SDS 900 series, 1965 ca.

SDS 900 series, 1965 ca.

SDS 900 series, 1965 ca.


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I ~> •• _ I" .:r.....' I'!'. \'~. - :, _ .,': '\::I: FIE;;~'~l "~ ':~ "~-': ,'. >!,,' •GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTERS'--,The SOS 920 is a low cost, general purpose computer designed for scientificengineering computation and for systems integration. It has allthe speed and operating features found only in much more expensiveequipment, including instructions that facilitate floating-point and multiprecisionoperations. An evaluation of the 920's unequalled performance-per-dollar<strong>ca</strong>pabilities <strong>ca</strong>n be made by comparing the followingcharacteristics with any presently available digital computer:TYPE: Single address with indexing and indirect addressing • Binary •Core Memory. Solid State. Instructions for facilitating floating-pointand mUlti-precision operations • Parity checking on Input/Output andMemory Operations • Programmed OperatorMEMORY: Coincident magnetic core. 4096 words expandable to 16,-384 words-all directly addressable. 24-bit word and parity. Nonvolatileif power failsEXECUTION TIMES: A If times include both memory access & indexingAdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 microsecondsMutiply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 microsecondsFloating-Point Operations:(24-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add .... .. ....... . ... . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . 292 microsecondsMultiply ...... . .. . . ..... . . . . .. ..... . . ... 248 microseconds(39-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add .... . . . . ..... . . . .... .. ... . ... .. . .. .. 368 microsecondsMUltiply . . .. . .. .. ....... . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. 600 microsecondsINPUT/ OUTPUT:Standard Equipment - Five input/ output operation modes • Bufferwith input/output rates in excess of 50,000 characters/second simultaneouswith computation. Dual channel priority interrupt. Oisplayconsole and manual control of internal registers. 300 character/ secondphotoelectric paper tape reader. 60 character/ second paper tapepunch. Automatic input/ output typewriterOptional Equipment - 15 kc and 41.7 kc magnetic tape units (IBMcompatible) • 300 line/ minute printer. 200 cpm and 250 cpm <strong>ca</strong>rdreaders • Graph plotter • 896 channels of priority interrupt • Secondinput/output buffer. Oirect communi<strong>ca</strong>tion with IBM 7090 • Analogto-digitalconverters. Paper tape spooler (shown above)PROGRAMMING: FORTRAN II wi th magnetic tape statements .Symbolic Assembler • Complete package of subroutines and utilityprograms • Program interchangeability with SOS 9 10 ComputerPHYSICAL: All silicon solid state components . Oimensions - 66"x 48"x 27" . Power-IIOV,60cps,20 amps . Operating temperature range ­O°C. to +50°C.Unpa ralleled economic justifi<strong>ca</strong>tion based on performance-per-dollar.SOS <strong>900</strong> Series digital computers are much less expensive than comparablemachines in both original price and operating costs. This results from<strong>ca</strong>reful attention to all cost parameters during development of both theover-all conception and the detailed design. While each SOS <strong>900</strong> Seriescomputer compares favorably on all 'single cost criteria, its true valuelies in a unique combination of economies: Programming is greatlysimplified. Peripheral equipment cost is minimized. Internal computingspeed is high. Original equipment cost is low. A complete softwarepackage is provided. And reliability is excellent. <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computersoUer more answers-per-dollar. more reliably, than any other currentlyavailable equipment.A redl!ction of lapsed time between program entry and final answers.<strong>900</strong> Series computers are extremely fast throughout the complete problemsolving cycle, from program entry to the presentation of answers.Characteristic of this high internal speed is an Add time, includingmemory access and indexing, of 16 microseconds. SOS matched input/output devices, with speeds balapced to that of the computers - utilizingthe efficient built-in buffer - prevent the information flow bottleneckswhich have restricted computer operation in the past. A <strong>ca</strong>pabilityfor simultaneous computing and input/ output handling (combinationsof nine register operations performed concurrently, with a single instruction)speeds problem solution. Built-in index register operation,indirect addressing, and automatic subroutine handling, efficiently utilizethe memory and allow fast, flexible programming.five separate systems with rates up to 200,000 characters-per-second.Five distinct input/ output systems·are standard equipment on <strong>900</strong> Seriescomputers. Information <strong>ca</strong>n be processed by bits, characters, or words,for greatest flexibility and speed. A built-in priority interrupt systemallows efficient handling of a virtually unlimited number of peripheralinput/ output devices. An external Memory Interlace system automati<strong>ca</strong>llyprovides fast, direct input/output connection to the core memory,without program intervention, at rates up to 200,000 characters persecond. With <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers, over 16,000 signals are availablefor device operation and testing under program control. Threeinput/ output operations <strong>ca</strong>n be <strong>ca</strong>rried on simultaneously. An integratedgroup of optional input/output devices - including both low andhigh density IBM compatible magnetic tape units - are available atlowest cost from SOS.Comprehensive software package, including FORTRAN II compiler.SOS <strong>900</strong> Series computers have been designed to reduce the cost, timeand effort required for programming. Single address instructions, withindirect addressing and indexing, permit maximum programming flexibility.A comprehensive software package, including FORTRAN II withmagnetic tape statements, a symbolic assembler with macro-handlingfacilities, and a complete array of arithmetic sub-routines and utilityprograms, assures powerful, flexible programming with a minimum of"learning time." An SOS innovation, the Programmed Operator, allowsprograms from anyone <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computer to be run on any otherSOS <strong>900</strong> Series machine. The SHARE library is available to all <strong>900</strong>Series users.Use of silicon solid state components ensures better performance.The SOS <strong>900</strong> Series is the first commercially available family of comutersto use silicon solid-state components to widen operating tempera­,ure range and thereby increase reliability by an order of magnitude.All memory operations and input/output are. parity checked. Low noisecoupling for peripheral equipment insulates the computer systemagainst outside electri<strong>ca</strong>l disturbances which <strong>ca</strong>use errors. The memoryis protected against information loss in the event of power failure.Closed loop synchronization of all input/ output operations assures noinadvertent loss of information..'-,"-'- ' ~•• '''-:'H'''; . ~'~ "".,,_The SOS 910 is designed for low cost, high performance, general purposecomputing. Although its primary purpose is on-line control andreal time systems work, the 910 is useful as a general purpose scientificcomputer. The 910 is the first and only random access machine withbuffered input/output to be priced below $90,000. It operates directlywith all types of input/ output devices, including magnetic tape units,automatic typewriters, and analog-to-digital converters.TYPE: Single address with indexing and indirect addressing • Binary •Core Memory • Solid State • Parity checking on Input/Output andMemory Operations. Programmed OperatorMEMORY: Coincident magnetic core. 2048 words expandable to 16,384 words - all directly addressable . 24-bit word and parity. Nonvolatileif power failsEXECUTION TIMES: All times include both memory access & indexingAdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 microsecondsMUltiply .. . .... .. . . . .... .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. 248 microsecondsF loating Point Operations:(24-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add . . . . ..... . . . ...... .. .. . . . .... . . . .. . .440 microsecondsMultiply . ...... . . . . . . . ...... . . . .. .. ..... 504 microseconds(39-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832 microsecondsMUltiply . .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . ... . . . . 1696 microsecondsINPUT/ OUTPUT:Standard Equipment - F ive input/ output operation modes • Bufferwith input/output rates in excess of 50,000 characters/ second simultaneouswith computation. Oual channel priority interrupt. Displayconsole and manual control of internal registers • 300 character/ secondphotoelectric paper tape readerOptional Equipment - 60 character/ second paper tape punch. Automaticinput/output typewriter. 15 kc and 41.7 kc magnetic tape units(IBM compatible) • 300 line/ minute printer. 200 cpm and 250 cpm<strong>ca</strong>rd readers • Graph plotter • 896 channels of priority interrupt •Second input/output buffer. Direct communi<strong>ca</strong>tion with IBM 7090 •Analog-to-digital converters. Paper tape spoolerPROGRAMMING: FORTRAN II with magnetic tape statements .Symbolic Assembler • Complete package of subroutines and util ityprograms. Program interchangeability with <strong>SDS</strong> 920 computerPHYSICAL: All si licon solid state components . Dimensions - 75"x 24"x 27 " . Power - IIOV, 60cps, 17 amps . Operating temperature range -O°C. to + 50°C.

