
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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INTRODUCTIONDear Teacher,Welcome to the second edition of Postcards, afour-level language course designed specifically foryoung teenagers who are studying English.Introduction• Offering extensive pair and group work with afocus on cooperative learning and peer feedback• Allowing opportunities for students to regularlymonitor their progress through Progress checks,Student self-evaluation checklists, and unit andquarterly testsPrinciples behind the course1. Postcards immediately captures students’attention by:• Introducing teenage characters with whomstudents readily identify• Presenting the real-life language that youngspeakers of American English use• Focusing on up-to-date situations, topics, andthemes that teenagers inherently recognize andrespond to• Providing stimulating sensory input throughengaging photos, illustrations, and realia chosenespecially for the teen learner2. Postcards holds teenagers’ attention by:• Offering a great variety of lesson formats,exercises, and activities• Personalizing learning through activities thatallow students to talk about themselves, theirworld, and their ideas• Providing activities that challenge students’ mindsas well as their linguistic skills• Offering extensive communicative practice,cross-cultural exploration, group and individualprojects, song activities, games, and competitions3. Postcards gives all students the opportunity toachieve success and a sense of achievement by:• Giving clear, concise, and easy-to-understandlanguage presentations• Providing carefully sequenced exercises that allowstudents to easily master English grammar andvocabulary• Offering level-appropriate communicativeactivities that enable students to expressthemselves with the English they’ve learned• Providing extensive recycling as well as followupreinforcement and practice in the LanguageBooster Workbook and Grammar Builder4. Postcards helps students set goals, developlearner independence, and monitor progressby:• Setting clear goals for each unit and section• Presenting an inductive approach to grammar• Providing explicit instruction and practice inlearning strategiesviCourse componentsStudent BookEach Student Book consists of six units divided intosections of two units. Each unit is followed eitherby Putting it together (a photostory activity) or aProgress check. The pattern is as follows:Unit 1Unit 2Unit PagesUnit PagesPhotoStoryProgressCheckEach Student Book also contains optional materialsthat can be done with or after each of the units.Suggestions as to when to complete each activityare listed in this Teacher’s Edition. The optionalactivities are: Games, Projects, Wide Angle on theworld, Fun with songs, Focus on culture, and Funwith grammar.Language BoosterThe Language Booster is divided into two parts:• A Workbook, and• A Grammar Builder containing grammarreference pages and extra grammar practiceexercises.The Workbook section is divided into unitsthat correspond to those in the Student Book.It gives practice in Grammar, Vocabulary, andCommunication. It also provides additional practicein reading and writing.The Workbook includes three levels of exercises foreach Grammar, Vocabulary, and Communicationsection: Get started (easy), Move on (medium),and Reach for the top (challenging). Designedfor mixed-level and mixed-ability classes, theLanguage Booster recognizes that all students willbe motivated if they are given tasks that allow themto succeed as well as to achieve higher goals.Most students will benefit from completing the firsttwo levels of the Workbook exercises, and some maywish to attempt all three. Students who already havea basic knowledge of English may find they need tocomplete only the second and third levels.Postcards_splitB_TE1_FM.indd vi2/27/07 10:23:13 AMPostcards

The Skills development section includes additionalreadings and skills practice.The Grammar Builder section provides additionalgrammar exercises as well as grammar referencepages called Grammar highlights. This sectionreviews and clarifies structures presented in eachunit of the Student Book.The Grammar Builder can be used alongsidethe Workbook units or at a later stage for extrareinforcement or review.The Language Booster is a flexible resource thatoffers self-access material for students in a widerange of teaching situations. It is not necessary forstudents to work through all the material, althoughthey can do so if they wish.Teacher’s EditionThe Teacher’s Edition contains unit-by-unit lessonnotes interleaved with the relevant Student Bookpages. The notes include suggestions on how toteach the material, ideas for extension activities, aswell as all answer keys and listening audioscripts.Photocopiable unit and quarterly tests are providedat the end of the Teacher’s Edition, as well as anextensive Grammar reference section.All answer keys to the Language Booster and thetests are found at the end of the Teacher’s Edition.Class Audio CDsThe Class Audio CDs contain all the recordedmaterial from the Student Book: the Dialogues, thePronunciation, Useful expressions, the Vocabularysections, the Listening exercises, the models for theCommunication activities, the Readings, and thePutting it together photostories.PostersEach level has six colorful Posters presenting keygrammatical structures, functions, and vocabularylearned in the Student Books. They come withteaching and review activities, and can be displayedtemporarily or permanently in the classroom.DVDsThe DVD program is a stimulating accompanimentto the Postcards series. The interesting, dramaticaction portrayed in the DVD program motivatesstudents and allows them to listen to naturalspoken language used by native speakers ofAmerican English. A DVD Guidebook contains thevideoscripts and teacher’s notes, with suggestionsfor activities that can be used to further enrich theuse of the DVD in the classroom.Placement TestThe Placement Test allows you to know exactlywhich level of Postcards is most appropriate for astudent.ExamView® Test GeneratorThe Test Generator CD-ROM contains a testgenerator engine which allows you to create testsfrom Postcards question banks, customize tests tomeet your classroom needs, and create your owntests for in-class or Internet use.Teaching tipsClassroom managementSetting up an environment where students feelencouraged, motivated, challenged, and valued isthe key to a successful class. Some helpful practicesinclude:• Maintain class structure. Plan each lesson well.Maintain a regular routine when beginning andending class, when doing exercises and practices,when assigning pairs and groups, and whenchecking work; in this way students will have aclear understanding of the structure of the classand what is expected of them.• Personalize. Learn student names at the start ofthe term. Learn about your students’ personalitiesand interests; use this to tailor exercises andcontent to a particular class. Maintain eye contactwith your students as you teach. Let each studentknow you are interested in his or her progress.• Keep students involved. Limit the amount oftime you spend explaining information—instead,elicit information from students by asking simplequestions in English. Alternate asking questionsof the entire class and calling on individualstudents to answer; this will ensure all studentsare listening, involved, and have an opportunity toparticipate• Maintain a fun, challenging pace. Set a time limitfor activities so students will know they have alimited amount of time to complete the activity;when most students have finished an activity,move on to the next stage—this will motivatestudents to work hard and maintain studentinterest in the lesson.• Give clear instructions. Always elicit one ormore answers at the start of a written exerciseor provide a model (teacher-student, studentstudent,etc.) for pair and group work so that allstudents understand what to do. If you discoverat the start of an exercise that many students havemisunderstood the instructions, immediately stopthe activity to clarify instructions and provideanother model.• Monitor and reward students. Walk around theroom as individuals, pairs, or groups are workingon an activity. Keep an eye on all students so thatyou know which ones need your help or guidance.Reward students both verbally and nonverballyfor their effort and achievement as they work.When students have finished an activity, alwaysperform a check for the class and give feedback.INTRODUCTIONvii:23:13 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_FM.indd vii2/27/07 10:23:13 AM

