
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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Postcards10 PracticePlay a game! Go to page 68.GROUPS. Talk about how often you do things.Choose from the activities below or use your ownideas.• dance• sing in the shower• call your grandparents• go to bed early• help in the kitchen• walk to school• go to parties• speak English outside class• go to the library• go shopping on weekends• go to the moviesUseful language:• How often do you . . . ? • Why not?• Really? • Because . . .• That’s interesting! • No way! / Seriously?11 PracticePAIRS. Complete thequestionnaire for yourclassmate by asking questions.Put a check (✔) in theappropriate column.For example:A: What do you have forbreakfast?B: I always have cereal andmilk. I sometimes havebread and butter.A: Do you have coffee forbreakfast?B: No. I never have coffee.Your Daily Routine18 Unit 21. What do you havefor breakfast?• coffee• juice• milk• cereal• bread and butter• other:2. What do you doafter school?• see friends• play sports• do homework• other:3. What do you doin the evening?• use the computer• do homework• watch TV• other:4. What do you doon weekends?• sleep all morning• clean my room• help around thehouse• other:

10 Practice (10 min.)• Turn to page 68 and let students play a game.Have students complete Workbook Exercises 9–14and Grammar Builder Exercises 3–6.(10 min.)• To extend the exercise, have students changepartners and share the information on theirquestionnaires. Remind them to use the correctform of the verb after he or she. You may alsowant to have students write a short paragraphabout their partner’s daily routine. Have studentsexchange paragraphs with their original partnerfor peer correction.TEACHER’S NOTES• GROUPS. Read the instructions aloud and thenchorus the list of activities. Check that studentsunderstand new vocabulary such as early, help,outside class, and library. Elicit a few other activitiesthat students might want to talk about and writethem on the board.• Preview the Useful language. Point out thatNo way! and Seriously? are different ways ofsaying Really? but show more surprise. Saythese aloud and have students mimic yourstress and intonation.• Model a conversation for this activity by takingturns asking and answering a few How oftenquestions with a student. Ask follow-upquestions and use the Useful language to respondwhen appropriate.• After students have finished their conversations,ask several groups to tell you somethinginteresting that they discovered about each other.Extension• Have students form pairs. Tell each pair to thinkof a famous person they’d like to interview.Elicit some examples of celebrities from theclass, then give pairs a few moments to decideon a celebrity.• On a separate piece of paper, have pairs writefive How often questions to ask the celebrity,leaving space for an answer underneath eachquestion. Circulate and help with vocabulary asstudents write.• Have pairs exchange their questions withanother pair. Tell pairs to answer the questionsas if they were the celebrity being asked.Circulate as students work.• Have students return the interview questionsand answers. After students have read these,call on volunteer pairs to role-play some of thefunnier interviews for the class.11 Practice (15 min.)• PAIRS. Read the instructions and then call on apair to role-play the example for the class. Call onstudents to tell you, based on the example, whatthey would check off on the questionnaire. (alwaysnext to milk and cereal; sometimes next to bread andbutter; never next to coffee.)• Tell students to answer in full sentences. Modelthe activity with a student.• Have students work in pairs. Walk around tomonitor and help.T18Postcards_splitB_TE1_U02.indd T182/27/07 10:22:10 AM

10 Practice (10 min.)• Turn to page 68 and let students play a game.Have students complete Workbook Exercises 9–14and Grammar Builder Exercises 3–6.(10 min.)• To extend the exercise, have students changepartners and share the information on theirquestionnaires. Remind them to use the correctform of the verb after he or she. You may alsowant to have students write a short paragraphabout their partner’s daily routine. Have studentsexchange paragraphs with their original partnerfor peer correction.TEACHER’S NOTES• GROUPS. Read the instructions aloud and thenchorus the list of activities. Check that studentsunderstand new vocabulary such as early, help,outside class, and library. Elicit a few other activitiesthat students might want to talk about and writethem on the board.• Preview the Useful language. Point out thatNo way! and Seriously? are different ways ofsaying Really? but show more surprise. Saythese aloud and have students mimic yourstress and intonation.• Model a conversation for this activity by takingturns asking and answering a few How oftenquestions with a student. Ask follow-upquestions and use the Useful language to respondwhen appropriate.• After students have finished their conversations,ask several groups to tell you somethinginteresting that they discovered about each other.Extension• Have students form pairs. Tell each pair to thinkof a famous person they’d like to interview.Elicit some examples of celebrities from theclass, then give pairs a few moments to decideon a celebrity.• On a separate piece of paper, have pairs writefive How often questions to ask the celebrity,leaving space for an answer underneath eachquestion. Circulate and help with vocabulary asstudents write.• Have pairs exchange their questions withanother pair. Tell pairs to answer the questionsas if they were the celebrity being asked.Circulate as students work.• Have students return the interview questionsand answers. After students have read these,call on volunteer pairs to role-play some of thefunnier interviews for the class.11 Practice (15 min.)• PAIRS. Read the instructions and then call on apair to role-play the example for the class. Call onstudents to tell you, based on the example, whatthey would check off on the questionnaire. (alwaysnext to milk and cereal; sometimes next to bread andbutter; never next to coffee.)• Tell students to answer in full sentences. Modelthe activity with a student.• Have students work in pairs. Walk around tomonitor and help.T18Postcards_splitB_TE1_U02.indd T182/27/07 10:22:10 AM

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