For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today


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evant to a case. To maximize the effect ofcarefully crafting instructions, you mightalso consider requesting that jurors receivepreliminary instructions before a trialbegins, which provides yet another opportunityto mitigate potential hindsight bias.ConclusionSacking the Monday morning quarterbackis no easy task. Whether predicting the successof Nixon’s trip to China or sitting on ajury in a pharmaceutical failure- to- warncase, the potential for hindsight bias existsin all of us. As defense attorneys, it is crucialto recognize hindsight bias from thestart and to formulate a strategy that placesa company’s decisions and actions in theappropriate historical context to mitigatethe bias as much as possible.FCPA Compliance, from page 64• A payment request that is excessivegiven past payments for similar servicesNew Whistleblower ProtectionsA new law raises the specter of increasedenforcement litigation against public companiesbased on alleged violations of the<strong>For</strong>eign Corrupt Practices Act. Under section922 of the recently passed Dodd-FrankWall Street Reform and Consumer ProtectionAct of <strong>2010</strong>, Pub. L. 111-203, H.R. 4173,signed into law by President Obama, whistleblowerswho provide information leadingto recovery of $1 million or more arenow entitled to receive a bounty of 10 to 30percent of the total fines collected by theSEC and DOJ for FCPA violations.<strong>The</strong> whistleblower provisions only applyto tips providing “original information,”that is, information “derived from theindependent knowledge or analysis of thewhistleblower” and not already known bythe government or derived from informationfrom existing government investigations.To receive an award, a tip must resultin (1) a successful enforcement action bythe SEC or a “related action” by the DOJ orother appropriate state or federal agency,and (2) monetary sanctions in excess of $1million. “Monetary sanctions” is broadlydefined to include “penalties, disgorgement,and interest.” Importantly, the newlaw protects employees who report wrongdoingfrom retaliation and affords employeesthe private right of action in federalcourt to obtain compensation for litigationcosts, reinstatement and double back pay.<strong>The</strong> government has never before had awhistleblower program to assist with enforcingthe FCPA. Given the dramatic increase inpenalties for FCPA violations, the new whistleblowerprovisions will incentivize companyemployees and other agents who mayhave previously paid scant attention to FCPAissues. Now foreign tipsters and companyemployees, along with their counsel, may beginto submit potentially exaggerated allegationshoping to achieve massive recoveries.ConclusionIn today’s global marketplace, businessleaders face a Herculean task in managingpotential FCPA- related risks due to theirforeign business operations. <strong>The</strong> governmentexpects that a corporation will conductthe appropriate due diligence andimplement the necessary internal controlsto identify problematic areas and remedythem to prevent FCPA violations. Giventhe dramatic increase in FCPA enforcementagainst both companies and senior corporateexecutives, business leaders must educatethemselves and their employees on theindustry- specific FCPA risks attendant totheir foreign business operations.Writers’ Corner, from page 78guage to active voice. Those changes alonewill go a long way toward making the briefclearer, more concise, and more persuasivethan if you had let the passive voice stand.Pay Attention to StyleAt the 2008 <strong>DRI</strong> Appellate Advocacy Seminar,Ruth Anne Robbins presented aprogram titled, “<strong>The</strong> Beautiful Brief—Persuasionthrough Appearance.” It was a fantasticpresentation, and emphasized thatthe way your brief looks is, in fact, important.If it looks organized, coherent, andhas a layout that makes it easy to read, youwill better help yourself to get your pointsacross to a reader.Read Local RulesMany local rules contain specific requirementsfor font, margins, page limits, andbinding, which, if disregarded, can resultin a court tossing your brief. No matter howbeautiful, how persuasive, how interesting,or how free of error, your brief will remainunread, at the bottom of a trashcan. ReadStatement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation(All Periodicals Publications Except Requester Publications)2. Publication Number 3. Filing Date1. Publication Title<strong>For</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Defense</strong> 0 0 1 5 _ 6 8 8 4 10-1-104. Issue Frequency 5. Number of Issues Published Annually 6. Annual Subscription Price$65 included inMonthly 12membership dues7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not printer) (Street, city, county, state, and ZIP+4®) Contact Person<strong>Defense</strong> Research Institute, Inc.Julia Bergerud55 West Monroe Street, Suite 2000Telephone (Include area code)Chicago, IL 60603-5121312-698-62168. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher (Not printer)<strong>Defense</strong> Research Institute, Inc.55 West Monroe Street, Suite 2000Chicago, IL 60603-51219. 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