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Fun with grammarUnit 1, 6 Practice, page 8For the teacher: Form groups of six. Choose one leader per group to give the followingcommands. The rest of the group must do the action at the same time. If someone is unableto perform the action, he or she must sit down. The last person standing is the leader for thenext round of the game. This activity can also be done with the whole class. If done as awhole class, choose one or two students to go around and call out students who are unable toperform the action.1. Stand up. 6. Put your hands down.2. Stand on one foot. 7. Laugh.3. Sit down. 8. Sing “Happy birthday.”4. Stand up. 9. Wave to your teacher.5. Shake a classmate’s hand. 10. Greet your teacher.Unit 2, 10 Practice, page 18For the teacher: You will need a very softball for tossing. Follow the instructions.1. Tell students to stand up in a circle.2. Ask a How often question and toss the ballto a student.3. The student who catches the ball (thatis, Student 1) answers the question in acomplete sentence using an adverb offrequency.For example:<strong>Teacher</strong>: How often do you forget your<strong>English</strong> book at home?Student 1: I never forget my <strong>English</strong> bookat home.4. Student 1 then tosses the ball to a secondstudent (that is, Student 2) and asks himor her a How often question. Student 2answers the question. Repeat the processuntil all have had a chance to participate.Unit 3, 4 Practice, page 25For the teacher: Divide the class into two ormore teams. Explain how to play the game.You will do the following: (1) choose amystery word from Exercise 3 and(2) think of a sentence using the mysteryword correctly, but (3) in place of themystery word, say “yadda yadda.” Forexample, “On weekends I often go with myfamily to the yadda yadda. We usually don’tbuy anything. We just walk around and gofrom store to store.”Assign a representative for each team. Theteam reps must raise their hands if theythink they know the mystery word. Theteam rep who raises his/her hand first getsa chance to say the mystery word out loud.If the answer is wrong, another team getsthe chance to steal the point. If all teamsfail to give the correct word, create anothersentence using the same word.For example, “The yadda yadda in my townhas lots of cool stores and really goodrestaurants.” Continue using the same wordin sentences until a team guesses the correctword (mall). For the next turn, assign a newrepresentative for each team. Continue inthis way as time allows.68Fun with grammar068-069_SB1B_BM_FWG_14106.indd 681/17/07 8:04:17 PMPostcards

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