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NoticeSince 1996, this Bulletin has been published by EUROSTAT under contract from <strong>ESA</strong>.In November 2003, EUROSTAT notified <strong>ESA</strong> that the European Commission haddecided to reorganise EUROSTAT and to re-focus its activities onto its core business,which is the production of Community Statistics within the framework of the EuropeanStatistical system. Furthermore, EUROSTAT stated that it would not be able to continueto produce this customised bulletin of price and salary data for <strong>ESA</strong> beyond theDecember 2003 issue.The calculations and <strong>publication</strong> of the document have been contracted out byEUROSTAT and the Contractor since February 2003 has been the company Ariane 11,registered in Luxembourg.<strong>ESA</strong> has concluded a contract directly with Ariane 11, to ensure the continuation of the<strong>publication</strong> of this Bulletin using the same methodology and sources of data aspreviously, including data provided by EUROSTAT.The validation of the <strong>publication</strong> will now be undertaken by <strong>ESA</strong>.2

1. IntroductionThis issue contains all data received by December 18 th 2002, shown both as the originalseries and converted into EURO. This issue gives data for 2001 and 2002. Data back to1995 remains in the source database and can be consulted on request.The table of exchange rates gives the value of 1 EURO in national currency for a rangeof countries, on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Countries which form the "eurozone"(EUR-12) from January 1 st 2001 are indicated with the logo EUR-12 within thetables (please note that Greece became a member two years after the original 11countries). The Official Journal of the European Communities, L 359, of 31 st December1998, includes the <strong>publication</strong> of a Council Regulation adopting the fixed conversionrates for the 11 Member States participating in the single European currency. ThisCouncil Regulation marked the beginning of the third and final phase of economic andmonetary union. The Regulation is reproduced on the next two pages and is followed bythat relating to the accession of Greece.The table of consumer price indices gives both national currency based series. There arein addition series on the purchasing power of the ECU/EURO (more details in the notesfor section 4).The names of the series are included in the original language and in English.Any questions concerning the distribution / dissemination of the bulletin can beaddressed to:David GREVESHead of Cost Analysis DivisionKerperlaan 1P.O Box 2992200 AG Noordwijk ZHNetherlandstel.: +31 (0) 71 565 3224Fax.: +31 (0) 71 565 4997e-mail: David.Greves@esa.int4

2. Data by CountryOn 1 st January 1999, 00.00 a.m., the EURO became the official currency of 11 MemberStates of the European Union with a fixed conversion rate against their nationalcurrencies. The value of the EURO against all other currencies, including those of theMember States staying out of the euro-zone will fluctuate according to market conditions.As from 1 st January 1999, the fixed exchange rates between the euro-zone MemberStates currencies and the EURO are applied. In addition, as of 1 st January 1999, theseries are converted to EUROs and not ECUs. As of 1st January 2001, Greece alsobecame a member of the euro-zone. Eurostat does not plan to back-calculate series intoEUROs.All non-EURO series have been converted on a like for like basis - that means that indexseries on a national currency basis are converted to index series on a EURO basis, andseries in national currency are converted to series in EURO. All converted series retainthe same periodicity - quarterly, monthly - as the original series, and annual averages areonly included where they exist in the original series. Index series in EURO are shownwith the same number of decimal places as the original series, but currency series inEURO have the number of decimal places adjusted to retain the same number ofsignificant figures as the original series.Money series are converted by dividing the values in national currency by the exchangerate for the period in question as given in the table in Part 3. Index series are convertedby adjusting the index value by the change in the EURO exchange rate index for thatcurrency between the base period of the particular index and the period in question. Thevalue of the EURO index will remain 100 in the base period.Please note: When index series for euro-zone Member States have been re-based bythe national institutions to 1999 or later, they are only published as EURO series on theright-hand side of the bulletin (without any conversion). The same is true for moneyseries that are expressed solely in EURO by the national institutions.The type of series is indicated after its title - I for Index or M for Money - together with thebase period (the month, quarter or year for which the value of the index = 100) for indexseries.A few conventions should be noted. The "," is used to indicate thousands and the "." toindicate decimals. The code numbers used for each series uniquely identify the datasupplier, the <strong>publication</strong> and the particular series. A "p" in front of a value means that thedata is provisional and changes in subsequent months to these figures are likely. Allother series should contain final data, although even final data can be subject to laterrevision by the data supplier. If this is the case, then the data are marked in bold and afootnote for each series is provided at the bottom of the page in the column marked"revised data" with the date of the monthly issue of such a revision. Where base years orseries definitions have changed an appropriate footnote has been added.The French series 12.18.81 (SYNTEC: Indice des bureaux d’étude techniques) has beenconverted into EURO using the ECU/FF index for January 1995, although the base forthe index is January 1961. This means that the value of the index for January 1995(164.5) is the same for both the original and the converted series, and the convertedseries correctly reflects the change in the EURO/FF exchange rate since then.

