
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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GRAMMAR REFERENCEUnit 5, page 44: The simple past of regular verbsUse the simple past to talk about events that werestarted and finished in the past.To form the simple past of most regular verbs thatend in a consonant, add -ed. This includes wordsending in a vowel and -y.To form the simple past of regular verbs that endin -e, add -d.We moved to Florida in 1999.We studied for the test last night.talk → talkedplay → playedsmile → smiledcare → caredTo form the simple past of regular verbs that endin a consonant and -y, drop the -y and add -ied.To form the simple past of regular verbs thatend with a stressed consonant-vowel-consonantpattern, double the final consonant and add -ed.To form affirmative statements in the simple past,begin with a subject followed by a past tense verband a complement if needed.To form negative statements in the simple past,begin with a subject followed by did not, the baseform of a verb, and a complement if needed.Did not is usually contracted to didn’t inconversation and informal writing.cry → criedtry → triedstop → stoppedplan → plannedSubject + past tense of verb (+ complement)They talked.She cried all day.Subject + did + not + base form of verb(+ complement)They did not try at all.did not → didn’tWe didn’t study.Unit 5, page 46: The simple past of regular verbsTo form Yes/No questions in the simple past, beginwith Did followed by a subject, the base form of averb, and a complement if needed.To answer Yes/No questions in the simple pastin the affirmative, begin with Yes followed by asubject and did.To answer Yes/No questions in the simple past inthe negative, begin with No followed by a subjectand did not or didn’t.Did + subject + base form of verb (+ complement)Did they call yesterday?Did you move last year?Yes + subject + didYes, I did.Yes, they did.No + subject + didn’t/ did + notNo, I didn’t.No, they did not.Unit 5, page 47: The simple past of regular verbsTo form Who questions in the simple past tense,begin with Who followed by the past tense of theverb. Who is the subject of the sentence.Who + past tense of verbWho called?Who picked you up?Do not use do/did/does when Who is the subject. X Who did call? ✓ Who called?To answer Who questions, begin with a subjectfollowed by the past tense of the verb, or answerwith a name alone.Subject + past tense of verbWho called?Theo called. or Theo.102Postcards_splitB_TE1_GR.indd 1022/27/07 10:22:20 AMPostcards

Unit 6, page 54: The simple past of be (was/were)The simple past of be for affirmative statements iswas/were.The simple past of be for negative statements isformed with was/were and not.Was not / Were not are usually contracted to wasn’tand weren’t in conversation and informal writing.I washe / she / it wasI was nothe / she / it was notwas not → wasn’twere not → weren’tyou / we / they wereyou / we / they were notGRAMMAR REFERENCEUnit 6, page 55: The simple past of be (was/were)To form Yes/No questions with the simple past ofbe, begin with Was/Were followed by a subjectand complement.Was/Were + subject + complementWas she sick last week?Were they late?To answer Yes/No questions with the simple pastof be in the affirmative, begin with Yes followed bya subject and was/were.Yes + subject + was/wereWas she sick last week?Yes, she was.Were they late?Yes, they were.To answer Yes/No questions with the simple pastof be in the negative, begin with No followed by asubject and was not / wasn’t / were not / weren’t.To ask information questions with the simple pastof be, begin with a Wh- question word followed bythe simple past tense form of be.To answer Why questions with the simple past ofbe, begin with the subject or Because.No + subject + was/were + notWas she sick last week?No, she was wasn’t.Were they late?No, they were not.Who/Where/Why/What/ When/How + was/wereWho was in the car?Why were they late?Where was he?Why were they late?They were late because the bus was late.Because the bus was late.Unit 6, page 56: The simple past of irregular verbsTo ask Who questions with irregular verbs in thesimple past, begin with Who followed by a verb inthe simple past and a complement if needed.To ask other information questions with irregularverbs in the simple past, begin with the Whquestionword followed by did, a subject, a verb inthe base form, and a complement if needed.Who + verb (+ complement)Who took the books?When + did + subject + base form of verb(+ complement)When did Gloria come home?103:22:20 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_GR.indd 1032/27/07 10:22:20 AM

Unit 6, page 54: The simple past of be (was/were)The simple past of be for affirmative statements iswas/were.The simple past of be for negative statements isformed with was/were and not.Was not / Were not are usually contracted to wasn’tand weren’t in conversation and informal writing.I washe / she / it wasI was nothe / she / it was notwas not → wasn’twere not → weren’tyou / we / they wereyou / we / they were notGRAMMAR REFERENCEUnit 6, page 55: The simple past of be (was/were)To form Yes/No questions with the simple past ofbe, begin with Was/Were followed by a subjectand complement.Was/Were + subject + complementWas she sick last week?Were they late?To answer Yes/No questions with the simple pastof be in the affirmative, begin with Yes followed bya subject and was/were.Yes + subject + was/wereWas she sick last week?Yes, she was.Were they late?Yes, they were.To answer Yes/No questions with the simple pastof be in the negative, begin with No followed by asubject and was not / wasn’t / were not / weren’t.To ask information questions with the simple pastof be, begin with a Wh- question word followed bythe simple past tense form of be.To answer Why questions with the simple past ofbe, begin with the subject or Because.No + subject + was/were + notWas she sick last week?No, she was wasn’t.Were they late?No, they were not.Who/Where/Why/What/ When/How + was/wereWho was in the car?Why were they late?Where was he?Why were they late?They were late because the bus was late.Because the bus was late.Unit 6, page 56: The simple past of irregular verbsTo ask Who questions with irregular verbs in thesimple past, begin with Who followed by a verb inthe simple past and a complement if needed.To ask other information questions with irregularverbs in the simple past, begin with the Whquestionword followed by did, a subject, a verb inthe base form, and a complement if needed.Who + verb (+ complement)Who took the books?When + did + subject + base form of verb(+ complement)When did Gloria come home?103:22:20 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_GR.indd 1032/27/07 10:22:20 AM

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