cMB DxB 7 rzotl - Waahhh.com

cMB DxB 7 rzotl - Waahhh.com

cMB DxB 7 rzotl - Waahhh.com

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Tosr<strong>cMB</strong> <strong>DxB</strong> 7 <strong>rzotl</strong>

XUATA tUiIPUR - TEGOilIBO- c0L0rB0( l.rb cn boed t ( IttI,[, t> Ass.mble et XLll, deDart by flight toColombo, thr capilelol SriLanlr.> Cit, tour of Colombo . a diiy! throuoh lhc citytating yo! to lhe buly <strong>com</strong>m€rcial arc.s asrella! the tree.lined resid€nti.l, CinnrmonGarden!, Yiril Fort, the fomer Britishadministrative ccnler ald military gadsor,Sea Slreel. the Goltumilh'3 qu. e$ in thehead ot Pelhh, th! Bazaar area, trhare k alsoa Hindu Templc rith elaborlte llone caryings,.nd thG Dulch Church of V{olfendhal datingbacl lo ,l719. Aho vilit the BlllCH, sec hereplica oIAyul,n. Buddha end lnd!plndenceSquare.> Shoppirg in Colombo - visil llelna erquisitetea boulique, caEhew nul !hop, ready mdagarmcnls and ell lorts al lajestic City.Visil the Lanka Ceramics Centre, a plaEewher€ you crn buy "NoRITAKE SEf or othcrceramic ilems, visit lhe'oDEL SHoP'. Vilil'8AREF00T, 'H0USE 0F FASHI0N'and'BEVERLY HITLS"> After bre.Hrlt, proceld to Kandy.En roul8 yirita Spice Garden in l.ranelh tosce he ditler. lpices, which Sd Lrnla ishmous tor. You uillbc inhoduccd to diificntspice! and Shoin ho sone of $ese lpices arcgrom and procas!€d.> (andy . lh€ hill crpihl, v!nu! of lhe mnu.lPsraherl lhe lasl sEoflghold ol the SinhdrXin$ uas finally c.ded b lhe Britirh in t815.X.ndy is an eramd! ot lhe Buddhisn'sinfluencG in Sd bnl.lod.r. T.m*'! lhrinG!.nd mnalted6 llcdng .liY! Buddhblb.dilions .n evCry$Ere> City tour of Kandy including Upper Leke Drivellarkei Square,Arts & Crafts Centrr rnd Gemllu!eum.> Evcning ritt€lr a cdlural shor hatldlgYaiou6 d.ncr typr. of Sri L ta,# ,/\\.AGTT J; r--r= r-r,h \r/,Golden Tourworld fravel# Booking Term E conditions Apply> AlEr bnaHast, yisil'Temple of th€ SacredTooth Relic', 0lc nlic hr! gru ! in EFrl! ardholiness in Sri Lrnke hroughoul dr€ Buddhistxodd. h consid$0d mo6t Eted possersion ofSi trnka.> Lele rflcmoon connect flighl lo Dubai. Dubaiis he leading ccnhe for busines! and tourismin h. Iiddle E.st. A city ol somc 9ll0,0minh.bitants. lt is th! 3econd laqest ol theslven emir.lrs f,hich male up the UnitedArab Emiretes (UAEI.> Trensler to hotel upon ardYal.IIUBAI - Gi9 Tour> Embarl on H.ll D.y Dubai City Tour ;. Sheikh Palace (outvieu).. There affer, tale e lhollthrough the n,rrowlanes or lhe historic B l.liye rr.., rith il!boautifull, rellorcd old buildingr, ,nd then onto tho Al Fahidi Forl which houses lhc Dubaii!useum,. Continue our erploration of Dubai'straditionallouks;the is e sen3orydelight wilh e host olces, herbs,rose petals and incen. Our lrip ends at tho glittering windows of lheGold souk, with such tantaslic choice in oneplace.> Vkil Burj Xhalila . The uorld's tallcst building,wilh . height of 82E metres (2,7,l6.5ft1.according to lhe three crite a, 'Heighl toArchitectur.l Top', 'Height To Higheltaod 'Hlight To Iip'. 'Burjs lurury lesidenEes and's fiftlArmaniHohl, and therodd's highest obreryation deck, 'At lhG Top',whlEh is loc.ted on the tof,er's l21th floor.> Shopping at Dubai llall end u.tch thG rodd'sl.rgest llusicel Fouotain.DUBAI - TALL OF EIIIRATES> }!all of Emi.ates,tli! 223,m0 lquan mctrecenb! offers a fu0 nnge of shopping, leilunand lntediinnEnt> oesert Safari .lYe lel off lrcm Dub.i in hedieclioo of Hath and onrn, and oflce outsidehe confines d the cily m find youE€ll in de6€rtgcenary. We'ar soo ofi{oad and our /0m $[put to fie lelt.s r! head hrqtgh some finc> ertdhelaqccl sand tuner. Ariv0 .t the camellam hsee fulc 'shiF d thr dalcrf in 6eir clcoel*and, rs sunt d.ppro*htr uc p.* up lo rdo,hebeaufi o,th€dlsr .ltuslL> RclLh r sulr[ilqE BBQ butfet in irFtcdBldouin brh,> Enio, tu toot{.pping lraditional music rhi0u.bhing th€ belly dance.DUBAI - ABU DHIBI - Gity rourFr!.fr.sf, tun n, Dn rr.r,> Abu Dhabib lcss th.n 1.5 houE tron Dubai.Ile ciiy'! origin reflerls its tue prestig€, as itra! a neior hub lor the p€ad irdustry brlorcit had dilcoveled ih rich rcslnls ol oil.> Visit Sheilh Zayed ilosque th€ third l.rgestIolqur in the rodd, Itb nosque is namedrftcr Sheilh Z.ycd bin Sulhn Al ilahyan f,hors th! foundfi.nd lhG firsl Ptesident ol theUniled Arab Eminh3.> outYier Emiratrs palace.> Free time lhopping at $c forld largGllthsm0d shopping m.ll- lbn Battuta llall.> AftGr dannlr, tranll€r to ailDort fol flight b.clhomc. (Yia Colombo)> Ariye Xuale Lumpulxith happy msmorie!and tillrc mell ag.inlDepartureTour Fareadfilinort I S..rdt IuY0 lrr r'.,- n".'.rh.l SrdEf.lff t rf

