
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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GRAMMAR REFERENCEUnit 3, page 27: Prepositions of locationPrepositions of location are used to identify thelocations of people, places, and things.Next to refers to a person, place, or thing that isbeside another person, place, or thing.The preposition behind refers to the location ofa person, place, or thing that is at the back ofanother person, place, or thing.The bank is on the corner of Theo Lane.Jesse’s house is behind the school.The library is right next to the post office.The pool is behind the hotel.On the corner of refers to the place where twostreets meet.In front of refers to the location of a person, placeor thing that faces another person, place, or thing.Across from refers to the location of a person,place, or thing that is on the other side of anotherperson, place, or thing.The preposition between refers to the location ofa person, place, or thing that is in the middle oftwo things.The preposition in refers to a location in a certainarea or in an enclosed space.The preposition on refers to the location on asurface. Use on to refer to a street.The house is on the corner of Bay and First Street.I can’t see because you are right in front of me.The park is across from the hotel.Kate wants to sit between her mother and her sister.Miami is a city in Florida.The restaurant is in the mall.We live on this street.Unit 3, page 28: There is/There areUse There is / There are to show that somethingexists, often in a specific place.To form affirmative statements, start with Therefollowed by the correct form of be, the subject,and a place if needed.There is is usually contracted to there’s.To form negative statements, begin with Therefollowed by be and not, and the subject.Use some to indicate a quantity in an affirmativestatement. Use any in a negative statement.To ask Yes/No questions with there is/there are,begin with be followed by there, a/an or any, anda noun.To answer Yes, use Yes, there, and be.To answer No, use No, there, be, not, and anyif desired.There is a great art museum in the city.There are many Asian restaurants on our street.There + be + subject (+ place)There is a post office on the corner.There are some interesting stores here.There is → There’sThere + be + not + subject (+ place)There isn’t anyone here.There are some great stores here.There aren’t any hotels in this town.Be + there + a/an/any + subject (+ place)Are there any good parks in Miami?Is there a bathroom here?Yes + there + beYes, there is.No + there + be + not (+ any)No, there aren’t (any).100Postcards_splitB_TE1_GR.indd 1002/27/07 10:22:19 AMPostcards

Unit 4, page 36: The present continuous: be (am/is/are) + verb -ingThe present continuous is something that ishappening right now. The simple present refers toevents that happen frequently or to conditions thatrarely change.To form the present continuous of most words,just add -ing.To form the present continuous of words endingin a consonant and -e, drop the -e and add -ing.Present continuous: I’m sitting in the front row (asI speak).Simple present: I always sit in the front row.I’m dreaming about my family vacation.They’re speaking for all of us.You’re making a big mistake.We’re having a party for our grandparents.GRAMMAR REFERENCETo form the present continuous of words thatend with a stressed consonant-vowel-consonantpattern, double the final consonant.To form affirmative statements in the presentcontinuous, start with a subject followed by beand a verb ending in -ing.To form negative statements in the presentcontinuous, start with a subject followed by be,not, and a verb ending in -ing.You can use the present continuous to talk aboutsomething that is happening right now andcontinuing into the future.My brother is hitting the ball.My cousin is letting us use his computer.Subject + be + verb -ingMy grandmother is talking (on the phone).We are walking ( to the park).Subject + be + not + verb -ingWe are not swimming.He is not driving.I am living in Florida.We are learning English.Unit 4, page 38: The present continuous: be (am/is/are) + verb -ingTo ask Yes/No questions in the present continuous,begin with be, followed by a subject and a verbending in -ing.To answer Yes questions in the present continuous,begin with Yes followed by a subject and be.To answer No questions, begin with No followedby a subject, be, and not.To ask most information questions in the presentcontinuous, begin with a Wh- word followed by be,a subject, and a verb ending in -ing.To ask a general question, use What and doing.Be + subject + verb -ingAre you working?Yes + subject + beYes, I am.No + subject + be + notNo, I am not.No, I’m not.Wh- + be + subject + verb -ingWhat is he reading?Where are they going?What are you doing?101:22:19 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_GR.indd 1012/27/07 10:22:19 AM

Unit 4, page 36: The present continuous: be (am/is/are) + verb -ingThe present continuous is something that ishappening right now. The simple present refers toevents that happen frequently or to conditions thatrarely change.To form the present continuous of most words,just add -ing.To form the present continuous of words endingin a consonant and -e, drop the -e and add -ing.Present continuous: I’m sitting in the front row (asI speak).Simple present: I always sit in the front row.I’m dreaming about my family vacation.They’re speaking for all of us.You’re making a big mistake.We’re having a party for our grandparents.GRAMMAR REFERENCETo form the present continuous of words thatend with a stressed consonant-vowel-consonantpattern, double the final consonant.To form affirmative statements in the presentcontinuous, start with a subject followed by beand a verb ending in -ing.To form negative statements in the presentcontinuous, start with a subject followed by be,not, and a verb ending in -ing.You can use the present continuous to talk aboutsomething that is happening right now andcontinuing into the future.My brother is hitting the ball.My cousin is letting us use his computer.Subject + be + verb -ingMy grandmother is talking (on the phone).We are walking ( to the park).Subject + be + not + verb -ingWe are not swimming.He is not driving.I am living in Florida.We are learning <strong>English</strong>.Unit 4, page 38: The present continuous: be (am/is/are) + verb -ingTo ask Yes/No questions in the present continuous,begin with be, followed by a subject and a verbending in -ing.To answer Yes questions in the present continuous,begin with Yes followed by a subject and be.To answer No questions, begin with No followedby a subject, be, and not.To ask most information questions in the presentcontinuous, begin with a Wh- word followed by be,a subject, and a verb ending in -ing.To ask a general question, use What and doing.Be + subject + verb -ingAre you working?Yes + subject + beYes, I am.No + subject + be + notNo, I am not.No, I’m not.Wh- + be + subject + verb -ingWhat is he reading?Where are they going?What are you doing?101:22:19 AMPostcards_splitB_TE1_GR.indd 1012/27/07 10:22:19 AM

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