7:00am - 11:00pm)EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 32 14-10-10 13:47

Domestic train information:902 320 320 (daily 24h)Estación Barcelona-SantsMon-Fri: 9:30am - 2:00pm and4:00pm - 7:00pmEstación Barcelona-FrançaMon-Fri: 8:00 am - 9:00pmAeropuerto Internacional Madrid-Barajas (Madrid Airport)Terminal T1 arrivals counterDaily: 8:00am - 9:00pmTerminal T4 arrivals counterDaily: 8:00am - 8:00pmEstación Madrid-ChamartínDaily: 8:30am - 9:00pmEstación Sevilla-Santa Justa(Seville)Daily: 8:00am - 8:00pmEstación Valencia-NordMon-Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pmSaturdays (not Holidays):8:00am - 1:00pmAirport linksBarcelona: the major airport is BarcelonaEl Prat. From the airport thereare connections to Barcelona Sants(train every 30 minutes).Madrid: the major airport is MadridBarajas. From the airport there areconnections to Madrid N. Ministerios(Metro). <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.Valencia: the major airport is ValenciaManises. From the airport there aretransfers to Valencia Nord via metroValencia. <strong>Eurail</strong> passes are not valid.Málaga: from the aiport there areconnections to Málaga María Zambrano(Train, every 30 minutes).SwedenA Pass valid in Sweden is valid withSJ, the national railway company ofSweden.A Pass valid in Sweden is also validon the following railway lines:• Direct SJ trains to and fromCopenhagen and CopenhagenAirport• Direct border crossing trains fromGöteborg and Stockholm to Oslo• Arlanda Express• Arriva• DSB First• Inlandsbanan• JLT (local train services in Småland)• Skånetrafiken• Tågkompaniet• Värmlandstrafik (local train servicesin Värmland)• Västtrafik (local train services inWestern Sweden)• VeoliaDiscounted boat servicesDestination Gotland special fare;www.destinationgotland.se• Nynäshamn-Visby• Oskarshamn-VisbyFinnlines 20% discount on officialfares (port tax and meals excluded) foronline bookings.; www.finnlines.com• Malmö-Travemünde:Information and reservations:www.finnlines.com or callGermany +49 45 028 0543 orSweden +46 771 340 940Scandlines free transportation;www.scandlines.de• Helsingør-HelsingborgStena Line 20% discount;www.stenaline.com• Frederikshavn-Göteborg• Grenå-VarbergDenmark +45 96 200 200;Sweden +46 (0)31 704 0000Tallink Silja Oy 50% discount;www.tallinksilja.com• Helsinki-Stockholm via Mariehamn• Riga (Latvia)-Stockholm• Tallinn (Estonia)-Stockholm:• Stockholm-Turku via Mariehamn:All discounts granted on the cabincategory C-A. Port taxes are extra.Finland +358(0)600 174 552;Sweden +46(0)822 2140Viking Line Special price for Passholders; www.vikingline.fi• Turku/Helsinki-StockholmInformation by country33EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 33 14-10-10 13:47

