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8 PracticeA. Complete Brian’s e-mail with the presentcontinuous form of the verbs in parentheses.Use contractions where possible.B. Make two sentences. In the first sentence,correct the wrong information. In the secondsentence, give the correct information.1. Brian is sharing Robbie’s bedroom.Brian isn’t sharing Robbie’s bedroom.He’s sharing Andy’s bedroom.2. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson are working in thegarden.3. Robbie is helping Andy with dinner.4. Andy and Liza are helping their parents.5. Brian is doing his homework.Hi, Mom and Dad. How’s everything athome? (1. I/have) I’m having a wonderfultime here. (2. I/enjoy)Miamia lot. It’s a great place! Are you planning tovisit me? You could stay at the Gibsons’ houseduring your visit.The house has four bedrooms. (3. I/share)Andy’s bedroom. Andyand I are great friends. He lets me use histhings, including his computer. (4. I/use)his computer right now.It’s almost dinnertime here. (5. Mr. andMrs. Gibson/prepare)dinner. (6. Robbie/help)his parents. (7. Andy and Liza/watch)TV in the living room. I know,Mom. You’re wondering why (8. we/not help)with dinner. Well, Andy, Liza,and I always do the dishes afterwards.I’m attaching a picture of me. (9. I/stand)in front of the Gibson’s house.Looks great, right? I mean the house, not me.Unit 437:20:51 AM034-041_SB1B_U04_14106.indd 371/17/07 7:34:27 PM

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