AUTRICHE 1/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (OS)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20014.10.31 167.1 167.3 167.4 167.6 168.3 168.3 168.5 168.6 168.6 168.6 169.5 169.5 174.9 175.0 175.0 175.3 177.1 177.1 177.4 177.6 177.6 177.7 177.8 177.8 168.7 168.7 168.7 169.1 169.8 169.8 169.9 169.9 169.9 170.0 170.0 170.0 179.0 179.1 179.2 179.4 180.8 180.9 181.0 181.0 181.1 181.1 184.1 184.1 182.7 182.8 182.8 183.1 183.3 183.3 183.3 183.4 183.4 183.4 187.9 187.9 189.4 189.4 189.4 195.1Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20024.10.31 171.2 171.4 171.5 171.7 172.4 172.4 172.5 172.5 172.5 172.5 173.2 173.2 179.5 179.5 179.5 179.8 181.7 181.7 181.9 181.9 182.1 182.2 182.3 182.3 173.0 173.0 173.0 173.3 174.0 174.0 174.1 174.1 174.1 174.2 174.2 174.2 184.4 184.5 184.7 184.9 186.3 186.4 186.5 186.5 186.6 186.6 188.8 188.8 188.0 188.1 188.2 188.5 188.7 188.7 188.7 188.7 188.8 188.8 191.7 191.7 195.1 195.1 195.1 199.5 195.8Data revised Datatype4.10. Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: LohnindizesTariflohnindex 8631 Generalindex I-198632 - I Arbeiter: Gewerbe I-198633 - II Angestellte: Gewerbe I-198634 - I Arbeiter: Industrie I-1986176 - II Angestellte: Industrie I-19864.42. Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische NachrichtenTariflohnindex 86 für Teil- bzw. Gruppenindizes268 Angestellte: Gesamte Eisen- und Metallindustrie I-1986Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.6

EUR-121/2 AUSTRIAEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001181.7 181.9 182.0 182.2 183.0 183.0 183.2 183.3 183.3 183.3 184.3 184.3 183.0 4.10.31190.2 190.3 190.3 190.6 192.5 192.5 192.9 193.1 193.1 193.2 193.3 193.3 192.1 4.10.32183.4 183.4 183.4 183.9 184.6 184.6 184.7 184.7 184.7 184.8 184.8 184.8 184.3 4.10.33194.6 194.7 194.8 195.0 196.6 196.7 196.8 196.8 196.9 196.9 200.2 200.2 196.7 4.10.34198.6 198.7 198.7 199.1 199.3 199.3 199.3 199.4 199.4 199.4 204.3 204.3 200.0 4.10.176205.9 205.9 205.9 212.1 4.42.268Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002186.1 186.4 186.5 186.7 187.4 187.4 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 188.3 188.3 187.3 4.10.31195.2 195.2 195.2 195.5 197.5 197.5 197.8 197.8 198.0 198.1 198.2 198.2 197.0 4.10.32188.1 188.1 188.1 188.4 189.2 189.2 189.3 189.3 189.3 189.4 189.4 189.4 189.0 4.10.33200.5 200.6 200.8 201.0 202.6 202.7 202.8 202.8 202.9 202.9 205.3 205.3 202.6 4.10.34204.4 204.5 204.6 204.9 205.2 205.2 205.2 205.2 205.3 205.3 208.4 208.4 205.6 4.10.176212.1 212.1 212.1 216.9 212.9 4.42.268Datatype Data revisedStatistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Lohnindizes 4.10.Contractual wage index 1986I-1986 - General index 31I-1986 - I Manual workers: Craft sector 32I-1986 - II Employees: Craft sector 33I-1986 - I Manual workers: Industry 34I-1986 - II Employees: Industry 176Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten 4.42.Contractual wage index 1986 for indices of parts and groupsI-1986 Employees: Total metallic and iron industry 268Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.7

