
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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1 Dialogue40 Cover the dialogue and listen.Liza: Where’s Brian?Andy: He’s upstairs in the bedroom.Liza: What’s he doing? Is he reading?Andy: No, he isn’t. He’s writing an e-mail.Liza: Who’s he writing to? Is he e-mailing his parents?Andy: I don’t know, Liza. Stop bothering me. I’m watching TV.Liza: I’m just asking you questions.Andy: I know, but you’re bothering me.Liza: Gee, Andy. You’re grumpy today. I’m out of here.Learning goalsCommunicationAsk what someone’s doing nowDescribe what’s happeningright nowTalk about a houseGrammarThe present continuous: be(am/is/are) + verb -ingVocabularyRooms and parts of a house2 ComprehensionA. Cross out the wrong information in each sentence.Then correct it.1. Liza is asking about Robbie. Brian2. Andy doesn’t know where Brian is.3. Brian is reading.4. Andy wants to talk to Liza.5. Liza says Andy is nice.B. 41 Check your answers. Read along as you listen again.34 Unit 4034-041_SB1B_U04_14106.indd 341/17/07 7:34:10 PMPostcards

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Know how to scan an articlePronunciation• Stress on important wordsThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Preview and predict an article• Listen to an interview for specificinformation• Talk about favorite places in a house• Ask Yes/No questions about a picture• Ask what someone’s doing now• Write messages about weekend plansTEACHER’S NOTESWarm-up (5 min.)• Review verbs by asking students What verbs canyou remember from the last few units? Elicit as manyas students can recall and write them on the board.Give hints for any important ones they’ve missed.• Tell students You can use these verbs to talk about thethings you usually do. Now you’ll learn how to usethem in a different way. You’ll learn how to talk aboutwhat you are doing right now. Introduce the unittitle. Explain that by using be and adding -ing todo, you can ask what someone is doing right now.Using the large photo (less than 5 min.)• Have students look at the pictures. Ask Who doyou see in the pictures? (Andy, Liza, and Brian)Where are Andy and Liza? (at home; in the livingroom) Is Brian at home? (Yes, he’s at the computer.)Using the board, help students construct presentcontinuous statements to answer these questions:What is Andy doing right now? (He’s watching TV.)What is Liza doing right now? (She’s talking.)1 Dialogue and 2 Comprehension (15 min.)• Have students cover the dialogue.A.• Read the directions aloud. Using the example,make sure that students understand cross out. Thencall on a volunteer to read the sentences aloud.• 40 Play the audio two or more times and havestudents work independently to complete theexercise. If helpful, pause after each answer onthe second or third listening to give students timeto write.B.• 41 Have students uncover the dialogue. Play theaudio again as students read along. To check, havevolunteers read aloud the original sentences firstbefore reading the corrected sentences.Answer key1. Liza is asking about Brian.2. Liza doesn’t know where Brian is. / Andy knows whereBrian is.3. Brian is writing an e-mail.4. Andy doesn’t want to talk to Liza.5. Liza says Andy is grumpy.• To extend work with the dialogue, select keyvocabulary, structures, and communicativephrases to discuss more fully, such as the presentcontinuous forms: Is he reading? No, he isn’t. He’swriting an e-mail. Who’s he writing to? Is he e-mailinghis parents?). Go over phrases such as bothering,just, I know, Gee, and I’m out of here (I’m leavingright now).• Have the class repeat the dialogue, then havestudents practice in pairs, changing roles aftereach reading. Finally, select a pair to performfor the class. For further extension ideas, seethe Dialogues and Comprehension notes in theIntroduction, page x.T34:34:10 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U04.indd T342/27/07 10:20:46 AM

1 Dialogue40 Cover the dialogue and listen.Liza: Where’s Brian?Andy: He’s upstairs in the bedroom.Liza: What’s he doing? Is he reading?Andy: No, he isn’t. He’s writing an e-mail.Liza: Who’s he writing to? Is he e-mailing his parents?Andy: I don’t know, Liza. Stop bothering me. I’m watching TV.Liza: I’m just asking you questions.Andy: I know, but you’re bothering me.Liza: Gee, Andy. You’re grumpy today. I’m out of here.Learning goalsCommunicationAsk what someone’s doing nowDescribe what’s happeningright nowTalk about a houseGrammarThe present continuous: be(am/is/are) + verb -ingVocabularyRooms and parts of a house2 ComprehensionA. Cross out the wrong information in each sentence.Then correct it.1. Liza is asking about Robbie. Brian2. Andy doesn’t know where Brian is.3. Brian is reading.4. Andy wants to talk to Liza.5. Liza says Andy is nice.B. 41 Check your answers. Read along as you listen again.34 Unit 4034-041_SB1B_U04_14106.indd 341/17/07 7:34:10 PMPostcards

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