meeting of Standing Finance Committee of Central Sector ... - NMPB

meeting of Standing Finance Committee of Central Sector ... - NMPB

meeting of Standing Finance Committee of Central Sector ... - NMPB


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Draft Minutes <strong>of</strong> the 40 th <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Standing</strong> <strong>Finance</strong><strong>Committee</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> Scheme on “Conservation,Development and Sustainable Management <strong>of</strong> MedicinalPlants” <strong>of</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> held on 27 th October, 2010The Fortieth <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Standing</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> (SFC) <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong>Scheme for “Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management <strong>of</strong> MedicinalPlants” was held in the <strong>Committee</strong> Room <strong>of</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> AYUSH, Red Cross Building,New Delhi at 3:30 pm on 27 th October, 2010, under the Chairpersonship <strong>of</strong> Secretary,Department <strong>of</strong> AYUSH, Government <strong>of</strong> India to consider the project proposals receivedunder the Scheme and other Agenda items. The list <strong>of</strong> participants is available atAnnexure- IAt the outset, Chairperson welcomed SFC Members. Thereafter, the SFC tookup agenda <strong>of</strong> the <strong>meeting</strong> and made decisions as detailed in the succeeding sections.Agenda item 1 - Confirmation <strong>of</strong> the minutes <strong>of</strong> 39 th <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> SFC held on 9 thSeptember, 2010The minutes <strong>of</strong> 39 th <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> SFC was held on 9 th September, 2010. Theminutes were circulated to all the members vide letter no. A.11019/53/2010-<strong>NMPB</strong>dated 20.09.2010. As no comments were received, the <strong>Committee</strong> confirmed theminutes <strong>of</strong> the <strong>meeting</strong>.Agenda item 2 - Action Taken Report on the decision taken in 39 th <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> SFCheld on 9 th September, 2010The SFC was informed about the action taken on various decisions taken in the39 th <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> SFC held on 9 th September, 2010 as follows:-S.No. Decision <strong>of</strong> SFC Action Taken39.2 Project proposals received from Action has already been taken for release39.3 Government Organizations and Non- <strong>of</strong> grant-in-aid as approved by SFCGovernmental Organizations wereapproved by SFCRajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes1

39.4 SFC approved the decision <strong>of</strong> ProjectProposals <strong>of</strong> PSC not recommendingprojects39.5 EX-post-facto approval by SFC.Projects approved on file by Secretary(Ayush)39.6 Monitoring <strong>of</strong> Ongoing projects <strong>of</strong> R&D,Conservation Resource Augmentation,Value addition etc.No action is requiredNo action is requiredProposal for Monitoring through AFC wasprocessed. Preparation <strong>of</strong> panel <strong>of</strong>experts for monitoring is underfinalization. Separate agenda No. 9 isbeing brought for consideration <strong>of</strong> thecommittee.SFC noted the action taken by <strong>NMPB</strong> on the decision <strong>of</strong> the last SFC <strong>meeting</strong>held on 9 th September, 2010Agenda item 3 - Consideration <strong>of</strong> financial assistance to project proposals forR&D etc. and In-situ/Ex-situ Conservation etc. recommended by the ProjectScreening <strong>Committee</strong> <strong>meeting</strong> held on 6 th & 7 th September, 2010 and 15 thOctober, 2010SFC considered the total <strong>of</strong> 13 proposals for financial assistance recommendedby the PSC <strong>meeting</strong> held on 6-7 September, 15 th October, 2010 and two proposalsrecommended by the PSC on 13 th August, 2010. 12 proposals with a total outlay <strong>of</strong>Rs.67.28 lakhs was approved. The list <strong>of</strong> project proposals and the decision <strong>of</strong> the SFCare available at Annexure – II.Agenda item 4 - Project Proposals not recommended by the PSC <strong>meeting</strong> duringthe year 2010-11Project Proposals received from various institutions <strong>of</strong> R&D, Forest Departments,NGO’s etc. not recommended by the PSC were placed before the SFC. SFC agreedwith the view <strong>of</strong> PSC’s regarding these projects.Agenda item 5 - Review <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> Scheme for Conservation, Development& Sustainable Management <strong>of</strong> Medicinal PlantsThe existing cost norms for various components under the scheme were placedbefore the SFC. CEO <strong>NMPB</strong> indicated that the existing cost norms for Herbal Gardenetc. were approved long back. Similarly, Board should increase the eligible assistanceRajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes2