4.9.3324.9.3334.9.3344.9.3354.9.3364.9.3374.9.3384.9.3394.9.3404.9.3324.9.3334.9.3344.9.3354.9.3364.9.3374.9.3384.9.3394.9.340AUTRICHE 2/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (OS)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype4.9. Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten - Statistische Übersichten4.3 Großhandelpreisindex332 - 51.43.1 Elektrische Haushaltsgeräte und Leuchten (1) I-2000333 - 51.43.2 Rundfunk- und Fernsehgeräte, Bild- und Tonträger (1) I-2000334 - 51.47.12 Nichtelektrische Haushaltsgeräte (1) I-2000335 - 51.51.12 Motorenbenzin (inkl. Diesel) (1) I-2000336 - 51.51.13 Sonstige Mineralölerzeugnisse (1) I-2000337 - 51.52.21 Eisen und Stahl (1) I-2000338 - 51.52.22 NE-Metalle (1) I-2000339 - 51.53.21 Sanitäre Einrichtungen (1) I-2000340 - 51.54.1 Bauelemente aus Metall und Installationsbedarf (1) I-2000(1) Series 4.9.332 to 4.9.340 are new series that replace 4.9.225 to 4.9.233 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.8

EUR-122/2 AUSTRIAEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200199.8 100.4 100.8 100.6 101.0 101.1 100.9 101.2 101.4 101.2 100.9 101.1 100.9 4.9.33298.8 98.8 99.1 98.9 98.4 97.9 97.9 98.4 97.8 98.3 97.8 97.8 98.3 4.9.33399.9 99.9 99.9 100.6 100.6 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.5 4.9.33494.9 95.7 95.0 98.7 100.4 99.7 97.1 93.9 95.6 90.9 86.8 85.6 94.5 4.9.33595.5 96.4 95.1 97.5 98.3 100.6 97.6 96.1 98.5 92.7 87.8 82.6 94.9 4.9.336101.4 101.0 100.9 100.5 99.8 99.8 100.2 100.2 100.2 100.1 99.9 99.9 100.3 4.9.337103.4 103.7 103.5 104.1 103.2 103.5 102.4 101.1 99.9 98.8 98.5 98.9 101.8 4.9.338100.1 100.7 100.7 100.3 100.3 100.3 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.2 100.2 100.4 4.9.339101.4 101.6 101.7 103.8 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.2 4.9.340Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002100.5 100.5 100.9 101.1 100.9 101.1 101.0 100.9 100.8 100.2 100.6 100.6 100.8 4.9.33296.7 96.3 96.4 94.5 93.1 92.3 91.6 91.0 90.2 90.1 89.8 89.8 92.7 4.9.333100.7 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.2 100.2 100.4 100.4 100.4 102.4 102.4 102.4 101.0 4.9.33485.1 85.7 88.4 91.5 92.5 90.2 90.7 90.6 92.6 93.7 90.6 90.9 90.2 4.9.33584.0 83.9 88.8 91.6 91.4 87.1 88.1 88.6 92.3 94.7 88.9 90.8 89.2 4.9.336100.2 100.2 100.4 100.4 100.6 100.6 100.6 100.6 101.4 101.3 101.3 101.3 100.7 4.9.33798.8 99.5 99.2 99.2 99.0 99.3 98.2 96.2 96.6 95.7 95.9 95.9 97.8 4.9.338100.3 100.3 100.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 4.9.339104.5 104.5 104.5 104.9 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.0 105.2 105.2 105.2 105.0 4.9.340Datatype Data revisedStatistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten - Statistische Übersichten Wholesale price indexI-2000 - 51.43.1 Electric domestic appliances and electric lamps (1) 332I-2000 - 51.43.2 Radio and television receivers, video and sound recording (1) 333I-2000 - 51.47.12 Non-electric domestic appliances (1) 334I-2000 - 51.51.12 Petrol (incl. diesel) (1) 335I-2000 - 51.51.13 Other petroleum products (1) 336I-2000 - 51.52.21 Iron and steel (1) 337I-2000 - 51.52.22 Non-ferrous metals (1) 338I-2000 - 51.53.21 Sanitary fixtures (1) 339I-2000 - 51.54.1 Components of metal and installation equipment (1) 340(1) Series 4.9.332 to 4.9.340 are new series that replace 4.9.225 to 4.9.233 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.9