it: -/@BE[B7fltr> iFHtsflr1frSlE=tHil- f4$e,dEH-*fr , E+E*;,e{ifit{t4#+d'") flIt&fiE4,EEfrE&TEE. HETE. tEfrtaFlH0lt*fi &+d.fi EtFE. TfiEEEffi. flH+E. fi:I*H Wollendhal, BMICH. Avukanafifi&nrfi"> !l Maiestic city H HES" EE#4EHa\AErFtr, ODELeAft S+d.. FJiSi!AlLH&Bareloottfi tfi ,i' "> eftr, fi&HE"> E+fn6t+8.> EfrHE-E+TllE=++illll8, EEilfltt*FiLf,1 1sagtt" HTE*+*ilJ}Efi E€,E*ffi EET.T,, ET8&E6r+tGilhu*f" r+tma+EESE=*6el'eE*{eiE*rElEt.> EEfiE#EE+EfiHEHT#. fiMre,. vk2il.+,n&g,EEEnB"> #*ftHR&t{tf,*"t //\\rl /t-Lt G77, \\72Golden Tourgorld Travel> +*tr, &nBaEBufr'Tfi#i+, EES'+fI8iEFEtrHF, E}fi f, * TEilFFuti *E, tttF8*fiilefi*fi, UEtrE=+SrEH"> +E*HAfl-tt#F- tstr,H&eEfiEt+fl##itffi-*E&8"> fitrtrxfrE,ErfE"+IF-fiESE-BgEE> &Ffr*xfiE#:EI(EH (rt'4 )- E*E#!E: Etfi4fi^+E#9ilEel6AiF,A2-, rt+l8t4,, ffigeAFFaheidi E4, EE#Efr Uffiefib.- #*iEF#rftSExfiE; Etlfi*E-+*HiIEH, fi#,**frfifre++f,EHEi!fiH"- HefiH :,EffiffEAiEilrHfii+S.EE. *H.,i.EtIfi4IT, EEHf;E,I€SJ "+*,i." SiIu&8eE6Il")sEBe&H, FAE#E, E&+tsfi{HfrAEfi EOIiE#fr 6fiIIEXtE, EEHt$fi-H&5Bfi, HEt828X12.717F.R.1 , efifiaat+Ac. EE. E+. 6*+,i.+FE" SEIEItr124EflFA. fi&tEff,ffi&*+E#tD"> HHHSTeSE*ilt6+,i.--Dubai Mall &8fi6H, HATEfififrd,ilts, E{tU'#TEffi FJEfiFEE, *frEEfiilHfiEg.tF - EEEHfr+d'> fis+filEE*, E*+Fi (FIHEm&S,i Mall of Emirales) Ffifr&4,t ,fifi€TFItr*EF{TAE, 8IE€E,EETTHHfiil"> T+Efr gti ir.Hzrfi , t4fiB*+E#*d,+fi*EDEffi*1fi88. DEzffiEf*flE)ETEEilTgTHil" ETKAiIfi*S*Bt"> +E*T&HftSEfrIAH* 'EHiltsiE,5IdHfu&.#iEIETEfiEffE*"> #BlEtiBfEEttfi*gtsfi{EmHz&"TB-EIE'IE-fiE*H> fit*t#4r-t,l'H+fi9Flfi +LIt, ftfrfiffi&EH4*F*1*E&584+EfiErffit.> SST#IIH=*FE+- +IEEEE+" t#E+ffie+EUtsHEfthA*H-EH#+tH€r[68[i">,I.DtsffiEEE/8"> E Htfr +etBE*AitEE&+,r'_ HEfiHfi+,i."> N*EEftilIfi*HEUIEEHEfi"(f+ttu*fl )> .\frfE'd, ilhffifiE5TnffiffiElUH EBffif;fil 1,9^

