The Moon and Sixpence

The Moon and Sixpence

The Moon and Sixpence

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Moon</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sixpence</strong>But others thought this frivolous, <strong>and</strong> they wore more highly valued than the crackling of thorns“art fabrics” <strong>and</strong> barbaric jewelry. <strong>The</strong> men were under a pot; <strong>and</strong> the epigram, not yet a mechanicalappliance by which the dull may achieve aseldom eccentric in appearance. <strong>The</strong>y tried tolook as little like authors as possible. <strong>The</strong>y wished semblance of wit, gave sprightliness to the smallto be taken for men of the world, <strong>and</strong> could have talk of the urbane. It is sad that I can rememberpassed anywhere for the managing clerks of a nothing of all this scintillation. But I think thecity firm. <strong>The</strong>y always seemed a little tired. I had conversation never settled down so comfortablynever known writers before, <strong>and</strong> I found them as when it turned to the details of the trade whichvery strange, but I do not think they ever seemed was the other side of the art we practised. Whento me quite real.we had done discussing the merits of the latestI remember that I thought their conversation book, it was natural to wonder how many copiesbrilliant, <strong>and</strong> I used to listen with astonishment had been sold, what advance the author had received,<strong>and</strong> how much he was likely to make outto the stinging humour with which they wouldtear a brother-author to pieces the moment that of it. <strong>The</strong>n we would speak of this publisher <strong>and</strong>his back was turned. <strong>The</strong> artist has this advantageover the rest of the world, that his friends the meanness of another; we would argueof that, comparing the generosity of one withoffer not only their appearance <strong>and</strong> their characterto his satire, but also their work. I despaired h<strong>and</strong>some royalties or to another who “pushed”whether it was better to go to one who gaveof ever expressing myself with such aptness or a book for all it was worth. Some advertised badlywith such fluency. In those days conversation was <strong>and</strong> some well. Some were modern <strong>and</strong> somestill cultivated as an art; a neat repartee was were old-fashioned. <strong>The</strong>n we would talk of agents14

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