Information by country34Other pass benefitsBerlin Night Express reducedfare (compulsory reservation of acouchette or bed);www.berlin-night-express.com• Berlin-Malmö (not daily, includesferry crossing Sassnitz-Trelleborg)Länstrafiken in Norrbottenfree bus transportation• Haparanda-LuleåMuseum railway Smalsparet30% discountTraffi c in summer only (July-August);www.smalsparet.seSveriges Järnvägsmuseum(<strong>Rail</strong>way museums) 50% discount;www.banverket.se/en/Swedish-<strong>Rail</strong>way-Museum• Ängelholm• GävleVeljekset Salmela free bustransportation• Kemi / Tornio-HaparandaShare your travel storieswww.myeurailtravel.comAid OfficeStockholm Central StationMon-Fri: 10:00am - 6:00pmSat-Sun: 10:00am - 4:00pmAirport linksStockholm: the main airport is StockholmArlanda. From the airport thereare connections to Stockholm Central(train every 15 minutes) and manyother destinations.SJ loungesHolders of a <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass 1st classhave free access to the SJ lounges inStockholm and Göteborg.SwitzerlandA Pass valid in Switzerland is validwith SBB, the national railway companyof Switzerland.A Pass valid in Switzerland is alsovalid on the following private transportcompanies:• BLS boat services on Lake Brienzand Lake Thun (www.bls.ch)• BSG boat services on Lake Biel andon the river Aare between Biel andSolothurn (www.bielersee.ch)• CGN boat services on Lake Geneva(www.cgn.ch)• LNM boat services on LakeNeuchâtel / Murten• SGV boat services on Lake Luzern• URh boat services on the riverRhine between Constance andSchaffhausen• ZSG boat services on Lake Zurich(www.zsg.ch)• AB Appenzeller Bahnen AG• ASM Aare Seeland mobil AG• BDWM Transport AG• BLS AG• BLT Baselland Transport AG• CJ Chemins de Fer du Jura• FART Regional lines Ticino,including the Centovalli railway toDomodossola (Italy)• FB Forchbahn AG• FW Frauenfeld-Wil-Bahn AG• LEB Chemins de Fer Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher• MBC Chemin de fer Bière-Apples-Morges• MOB Montreux Oberland Bernois• MVR Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera• NStCM Chemin de Fer Nyon-St.Cergue-Morez• RA RegionAlps Martigny - Orsières/ Le Chable• RBS Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn• RhB Rhätische Bahn AG (includingRhB-Bus Tirano-Lugano)EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 34 14-10-10 13:47

• SOB Südostbahn• SSIF Società subalpina di empreseferroviarie• SZU Sihltal - Zürich - Uetliberg• THURBO AG• TMR Transports de Martigny et saRegions• TPC Transports Public du Chablais SA• TPF Transports public fribourgeois• TRAVYS SA• TRN Transports régionaux neuchâtelois• WB Waldenburgerbahn• WSB Wynental- und Suhrentalbahn• ZB Zentralbahn AGDiscounted boat servicesBSB, SBS and ÖBB 50% discount;www.bsb-online.com• Boat crossings on Lake Constance(Bodensee) from May to OctoberWilhelm Tell Express discountedfare; www.wilhelmtellexpress.com• Nostalgic boat crossing Luzern-Flüelen and connecting train rideto Locarno/Lugano: (reservationcompulsory)Other pass benefitsBernina express; www.rhb.ch• Chur/St Moritz - Tirano - Lugano:reduced fare for compulsoryreservation Chur/St Moritz-Tirano and for connecting busto LuganoDiscounted private railway companies25% - 50%• BB Bürgenstockbahn Kehrsiten-Bürgenstock• BET Bergbahnen Engelberg- Trübsee - Titlis / Engelberg -Kleintitlis• BLM Lauterbrunnen - Grütschalp- Mürren• BOB Berner Oberland - Bahnen• GGB Gornergratbahn• JB Jungfraubahn• MGB Matterhorn - Gotthard Bahn(Glacier Express)• PB Pilatusbahn (Alpnachstad -Pilatus Kulm / Kriens - Fräkmüntegg- Pilatus Kulm)• RB Rigi - Bahn• SthB Stanserhorn Bahn• WAB WengeralpbahnSBB loungeHolders of a <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass 1st classhave free access to the SBB lounge inZürich HB.Aid OfficesBahnhof Basel SBBMon-Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pmSat-Sun: 9:00am - 7:00pmHauptbahnhof SBB BernMon-Fri: 8:00am - 6:50pmSat: 8:00am - 4:50pmHauptbahnhof SBB BernMon-Fri: 8:00am - 6:50pmSat: 8:00am - 4:50pmGare de Genève (Geneva)Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pmSat: 9:00am - 4:45pmGare de Genève Aéroport(Geneva Airport)Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 6:30pmSat : 9:00am - 5:30pmBahnhof Interlaken-WestMon-Fri: 9:00am - noon & 1:30pm -6:30pmSat/Sun: 9:00am - noon & 1:30pm -5:00pmBahnhof SBB Luzerne (Lucerne)Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 7:45pmSat: 8:00am - 6:00pmHauptbahnhof SBB Zürich (Zurich)Daily: 6:30am - 9:30pmBahnhof SBB Zürich Flughafen(Zurich Airport)Daily: 7:00am - 7:45pmAirport linksGeneva: the main airport is GenèveCointrin. From the airport there areconnections to Genève (Train, every15 minutes) and to many other citiesin Switzerland.Zurich: from the airport there areconnections to Zürich Hb ( Train every15 minutes), and to many other citiesin Switzerland.Information by country35EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-info-countries_UK_2.indd 35 14-10-10 13:47

