
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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TEACHER’S NOTES1 ComprehensionA.• Have students match the photos with the names ofthe teenagers.• Check answers by calling on individual students.Answer keyJudy 3Lauren 1Terry 22 Comparing cultures• PAIRS. Read the first item aloud and elicit severalanswers from students. Have volunteers read theother questions aloud.• Have students discuss the questions withtheir partners.• Circulate to help and encourage students.• Have pairs present the most important orinteresting information that they discovered abouteach other.B.• Read the instructions and questions aloud. Elicitthe answer to the first item from the class.• Have students answer the questions individually.• Check answers by asking one student to read thequestion and another to read the answer.Answer key1. Because she likes bright colors.2. Because she can find them easily.3. Because he can be pretty loud.4. Because he likes things simple.5. Because she likes to look at them and think about them.6. Because she puts a lot of personal things on her walls.• To extend work with the reading, ask detailedcomprehension questions using the photos; forexample: (pointing at picture number one) Whoseroom is this? What does she do there? Where does shesurf the Internet? What other things does she have inher room? Do you think her room is messy?3 Your turn• Tell students they will write about their ownrooms. Have them use the questions in Exercise2 to guide them in their writing. They can alsoreread the different paragraphs on pages 66–67 tohelp them compose their own.• You can have students complete their paragraphsin class if there is time or assign this as homework.If you assign it as homework, ask students whohave pictures of their rooms to bring their photosand share them with the class.• Ask students to read their paragraphs to a partneror to the class. You may also post the students’paragraphs and the photos on the wall forstudents to read and look at.This is a Home/School connection activity.• Have students take their paragraphs home toshare with their family. Tell students to readaloud and explain what they’ve written.T67Postcards_splitB_TE1_BM_62-70.inT67 T672/27/07 10:21:58 AM064-067_

1 ComprehensionA. Whose room is it? Write the number of thephoto next to each name.Judy Lauren TerryTerry, ChicagoMy room is my studio. Iplay my keyboards andpractice for gigs there. I’min a hip-hop band calledBox, and we sometimesplay in my garage. Myroom is above the garage,away from the otherrooms in the house. So Ican be pretty loud in myroom. That’s my favoritething about it. I don’thave a lot of stuff. I justhave an old bunk bed, adresser, my keyboard,and speakers. I guessI like things simple. Isleep and play musicin my room, and that’sabout it.3B. Write short answers to the questionsbelow. Begin each answer with Because.1. Why does Lauren have blue curtains anda hot pink chair? Because she likes brightcolors.2. Why does Lauren like her clothes andthings scattered around?3. What is Terry’s favorite thing about hisroom?4. Why doesn’t Terry have a lot of stuff?5. Why does Judy write her thoughts andideas on her walls?6. How is Judy’s room her “scrapbook”?2 Comparing culturesPAIRS. Discuss these questions.1. Is your room important to you?Why/Why not?2. Do you spend much time in your room?Why/Why not?3. What furniture do you have?4. What do you have on your walls? Why?5. What else is special about your room? Why?3 Your turnWrite a paragraph about your own room.Explain what it shows about you.Focus on culture 267:21:58 AM064-067_SB1B_BM_Culture_14106.in67 671/17/07 8:03:46 PM

1 ComprehensionA. Whose room is it? Write the number of thephoto next to each name.Judy Lauren TerryTerry, ChicagoMy room is my studio. Iplay my keyboards andpractice for gigs there. I’min a hip-hop band calledBox, and we sometimesplay in my garage. Myroom is above the garage,away from the otherrooms in the house. So Ican be pretty loud in myroom. That’s my favoritething about it. I don’thave a lot of stuff. I justhave an old bunk bed, adresser, my keyboard,and speakers. I guessI like things simple. Isleep and play musicin my room, and that’sabout it.3B. Write short answers to the questionsbelow. Begin each answer with Because.1. Why does Lauren have blue curtains anda hot pink chair? Because she likes brightcolors.2. Why does Lauren like her clothes andthings scattered around?3. What is Terry’s favorite thing about hisroom?4. Why doesn’t Terry have a lot of stuff?5. Why does Judy write her thoughts andideas on her walls?6. How is Judy’s room her “scrapbook”?2 Comparing culturesPAIRS. Discuss these questions.1. Is your room important to you?Why/Why not?2. Do you spend much time in your room?Why/Why not?3. What furniture do you have?4. What do you have on your walls? Why?5. What else is special about your room? Why?3 Your turnWrite a paragraph about your own room.Explain what it shows about you.Focus on culture 267:21:58 AM064-067_SB1B_BM_Culture_14106.in67 671/17/07 8:03:46 PM

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