Introduction Address & Employer Update Rapport Questions Info ...

Introduction Address & Employer Update Rapport Questions Info ...

Introduction Address & Employer Update Rapport Questions Info ...


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<strong>Introduction</strong>Hello, may I speak with (Name)?Hi, my name is ___________ and I’m calling from the campus of the University of Kansas. I’mhere with a group of other KU students and we’re calling to update you about things happening atKU and to tell you about this year’s Annual Giving campaign, but first I need to update yourrecords.<strong>Address</strong> & <strong>Employer</strong> <strong>Update</strong>Did I reach you on your home or cell number?(if home) Oh alright, well we are updating our alumni records to try and keep up with thetimes and would appreciate you sharing your cell phone with us.(if cell) Is this your only number or do you also have a landline?Is your mailing address still ______________?And, do you have an e-mail address we can update?- Great, and who are you working with now? (<strong>Update</strong> all employer address information)- What do you do for them? (What’s your title?)<strong>Rapport</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Choose 2-3, start a conversation with alumni and get them feeling comfortable talking to you:• How long have you been working inyour field?• What attracted you to KU?• When was the last time you made itback to the area?Transition:• What were some of your favorite classesat KU?- Oh really, well if you haven’t been backfor a while the business school has been• How much was tuition while you weredoing some pretty interesting things…here?(to info sheet)• Any advice for me as a student of that- Great, we love it when alumni make itprogram?back, I don’t know if you had a chanceto visit any business school buildings.But the business school has been doingsome interesting things… (to info sheet)<strong>Info</strong> Sheet- Right now the School of __________ is doing some really great things.(List 2-3 positive facts about KU and some from the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Sheet.)Transition: All of these great things are made possible because of the loyal support we receiveannually from alumni like yourself. Every year 40,000 loyal alumni support KU, and we thank youso much for contributing to us in the past. We are counting on all of our alumni to get involved.

Transition and Ask Ladder (use ask ladder chart)$1000This year, would you like to get involved at the Dean's Club giving levelwith a gift of $1000? We can break that gift down into four easy instalmentsof $250.Deal with Objection/Rebuild the Case for SupportI understand and that is just an indication of our need. Keep in mind that 100% ofyour gift goes exactly where you want it to go and can make a tremendousdifference in that area. We don’t take any administrative fees out of yourcontribution.$500With this in mind, would you like to contribute at our Campanile Club levelwith a gift of $500?Deal with Objection – Offer Installments (4 x $125)Alumni are really the key to KU’s success. KU gets 24% of its budget from thestate and only 16% from tuition, this means that the remaining 60% mustcome from other sources, like donor contributions. The University counts onthis support to continue providing the quality education you yourself experienced.$300Would you make a contribution at the Crimson & Blue Club level and donatea gift of $300?Deal with Objection – Offer Installments (4 x $75)Our biggest goal is to get all of our alumni giving to KU. One of the largestfactors in the national rankings is increased alumni support. So, the more alumni weget involved, the higher KU’s ranking will be among other universities, whichincreases the value of a KU degree and helps alumni in the job market.$100downWould you consider making a contribution at one of our most popular givinglevels the 1865 Club level, with a gift of $100 tonight? We can break thatinto four installments of $25 if you like.Deal with Objection – Offer Installments (4 x $25)Is there any amount of support you could commit to tonight? Everydollar helps!

Acknowledge PledgeNO PLEDGEI appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. Are there any questions I can answer for you?Thank you for your time and have a good evening.PLEDGEThank you so much!! We really appreciate your support! Where would you like your gift of$ ____ to go to specifically?- Do you or your spouse work for a Matching Gift Company?- Which credit card would you like to use tonight?(IF YES CREDIT CARD)Great! I’ll have my manager take your credit card information in just a second. Thank you so muchfor your gift tonight! Here’s my manager….(IF NO CREDIT CARD):I understand but many of our alumni are using their credit cards just to save time and effort, and itallows the schools to allocate the funds immediately.STILL NO CREDIT CARD:Once again, THANK YOU so much for your commitment this evening.If you could hold just one moment, my supervisor would also like to thank you and they cananswer any other questions you may have.

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