E&/&ti e*I{l+'tfi-Et.*tfstfi fi{i.$fir+rutrrm. treto*nr.E*(tdst)....-..-.-..-... E laqi^)feIEX*8t....... rr 10.0(i,I)/ E*It /qE34f./*riA,*!...-,.-,.-..,-.-,..... rr toao(i^)/ t+ ............-.-,.-..-.-.,.. rr aoa{(I].)1 nEtEnvutoI/DEr0slI/tut t PAYfl EIID.t6.it Ml L p.id !I.n Mrion .nd rn !&Erur L r.id 35 d.r. pitu t d.D..bn./ l.! FF..i uFt llsin b. EI blt./ LGt in, 5 d.r. Lur....,......,....., -l|lt y't/ A.s. t aiond .....-.......... .... ..- lltl Cp/ J.?n,lr.iEti., Iitdt E rt,Sd Ani., Ir ZEhndEr?.,lAA . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. E 2aaa ,p/ S.olt Adrh. ......-.... .. .. .. .. -. ! .loa rr.-2 CAllCEttAfl 0iltP0sIP0t{Eft ilI CHAnGEOi.. bot.i, r l.tk .l iirtd.r lx llzla Fr ?.rd45 d.y. t i.n d.r.rtur....,--,.tll aal ,.r D.r.n30 d.rr !.i.. d.r.rt!r.....-.-..tltaaa P.r D.E.n21 d.y. !.ior d.r.rnro....-.-..541 ol lourt r.3IMVEI DOCUXEIITIt h ra...t./r EF..hltry b cn d!.i ll!.t hd. .rde hnt rb.d ,.!.tr1 Dhrrr vis a h.nrcilift.i.. irDq{iri.{ r4htir dben, bGn br vi. .?r6c.ti.n,4IOUR FARE INCTUDESi.tn dmiy .brt .ir rbl.r cn nonc tEU, Gvio .r.D-ll tllm.Lr! GVa, Gn.I .ir !.|ffi.iFnri h.u vi. rE lLril) Hcll rsnr!.d.lih 60i... t v.h .rrn r.ry .ir.n il h i.{. lr, ..h'rr6i lca, or oli.Dir., r .hd. .lppl]El.La. ?rt ortiph.h.d.,r .rdrD .rr. tu6 i b6.a 4 l*n nd ,ith m ElLb & h.lE t d h i'. lt nry. Sliht -i'r rd drAiiisb. lr.. iii.bd ir ln.rl{rtrEry.tD ir ruDi*r b ctst xitr.cr ,rbr rri. d- !.4ltwy ltEtdh.! or hca. h .kni ds b ol p&.SIOUR FARI EXCI.UDESAiFn E!, lu.l iuch.rg., li.rn ilr q {Ye,,rirtb., ,.n E d xri. t .. h6d.y, d6r t ar.a..hrr., Lu.g., l! nErk , ,Ei ibn d.!Ea.&,nt th. ruF..y, FrcC r{ t ar.r. itrrlrp,lEblb n dri, .a nor -erl lrs CcbnF..JtrrEEf,r Tu-d.l -d ol,.E id EtlD.AI01tn. &r .trrG tt{ L ldnd ntiy ry n buirn!.rnd L {t-ri clirlD. E rfrErrl !.L.d on ln. at ii .l li:Lt iu. &y d 1rE h{.5 h. btFa uI h, a. 5{r irit ..6 CHITD FAREChE lx. b l-.4 o ilwirt l!ff rl|l t6 .dsb.A {d!.llD rl b il...a t . 6ll tlt .