07. They explained their methodology and findings. They had commented about the projectas detailed below:S.No. Item No <strong>of</strong>Projectsanctioned1 Govt.Organizations2 Non-Govt.Organizaitons3 ContractualFarmingNo. OfProjectsMonitored270 255(94.44%)105 85(80.95%)StatusRecommended NotRecommendedPartiallyRecommended217 (85.10%) 38(14.90%) -61 (71.8%) 24(28.20%) -2869 2584 724 (27.7%) 1500 (57.55%) 360 (14.65%)According to them non-availability <strong>of</strong> quality planting material, marketing support,agro-technique, technical support from research institutions etc. were the reasons for slowprogress in implementation <strong>of</strong> contractual farming scheme during the period.After deliberation it was decided that the recommendation <strong>of</strong> AFC should be followedwhile releasing second/subsequent installments for these projects. If AFC has notrecommended the projects, second installment would not be released even in case <strong>of</strong>favorable recommendation <strong>of</strong> SMPB. Further, it was decided to convene a separate projectevaluation <strong>meeting</strong> for full presentation <strong>of</strong> the monitoring & revaluation report <strong>of</strong> AFC beforethe members <strong>of</strong> SFC. AFC should submit detailed analysis, identify constraints, suggestremedial measures, containing both short term and long term measures to be taken by<strong>NMPB</strong>.Agenda item 8 – Projects approved under Contractual and promotional schemeduring 2001-02 to 2004-05.The committee was apprised <strong>of</strong> the decision <strong>of</strong> the 29th SFC <strong>meeting</strong> held on22 nd February, 2008 regarding constitution <strong>of</strong> committee for revalidation <strong>of</strong> projectssanctioned during 2001-02 to 2004-05 and the decision <strong>of</strong> the committee regardingCompletion <strong>of</strong> the promotional projects belonging to financial year 2001-02 to 2003-04Rajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes4

y 31 st march, 2009. The committee also noted the decision <strong>of</strong> 30 th SFC <strong>meeting</strong>regarding projects sanctioned during 2002-03 onwards under Contractual Farming asdetailed below:Status <strong>of</strong> the projects sanctioned during 2001-02- to 204-05 under PromotionalScheme(Rs. In lakhs)YearNo. <strong>of</strong>ProjectsSanctionedAmountSanctionedInstallment DueUC DueNo. Amount No. Amount2001-02 149 2437.8 6 24.00 31 90.792002-03 101 995.76 21 67.39 15 35.282003-04 68 767.10 3 19.00 19 49.342004-05 178 1959.70 30 151.50 54 201.23TOTAL 496 6160.36 60 261.89 119 376.64Status <strong>of</strong> the projects sanctioned during 2002-03- to 2004-05 under ContractualScheme2002-03 79 422.5 21 43.95 18 41.72003-04 687 1638.74 257 256.25 220 220.622004-05 1529 3585.78 685 780.17 644 725.41TOTAL 2295 5647.02 963 1080.37 882 987.73After deliberation it was decided that all promotional projects sanctioned till 2003-04 should be treated as closed and no second/ third installments would be released.The committee already constituted, consisting <strong>of</strong> CEO <strong>NMPB</strong> and Director, IFD wouldreview the remaining projects i.e. promotional projects sanctioned during 2004-05 andcontractual farming scheme belonging 2002-03 to 2004-05.The committee would complete the work <strong>of</strong> the review in one month. The review<strong>of</strong> the work w.r.t. date <strong>of</strong> sanction, release <strong>of</strong> fund, U.C. received, U.C. issued, date <strong>of</strong>receipt, request <strong>of</strong> second installment etc. Further, AFC would be assigned the work <strong>of</strong>field verification/ evaluation <strong>of</strong> these projects at the rate they had carried out the work <strong>of</strong>monitoring/evaluation work for the projects sanctioned during 2005-06 and 2006-07.Members <strong>of</strong> SFC may also visit few sites verified by the AFC.Rajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes5

