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Vocabulary Skills Learn to learn PronunciationClock timesReading: Predict missing linesListening: Listen for specific informationSpeaking: Talk about abilities and talents; Askpermission to borrow somethingWriting: Write commandsHave a can-do attitudeThe /æ/ sound in can andcan’tDaily routinesReading: Read for specific information; Studya graphListening: Listen for specific information andcomplete a chartSpeaking: Talk about routines and activitiesWriting: Write about your typical day or weekPlan your weekly anddaily activitiesThe pronunciation of -sand -es (simple present,third person)Places in a town or cityLeisure activitiesReading: Read for specific information; Read a mapListening: Listen for specific informationSpeaking: Talk about favorite places; MakesuggestionsWriting: Organize information in a chartPrepare before apresentationIntonation in Yes/Noquestions and shortanswersRooms and parts of ahouseReading: Preview and predict an articleListening: Listen to an interview for specificinformationSpeaking: Talk about favorite places in a house;Ask Yes/No questions about a picture; Askwhat someone’s doing nowWriting: Write messages about weekend plansKnow how to scan anarticleStress on importantwordsPast time expressionsEmoticons andacronymsReading: Interpret emoticons and acronymsListening: Listen for specific informationSpeaking: Talk about jealousy; Ask and answerYes/No questions; Talk about past eventsWriting: Write a summary using the simplepast; Write information questionsTake notes in classThe pronunciation of -dand -ed (simple past)Some occupationsReading: Look up the meaning of words in anarticleListening: Listen for specific informationSpeaking: Talk about past activities; Talkabout favorite occupationsWriting: Write a story using the simple pastKeep a list of words andexpressionsThe pronunciation ofwas and wereScope and Sequencev:23:12 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_FM.indd v2/27/07 10:23:13 AM

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