BELGIQUE 1/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (BEF)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200118.29.126 111,000 111,000 108,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 105,000 102,000 101,000 100,000 99,000 98,000 104,41718.29.127 69,520 70,230 66,950 67,720 70,990 69,350 66,430 61,800 59,570 57,130 60,330 60,760 65,06518.29.128 300,979 285,643 272,261 286,461 325,980 314,241 278,562 247,982 223,545 214,984 230,960 237,996 268,30018.29.129 302.51 302.51 302.51 302.51 306.51 306.51 315.15 315.15 315.15 315.15 315.15 315.1518.29.130 581.757 582.362 582.362 582.907 590.614 590.614 607.263 607.263 607.263 607.263 607.263 607.26318.29.192 564.332 564.937 564.937 565.482 572.959 572.959 589.110 589.110 589.110 589.110 589.110 589.11018.29.34718.29.34818.29.34918.29.35018.29.35118.29.35218.29.12618.29.12718.29.12818.29.12918.29.13018.29.19218.29.34718.29.34818.29.34918.29.35018.29.35118.29.352Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype18.29. AGORIA / Multisector Federation for the Technology industryMercuriale des matériaux126 - Métaux non ferreux: Aluminium tôles TP 262 M127 - Métaux non ferreux: Aluminium brut 99.5% M128 - Métaux non ferreux: Nickel MSalaires de référence129 - Moyenne nationale: Salaire de référence M130 - Moyenne nationale: Contrats avant le 11 7 1981 M192 - Moyenne nationale: Contrats à partir du 11 7 1981: Maribel 33200/37916 BEF (1) MMercuriale des matériaux347 - Métaux non ferreux: Aluminium tôles TP 262 (2) M348 - Métaux non ferreux: Aluminium brut 99.5% (2) M349 - Métaux non ferreux: Nickel (2) MSalaires de référence350 - Moyenne nationale: Salaire de référence (2) M351 - Moyenne nationale: Contrats avant le 11 7 1981 (2) 05-02 M352 - Moyenne nationale: Contrats à partir du 11 7 1981: Maribel 33200/37916 BEF (2) M(1) Series 18.29.192 began in 7/97, replacing 18.29.131 and 18.29.132.(2) Series 18.29.347 to 18.29.352 are the euro replacements of series 18.29.126 to 18.29.130 and 18.29.192 above.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.10

