
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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TEACHER’S NOTESGrammar Focusand Discovering grammar (10–15 min.)Adverbs of frequency; How often?☞ See Grammar reference, page 99.• Have students look at the graph in the grammarchart. Tell them that the words on the left areadverbs of frequency; that is, words that tell us howoften something is done or how often somethinghappens. Read each adverb aloud and have theclass repeat.• Say Look at the word always and the line next toit. The line shows 100%. That means that when youalways do something, you do it 100% of the time, orevery time.• Direct students’ attention to the word never. Ask Isthere a line for never? (no) Say That means that whenyou never do something, you do it 0% of the time, ornot at all.• Ask students to take a look at usually and often.Ask Which do you use to say you do somethingmore often? (usually) Elicit comparisons for often,sometimes, and rarely/seldom.• Ask a strong student a number of questions toelicit the frequency of certain activities in his orher day: Do you get up before six every morning? Doyou eat cereal for breakfast? Are you late for schoolevery day? Do you read the newspaper? Do youwatch TV every afternoon? Are you tired on Mondaymornings? Help with frequency adverbs as needed.• Call on a student to read the grammar chart aloud.Have the class say each sentence after the student.• Have students work individually to circle thecorrect answers. Check answers orally.Answer key1. how often2. adverbs3. after4. beforePracticing grammar8 Practice (5 min.)• Read the instructions aloud and elicit the answersto the first two items. Depending on yourstudents’ abilities, have them rewrite the sentencesindividually or in pairs. Elicit answers orally. Thenhave students work in pairs to take turns readingtheir sentences aloud.Answer key1. My teacher is always early.2. I often check my e-mail.3. Brian is never late.4. We sometimes study together.5. They usually have lunch together.6. My friends are always at my house.7. I am sometimes late for school.9 Practice (15 min.)A.• Call on a student to read the instructions. Thenread the items aloud and have students say themafter you. Check that students understand shower(noun), hungry, and falls asleep.• Read the examples aloud and then elicit questionsfor the other items orally.• Point out that when students answer, they shoulduse an adverb of frequency. Elicit from studentsthe possible answers to the first question: Ialways/usually/often/sometimes/rarely/never sing inthe shower.• Model the activity by asking one or more studentsthe first question. Write the name of the firststudent who satisfies the description.• Have students stand. Set a time limit of fiveminutes. Tell students to continue asking theirclassmates until they complete their chart or timeis up.B.• Elicit one or more names from the class foreach item.• Use the board to elicit other key points aboutthe grammar chart, such as which adverbs areused for something that is done frequently, andwhich are used for infrequent events.T17Postcards_splitB_TE1_U02.indd T172/27/07 10:22:10 AM014-023_

alwaysusuallyoftensometimesrarely/seldomneverDiscovering grammarLook at the grammar chart. Circle the correct answers.1. Adverbs of frequency tell (how well / how often) an activityis done.2. Never and often are examples of (adverbs / adjectives).3. Adverbs of frequency come (before / after) a form of theverb be.4. They come (before / after) all other verbs.Practicing grammar8 PracticeInsert the adverbs of frequency in the sentences. Then rewritethe sentences.always1. My teacher is early. (always) My teacher is always early.^2. I check my e-mail. (often)3. Brian is late. (never)GRAMMAR FOCUS4. We study together. (sometimes)Adverbs of frequency; How often?0% 100%How often do you arrive late to school?I’m always late for school.I’m sometimes late for school.I’m usually late for school.I’m rarely/seldom late for school.I’m often late for school.I’m never late for school.With beI’m sometimes late for school.Dana is never late for school.Positions of frequency adverbs5. They have lunch together. (usually)6. My friends are at my house. (always)7. I am late for school. (sometimes)With other verbsI sometimes wake up late.Carlos never wakes up late.9 PracticeA. Find one student whodoes each of the activitiesbelow. Write his or hername on the line.For example:Q: How often do you singin the shower? OR Howoften do you arrive lateto school?1. usually sings in theshower.2. never arrives lateto school3. always does homework4. often gets hungryduring class5. usually falls alseepin class6. rarely plays sportsB. Share your findings withthe class.Unit 217:22:10 AM014-023_SB1B_U02_14106.indd 171/17/07 7:27:55 PM

TEACHER’S NOTESGrammar Focusand Discovering grammar (10–15 min.)Adverbs of frequency; How often?☞ See Grammar reference, page 99.• Have students look at the graph in the grammarchart. Tell them that the words on the left areadverbs of frequency; that is, words that tell us howoften something is done or how often somethinghappens. Read each adverb aloud and have theclass repeat.• Say Look at the word always and the line next toit. The line shows 100%. That means that when youalways do something, you do it 100% of the time, orevery time.• Direct students’ attention to the word never. Ask Isthere a line for never? (no) Say That means that whenyou never do something, you do it 0% of the time, ornot at all.• Ask students to take a look at usually and often.Ask Which do you use to say you do somethingmore often? (usually) Elicit comparisons for often,sometimes, and rarely/seldom.• Ask a strong student a number of questions toelicit the frequency of certain activities in his orher day: Do you get up before six every morning? Doyou eat cereal for breakfast? Are you late for schoolevery day? Do you read the newspaper? Do youwatch TV every afternoon? Are you tired on Mondaymornings? Help with frequency adverbs as needed.• Call on a student to read the grammar chart aloud.Have the class say each sentence after the student.• Have students work individually to circle thecorrect answers. Check answers orally.Answer key1. how often2. adverbs3. after4. beforePracticing grammar8 Practice (5 min.)• Read the instructions aloud and elicit the answersto the first two items. Depending on yourstudents’ abilities, have them rewrite the sentencesindividually or in pairs. Elicit answers orally. Thenhave students work in pairs to take turns readingtheir sentences aloud.Answer key1. My teacher is always early.2. I often check my e-mail.3. Brian is never late.4. We sometimes study together.5. They usually have lunch together.6. My friends are always at my house.7. I am sometimes late for school.9 Practice (15 min.)A.• Call on a student to read the instructions. Thenread the items aloud and have students say themafter you. Check that students understand shower(noun), hungry, and falls asleep.• Read the examples aloud and then elicit questionsfor the other items orally.• Point out that when students answer, they shoulduse an adverb of frequency. Elicit from studentsthe possible answers to the first question: Ialways/usually/often/sometimes/rarely/never sing inthe shower.• Model the activity by asking one or more studentsthe first question. Write the name of the firststudent who satisfies the description.• Have students stand. Set a time limit of fiveminutes. Tell students to continue asking theirclassmates until they complete their chart or timeis up.B.• Elicit one or more names from the class foreach item.• Use the board to elicit other key points aboutthe grammar chart, such as which adverbs areused for something that is done frequently, andwhich are used for infrequent events.T17Postcards_splitB_TE1_U02.indd T172/27/07 10:22:10 AM014-023_

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