For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today


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D R I N E W SMembers on the Move<strong>The</strong> Indianapolis law firm Lewis WagnerLLP is pleased to announce four of itsattorneys who were recently selected bytheir peers for inclusion in <strong>The</strong> Best Lawyersin America 2011. Congratulations toDina M. Cox (professional malpracticelaw), Thomas C. Hays (alternative disputeresolution and personal injury litigation),John C. Trimble (insurance law and personalinjury litigation) and Robert F. Wagner(personal injury litigation).Christopher Scott D’Angelo, a partnerin the Philadelphia office of Montgomery,McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP,was the moderator for the program, “<strong>The</strong>Latest Trends in Europe and <strong>The</strong>ir Implicationsin the U.S.,” that was presented atthe International Association of <strong>Defense</strong>Counsel’s Annual Meeting in Barcelona,Spain, in July. <strong>The</strong> program examined thelatest trends and projections in Europeanlaws, how to influence their path, and theimplications for business, liability and lit-On <strong>The</strong> Record, from page 1nization and its individual members areinvaluable to me and will not be forgotten.Even though my term may be coming to aclose, I know that I still have so much moreto learn going forward. Because this is justanother beginning.It has been a pleasure working with allof the wonderful people at <strong>DRI</strong>—the executivecommittee, board of directors, committeeleaders and especially the staff. I willnever forget all the life lessons and opportunitiesthat I have gained along the way.You all have truly made this a milestoneyear for all of <strong>DRI</strong>. onigation in the European Union and theUnited States.Picadio Sneath Miller & Norton, P.C., ispleased to announce the expansion of itsPatent Prosecution and Intellectual PropertyGroup with the addition of Robert L.Wagner. Dr. Wagner holds a Ph.D. in AppliedPhysics and his practice will focus oncomplex commercial and intellectual propertylitigation. Dr. Wagner is an accomplishedlitigator with a strong backgroundin matters involving technical issues, suchas patent infringement and trade secret litigationin the computer, electrical and mechanicalfields. He is licensed to practicebefore the United States Patent and TrademarkOffice, where he will prosecute patentson behalf of clients in the optical, electrical,computer and mechanical fields.Two lawyers from the Saint Louis, Missouri,law firm of Sandberg Phoenix & vonGontard, P.C., were recently selected bytheir peers for inclusion in <strong>The</strong> Best Lawyersin America 2011. G. Keith Phoenix islisted in the areas of commercial litigation,medical malpractice law, personal injurylitigation, and product liability litigation.Peter von Gontard is listed in the areas ofmedical malpractice law, personal injurylitigation and product liability litigation.Patrick Chavez, a partner of WilliamsVenker & Sanders in Saint Louis, Missouri,was recently named as an “Up and ComingLawyer” by Missouri Lawyers Weekly.In conjunction with the recognition, Mr.Chavez will be honored at a reception onSeptember 22, <strong>2010</strong>, along with other Missourilegal professionals named to the list.“Up & Coming Lawyers” recognizes thestate’s premier lawyers who are youngerthan 40 years old (or within their first10 of practice) and are making a positivedifference in the quality of justice, whileexemplifying the highest ideals of the legalprofession.<strong>The</strong> law firm of Gallivan, White & Boyd,P.A., announced that H. Mills Gallivan hasbeen elected as a director of the Federationof <strong>Defense</strong> & Corporate Counsel (FDCC),an international organization composedof leaders in the legal community. FDCCmembers have been judged by their peersto have achieved professional distinction,and are committed to promoting knowledge,professionalism, fellowship and thecause of justice. Mr. Gallivan will serve atwo-year term as a director of the FDCC,beginning this year.<strong>The</strong> global law firm of Thompson &Knight LLP is pleased to announce thatScott P. Stolley has been reappointed toserve a three-year term on the PatternJury Charge—Business, Consumer, andEmployment Committee for the State Barof Texas. This will be his second term withthe committee, having previously servedfrom 2007–<strong>2010</strong>. Mr. Stolley, who servesas the leader of the firm’s Appellate andSupreme Court Practice Group, is residentin Thompson & Knight’s Dallas office.He focuses his practice on the representationof appellants and appellees in stateand federal courts, including evaluationof appeals, drafting briefs, and arguingcases to appellate courts. His practice alsoincludes evaluation of insurance coverageissues for policyholders. Mr. Stolley is apast chair of <strong>DRI</strong>’s Appellate AdvocacyCommittee and current chair of its AmicusCommittee.Crowell & Moring LLP is pleased toannounce the addition of partner KevinC. Mayer to the firm’s Torts Group. Basedin the firm’s Los Angeles office, Mr. Mayerbrings more than 25 years of litigation andtrial experience to the firm’s national tortspractice, where he will represent clients asnational coordinating counsel and handlea wide range of complex commercial andmass tort litigation, including construction,toxic tort, OSHA, environmental, andproduct liability litigation.Faegre & Benson LLP is pleased toannounce that Joseph M. Price, a partnerin the firm’s Minneapolis office, hasbeen selected by PL LAW 360, from morethan 1,000 nominees, as one of the “TenMost Admired Product Liability Lawyersin the United States.” Mr. Price practicesin Faegre & Benson’s product liability practiceand is a founder of the firm’s mass tortand pharmaceutical and medical devicepractices. He is a member of the <strong>DRI</strong> Drugand Medical Device Committee’s steeringcommittee.Marge Motluck4 n <strong>For</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Defense</strong> n <strong>October</strong> <strong>2010</strong>

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