The Skills development section includes additionalreadings and skills practice.The Grammar Builder section provides additionalgrammar exercises as well as grammar referencepages called Grammar highlights. This sectionreviews and clarifies structures presented in eachunit of the Student <strong>Book</strong>.The Grammar Builder can be used alongsidethe Workbook units or at a later stage for extrareinforcement or review.The Language Booster is a flexible resource thatoffers self-access material for students in a widerange of teaching situations. It is not necessary forstudents to work through all the material, althoughthey can do so if they wish.<strong>Teacher</strong>’s EditionThe <strong>Teacher</strong>’s Edition contains unit-by-unit lessonnotes interleaved with the relevant Student <strong>Book</strong>pages. The notes include suggestions on how toteach the material, ideas for extension activities, aswell as all answer keys and listening audioscripts.Photocopiable unit and quarterly tests are providedat the end of the <strong>Teacher</strong>’s Edition, as well as anextensive Grammar reference section.All answer keys to the Language Booster and thetests are found at the end of the <strong>Teacher</strong>’s Edition.Class Audio CDsThe Class Audio CDs contain all the recordedmaterial from the Student <strong>Book</strong>: the Dialogues, thePronunciation, Useful expressions, the Vocabularysections, the Listening exercises, the models for theCommunication activities, the Readings, and thePutting it together photostories.PostersEach level has six colorful Posters presenting keygrammatical structures, functions, and vocabularylearned in the Student <strong>Book</strong>s. They come withteaching and review activities, and can be displayedtemporarily or permanently in the classroom.DVDsThe DVD program is a stimulating accompanimentto the Postcards series. The interesting, dramaticaction portrayed in the DVD program motivatesstudents and allows them to listen to naturalspoken language used by native speakers ofAmerican <strong>English</strong>. A DVD Guidebook contains thevideoscripts and teacher’s notes, with suggestionsfor activities that can be used to further enrich theuse of the DVD in the classroom.Placement TestThe Placement Test allows you to know exactlywhich level of Postcards is most appropriate for astudent.ExamView® Test GeneratorThe Test Generator CD-ROM contains a testgenerator engine which allows you to create testsfrom Postcards question banks, customize tests tomeet your classroom needs, and create your owntests for in-class or Internet use.Teaching tipsClassroom managementSetting up an environment where students feelencouraged, motivated, challenged, and valued isthe key to a successful class. Some helpful practicesinclude:• Maintain class structure. Plan each lesson well.Maintain a regular routine when beginning andending class, when doing exercises and practices,when assigning pairs and groups, and whenchecking work; in this way students will have aclear understanding of the structure of the classand what is expected of them.• Personalize. Learn student names at the start ofthe term. Learn about your students’ personalitiesand interests; use this to tailor exercises andcontent to a particular class. Maintain eye contactwith your students as you teach. Let each studentknow you are interested in his or her progress.• Keep students involved. Limit the amount oftime you spend explaining information—instead,elicit information from students by asking simplequestions in <strong>English</strong>. Alternate asking questionsof the entire class and calling on individualstudents to answer; this will ensure all studentsare listening, involved, and have an opportunity toparticipate• Maintain a fun, challenging pace. Set a time limitfor activities so students will know they have alimited amount of time to complete the activity;when most students have finished an activity,move on to the next stage—this will motivatestudents to work hard and maintain studentinterest in the lesson.• Give clear instructions. Always elicit one ormore answers at the start of a written exerciseor provide a model (teacher-student, studentstudent,etc.) for pair and group work so that allstudents understand what to do. If you discoverat the start of an exercise that many students havemisunderstood the instructions, immediately stopthe activity to clarify instructions and provideanother model.• Monitor and reward students. Walk around theroom as individuals, pairs, or groups are workingon an activity. Keep an eye on all students so thatyou know which ones need your help or guidance.Reward students both verbally and nonverballyfor their effort and achievement as they work.When students have finished an activity, alwaysperform a check for the class and give feedback.INTRODUCTIONvii:23:13 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_FM.indd vii2/27/07 10:23:13 AM

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