Agenda item 9 – Monitoring <strong>of</strong> Projects sanctioned during 2007-08 to 2009-10SFC considered the status <strong>of</strong> projects as detailed below:(Rs. In lakhs)Combined detail <strong>of</strong> projects being monitored by AFC according to the Group‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’S.No. Year Activities No. <strong>of</strong> Amount Amount MonitoringProjects sanctioned released chargesAll States 2007-08 Promotional 157 6416.04 2588.10 50.86Scheme2008-09 -do- 96 6727.26 3276.98 63.832009-10 -do- 64 7002.96 3458.88 68.102007-08 Contractual 1527 2537.23 1269.04 24.95farmingSchemeTotal 1844 22683.49 10593.00 207.74SFC was apprised <strong>of</strong> the present monitoring and mentoring <strong>of</strong> major projectssanctioned under <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> Scheme, being carried out through monitoringcommittees. It was clarified that the committee is monitoring only few selectedimportant projects where as regular monitoring and mentoring <strong>of</strong> all the projectssanctioned under <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> Scheme are very important aspect.SFC was informed that according to the decision <strong>of</strong> the 39 th <strong>meeting</strong> <strong>of</strong> SFC theproposal for monitoring <strong>of</strong> project sanctioned upto 2009-10 by AFC was processed forconcurrence <strong>of</strong> IFD. However, IFD has not agreed to the proposals till date. Thecommittee considered the observations <strong>of</strong> IFD and resolved that AFC may be given theresponsibility for evaluation <strong>of</strong> the project sanctioned during 2007-08 to 2009-10.Expression <strong>of</strong> interest may be called for projects sanctioned during 2010-11 andonwards. The monitoring and evaluation <strong>of</strong> all projects sanctioned by <strong>NMPB</strong> during2010-11 should be monitored by an expert agency with adequate infrastructure and theagency would be selected after completing all codal formalities.CEO <strong>NMPB</strong> brought to the notice <strong>of</strong> the SFC the decision <strong>of</strong> the 8 th SFC <strong>meeting</strong>for National Mission on Medicinal Plants was held on 29 th September, 2010 in respect <strong>of</strong>Rajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes6

the comprehensive monitoring mechanism. It was agreed to follow similar mentoringand monitoring <strong>of</strong> the projects with replacing State Mission by State Medicinal PlantsBoard as an agency in the state for the purpose <strong>of</strong> this scheme.It was also decided that same agency should monitor both schemes <strong>of</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong>.Further, the <strong>Committee</strong> decided that same team <strong>of</strong> experts should monitor bothschemes <strong>of</strong> National Medicinal Plants Board. The Facilitation Centre may also beactivated to serve the purpose <strong>of</strong> focused monitoring and mentoring.Meeting ended with vote <strong>of</strong> Thanks to the Chair.Rajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes7

Annexure - IList <strong>of</strong> Members and participants <strong>of</strong> 40 th <strong>Standing</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>Committee</strong><strong>meeting</strong> held on 27 th October, 2010 in the <strong>Committee</strong> Room, Deptt. OfAYUSHMembers1. Smt. S. Jalaja - ChairpersonSecretary (AYUSH)2. Dr. D.D. Sharma, - MemberJoint Secretary (D/o Ayush)3. Sh. P.A. Sawant - Nominee <strong>of</strong> Financial Advisor,Director (IFD)Ministry <strong>of</strong> H/F.W4. Dr. P. L. Saroj - Representative <strong>of</strong> ICAR5. Dr. Sangita M. Kasture - Representative <strong>of</strong> DBTScientist ‘D’6. Dr. Vibha Malhotra Sawhney - Representative <strong>of</strong> CSIR7. Sh. PSSG Somasankar - Member8. Sh. Bala Prasad - Member SecretaryCEO, <strong>NMPB</strong>Officials1, Sh. Parhlad Rai, Director, <strong>NMPB</strong>2. Dr. N. Padma Kumar, Research Officer (Botany), <strong>NMPB</strong>3. Dr. Sadia Ayub, Research Officer (Biochemistry), <strong>NMPB</strong>4. Dr. Kavita Tyagi, Consultant, <strong>NMPB</strong>Project Investigators and Associates1. Dr. Rabinnarayan Acharya, Reader in Dravaguna, Gujarat Agricultural University,Jamnagar2. Sh. D.V. Nithyanand, DGM, AFC, MumbaiRajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes8

