
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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1 Dialogue11 Cover the dialogue and listen.Andy: Look who’s here! Hi, Joey.Joey: Is this a bad time to come?Andy: No, no. It’s OK. What time is it?Joey: One o’clock. Are you guys going out?Liza: Well, yeah.Andy: Be quiet, Liza! Don’t be rude.Brian: Joey! It’s good to see you!Joey: Thanks.Brian: Hey, why’s your name Joey?Joey: It’s short for Josephine.Brian: Oh, cool. Andy, what time does themovie start?Joey: What movie? Can I come, too?Liza: Joey, we can’t all fit in the car!Andy: Don’t listen to her, Joey.Liza: Oh, all right. Hurry up.2 ComprehensionLearning goalsCommunicationTalk about abilitiesAsk for permissionGrammarImperativesCan to talk about abilitiesVocabularyClock timesA. Circle the correct answers.1. Liza is (happy / not happy) to see Joey.2. Brian (likes / hates) the name Joey.3. Joey (wants / doesn’t want) to go to themovies.4. Andy (is nice / isn’t nice) to Joey.5. Liza (is nice / isn’t nice) to Joey.B. 12 Read along as you listen again. Checkyour answers.6 Unit 1006-013_SB1B_U01_14106.indd 61/17/07 7:25:31 PMPostcards

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Have a can-do attitudePronunciation• The /æ/ sound in can and can’tThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Predict missing lines• Listen for specific information• Talk about abilities and talents• Ask permission to borrow something• Write commandsTEACHER’S NOTESBackground notes (5 min.)A nickname is a shortened form, or a pet name, for aperson. For many English names, the shortened form istaken from the first syllable—for example, Tim for Timothy.This is the case for the characters Andy (for Andrew) andRobbie (for Robert). Liza is a common nickname that comesfrom the middle of the name Elizabeth. The name Briandoes not have a common nickname.Warm-up (5 min.)• Have students review cardinal numbers by skipcounting by 5s. Write 5, 10 on the board. Elicitfrom the class the numbers in the pattern, through55, and write them on the board. Practice skipcounting together as a whole class.• Pair students. Tell them to alternate turns andpractice counting by 5s to 100. When they’vefinished, have them switch roles so thatStudent B begins.• Tell students that they will practice more withnumbers today—they will practice telling time.Have students open their books. Introduce theunit title.Using the large photo (5 min.)• Have students look at the picture. Ask Who do youknow in the picture? (Andy, Liza, Brian, and Joey)Where are they? (in front of their house) Do Andyand Brian look happy? (yes) Who looks unhappy?(Liza)1 Dialogue and 2 Comprehension (15 min.)• Tell students to cover the dialogue.A.• Tell students to silently read the directions andComprehension items for Exercise A. Ask themto raise their hands if they need help with thedirections or items.• 11 Play the audio two or more times.B.• 12 Tell students to uncover the dialogue. Playthe audio while students review their answers. Asyou check the answers, ask students How do youknow that Brian likes Joey? (He says Joey! It’s good tosee you! He also says Joey’s name is cool.) How isAndy nice to Joey? (He tells Liza Be quiet! Don’t berude. He tells Joey Don’t listen to her, Joey.)Answer key1. not happy2. likes3. wants4. is nice5. isn’t nice• To extend work with the dialogue, select keyvocabulary, structures, and communicativephrases to discuss more fully, such as Look who’shere, a bad time to come, going out, Well, Be quiet,Don’t be rude, short for, and Hurry up.• Have the class repeat the dialogue, then havestudents practice in groups of four, changingroles after each reading. Finally, select a group toperform for the class. For further extension ideas,see the Dialogues and Comprehension notes in theIntroduction, page x.Focus on valuesDiscuss friends and friendship with the class. Hereare some ideas to start.• Refer to the dialogue. Ask Is Liza happy to seeJoey? (no) Why not? (maybe she is jealous or doesnot like her) Write jealous on the board. Say Whenyou’re jealous, you’re unhappy because someone hassomething you want, or you think someone will takesomething away from you—for example, love.• Ask How does Liza sound when she says, Well,yeah? (unfriendly) Ask Does Andy like the wayLiza talked to Joey? (No, he tells Liza to stop it.)• Ask Who would you choose as a friend, Liza or Joey?Why? What do you do when someone is not friendlyto you? Elicit positive strategies for responding torudeness; for example, be friendly in return, askthe person if he or she is angry.T6:25:31 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U01.indd T62/27/07 10:23:37 AM

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Have a can-do attitudePronunciation• The /æ/ sound in can and can’tThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Predict missing lines• Listen for specific information• Talk about abilities and talents• Ask permission to borrow something• Write commandsTEACHER’S NOTESBackground notes (5 min.)A nickname is a shortened form, or a pet name, for aperson. For many <strong>English</strong> names, the shortened form istaken from the first syllable—for example, Tim for Timothy.This is the case for the characters Andy (for Andrew) andRobbie (for Robert). Liza is a common nickname that comesfrom the middle of the name Elizabeth. The name Briandoes not have a common nickname.Warm-up (5 min.)• Have students review cardinal numbers by skipcounting by 5s. Write 5, 10 on the board. Elicitfrom the class the numbers in the pattern, through55, and write them on the board. Practice skipcounting together as a whole class.• Pair students. Tell them to alternate turns andpractice counting by 5s to 100. When they’vefinished, have them switch roles so thatStudent B begins.• Tell students that they will practice more withnumbers today—they will practice telling time.Have students open their books. Introduce theunit title.Using the large photo (5 min.)• Have students look at the picture. Ask Who do youknow in the picture? (Andy, Liza, Brian, and Joey)Where are they? (in front of their house) Do Andyand Brian look happy? (yes) Who looks unhappy?(Liza)1 Dialogue and 2 Comprehension (15 min.)• Tell students to cover the dialogue.A.• Tell students to silently read the directions andComprehension items for Exercise A. Ask themto raise their hands if they need help with thedirections or items.• 11 Play the audio two or more times.B.• 12 Tell students to uncover the dialogue. Playthe audio while students review their answers. Asyou check the answers, ask students How do youknow that Brian likes Joey? (He says Joey! It’s good tosee you! He also says Joey’s name is cool.) How isAndy nice to Joey? (He tells Liza Be quiet! Don’t berude. He tells Joey Don’t listen to her, Joey.)Answer key1. not happy2. likes3. wants4. is nice5. isn’t nice• To extend work with the dialogue, select keyvocabulary, structures, and communicativephrases to discuss more fully, such as Look who’shere, a bad time to come, going out, Well, Be quiet,Don’t be rude, short for, and Hurry up.• Have the class repeat the dialogue, then havestudents practice in groups of four, changingroles after each reading. Finally, select a group toperform for the class. For further extension ideas,see the Dialogues and Comprehension notes in theIntroduction, page x.Focus on valuesDiscuss friends and friendship with the class. Hereare some ideas to start.• Refer to the dialogue. Ask Is Liza happy to seeJoey? (no) Why not? (maybe she is jealous or doesnot like her) Write jealous on the board. Say Whenyou’re jealous, you’re unhappy because someone hassomething you want, or you think someone will takesomething away from you—for example, love.• Ask How does Liza sound when she says, Well,yeah? (unfriendly) Ask Does Andy like the wayLiza talked to Joey? (No, he tells Liza to stop it.)• Ask Who would you choose as a friend, Liza or Joey?Why? What do you do when someone is not friendlyto you? Elicit positive strategies for responding torudeness; for example, be friendly in return, askthe person if he or she is angry.T6:25:31 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U01.indd T62/27/07 10:23:37 AM

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