EUR-121/2 BELGIUMEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20012,752 2,752 2,677 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,603 2,529 2,504 2,479 2,454 2,429 2,588 18.29.1261,723 1,741 1,660 1,679 1,760 1,719 1,647 1,532 1,477 1,416 1,496 1,506 1,613 18.29.1277,461 7,081 6,749 7,101 8,081 7,790 6,905 6,147 5,542 5,329 5,725 5,900 6,651 18.29.1287.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.60 7.60 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 18.29.12914.421 14.436 14.436 14.450 14.641 14.641 15.054 15.054 15.054 15.054 15.054 15.054 18.29.13013.989 14.004 14.004 14.018 14.203 14.203 14.604 14.604 14.604 14.604 14.604 14.604 18.29.1922,752 2,752 2,677 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,603 2,529 2,504 2,479 2,454 2,429 2,588 18.29.3471,723 1,741 1,660 1,679 1,760 1,719 1,647 1,532 1,477 1,416 1,496 1,506 1,613 18.29.3487,461 7,081 6,749 7,101 8,081 7,790 6,905 6,147 5,542 5,329 5,725 5,900 6,651 18.29.3497.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.60 7.60 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 18.29.35014.42 14.44 14.44 14.45 14.64 14.64 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 18.29.35113.99 14.00 14.00 14.02 14.20 14.20 14.60 14.60 14.60 14.60 14.60 14.60 18.29.352Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200218.29.12618.29.12718.29.12818.29.12918.29.13018.29.1922,425 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,430 2,405 2,380 2,380 2,350 2,275 2,300 2,220 2,364 18.29.3471,550 1,574 1,605 1,547 1,466 1,415 1,349 1,321 1,327 1,336 1,371 1,353 1,435 18.29.3486,848 6,934 7,468 7,859 7,384 7,442 7,202 6,871 6,775 6,940 7,308 7,078 7,176 18.29.3497.89 7.89 7.89 7.96 7.96 7.96 8.12 8.12 8.12 8.12 8.12 8.12 18.29.35015.21 15.23 15.23 15.39 15.39 15.39 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 15.69 18.29.35114.78 14.80 14.80 14.95 14.95 14.95 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 15.25 18.29.352Datatype Data revisedAGORIA / Multisector Federation for the Technology industry 18.29.Market prices for materialsM - Non-ferrous metals: Aluminium sheet TP 262 126M - Non-ferrous metals: Unwrought aluminium 99.5% 127M - Non-ferrous metals: Nickel 128Reference wagesM - National average: Reference wage 129M - National average: Contracts prior to 11 7 1981 130M - Moyenne nationale: Contrats à partir du 11 7 1981: Maribel 33200/37916 BEF (1) 192Market prices for materialsM - Non-ferrous metals: Aluminium sheet TP 262 (2) 347M - Non-ferrous metals: Unwrought aluminium 99.5% (2) 348M - Non-ferrous metals: Nickel (2) 349Reference wagesM - National average: Reference wage (2) 350M 05-02 - National average: Contracts prior to 11 7 1981 (2) 351M - Moyenne nationale: Contrats à partir du 11 7 1981: Maribel 33200/37916 BEF (2) 352(1) Series 18.29.192 began in 7/97, replacing 18.29.131 and 18.29.132.(2) Series 18.29.347 to 18.29.352 are the euro replacements of series 18.29.126 to 18.29.130 and 18.29.192 above.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.11

BELGIQUE 2/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (BEF)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200119.30.135 159.33 160.11 160.03 160.08 160.40 160.40 160.21 160.54 160.37 p 160.48 p 160.66 160.5519.30.136 134.00 131.87 130.76 127.26 125.21 124.62 123.57 123.67 118.64 120.82 117.45 119.2819.30.137 151.24 152.40 153.17 154.19 157.16 155.53 153.54 153.89 155.27 152.71 150.94 149.6419.30.35819.30.36019.30.13519.30.13619.30.13719.30.35819.30.360Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype19.30. AgoriaIndices des prix à la production industrielleIndices des prix à la production, marché interieur135 300 - Ouvra produits de materiel de transport I-1980136 220 - Métaux et produits de la première transformation des métaux I-1980137 Indice géné à l'exclusion de la construction (10-41) I-1980358 - Fabrications métalliques (28-35) I-2000360 - Ensemble de l'industrie, à l'exclusion de la construction (10-41) 09-03 I-2000Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.12

EUR-122/2 BELGIUMEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001160.34 161.12 161.04 161.09 161.41 161.41 161.22 161.56 161.38 p 161.50 p 161.68 161.57 19.30.135134.85 132.70 131.59 128.07 126.00 125.41 124.35 124.45 119.39 121.58 118.19 120.03 19.30.136152.20 153.36 154.14 155.17 158.15 156.51 154.51 154.86 156.25 153.68 151.90 150.59 19.30.137100.6 100.7 100.7 100.5 100.6 100.3 100.4 100.5 100.9 100.6 100.3 100.4 100.5 19.30.358100.5 101.0 101.3 101.3 101.3 100.8 100.7 100.6 101.1 100.7 100.6 100.5 100.9 19.30.360Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200219.30.13519.30.13619.30.137100.2 100.3 100.4 99.9 99.6 99.5 99.7 99.7 99.8 100.2 100.1 100.7 100.0 19.30.358101.5 101.5 101.5 102.1 102.1 102.2 102.4 102.5 102.6 102.8 102.8 103.1 102.2 19.30.360Datatype Data revisedAgoria 19.30.Output Price Indices, domestic marketI-1980 300 - Ouvrages en métaux 135I-1980 220 - Métaux et produits de la première transformation des métaux 136I-1980 Indice général - Ensemble de l'industrie 137I-2000 - Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (28-35) 358I-2000 09-03 - Total industry, excluding construction (10-41) 360Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.13

DANEMARKMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DKR)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20013.6.234 121.7 123.0 124.6 121.4 123.2 124.2 121.8 123.6 124.7 113.2 113.7 113.9 114.9 115.3 116.2 115.4 115.1 115.2 114.2 113.7 113.5 103 103 103 104 104 104 104 105 104 105 104 104 1043.8.387Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20023.6.234 126.6 127.5 129.5 126.6 127.7 128.9 127.0 128.3 129.9 113.9 113.7 114.8 115.3 115.0 114.8 114.4 114.7 114.9 115.1 114.6 101.4 101.2 102.2 102.7 102.4 102.2 101.9 102.1 102.3 102.5 102.0 102.4 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 1043.8.387 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102Data revised Datatype3.6. Danmarks Statistik: Løn- og indkomststatistikLønindeks for den private sektor234 - I alt I-1996/2251 - Industri I-1996/2286 - Jern- og metalindustri (1) I-1996/23.7. Danmarks Statistik: Statistisk manedsoversigt25 - 13 Engrosprisindeks i alt I-1990388 - 15 Prisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning I alt (2) I-20003.8. Danmarks Statistik: Prisstatistisk4 Engrosprisindeks med delindeks for importerede ravarer26 - 85 Elektriske maskiner og apparater og dele dertil I-1990387 - 85 Elektriske maskiner og apparater og dele dertil (2) I-2000(1) Replaces series 3.6.24 and 3.6.182.(2) Series 3.7.388 replaces 3.7.25 and 3.8.387 replaces 3.8.26 - index base year changed.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.14

DENMARKEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001119.1 120.4 122.3 123.2 3.6.234118.8 120.6 121.9 122.9 3.6.251119.2 121.0 122.4 123.3 3.6.286119.1 119.7 119.9 120.9 121.4 122.5 121.8 121.5 121.6 120.6 120.0 119.8 120.7 108 108 109 110 110 110 111 110 111 110 110 110 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002124.5 125.3 127.4 128.3 3.6.234124.5 125.5 126.8 128.5 3.6.251124.9 126.1 127.8 129.3 3.6.286120.4 120.2 121.3 121.8 121.5 121.3 121.0 121.3 121.5 121.7 121.2 121.7 3.7.25101.7 101.5 102.5 103.0 102.6 102.5 102.2 102.5 102.7 102.8 102.3 102.8 102.4 3.7.388110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 3.8.26102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 3.8.387Datatype Data revisedDanmarks Statistik: Løn- og indkomststatistik 3.6.Lønindeks for den private sektorI-1996/2 - Total 234I-1996/2 - Manufacturing 251I-1996/2 - Mfr. Of basic metals and Fbr. Metal prod.(1) 286Danmarks Statistik: Statistisk manedsoversigt 3.7.I-1990 - 13 Total wholesale price index 25I-2000 - Price index for domestic supply (2) 388Danmarks Statistik: Prisstatistisk 3.8.- 4 Wholesale price index with a separate index for imported raw materialsI-1990 - 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and components thereof 26I-2000 - 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and components thereof (2) 387(1) Replaces series 3.6.24 and 3.6.182.(2) Series 3.7.388 replaces 3.7.25 and 3.8.387 replaces 3.8.26 - index base year changed.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.15

FINLANDEMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (FMK)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200114.22.195 106.4 106.4 106.5 106.9 107.6 107.5 107.4 107.5 106.6 106.1 105.8 105.8 106.714.22.196 96.5 96.8 95.8 95.8 96.4 96.5 98.2 98.0 96.8 97.1 97.9 97.7 108.9 109.5 110.0 110.5 111.4 111.5 111.0 111.1 111.7 111.5 111.0 110.9 110.814.22.39314.22.39414.22.42714.23.353 44.00 44.10 44.30 44.50 44.90 45.30 44.00 42.90 42.50 42.20 42.30 42.20 43.60Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200214.22.195 106.2 106.0 106.3 106.3 105.9 105.5 105.7 105.6 106.2 106.6 106.9 97.7 98.0 97.6 98.7 99.1 99.8 99.9 99.7 98.7 99.6 99.5 99.514.22.284 111.4 111.6 112.2 112.6 112.9 112.6 112.4 112.4 112.9 113.1 112.8 112.8 112.514.22.39314.22.39414.22.42714.23.353 40.50 40.20 39.60 39.30 39.20 39.10 38.50 36.50 36.50 37.10 36.60 36.30 38.30TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2001 2ème Trimestre 2001 3ème Trimestre 2001 4ème Trimestre 2001 200114.38.254 124.9 126.5 126.8 127.4 126.414.38.255 124.0 125.9 125.1 125.7 Trimestre 2002 2ème Trimestre 2002 3ème Trimestre 2002 4ème Trimestre 2002 200214.38.254 p 128.9 p 131.0 p 131.2 p 131.9 p 130.814.38.255 p 125.9 p 127.6 p 128.4 p 130.2 revised Datatype14.22. Tilastokeskus: TuottajahintaindeksitTeollisuuden tuottajahintaindeksi195 - Kokonaisindeksi I-1995Tuotihintaindeksi196 - Tavararyhmät (NACE-TOL): DH Kumi- ja muovituotteet I-1995Kuluttajahintaindeksi284 - Suomi / Finland (1) I-1995Teollisuuden tuottajahintaindeksi393 - Kokonaisindeksi (1) I-2000Tuotihintaindeksi394 - Tavararyhmät (NACE-TOL): DH Kumi- ja muovituotteet (1) I-2000Kuluttajahintaindeksi427 - Suomi / Finland (3) I-200014.23. Tilastokeskus: Special orderTuontinjaindeksi tavararymat toimilaoittain353 - 3210 Elektroniset piirt ja osat (2) I-199514.38. Tilastokeskus: AnsiotasoindeksiAnsiotasoindeksi palkansaajaryhmittäin254 - Teollisuuden toimihenkilöt: Tekniset toimihenkilöt (4) I-1995255 - Teollisuuden työntekijät: 27 Perusmetallien valmistus (4) I-1995479 - Teollisuuden toimihenkilöt: Tekniset toimihenkilöt (4) I-2000480 - Teollisuuden työntekijät: 27 Perusmetallien valmistus (4) I-2000(1) Series 14.22.284 replaces 14.22.235 - change of base year.(2) Series 14.23.353 replaces 14.23.93 - change of base year.(3) Series 14.22.427 replaces 14.22.284 - change of base year.(4) Series 14.38.479 replaces 14.38.254 and 14.38.480 replaces 14.38.255 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.16