6 International Seminar on Medicinalplants used in Indian Systems <strong>of</strong>Medicine - Director, Institute for PGTeaching & Research in Ayurveda,Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar -361008KERALA7 First Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC2010) & Indian Biodiversity Expo-President , Centre for Innovation inScience and Social action, MBC-27,Museum Bains compound,Nanthancode, Thiruvananthapuram-695003 & Kerala Biodiversity Board,University <strong>of</strong> Kerala, NavdanyaMADHYA PRADESH8 Participation in the "Vindhya HerbalsNational Forest Fair, 2010 - ManagingDirector, M.P. State Minor ForestProduce (T&D) Co-op FederationLimited, 74, Bungalows, Indira Nikunj,Khel Parisar, Bhopal - 462 003PUNJAB9 National Conference on MedicinalOrchids: Sustainable use and Benefitsharing for Rural and TribalCommunities - , Pr<strong>of</strong>. S P. Vij,Secretary, The Orchid Society <strong>of</strong> India,Department <strong>of</strong> Botany, PunjabUniversity, Chandigarh - 160 014TAMILNADU10 Establishment & Conservation <strong>of</strong> HerbalGene Pool for Homoeopathic medicinalplants - Dr. D. Suresh Baburaj, Asstt.Directror (Bot.), Survey <strong>of</strong> MedicinalPlants & Collection Unit, (CCRH),3/126, Indra Nagar, Emerald - 643 209,Tamil NaduWEST BENGAL11 National Seminar on DiversityConservation and sustaianble Utilization<strong>of</strong> plants and traditional knowledge - Dr.A.P. Das, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Department <strong>of</strong>Botany, North Bengal University,Darjeeling - 734 430, West BengalIt will be held from 18-20th Feb.,2011Proposed for national seminar,workshop, NGO's meet andIndian Biodiversity Expo. Themain theme is Biodiversity anddevelopment & Biodiversityconsevation in wester ghat.Proposed date for Fair would be21st to 30th Dec., 2010 at BittanMarket, BhopalProposed date for the eventwould be 20-22 Nov., 2010 withparticpants expected to be 100-125 and will be held NationalAcademy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, India,AllahabadEstablishment <strong>of</strong> herbal gene pool& Conservation <strong>of</strong> rare plants,Herbal Green House, Mistchamber for plant growth, fencing,irrigation system etc.Proposed date for NationalSeminar would be 14 - 16 Dec.,2010. Thrust areas for theseminar would be - to to takestock <strong>of</strong> mps diversity <strong>of</strong> EasternHimalay, to discuss the methods<strong>of</strong> conservation and sustainableutilization by local/tribalcommunities etc.3 days 29.20Req. from<strong>NMPB</strong>15.0010.00 Approved for RS.10.00lakhs.Organizers may inviteparticipants from SouthAftica, ASEAN andBIMSTEC countries.Members <strong>of</strong> SFC andexperts may also be invitedfor the programme.5 days 72.8 3.00 Approved for Rs. 3.00 lakhssubject to recommendation<strong>of</strong> SMPB and involvement <strong>of</strong>SMPB, Kerala.1 0days3 days 6.65Req. from<strong>NMPB</strong>4.5015 5.00 Approved for Rs. 5.00 lakhs- Not Approved3 32 32.00 Approved for Rs. 32.00lakhs they should taketechnical advise from <strong>NMPB</strong>.3 days 9.66 Req.from<strong>NMPB</strong>4.003.00 Approved for Rs. 3.00 lakssubject to the involvelment <strong>of</strong>SMPB and State Mission onmedicinal plants.Rajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes10

12 Setting up Herbal Garden in SchoolUnder Promotional scheme <strong>of</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong>along with requisite papers anddocuments - Head Master, BeldangaD.N.B. Smriti Vidyapith, P.O.-Khanyerpara, Dist. Birbhum, WestBengal13 Setting up Herbal Garden in SchoolUnder Promotional scheme <strong>of</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong>along with requisite papers anddocuments - Sh. Sunil Sinha Roy,Principal, East West Model School,(Affiliated to the Council for the IndianSchool Certificate Examination, NewDelhi, Burdwan - 713 141 West Bengal1 14,000 0.14 ApprovedFinancial Assistance may bereleased through SMPB.1 14,000 0.14 ApprovedFinancial Assistance may bereleased through SMPB.Total 174.03 67.28Rajwant Kaur/SFC/Minutes11

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