
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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1 Dialogue57 Cover the dialogue and listen.Brian: Good-bye, Mrs. Gibson. Thanks forhaving me this summer. I really hada great time.Mom: We’re glad you came, Brian. It wasfun for us, too. And you were sogood with Robbie. Say hi to yourparents.Robbie: Uh, Brian. You can have mybaseball. It’s my present for you.Brian: Thank you, Robbie. I left somethingfor you in your room.Joey: And this is from all of us. It’s thefamily picture you took at the picnic.Brian: You’re a great friend, Joey. Andy,you’re cool. Thanks, man.Andy: No problem, dude. Good luck.Liza: We’ll miss you, Brian. Keep in touch.Brian: OK. Oh, I almost forgot. This isfor you, Liza. Joey thought you’dlove this.Liza: Oh, thank you! It’s beautiful.Brian: Bye, everyone.All: Bye. Have a great trip.Take care.Learning goalsCommunicationTalk about the pastSay good-byeTalk about occupationsGrammarThe simple past ofbe (was/were)The simple past ofirregular verbsVocabularySome occupations52 Unit 6052-061_SB1B_U06_14106.indd 521/17/07 7:57:05 PMPostcards

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Keep a list of words and expressionsPronunciation• The pronunciation of was and wereThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Look up the meaning of words inan article• Listen for specific information• Talk about past activities• Talk about favorite occupations• Write a story using the simple pastTEACHER’S NOTESWarm-up (5 min.)Cross-curricular activity: foreign languages• In one column on the board, write some wordsthat mean good-bye in different languages. Inthe other column, in random order, write thedifferent languages. You may use the followingwords or some of your own:Au revoir (French)Arrivederci (Italian)Alvidha (Hindi)Do svidaniya (Russian)Sayonara (Japanese)Shalom (Hebrew)• Ask students about the different ways to saygood-bye in their L1. Then tell students thatyou have written on the board words thatmean good-bye in different languages. Havethem work in pairs and match the word withthe language. Elicit the answers and draw“matching” lines on the board.• Tell students that Brian is going to saygood-bye to the Gibsons in today’s dialogue.Have students open their books. Introduce theunit title.Using the large photo (less than 5 min.)• Ask students to look at the picture. Ask Who doyou see in the large photo? (Andy, Joey, Robbie, Mrs.Gibson, Brian, and Liza) Where are they? (in frontof the Gibsons’ house) What do you think ishappening? (Brian is leaving.) What makes you saythat? (Andy is carrying a suitcase, and everyoneis near the car.) Who do you see in the small picture?(Brian and Liza) What is Liza holding? (a box and awatch or bracelet)1 Dialogue and 2 Comprehension (15 min.)• Have students cover the dialogue.(Suggested procedures are continued on thenext page.)T52:57:05 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U06.indd T522/27/07 10:21:41 AM

Learning goalsLearning strategy• Keep a list of words and expressionsPronunciation• The pronunciation of was and wereThe following are additional learning goals in this unit:Skills• Look up the meaning of words inan article• Listen for specific information• Talk about past activities• Talk about favorite occupations• Write a story using the simple pastTEACHER’S NOTESWarm-up (5 min.)Cross-curricular activity: foreign languages• In one column on the board, write some wordsthat mean good-bye in different languages. Inthe other column, in random order, write thedifferent languages. You may use the followingwords or some of your own:Au revoir (French)Arrivederci (Italian)Alvidha (Hindi)Do svidaniya (Russian)Sayonara (Japanese)Shalom (Hebrew)• Ask students about the different ways to saygood-bye in their L1. Then tell students thatyou have written on the board words thatmean good-bye in different languages. Havethem work in pairs and match the word withthe language. Elicit the answers and draw“matching” lines on the board.• Tell students that Brian is going to saygood-bye to the Gibsons in today’s dialogue.Have students open their books. Introduce theunit title.Using the large photo (less than 5 min.)• Ask students to look at the picture. Ask Who doyou see in the large photo? (Andy, Joey, Robbie, Mrs.Gibson, Brian, and Liza) Where are they? (in frontof the Gibsons’ house) What do you think ishappening? (Brian is leaving.) What makes you saythat? (Andy is carrying a suitcase, and everyoneis near the car.) Who do you see in the small picture?(Brian and Liza) What is Liza holding? (a box and awatch or bracelet)1 Dialogue and 2 Comprehension (15 min.)• Have students cover the dialogue.(Suggested procedures are continued on thenext page.)T52:57:05 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U06.indd T522/27/07 10:21:41 AM

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