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TEACHER’S NOTES(10 min.)• GROUPS. Read the instructions aloud. Elicitor explain the meaning of jealous. Then read theUseful language aloud and have students sayit after you. Make sure students understandsituations, natural, of course, and Can you givean example?• With two or three students, take the lead inmodeling a conversation about jealousy. Showstudents how to use the Useful language.• Have students form small groups to discuss thetopic. Walk around to monitor as students work,helping only when asked.• Elicit examples of situations when people getjealous from several groups. Then elicit students’opinions about jealousy and the best way to dealwith it.8 Pronunciation (15 min.)A.• Elicit from students the ending sounds of regularsimple past verbs. (/t /, /d /, /əd /) Point out thesymbol for each sound. As a class, have studentsread through the list of verbs and sound them outby themselves.• 52 Play the audio. Have students listen andrepeat the words.• Review the meaning of a voiceless sound (thevocal cords do not move or vibrate) and a voicedsound (the vocal cords vibrate). Point out thatall vowel sounds are voiced sounds. Reviewand elicit examples of voiceless (/f /, / k /, / p /,/ s /, / t /) and voiced (/ b /, / d /, /g /, / v/, / z /)consonant sounds.• Have the class read the past verbs ending in / t /again. Elicit the base forms of the verbs. (stop,ask, talk) Ask What are the ending sounds of thesebase verbs? (/ p /, / k /) Are they voiced or voiceless?(voiceless) Elicit or give the pronunciation rule: Ifthe base form of a verb ends in a voiceless sound,except / t /, the simple past form of the verb ends witha / t / sound.• Follow the same procedures with the past tenseverbs ending in /d/. Elicit or give the rule: If thebase form of a verb ends in a voiced sound, except /d/,the simple past tense form of the verb ends with a/d/ sound.• Repeat with the past tense verbs ending in /ə/.Point out the three ending sounds in the base formof the sample verbs—/t/, /d/, and the /i/ soundof y. Elicit or give the rule: If the base form of a verbends in /d/, /t/, or /i/, the simple past tense of theverb ends with an /əd/ sound.B.• 53 Read the instructions aloud. Play the audioas students listen and circle the verb that endswith the /t/ sound.• Check by having volunteers say the verbswith the /t/ endings first before reading thecomplete sentence.Answer key1. stopped 2. talked 3. laughed 4. watchedLearn to learn (5–10 min.)• Read the strategy line and tips. If helpful, discussthese ideas in the L1.9 Listening (10 min.)• Use the pictures in the text and/or L1 equivalentsto preteach the food items mentioned in thelistening exercise. (cake, ice cream, spaghetti,hamburgers, lemonade, candy, peanuts)• 54 Tell students that they will first listen andmake notes in the blanks in the Learn to learnsection. Play the audio two or three times. Havestudents listen and take notes about the importantparts of Caroline’s message.• Tell students to answer the questions in theexercise using their notes. Point out that there maybe more than one answer for each question.• 54 Play the audio again and have students checktheir answers. Then check answers orally. Askstudents if taking notes helped them understandthe listening audio better.Answer key1. ice cream, cake 2. two3. Caroline’s mom 4. spaghetti, hamburgers5. lemonade, candy, peanuts 6. at four o’clockAudioscriptListen to the conversation.Caroline: Hi, Andy. It’s Caroline. Just want to let youknow that I ordered a cake and two kinds of icecream, chocolate and vanilla. Mom cooked somespaghetti and hamburgers. And remember, Iasked you to pick up some lemonade, candy, andpeanuts from the supermarket before four. Didyou? Let me know. Mom and I are driving thefood to your house at four. Be sure you’re home.Call me.T45Postcards_splitB_TE1_U05.indd T452/27/07 10:21:15 AM042-051_

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