
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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GRAMMAR FOCUSThe simple pastof regular verbsAffirmative statementsI talked to him yesterday.She smiled at him.He stopped by afew minutes ago.We cried becausethey moved away.Contractionsdidn’t = did notDiscovering grammarNegative statementsI didn’t talk to him.He didn’t smile back.He didn’t stop forlong.They didn’t cry at all.Look at the grammar chart. Complete thegrammar rules with expressions from thebox.-d simple past ago stop-ed yesterday last base1. Use the to talk aboutactions that are finished.2. , , andare past time expressions.3. The base form of stopped is .4. To form the simple past of regular verbs inaffirmative statements, addorbase form of a verb.to the5. To form the simple past of verbs innegative statements, use did + not + theform of a main verb.Practicing grammar5 PracticeHave a competition! Go to page 69.6 PracticeComplete the sentences with the simple past.1. Liza (ask) asked about Brian a while ago.2. Andy and Robbie (play) basketballin the yard this morning.3. Brian (stop by) five minutes ago.4. He (try) to call Joey an hour ago.5. Liza (worry) that Brian called Joeyagain.6. Brian and Joey (enjoy) shoppingtogether yesterday.7. Liza (suggest) a party for Brian.7 PracticeA. Write a summary of the conversation onpage 42. Use the simple past of the verbsin the box.agree plan stopask play suggestThis morning, Andy and Robbie played basketballin the yard. Brian stopped by for a few minutes.LizaSheAndyTheyB. PAIRS. Read your classmate’s summary.Circle any incorrect information or incorrectuse of the simple past. Correct the errors inyour stories together.44 Unit 5042-051_SB1B_U05_14106.indd 441/17/07 7:51:27 PMPostcards

Grammar Focusand Discovering grammar (15 min.)The simple past of regular verbs☞ See Grammar reference, page 102.• Have students scan the affirmative statementsin the grammar chart for past time expressions.(yesterday, a few minutes ago) Say These past timeexpressions tell us that the action is done or is finished.It happened in the past, not the present. We can also tellthat something happened in the past by how the verblooks.• Write the heading Base Form on the board and nextto it Simple Past Form. Write talk under Base Form.This is the base form of the verb. The base form of a verbis the simplest form of that verb. Have a volunteerread the first affirmative statement in the grammarchart. Then ask What do we add to the base form of theverb talk to change it into its past form? (-ed) Writetalked next to talk. Next, write smile, then ask Whatdo we add to the base form of the verb smile to changeit into its past form? (-d) Continue with stop (doublethe p, add -ed) and cry. (change the y to i; add -ed)• Read aloud the verbs in their past form. Ask Whatdo you notice about the ending sounds of the past tenseform of the verbs? (It is either /t / or /d /.)• Have students read through the negativestatements. Say The negative statements all havethe same word. What is it? (didn’t) Elicit theuncontracted form of didn’t. (did not)• Read the affirmative and the negative statementsaloud, pausing after each sentence for studentsto repeat.• Have students work individually to complete thegrammar rules in Discovering grammar. Checkanswers orally.Answer key1. simple past 2. Ago, yesterday, and last3. stop 4. -d or -ed 5. basePracticing grammar5 Practice (5 min.)• Turn to page 69 and let students havea competition.6 Practice (5 min.)• Call on a student to read the instructions and theanswer to the first item. Remind students to payattention to the spelling of the past tense endings.Then have students work individually to completethe exercise.• To check, call on students to say and spell theanswers orally. Alternately, have six students cometo the front and write the answers to items 2–7 onthe board.Answer key1. asked 2. played 3. stopped by 4. tried5. worried 6. enjoyed 7. suggestedHave students complete Workbook Exercises 4–6and Grammar Builder Exercises 1–3.7 Practice (15 min.)A.• Read the instructions aloud, then go over theverbs in the box; make sure students understandsummary, agree, and plan. Read the first set ofsentences aloud. Then have students look back atthe dialogue. Elicit the next two items and writethem on the board. Then have students work inpairs or small groups to complete the exercise.B.• PAIRS. Have students form pairs with a studentfrom a different pair or group. Have themexchange their finished summaries and correcteach other’s work.• To check, call on one or two volunteers to readtheir summaries to the class. Write their sentenceson the board.TEACHER’S NOTES• Use the board to elicit other key points aboutthe grammar chart, such as the spelling rules foradding the regular past tense ending.T44:51:27 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U05.indd T442/27/07 10:21:15 AM

Grammar Focusand Discovering grammar (15 min.)The simple past of regular verbs☞ See Grammar reference, page 102.• Have students scan the affirmative statementsin the grammar chart for past time expressions.(yesterday, a few minutes ago) Say These past timeexpressions tell us that the action is done or is finished.It happened in the past, not the present. We can also tellthat something happened in the past by how the verblooks.• Write the heading Base Form on the board and nextto it Simple Past Form. Write talk under Base Form.This is the base form of the verb. The base form of a verbis the simplest form of that verb. Have a volunteerread the first affirmative statement in the grammarchart. Then ask What do we add to the base form of theverb talk to change it into its past form? (-ed) Writetalked next to talk. Next, write smile, then ask Whatdo we add to the base form of the verb smile to changeit into its past form? (-d) Continue with stop (doublethe p, add -ed) and cry. (change the y to i; add -ed)• Read aloud the verbs in their past form. Ask Whatdo you notice about the ending sounds of the past tenseform of the verbs? (It is either /t / or /d /.)• Have students read through the negativestatements. Say The negative statements all havethe same word. What is it? (didn’t) Elicit theuncontracted form of didn’t. (did not)• Read the affirmative and the negative statementsaloud, pausing after each sentence for studentsto repeat.• Have students work individually to complete thegrammar rules in Discovering grammar. Checkanswers orally.Answer key1. simple past 2. Ago, yesterday, and last3. stop 4. -d or -ed 5. basePracticing grammar5 Practice (5 min.)• Turn to page 69 and let students havea competition.6 Practice (5 min.)• Call on a student to read the instructions and theanswer to the first item. Remind students to payattention to the spelling of the past tense endings.Then have students work individually to completethe exercise.• To check, call on students to say and spell theanswers orally. Alternately, have six students cometo the front and write the answers to items 2–7 onthe board.Answer key1. asked 2. played 3. stopped by 4. tried5. worried 6. enjoyed 7. suggestedHave students complete Workbook Exercises 4–6and Grammar Builder Exercises 1–3.7 Practice (15 min.)A.• Read the instructions aloud, then go over theverbs in the box; make sure students understandsummary, agree, and plan. Read the first set ofsentences aloud. Then have students look back atthe dialogue. Elicit the next two items and writethem on the board. Then have students work inpairs or small groups to complete the exercise.B.• PAIRS. Have students form pairs with a studentfrom a different pair or group. Have themexchange their finished summaries and correcteach other’s work.• To check, call on one or two volunteers to readtheir summaries to the class. Write their sentenceson the board.TEACHER’S NOTES• Use the board to elicit other key points aboutthe grammar chart, such as the spelling rules foradding the regular past tense ending.T44:51:27 PMPostcards_splitB_TE1_U05.indd T442/27/07 10:21:15 AM

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