~ 0')' ,,I Ito ."-',' .' •t . ,". :1' J:.\)_,,, _. "... sx::i SI N PUT/OUTPUTEQUIPMENT: ~ • I .) • • \ • '~" ~ ':>. ~ " _ ' : ,-<strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series input/ output equipment has been selected to achieunparalleled efficiency in the handling of information flow to and frothe computer. The speed and flexibility of the five input/output systemsallow the best possible utilization of computer time and ensure efficientuse of all types of peripheral equipment.The <strong>SDS</strong> 920 is a low cost, general purpose computer designed for scientificengineering computation and for systems integration . It has allthe speed and operating features found only in much more expensiveequipment, including instructions that facilitate floating-point and multiprecisionoperations. An evaluation of the 920's unequalled performance-per-dollar<strong>ca</strong>pabilities <strong>ca</strong>n be made by comparing the followingcharacteristics with any presently available digital computer :Control Panel <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers are equipped with a convenientlylo<strong>ca</strong>ted control panel which displays all register, program andinput/output status to facilitate program checkout. Breakpoint switchesprovide manually selectable program options.Input/Output Typewriter The<strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series typewriter whichis used for both input and outputin conjunction with the input/output buffer, operates at 15characters-per-second on output,and has a completely flexibleformating <strong>ca</strong>pability.Card Readers <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>ca</strong>rd readersare available in both 200 cpmand 250 cpm speeds.The <strong>SDS</strong> 910 is designed for low cost, high performance, general purposecomputing. Although its primary purpose is on-line control andreal time systems work, the 910 is useful as a general purpose scientificcomputer. The 910 is the first and only random access machine withbuffered input/ output to be priced below $90,000. It operates directlywith all types of input/ output devices, including magnetic tape units,automatic typewriters, and analog-to-digital converters.TYPE: Single address with indexing and indirect addressing • Binary •Core Memory • Solid State • Instructions for facilitating floating-pointand multi-precision operations . Parity checking on Input/Output andMemory Operations • Programmed OperatorTYPE: Single address with indexing and indirect addressing. Binary.Core Memory • Solid State • Parity checking on Input/Output andMemory Operations . Programmed OperatorMEMORY: Coincident magnetic core. 4096 words expandable to 16,-384 words-all directly addressable. 24-bit word and parity. Nonvolatileif power failsEXECUTION TIMES: All times include both m emory access & indexingAdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 microsecondsMutiply ... ... . . .. ... .... . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 32 microsecondsFloating-Point Operations:(24-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add .. . . . ... . ..... . .. ..... . . . ... . ... .. . . 292 microsecondsMultiply .. .. .. . . . .. .. ... . . . . . ..... . ... .. 248 microseconds(39-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent )Add . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. ... .. . .. . ... . 368 microsecondsMultiply . . . . ... .. . ..... .... .... . .. . . . .. . 600 microsecondsINPUT/ OUTPUT:Standard Equipment - Five input/ output operatien modes . Bufferwith input/output rates in excess of 50,000 characters/second simultaneouswith computation. Dual channel priority interrupt. Displayconsole and m anual control of internal registers . 300 character/ secondphotoelectric paper tape reader. 60 character/ second paper tapepunch. Automatic input/ output typewriterOptional Equipment - 15 kc and 41.7 kc magnetic tape units (IBMcompatible) • 300 line/ minute printer. 