Conditions of use<strong>Eurail</strong> PassConditions of Use1. <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass definitionA <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass consists of a ticket and a Pass Cover that includes theTravel Report. Neither the ticket nor the Pass Cover is valid on itsown. Those who travel using one without the other risk payment ofa full-fare ticket and a fine, subject to the rules of the national railwaycompany.2. A <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass is strictly personalA <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass is strictly personal, non-transferable and valid only uponpresentation of a passport or other recognized travel identificationdocument. Those who travel without a passport or a legal equivalentto be presented together with the Pass risk payment of a full-fareticket and a fine.3. A <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass must be activatedA <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass must be activated before it can be used for a journey. Anactivated Pass will show the first and last day of validity of the Pass.Activation must take place within 6 months of the issuing date stampin the upper right hand corner of the ticket. Only an authorized travelagent or a <strong>Europe</strong>an railway official can activate a <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass. Thosewho travel using a ticket without an activation date stamp risk paymentof a full-fare ticket and a fine.4. Recording personal, ticket and journey details in the TravelReportAll <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass holders must fill out the personal and ticket details inthe Pass Cover Travel Report before using the Pass. Before boardinga train, bus or boat, each journey must be recorded in the JourneyDetails section of the Travel Report in blue or black ink. Those whotravel without having recorded these details risk payment of a full-fareticket and a fine.5. Seat availabilityA <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass does not guarantee a seat in a train or boat. Reservationsare required for certain trains and ships, and surcharges mayapply. Fees for seat reservations, sleeping accommodation, porttaxes, meals, and other services while onboard trains and boats arenot included in the Pass.366. Flexi Pass: Filling in the Travel Calendar boxFlexi Pass holders may choose the days on which they travel withina longer period of overall validity. Before boarding the first train, busor boat on a travel day, the date must be correctly entered in blue orblack ink in the corresponding Travel Calendar boxes on the ticket.Those who travel on a date that has not been entered on the ticketrisk payment of a full-fare ticket and a fine.EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 36 14-10-10 13:54

7. Flexi Pass: Overnight journeysIf a trip on a direct overnight train departs after 19.00h (7pm) andarrives after 04.00 (4am), it is only necessary to enter the date ofarrival in the Travel Calendar boxes on the ticket. This also coverstravel between 19.00h (7pm) and 24.00h (12 midnight) on the day ofdeparture, as long as the day of departure and arrival both fall withinthe overall period of the Pass’s validity. When using an overnight ferrycovered by the Pass, either the date of departure or arrival may beentered in the Travel Calendar boxes on the ticket.Conditions of use8. Misuse of a <strong>Eurail</strong> PassAside from the payments and fines detailed above in connection withimproper use of a <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass by the legal Pass holder, railway staff areauthorized to confiscate a Pass which appears to be forged, which isbeing used by anyone other than the person to whom it was issued,or on which personal details have been altered. Anyone using a fakepass is considered to be attempting to perpetrate fraud against both<strong>Eurail</strong> Group and the national railway company they are traveling on.This will be reported to legal authorities, who will determinate theproper penalties.9. Lost, stolen or damaged passesA duplicate <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass unfortunately cannot be issued for those thatare lost, stolen, or damaged in such a way that it they are unusable.10. Countries and companies for which the <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass is validThe <strong>Eurail</strong> Global Pass is valid for travel with the participating railwaycompanies in the 22 countries listed on the Pass Cover (excludingMontenegro, Poland and Serbia). <strong>Eurail</strong> Select, Regional and OneCountry Passes are only valid for the country or countries which areprinted on the ticket itself.11. <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass validityA <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass is valid within the overall time period indicated on thePass. Travel can begin after 00.00 hours on the first day printed on thePass, and the last trip must be finished by midnight (24.00 hours) onthe last day of validity.12. 1st and 2nd classA <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass is valid for travel in the class indicated on the Passticket. 1st class passes are also valid in 2nd class cars. Those wishingto travel 1st class with a 2nd class pass must pay the full differencebetween 1st and 2nd class fare on the respective route. There is norefund for 1st class Pass holders traveling in 2nd class.13. EligibilityThe <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass can only be used by those who reside outside of<strong>Europe</strong>, the Russian Federation and Turkey.14. <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass categoriesRestrictions apply to using <strong>Eurail</strong> Passes in different categories.• A Child Pass can only be used by travelers who are younger than 12years of age on the first day that the Pass is valid. In some countries,37EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 37 14-10-10 13:54

