
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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1 Reading21Read along as you listen to Brian’s description ofhis typical day.Brian’s Typical DayEvery morning, on a school day, my alarm goes off at 6:30. But I usuallyturn it off and close my eyes again. Of course, it’s never easy to go backLearning goalsCommunicationTalk about daily routinesGrammarSequence words: first, then,after that, next, finallyAdverbs of frequencyHow often?VocabularyDaily routinesto sleep after the alarm goes off, so I get up.I do the same things every day. First, I take a shower and get dressed for school. Then I eat breakfast.After that, I brush my teeth. I sometimes have cereal. But I usually just grab a banana and eat it at thebus stop. My bus leaves at exactly 7:30.School starts at 8:00. I’m never late for school. Lunch break is at 12:00. On nice days, my friends and Isometimes sit outside. Classes end at 3:00, but I never get home until after 6:00. I am on the track andfield team, and I practice after school. After practice, I usually go to the gym.On Saturdays, my school team often competes with teams from other schools. My dad always watches me whenI compete. I’m always tired after a competition, but I don’t mind it. I love running.Sunday is my favorite day. It’s usually my lazy day, and I love it.14 Unit 2014-023_SB1B_U02_14106.indd 141/17/07 7:27:36 PMPostcards

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Plan your weekly and daily activitiesPronunciation• The pronunciation of -s and -esendingsThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Read for specific information• Study a graph• Listen for specific information andcomplete a chart• Talk about routines and activities• Write about your typical day or weekTEACHER’S NOTESWarm-up (5 min.)• Bring in some pictures of people doing typicaleveryday activities, such as brushing their teeth,eating breakfast, getting on a bus to go to school,doing homework, and so on. Tape them on theboard in random order.• Call on several individual volunteers to come tothe front and rearrange the pictures in an orderreflecting their own day. For each arrangement,ask for a show of hands of students who performthe activities in the same order.• Tell students that they will learn how to tell abouttheir typical (usual) everyday activities today.Have students open their books. Introduce theunit title.Using the large photo (5 min. or less)• Have students look at the picture. Ask questionsto help students create a context for the readingpassage: Who do you see in the picture? (Brian) Whereis Brian? (in his room, at home) What time is it?(six-thirty) Is it morning or evening? (morning) Whatis Brian doing? (waking up; stretching)1 Reading (10 min.)• 21 Play the audio. Tell students to read alongas they listen. Then let them read the articleagain silently. Tell them that there will be somevocabulary that they don’t understand but thatthey may be able to guess the meanings of thesewords and phrases.T14:27:36 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U02.indd T142/27/07 10:22:05 AM

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Plan your weekly and daily activitiesPronunciation• The pronunciation of -s and -esendingsThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Read for specific information• Study a graph• Listen for specific information andcomplete a chart• Talk about routines and activities• Write about your typical day or weekTEACHER’S NOTESWarm-up (5 min.)• Bring in some pictures of people doing typicaleveryday activities, such as brushing their teeth,eating breakfast, getting on a bus to go to school,doing homework, and so on. Tape them on theboard in random order.• Call on several individual volunteers to come tothe front and rearrange the pictures in an orderreflecting their own day. For each arrangement,ask for a show of hands of students who performthe activities in the same order.• Tell students that they will learn how to tell abouttheir typical (usual) everyday activities today.Have students open their books. Introduce theunit title.Using the large photo (5 min. or less)• Have students look at the picture. Ask questionsto help students create a context for the readingpassage: Who do you see in the picture? (Brian) Whereis Brian? (in his room, at home) What time is it?(six-thirty) Is it morning or evening? (morning) Whatis Brian doing? (waking up; stretching)1 Reading (10 min.)• 21 Play the audio. Tell students to read alongas they listen. Then let them read the articleagain silently. Tell them that there will be somevocabulary that they don’t understand but thatthey may be able to guess the meanings of thesewords and phrases.T14:27:36 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U02.indd T142/27/07 10:22:05 AM

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