200 cpm and 250 cpm <strong>ca</strong>rdreaders • Graph plotter • 896 channels of priority interrupt • Secondinput/output buffer. Direct communi<strong>ca</strong>tion with IBM 7090 • Analogto-digitalconverters. Paper tape spooler (shown above )PROGRAMMING: FORTRAN II with m agnetic tape sta tements.Symbolic Assembler • Complete package of subroutines and utilityprograms • Program interchangeability with <strong>SDS</strong> 9 10 ComputerPHYSICAL: All silicon solid state components . Dimensions - 66"x 48"x 27" • Power - I lOY, 60cps, 20 amps. Operating temperature range ­O°C. to + 50 °C.Magnetic Tape Units Two types of magnetic tape systems are avaD·Iablefor <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers. One type utilizes 15 kc transpoand the other utilizes 41.7 kc transports. Both systems are compatibwith standard IBM formats and provide read-after-write redundantheads to ensure instantaneous error recovery. Longitudinal parity andstandard inter block gaps are automati<strong>ca</strong>lly generated during writingoperations. Practi<strong>ca</strong>lly any number of tape transports may be connectedto <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers. By utilizing a second input/ output buffer,two magnetic tape units operate simultaneously with computation.)Photoelectric Reader The <strong>SDS</strong>reader reads seven channel papertape into the computers at300 characters-per-second. Sixchannels are for information andthe seventh for parity. Removable8" NAB tape reels are availablefor tape handling. The photoelectricreader is supplied asstandard equipment on all <strong>SDS</strong><strong>900</strong> Series machines.Paper Tape Punch The <strong>SDS</strong>paper tape punch operates at60 characters-per-second. Seventape channels are punched percharacter - six data channels,plus a parity channel generatedin the input/output buffer. TheIf lch is standard equipment\. .,h the <strong>SDS</strong> 920 Computer.High-Speed Line Printer The<strong>SDS</strong> high-speed printer providesoutput at 300 lines per minute.There are 132 print positions perline with a 64 character set.Additional input/output buffer<strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers arepre-wired to accept a second input/output buffer to augment thebuffer provided in the basic machines.The additional buffer willincrease the efficiency of handlinga large number of input/output devices. Two additionalchannels of priority interrupt aresupplied with the buffer to facilitatesimultaneous operations.Additional Priority InterruptChannels In addition to the twochannels supplied in basic <strong>900</strong>Series computers (four, if thesecond buffer is used), there are896 priority interrupt channelsavailable to facilitate handlingof many input/output devices.Each channel is assigned a separatepriority status - no twochannels have the same priority.Priority interrupt is added ingroups of 16 channels.Systems Components <strong>SDS</strong> provides analog-to-digital and digital-toanalogconverters, multiplexing units, and amplifiers as standard componentsfor integration with <strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers.MEMORY: Coincident magnetic core. 2048 words expandable to 16,384 words - all directly addressable. 24-bit word and parity. Nonvolatileif power failsEXECUTION TIMES: All times include both mem ory access & indexingAdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 microsecondsMultiply . ... . . .... . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .... . .. . . .. 248 microsecondsFloating Point Operations:(24-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add ... . . . ..... . ............... . . . . .. ... 440 microsecondsMultiply . . .. . . .... . .. . . . . .. ... . . . .. . ... . 504 microseconds(39-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832 microsecondsMultiply . ... . . . . . ... . ... .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. 1696 microsecondsINPUT/ OUTPUT:Standard Equipment - F ive input/ output operation modes • Bufferwith input/output rates in excess of 50,000 characters/ second simultaneouswith computation. Dual channel priority interrupt. Displayconsole and manual control of internal registers _ 300 character/ secondphotoelectric paper tape readerOptional Equipment - 60 character/ second paper tape punch. Automaticinput/ output typewriter. 