For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, October 2010 - DRI Today


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YEARS50 CELEBRATINGLEADERSHIP ■ EXCELLENCE ■ EDUCATIONwhich contained 13 proposals for legislativereform and sample statutes. <strong>The</strong> basicmessage espoused by <strong>DRI</strong> was that a showingof negligence or some other level offault must be required before a productmanufacturer, distributor, or retailer couldbe held liable for injury suffered by a productuser.<strong>Today</strong>’s medical malpractice crisisreally is not new, at least not to <strong>DRI</strong>. In the1970s, <strong>DRI</strong> was already concerned aboutan increase in claims, disproportionateverdicts and rising premiums, which weredriving doctors from their practices. In1975, <strong>DRI</strong> sponsored a conference thataddressed the crisis in medical malpracticeinsurance, opened a dialogue between theattending groups and developed an agreementto work toward reasonable solutionsfor the benefit of the public. <strong>The</strong> conferencewas followed by preparation of the “MedicalMalpractice Position Paper,” which proposedreforms in the area without radicalsurgery. A popular monograph, <strong>Defense</strong> ofMedical Malpractice Cases, was distributedto the membership.<strong>The</strong>se types of tort reform efforts andthe education of our members did not gounnoticed by the plaintiffs’ bar, which continuedto press for changes favorable totheir clients, both in the legislatures andin the courtrooms. <strong>The</strong>ir campaigns metwith some success. Filing of frivolous lawsuits,abuse of the discovery process, argumentsfor liability regardless of the absenceof fault, escalating damages awards andthe increasing popularity of punitive damagesawards all were on the rise. <strong>DRI</strong> didnot sit idle. Our organization championedthe cause of sensible reform, based on thebelief that the traditional justice systemstill provided the best method for citizensto resolve their legal disputes. In 1985, <strong>DRI</strong>along with its sister organizations formedwhat we now know as Lawyers for Civil Justiceto work on justice reform at a nationallevel, and began ramping up its amicusprogram to help create precedent favorableto our clients and practices.Of course, no discussion of <strong>DRI</strong>’s historywould be complete without mention of theNational Foundation for Judicial Excellence(NFJE). This effort developed by then-<strong>DRI</strong>President Richard Boyette has been one ofthe most significant efforts by the defensebar in the last decade to level the playingfield. Through its balanced approach tojudicial education, the NFJE symposiumshave educated hundreds of state appellatecourt judges on cutting edge issues that weand they face every day. <strong>The</strong> long waitinglist to attend the annual symposium andthe post program evaluations make it clearthat judges are hungry for the informationthe NFJE provides, and we are seeing theresults in decisions across the country.What do the next 50 years hold for <strong>DRI</strong>and each of us? “Only time will tell” is acliché response, and one <strong>DRI</strong> is not following.We will continue to offer the best legaleducation in the market, though it willlikely take more varied forms as technologyexpands. We will continue to identifythe cutting edge issues facing our industryand jump head first into the debate toprotect your interests. We will continue toprovide opportunities for leadership developmentthrough our committees and boardof directors. We will continue to help youin your day-to-day practice through innovationslike <strong>DRI</strong> <strong>Today</strong> (www.dritoday.org)and our legal blog. And most importantly,we will continue to be the leading organizationof lawyers defending the interests ofbusinesses, individuals and insurers in anever- evolving civil litigation landscape athome and internationally.<strong>For</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Defense</strong> n <strong>October</strong> <strong>2010</strong> n 11

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