@ra. .,lcrthot d.lt7 GROUIID TOUR HAI{DTING0rdD-t dfrE 5 Fva. qclEir aD6dli.t-a taFiLi.rd.ihC-irr 5ti--[6nt] Dir- D, r. tH o. t-ti..iFrimi..t r,tbE li art.t.8 EITEIISION OF STAYt Etcir.lbt a d b ibrd.rrh iir olt EnGi'.a llt- L.{t Fta rr. lat fir liulirrb -Lt al- a -.r Edrtlnr rt i!.t AiFrt t rEh. ra .rc !. pdvi(h.L< Bookinq lnformation >9 BAOGAGE, 8.rrt..l.r*. ol, r-tl.6 ?.r DasO.i(ALry{F. .r oFi/. ,in d.s ir4.d}I Tt cmr$y E IE B lrFlibEly br ,, b$ ord$Ii t 6.it{.or t b.ti{t (.h-r.a+ o.h..dqi.a) riLl th., .r h tu cu.dy d b. .itE,oind t| F,lrir.orp-i.,.....rEdttD rrprts.tbr.y.( li. CdFry rll -Bkl Fr ir Ei{ lr. nLrrtGhiD (.4 h ln. .rtoo prlvi.a ir .16 nol irldi.r rithtn @'!i!cl.rd. b[ 6r.ds nnd. ol lh.lorr tdD.10 RESP0[StBtUIYTl|. oE.nt r, GTI, -r $ - .a.nr io. 6. n-sronnb...ic{i., honts-d .lnf, DriEiFh i.r lh. iourpEllrllm., GIl -..pb m n.poi.itiiy ior 5y lo!!,hiury d d.rel. L rd orydr Lloiai'a. or Brri'tiiid, lnh a, ecuao. t lond nt dtid iErdhlbtuldom h .qdF.nr, .fiIG, ndl ihhy., i!.di..l orcGLG neubtiF., c5.dni..3, ch5a. h niDnry ol*h.drhr,.t . Ttu.l ih.umll.r lh. tr.Fn.ibift, olP.uon. t lht lh. l4E, Th. orI6i..E lgE. th. ,ieN lo.lir himnn.. tr.l .defrrt , hoil iedDddbnB.n.d .t , lhh b n.g{y or h ti. s. ol lnDrEi.ln ft. Coittmy nn 6 ln. rhhl b c.@l h.d loorDrhr to d.D.rin Lr e, naoN, iElrlbt n.df.anliuh!, ol r.nior6. Shoold lhB h.F.n tf, .rlh ,.yrinu{ b. r.tuid.d lilxnturb.rouiitti on lA.,.n d i'.cohlay. GTT.b. u.fl.lh. lirn b l{riDt rihddhin.bu.nni'&.Dd-, idntu.lln l hLElorontucr b d.tinnd b or h.oit ribL rli t. ht dl,hrlfuy 5d r.lhr .l r$.r cl r nd dr. L{r o . rhoLnd GrI .n a b. und.r m tu.5.r litlllly ll!f,.|br b my...h D.E6. X. ad.., b{r lrd.E d odu i|!'by-. d.a.nl cl GTI it a6ocd..d b ffilt th. 6r4-y b oyll. ry l|lrt s, id t 6.tiy rl not L lon&d lym, .t t nt ., rl|,$rrli.n bh.. t h h rrrh idrii.d by . m{ml uddr. ol lh. c.n?ry. TlxrFLl .lr dcl.l bi'i.a I lr.a .n g,r{p nnd ..dcuEr.d ro ct-rih.i,r.,I n lti.lt H{.d.E lt. mi

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