15 kc and 41.7 kc magnetic tape units(IBM compatible) • 300 line/ minute printer. 200 cpm and 250 cpm<strong>ca</strong>rd readers • Graph plotter • 896 channels of priority interrupt •Second input/output buffer. Direct communi<strong>ca</strong>tion with IBM 7090 •Analog-to-digital converters . Paper tape spoolerPROGRAMMING: FORT RAN II with magnetic tape statements .Sy mbolic Assembler • Complete package of subroutines and utilityprograms . Program interchangeability with <strong>SDS</strong> 920 computerPHYSICAL: All silicon solid state components . Dimensions - 75"x 24"x 27" . Power - 110Y, 60cps, 17 amps . Operating temperature range -O°C. to + 50°C.L-____________________________________________ ~~_____________________________________________

J ~ I ' " ' I\ ( , .:.... ' I, •, ~, 't, . . ." ~SOS SYSTEMS< ,~ I' , :. l' .. ,,~... ~ '. ," ~ J" • ".,0TYPICAL <strong>900</strong> SERIESAPPLICATION AREASAIRCRAFT AND MISSILE DESIGN AND ANALYSISDATA REDUCTION SYSTEMSThe <strong>SDS</strong> 920 is a low cost, general purpose computer designed for scientificengineering computation and for systems integration. It has allthe speed and operating features found only in much more expensiveequipment, including instructions that facilitate floating-point and multiprecisionoperations. An evaluation of the 920's unequalled performance-per-dollar<strong>ca</strong>pabilities <strong>ca</strong>n be made by comparing the followingcharacteristics with any presently available digital computer:TYPE: Single address with indexing and indirect addressing • Binary •Core Memory • Solid State • Instructions for facilitating floating-pointand multi-precision operations. Parity checking on Input/Output andMemory Operations • Programmed OperatorMEMORY: Coincident magnetic core • 4096 words expandable to 16,-384 words-all directly addressable. 24-bit word and parity. Nonvolatileif power failsEXECUTION TIMES: All times include both memory access & indexingAdd .. . .............. . ............. .... .... , 16 microsecondsMutiply ................. .. . ... .......... . . . , 32 microsecondsFloating-Point Operations:(24-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add .. . . .......... . .... ... . ... . . .. . . ... . 292 microsecondsMultiply .. .. . . . . . ....... . ... ......... . . . 248 microseconds(39-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add ......... . .. . ... . ......... . . . . . . .... 368 microsecondsMultiply ... . .. . .................. . ... . .. 600 microsecondsINPUT/ OUTPUT:Standard. Equipment - Five input/ output operation modes . Bufferwith input/output rates in excess of 50,000 characters/ second simultaneouswith computation • Dual channel priority interrupt • Displayconsole and manual control of internal registers. 300 character/ secondphotoelectric paper tape reader. 60 character/second paper tapepunch . Automatic input/ output typewriterOptional Equipment - 15 kc and 41.7 kc magnetic tape units (IBMcompatible) • 300 line/ minute printer. 200 cpm and 250 cpm <strong>ca</strong>rdreaders. Graph plotter. 896 channels of priority interrupt. Secondinput/output buffer. Direct communi<strong>ca</strong>tion with IBM 7090 • Analogto-digitalconverters. Paper tape spooler (shown above)PROGRAM MING: FORTRAN II with magnetic tape statements.Symbolic Assembler • Complete package of subroutines and utilityprograms • Program interchangeability with SOS 910 ComputerPHYSICAL: All silicon solid state components . Dimensions - 66"x 48"x 27" • Power - 11 OY , 60cps, 20 amps. Operating temperature range ­O°C. to +50°C.CIVIL ENGINEERINGSIMULATION STUDIESOPTICAL DESIGNAUTOMATIC CH ECKOUT SYSTEMSELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSISON-LIN E PROCESS CONTROLRANGE SAFETYSTATISTICAL ANALYSISRADAR CONTROL SYSTEMSTHERMODYNAMIC DESIGNSEARCHING THEORY AND ANALYSISCRYSTALOGRAPHIC STUDIESREACTOR DESIGN AND SIMULATIONTRAJECTORY COMPUTATIONSDATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMSQUALITY CONTROL ANALYSISMEDICAL RESEARCHMANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMSSTRUCTURAL ANALYSISINFORMATION PROCESSINGNAVIGATIONCRITICAL PATH SCHEDULINGHYDRAULIC AND GAS NETWORK ANALYSISSATELLITE COMPUTER OPERATIONCOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMSTELEMETRY DATA REDUCTIONThe SOS 910 is designed for low cost, high performance, general purposecomputing. Although its primary purpose is on-line control andreal time systems work, the 910 is useful as a general purpose scientificcomputer. The 910 is the first and only random access machine withbuffered input/output to be priced below $90,000. It operates directlywith all types of input/ output devices, including magnetic tape units,automatic typewriters, and analog-to-digital converters.TYPE: Single address with indexing and indirect addressing • Binary •Core Memory • Solid State • Parity checking on Input/Output andMemory Operations • Programmed OperatorMEMORY: Coincident magnetic core . 2048 words expandable to 16,384 words - all directly addressable . 24-bit word and parity. Nonvolatileif power failsEXECUTION TIMES: All times include both memory access & indexingAdd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 microsecondsMultiply . . ..... .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .... ....... . 248 microsecondsF loating Point Operations:(24-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add ..... .. .. . . . ......... . ............. .440 microsecondsMultiply .. . . ... ... .... . . . . ...... . . .. ... . 504 microseconds(39-bit Mantissa plus 9-bit Exponent)Add . . . . . . ...... . .. . .. . .. . .... . .. . . ... , 832 microsecondsMUltiply ... . ......... . .. . . .. ......... . . 1696 microsecondsINPUT/ OUTPUT:Standard Equipment - Five input/output operation modes . Bufferwith input/output rates in excess of 50,000 characters/ second simultaneouswith computation. Dual channel priority interrupt. Displayconsole and manual control of internal registers . 300 character/ secondphotoelectric paper tape readerOptional Equipment - 60 character/second paper tape punch. Automaticinput/output typewriter. 15 kc and 41.7 kc magnetic tape units(IBM compatible) • 300 line/ minute printer. 200 cpm and 250 cpm<strong>ca</strong>rd readers • Graph plotter • 896 channels of priority interrupt •Second input/output buffer. Direct communi<strong>ca</strong>tion with IBM 7090 •Analog-to-digital converters. Paper tape spoolerPROGRAM MING: FORTRAN II with magnetic tape stateme nts .Symbolic Assembler • Complete package of subroutines and utilityprograms. Program interchangeability with SOS 920 computerPHYSICAL: All silicon solid state components. Dimensions - 75"x 24"x 27". Power - liOY, 60cps, 17 amps. Operating temperature range -O°C. to +50°C.

CAPABILITY THAT DIRECTLYMEETS USER REQUIREMENTSThe use of digital machines for scientific computation is over a de<strong>ca</strong>deold. Yet, only recently has there been enough techni<strong>ca</strong>l history - enoughoperational experience-to allow a thorough evaluation of usage priorto designing a computer.<strong>SDS</strong> was formed by a group of uniquely experienced computer specialistswho, starting with a comprehensive knowledge of user problems,have designed a second generation of fast, low cost, solid state computersand associated equipment. These specialists are available to adapt<strong>SDS</strong> <strong>900</strong> Series computers to special cllstomer requirements.Other specialists at <strong>SDS</strong> are equally adept at systems design and installationand the company undertakes total responsibility for systemscontracts. <strong>SDS</strong> is the only organization in the digital field offering ·thisdual <strong>ca</strong>pability in high-speed computer design and total systems integration.The high degree of integration between these two specializedstaffs makes possible a rapid and economic performance on systemscontracts, to a degree never before available.SCIENTIFIC DATA SYSTEMS1649 Seventeenth Street D Santa Moni<strong>ca</strong>, CaliforniaPRINTED IN U.S.A. FOIOM462 SOS <strong>900</strong>007A

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