
English_Book_2-Teacher_300913 English_Book_2-Teacher_300913

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TEACHER’S NOTES3 Useful expressions (10 min.)A.• Elicit the meaning of each expression or thesituation in which it is used.• Point out that these expressions show twodifferent emotions—approval (the speaker likeswhat the other person said or did) or disapproval(the speaker does not like what the other personsaid or did).• Read the instructions aloud and elicit the answerto the first item. Ask students to (a) listen carefullyto how the expression is said, (b) repeat theexpression with the proper emotion (approval ordisapproval), and (c) mark it.• 50 Play the audio, pausing after each line forstudents to repeat and write their answers. Checkanswers orally. If helpful, play the audio againand encourage students to mimic the expressiveintonation and tone.Answer keyThat’s a great idea.Don’t gossip.That’s not very nice.Excellent idea.B.• PAIRS. Read the instructions aloud and elicitor explain the meaning of What a beautiful day!Then have students form pairs to complete theconversation with phrases from Exercise A.Check by having a volunteer pair take turnsreading the lines.Answer keyB: That’s a great idea.B: Don’t gossip. That’s not very nice.• Encourage students to use expressive intonationwhile performing the role-play. Have studentsrole-play the conversation twice, switching rolesthe second time. Then have them role-play again—tell them to look down at the words but then lookup and make eye contact with their partner whenspeaking. You may want to have students practiceonce more with their books closed. Finally, checkby calling on one or more pairs to perform theirrole-plays for the class.4 Vocabulary (10 min.)A.• Have students look at the vocabulary. Explain thedifference between last week and a week ago. Lastweek means any day of the week before. A week agomeans a week or seven days before today. You canuse a calendar or draw a calendar on the board toexplain the difference. Then have students explainthe difference between last month and a month ago.(Last month means any day of the month before and amonth ago means about 30 days before today.)• 51 Play the audio and have students listenand repeat.B.• Have students look at the calendar. Say This is acalendar. It shows the number of days and weeks in onemonth. There are two different months on this calendar.What are they? (December and January)• Read the instructions aloud. Ask For this exercise,what day do we pretend that today is? (Thursday,January 17) Elicit the answers for the first twoitems.• Have students work in pairs to write the dates,days, or months next to the expressions. Checkanswers by calling on students to read theiranswers aloud.Answer key1. January 16th2. January 16th3. January 6th–January 12th4. December5. January 9th6. January 14th7. January 10th8. December 17thHave students complete Workbook Exercises 1–2.T43Postcards_splitB_TE1_U05.indd T432/27/07 10:21:14 AM042-051_

3 Useful expressionsA. 50 Listen and repeat. Draw a smiley (☺) next to theexpressions of approval and a frownie (☹) next to thosethat express disapproval.• That’s a great idea. ☺ • That’s not very nice.• Don’t gossip.• Excellent idea.B. PAIRS. Complete the conversation with expressions fromExercise A. Then role-play the conversation.A: What a beautiful day! Let’s sit outside.B: That’s a great idea.A: Look. There’s Zack and Dana. I think Zack likes Dana,but Dana doesn’t like him.B: . .A: Sorry.4 VocabularyPast time expressionsA. 51 Listen and repeat.• yesterday • last year • a week ago• last night • last Monday • a month ago• last week • a few minutes ago • a year ago• last month • three days agoB. Look at the calendars. Write the dates, days, or months nextto the expressions.1. yesterday January 16th 5. last Wednesday2. last night 6. three days ago3. last week 7. a week ago4. last month 8. a month agoUnit 543:21:14 AM042-051_SB1B_U05_14106.indd 431/17/07 7:51:22 PM

3 Useful expressionsA. 50 Listen and repeat. Draw a smiley (☺) next to theexpressions of approval and a frownie (☹) next to thosethat express disapproval.• That’s a great idea. ☺ • That’s not very nice.• Don’t gossip.• Excellent idea.B. PAIRS. Complete the conversation with expressions fromExercise A. Then role-play the conversation.A: What a beautiful day! Let’s sit outside.B: That’s a great idea.A: Look. There’s Zack and Dana. I think Zack likes Dana,but Dana doesn’t like him.B: . .A: Sorry.4 VocabularyPast time expressionsA. 51 Listen and repeat.• yesterday • last year • a week ago• last night • last Monday • a month ago• last week • a few minutes ago • a year ago• last month • three days agoB. Look at the calendars. Write the dates, days, or months nextto the expressions.1. yesterday January 16th 5. last Wednesday2. last night 6. three days ago3. last week 7. a week ago4. last month 8. a month agoUnit 543:21:14 AM042-051_SB1B_U05_14106.indd 431/17/07 7:51:22 PM

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