
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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TEACHER’S NOTES6 A classroom (10 min.)A.• Have students look at the pictures and repeat asyou point to and read each word aloud.• Say each word again and point to or touch itsequivalent in your classroom. Have studentsrepeat the word after you. Then point to an item inthe classroom and elicit the word from the class.B.• PAIRS. Read the instructions aloud and have theclass repeat the example after you. Then modelthe activity with a student, demonstrating takingturns. Next, call on a pair to stand and model thisactivity for the class.• Assign pairs. Walk around to monitor as studentspractice.• To check, call on a student to come to the front andask about the colors of objects in the classroom.Have the class answer together.7 Classroom objects (15 min.)A.• If possible, gather the actual items in the listand have them ready on your table beforehand.Introduce this activity by eliciting or teaching thenames of each item on the table; for example, pickup a book and ask What is this in English? Write theanswers on the board.• 6 Have students open their books. Read theinstructions, then play the audio one or moretimes as students listen and repeat.B.• Read the instructions aloud. Model the activityby holding up an item you have, saying itsname, then checking the appropriate box in yourtextbook.• To conclude this activity, call on a student to tellyou what boxes he or she checked. Then say eachitem aloud and have students hold up the item ifthey have it.8 Classroom commands (10 min.)A.Focus on multiple intelligences: this activityfocuses on kinesthetic intelligence.• Call on a strong student to read the instructionsaloud. Then hold up your book. Point to eachcommand, read it aloud, and have the class repeatafter you.• Say each command again, have students repeat,then model performing the command. Havestudents perform the command after you. (ForCome in, you may want to act out knocking on andthen stepping through an imaginary doorway.)Then say each command again in random orderand have students act it out with you. Continueuntil you feel students have learned the actionsthat go with each command.B.• PAIRS. Assign pairs, indicating which studentin each pair is Student A and which is Student B.(Pointing, say You’re a pair. You’re Student A. You’reStudent B.) Model performing the activity with astudent. Then call on a pair to stand and model itfor the class.• When students have finished, tell them to switchroles. If helpful, demonstrate this for the class withthe student you modeled with previously.• To check, have the class close their books. Say thecommands in random order and have the class actthem out. To make this more fun and challenging,pick up the speed of your commands as youproceed.T3Postcards_splitB_TE1_FM.indd T32/27/07 10:23:17 AMvi-5_SB1

6 A classroomboardteacherdoorwallwindowA. Look at the picture and read the labels.B. PAIRS. Take turns. Ask for the colors of these things inyour classroom.studentboard door wall deskFor example:A: What color is the board? B: Black.floor7 Classroom objectsdeskA. 6 Look at the pictures as you listen and repeat the words.❑ book❑ crayons❑ eraser❑ pen❑ folders❑ markers❑ notebook❑ notepad❑ pair of scissors ❑ pencil❑ poster board❑ rulerB. Look at the words in Exercise A. Check (✔) the items you have.8 Classroom commandsA. Look at the pictures and read the commands.1Come in.2Stand up.3Sit down.4 Open your book.5 Close your book.6 Write.7Listen.8Raise your hand.9Exchange workwith a classmate.B. PAIRS. Student A, give a command. Student B, do Student A’s command. Switch roles.Let’s get started.3:23:17 AMvi-5_SB1B_LGS_14106.indd 31/17/07 7:20:31 PM

6 A classroomboardteacherdoorwallwindowA. Look at the picture and read the labels.B. PAIRS. Take turns. Ask for the colors of these things inyour classroom.studentboard door wall deskFor example:A: What color is the board? B: Black.floor7 Classroom objectsdeskA. 6 Look at the pictures as you listen and repeat the words.❑ book❑ crayons❑ eraser❑ pen❑ folders❑ markers❑ notebook❑ notepad❑ pair of scissors ❑ pencil❑ poster board❑ rulerB. Look at the words in Exercise A. Check (✔) the items you have.8 Classroom commandsA. Look at the pictures and read the commands.1Come in.2Stand up.3Sit down.4 Open your book.5 Close your book.6 Write.7Listen.8Raise your hand.9Exchange workwith a classmate.B. PAIRS. Student A, give a command. Student B, do Student A’s command. Switch roles.Let’s get started.3:23:17 AMvi-5_SB1B_LGS_14106.indd 31/17/07 7:20:31 PM

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