Annual Report - City of Bayswater

Annual Report - City of Bayswater Annual Report - City of Bayswater
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Community ServicesHome and Community CareThe Home and Community Care (HACC) program helps older residents andyoung people with disabilities to live independent lives in their own home.Services for eligible residents include domestic assistance, social support,day centre including younger people with disabilities, Meals on Wheels,meal preparation, community transport and assistance with informationand advocacy.The “Wellness in the Kitchen” service, introduced last year, provides clientswith support in shopping, menu planning, food preparation, labelling andfreezing food. The program was nominated for WA Healthier Award inMay 2010.Total Home and Community Care assessments in 2009-10ServiceNewAssessmentsReviewsDomestic Assistance 39 120Meal Preparation 21 6Adult Day Centre 15 49Bayswater Leisure and Informationprogram (BLIS) 3 41Transport 12 7Social Support 15 64Meals on Wheels 71 41TOTAL 176 328Meals on WheelsThe Meals on Wheels service continued to provide freshly cooked hot mealsto those people in the community unable to cook for themselves due tofailing health, temporary illness or permanent disability.Over 31,000 meals were delivered by a team of around 50 dedicatedvolunteers throughout the year to customers living in their own homes.Early Settlers eventOver 1,000 Early Settlers enjoyed the 2009 Early Settlers Function that washeld at the Lower Hillcrest Reserve in early November. This annual functionis hosted for members of the community who have lived in the area for morethan 40 years, and those who lived in the City between 1900 and 1930.Professor Dennis Eggington provided the Welcome to Country and theevent was supported by students from Chisholm Catholic College andJohn Forrest Senior High School. The Bayswater and Maylands HistoricalSocieties continued to provide wonderful displays of the Early Settlers,which received great interest from the guests.Urban Art Project10 city of bayswater annual report 2009-10

City of Baywater HostelYouth Advisory CommitteeThe Youth Advisory Committee(YAC) meets regularly throughoutthe year to give young people achance to have a say about issuesthat concern them.The Committee, comprising sixyoung people aged 12-25 yearsold, established a Youth AdvisoryNetwork Group to encourage youngpeople to participate in discussingyouth issues and interests for futureplanning within the City.YAC was represented at the annualAutumn River Festival to providean opportunity to meet localcommunity members to talk abouttheir interests and ideas.OutcareThe City of Bayswater provided$15,000 to Outcare to provideinformation sessions at localschools. These information sessionsformed part of Outcare’s “KeepingKids out of Crime” program. Thisearly intervention initiative is aimedat students aged 8 to 12 years toinform them about the dangers ofgetting involved in criminal activity.Urban art projectIn January 2010 the City ofBayswater launched the BayswaterTrain Station Urban Art Project toplace artwork on a newly renovatedretaining wall located along thecycle path on Whatley Crescentin Bayswater. The Urban Artorganisation, Abnormal Design,engaged local young people toparticipate in the design andimplementation of the artwork.The project was jointly fundedby the Department of Planningand Infrastructure, Department ofTransport and the City of Bayswater.PCYC youth space –Zone OutThe City’s Zone Out youth spacein Morley is currently managedby the Police and Citizens’ YouthClub (PCYC) Kensington andis located at the Les HansmanCommunity Centre. Zone Out isa drop-in style youth facility thatprovides an opportunity for youngpeople to participate in recreational,educational and sportingactivities such as basketball,cooking sessions and supervisedinternet use.YouthCARESince 2001, Council has contributedfunding to YouthCARE to help fundtheir chaplaincy program provided tothree high schools and two primaryschools within the City of Bayswater.Community housingprogramThe City of Bayswater, in a jointventure with the Department ofHousing, manages 10 units in thecommunity housing program. Mostunits have long standing tenants.Sportslink programThe Sportslink program providesyoung children with disabilities theopportunity to develop genericsporting skills such as throwing,catching, kicking, running andjumping, to build friendships anddevelop confidence in a positiveenvironment.The Sportslink program wasselected as a finalist in theDepartment of Sport and Recreation2009 Industry Awards in the‘Commitment to Participation’category and was also a finalist inthe Disability Services Commission2009 Industry Awards in the ‘LocalGovernment’ category.The Sportslink program is nowmanaged by the YMCA to ensurethe longer-term sustainability ofthe program.Community bus hire serviceThe City, with the support ofvolunteer drivers, provided acommunity bus hire service tomake transport available to not-forprofitcommunity groups. There arecurrently three buses available forhire to community groups.VolunteersOver 200 volunteers support theCity of Bayswater in delivering awide variety of programs such asrecreation, Home and CommunityCare, library, bus driving, YouthAdvisory Committee, environmentalservices and Justice of the Peace.To recognise their outstandingcommitment and celebrate theircontribution, the City held twovolunteer functions during the year.Senior Citizens CentreDuring the year, the City continuedto operate a wide range of programsat its three senior citizens centres inMaylands, Bayswater and Morley.The centres are managed by anincorporated Executive ManagementCommittee with the support of apart-time City officer. Membersenjoy activities such as bingo, cards,outings and computer classes in asupportive environment. The Cityalso provided a podiatry serviceat all the centres for seniors on alow of bayswater annual report 2009-1011

Community ServicesHome and Community CareThe Home and Community Care (HACC) program helps older residents andyoung people with disabilities to live independent lives in their own home.Services for eligible residents include domestic assistance, social support,day centre including younger people with disabilities, Meals on Wheels,meal preparation, community transport and assistance with informationand advocacy.The “Wellness in the Kitchen” service, introduced last year, provides clientswith support in shopping, menu planning, food preparation, labelling andfreezing food. The program was nominated for WA Healthier Award inMay 2010.Total Home and Community Care assessments in 2009-10ServiceNewAssessmentsReviewsDomestic Assistance 39 120Meal Preparation 21 6Adult Day Centre 15 49<strong>Bayswater</strong> Leisure and Informationprogram (BLIS) 3 41Transport 12 7Social Support 15 64Meals on Wheels 71 41TOTAL 176 328Meals on WheelsThe Meals on Wheels service continued to provide freshly cooked hot mealsto those people in the community unable to cook for themselves due t<strong>of</strong>ailing health, temporary illness or permanent disability.Over 31,000 meals were delivered by a team <strong>of</strong> around 50 dedicatedvolunteers throughout the year to customers living in their own homes.Early Settlers eventOver 1,000 Early Settlers enjoyed the 2009 Early Settlers Function that washeld at the Lower Hillcrest Reserve in early November. This annual functionis hosted for members <strong>of</strong> the community who have lived in the area for morethan 40 years, and those who lived in the <strong>City</strong> between 1900 and 1930.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Dennis Eggington provided the Welcome to Country and theevent was supported by students from Chisholm Catholic College andJohn Forrest Senior High School. The <strong>Bayswater</strong> and Maylands HistoricalSocieties continued to provide wonderful displays <strong>of</strong> the Early Settlers,which received great interest from the guests.Urban Art Project10 city <strong>of</strong> bayswater annual report 2009-10

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