
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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TEACHER’S NOTES2 Comprehension (5 min.)• Read the instructions aloud. Ask students tochallenge themselves by answering the questionsin this exercise without looking back at the text.• Check answers orally. Ask volunteers to readaloud the passage in the text that proves thestatement is true or false. Then ask them to makeany false sentences true.Answer key1. True2. False (English and Spanish)3. False (warm/tropical)4. True5. True6. False (some great beaches)3 Vocabulary (10 min.)A.• Have students look at the Vocabulary words.Ask them which words they already know or canguess. Ask which words students don’t know.Give a brief definition of these.• 29 Play the audio and have students listenand repeat.B.• Read or call on different students to read thedescriptions on the right. Elicit or explain any newvocabulary, such as save, borrow, medicine, artwork,exhibits, mail, and packages.• Have students work individually or in pairs tocomplete the exercise.• Check as a class by asking volunteers to read thename of the place and its description aloud.Answer key1. b2. f3. l4. h5. j6. e7. i8. d9. k10. c11. a12. g• To extend this activity, help students connect theirconcrete knowledge of places in their city or townwith the vocabulary in this section. Tell studentsI’ll say a place—for example, park. If you can think ofthe name of a park in our town, raise your hand. Whocan think of the name of a park in our town? Call onone or more students to tell you the name of thepark they are thinking of. Do the same with othervocabulary items. Go quickly to make this activityfun and fast-paced.4 Practice (10 min.)• Turn to page 68 and have students play a game.Have students complete Workbook Exercises 1–3.T25Postcards_splitB_TE1_U03.indd T252/27/07 10:22:30 AM024-033_

2 ComprehensionWrite True or False before each statement.1. Miami is in Florida, U.S.A.2. Spanish and Portuguese are the two majorlanguages in Miami.3. It is usually cold in Miami.4. You can visit a planetarium in Miami.5. Tourists can go to Coconut Grove to shop.6. Miami doesn’t have any beaches.3 VocabularyPlaces in a town or cityA. 29 Listen and repeat.• bank • bookstore • bus stop • drugstore• mall • movie theater • museum • post office• restaurant • supermarket • zoo • parkB. Match the places with their descriptions.1. bank b a. a place with lots of stores andrestaurants2. drugstore b. a place where you save or borrowmoney3. supermarket c. a place where you buy and eat food4. museum d. a place where you buy books5. post office e. a place where you watch movies6. movie theater f. a place where you buy medicine7. zoo g. a place where you wait for buses8. bookstore h. a place where you see artwork andother exhibits9. park i. a place where you see differentkinds of animals10. restaurant j. a place where you mail letters andpackages11. mall k. a place with grass and trees whereyou can play and relax12. bus stop l. a place where you shop for foodand things for the house4 PracticePlay a word guessing game! Go to page 68.Unit 325:22:30 AM024-033_SB1B_U03_14106.indd 251/17/07 7:30:18 PM

TEACHER’S NOTES2 Comprehension (5 min.)• Read the instructions aloud. Ask students tochallenge themselves by answering the questionsin this exercise without looking back at the text.• Check answers orally. Ask volunteers to readaloud the passage in the text that proves thestatement is true or false. Then ask them to makeany false sentences true.Answer key1. True2. False (<strong>English</strong> and Spanish)3. False (warm/tropical)4. True5. True6. False (some great beaches)3 Vocabulary (10 min.)A.• Have students look at the Vocabulary words.Ask them which words they already know or canguess. Ask which words students don’t know.Give a brief definition of these.• 29 Play the audio and have students listenand repeat.B.• Read or call on different students to read thedescriptions on the right. Elicit or explain any newvocabulary, such as save, borrow, medicine, artwork,exhibits, mail, and packages.• Have students work individually or in pairs tocomplete the exercise.• Check as a class by asking volunteers to read thename of the place and its description aloud.Answer key1. b2. f3. l4. h5. j6. e7. i8. d9. k10. c11. a12. g• To extend this activity, help students connect theirconcrete knowledge of places in their city or townwith the vocabulary in this section. Tell studentsI’ll say a place—for example, park. If you can think ofthe name of a park in our town, raise your hand. Whocan think of the name of a park in our town? Call onone or more students to tell you the name of thepark they are thinking of. Do the same with othervocabulary items. Go quickly to make this activityfun and fast-paced.4 Practice (10 min.)• Turn to page 68 and have students play a game.Have students complete Workbook Exercises 1–3.T25Postcards_splitB_TE1_U03.indd T252/27/07 10:22:30 AM024-033_

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