Conditions of usedifferent age restrictions may apply for children traveling on a <strong>Eurail</strong>One Country Pass.• A Youth Pass can only be used by travelers who are younger than26 years of age on the first day that the Pass is valid.• A Senior Pass can only be used by travelers who are above 60 yearsof age on the first day that the Pass is valid.• A Saver Pass is valid for everyone in the party (maximum 5) listed onthe control voucher, but only when they are traveling with the SaverPass in their possession. If people in the party split up and travelseparately, those who are not carrying the Saver Pass will need tobuy a separate train ticket.15. Refund policyYou can submit an application for refund up to a year after the date ofissue. You will be refunded for the cost of the Pass minus a 15% cancellationfee, if your Pass is returned to the place of purchase eitherbefore the first day of validity or certified as “UNUSED” by a railwayofficial in <strong>Europe</strong> before the first day of validity. Once activated, Passesare considered “used”. Passes that are (partially) used, lost or stolenwill not be refunded or replaced.16. LiabilityIssuing offices and the <strong>Eurail</strong> Group G.I.E. act only as the intermediaryof <strong>Europe</strong>an carriers, and are not liable for operation of national railservices.17. Responsibility<strong>Eurail</strong> Group G.I.E. cannot be held responsible for damages or extracosts incurred due to loss of baggage, theft, force majeure, strikes,or canceled trains. However, in some of these cases, the Conditionsof Carriage from the specific carrier may be favorable to claims. In theevent that you experience three or more train delays that are longerthan 60 minutes each, you can request compensation from the <strong>Eurail</strong>Group. For further information, please refer to www.eurailgroup.com/compensation.aspx18. Legal provisionsFor <strong>Eurail</strong> Passes that are valid in more than one country, transportationis subject to the “Uniform Rules concerning the contractfor GCC-CIV/PRR”. For <strong>Eurail</strong> Passes valid in one country only, thelegal provisions of that country apply. For journeys by sea, the legalprovisions of the individual sea carrier apply. In the event of a conflictbetween English and other translated texts, the English text(see www.eurailgroup.com/eurailcou.aspx) shall prevail.19. Travel ReportThe <strong>Eurail</strong> Group will make every effort to return original Travel Reportsto Pass holders who submit them for registration after their trip. However,in the event of loss of or damage to the document, the <strong>Eurail</strong>Group cannot be held responsible.3838EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 38 14-10-10 13:54

Share yourtravel storieswith the restof the world<strong>Europe</strong> boasts exceptional cities, fascinatinglandscapes and interesting people.Experience the incredible diversity of<strong>Europe</strong>an trains and long lasting impressionswith <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass.At www.myeurailtravel.com you canshare your stories with the rest of theworld; plus, it gives you the chance torelish your favorite memories from <strong>Europe</strong>every now and again. Inspire and getinspired by travel stories, photos and videosfrom other <strong>Eurail</strong> Pass travelers.Enjoy your journey – and let’s hearfrom you.www.myeurailtravel.com39EUR-Travelers <strong>Guide</strong> 2011-Information_Conditions of Use_UK.indd 39 14-10-10 13:55

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