EUR-12FINLANDEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001102.1 102.1 102.2 102.6 103.3 103.2 103.1 103.2 102.3 101.8 101.5 101.5 102.4 14.22.19592.6 92.9 91.9 91.9 92.5 92.6 94.2 94.1 92.9 93.2 94.0 93.8 93.1 14.22.196104.5 105.1 105.6 106.1 106.9 107.0 106.5 106.6 107.2 107.0 106.5 106.4 106.4 14.22.284100.4 98.9 98.4 98.7 98.9 98.5 98.0 97.5 97.0 96.5 95.4 95.3 14.22.39314.22.394101.2 101.6 102.1 102.6 103.3 103.3 102.4 102.8 103.5 103.3 102.8 102.8 102.6 14.22.42742.23 42.32 42.52 42.71 43.09 43.48 42.23 41.17 40.79 40.50 40.60 40.50 41.86 14.23.353Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002101.9 101.7 102.0 102.0 101.6 101.3 101.4 101.3 101.9 102.3 102.6 102.7 14.22.19593.8 94.1 93.7 94.7 95.1 95.8 95.9 95.7 94.7 95.6 95.5 95.5 14.22.196106.9 107.1 107.7 108.1 108.4 108.1 107.9 107.9 108.4 108.5 108.3 108.3 108.0 14.22.28495.4 95.3 95.5 95.7 94.9 94.9 94.5 94.2 94.4 94.1 94.0 94.0 94.7 14.22.39399.1 99.4 99.1 100.3 101.1 102.7 102.6 102.4 100.8 101.6 101.5 101.4 101.0 14.22.394103.2 103.4 103.9 104.3 104.6 104.3 104.2 104.2 104.5 104.8 104.5 104.5 104.2 14.22.42738.87 38.58 38.01 37.72 37.62 37.53 36.95 35.03 35.03 35.61 35.13 34.84 36.77 14.23.353TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2001 2nd Quarter 2001 3rd Quarter 2001 4th Quarter 2001 2001119.9 121.4 121.7 122.3 121.3 14.38.254119.0 120.8 120.1 120.6 120.2 14.38.25514.38.47914.38.4801st Quarter 2002 2nd Quarter 2002 3rd Quarter 2002 4th Quarter 2002 2002p 123.7 p 125.7 p 125.9 p 126.6 p 125.6 14.38.254p 120.8 p 122.5 p 123.2 p 125.0 122.9 14.38.255109.0 109.4 108.5 14.38.479107.1 108.5 106.8 14.38.480Datatype Data revisedTilastokeskus: Tuottajahintaindeksit 14.22.Producer price index, home salesI-1995 - Total index 195Import price indexI-1995 - Commodity groups (NACE-SIC): DH Rubber and plastic products 196Consumer price indexI-1995 - Finland (1) 284Producer price index, home salesI-2000 - Total index (1) 393Import price indexI-2000 - Commodity groups (NACE-SIC): DH Rubber and plastic products (1) 394Consumer price indexI-2000 - Finland (3) 427Tilastokeskus: Special order 14.23.Import price indexI-1995 - 3210 Elektroniset piirt ja osat (2) 353Tilastokeskus: Ansiotasoindeksi 14.38.Index of wage and salary earnings by employee groupI-1995 - Manufacturing monthly paid employees: Technical employees (4) 254I-1995 - Manufacturing workers: 27 Manufacture of basic metals (4) 255I-2000 - Manufacturing monthly paid employees: Technical employees (4) 479I-2000 - Manufacturing workers: 27 Manufacture of basic metals (4) 480(1) Series 14.22.284 replaces 14.22.235 - change of base year.(2) Series 14.23.353 replaces 14.23.93 - change of base year.(3) Series 14.22.427 replaces 14.22.284 - change of base year.17

FRANCE 1/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (FF)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20019.15.281 110.8 111.4 113.2 113.4 113.6 114.0 114.4 114.6 114.9 115.1 115.3 115.5 112.0 111.8 112.5 112.2 112.6 112.2 111.6 110.7 110.3 109.9 109.4 123.8 123.8 123.7 123.8 124.2 124.3 124.1 123.8 124.0 122.4 124.0 118.7 119.0 119.2 119.2 119.8 119.8 119.2 118.6 119.0 118.1 118.8 99.1 97.8 96.0 93.0 91.5 89.4 86.5 84.1 82.0 80.5 78.1 93.2 95.1 93.4 91.8 92.9 93.9 91.3 87.9 86.1 80.8 81.0 104.4 105.1 104.7 103.2 105.3 104.3 100.1 94.3 92.0 90.3 92.9 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 979.15.66 100.5 99.6 99.6 97.0 95.8 96.0 96.2 94.4 93.3 91.8 91.0 94.6 93.5 92.9 89.9 88.7 86.1 83.9 82.9 80.5 77.9 75.8 84.1 85.9 85.9 85.6 85.9 85.9 84.1 83.5 83.3 82.5 81.3 83.5 80.1 77.4 75.1 74.8 74.4 72.5 71.3 70.0 69.0 67.5 66.0Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20029.15.281 116.0 116.5 117.3 117.6 117.9 118.2 118.6 118.8 119.0 119.1 119.3 120.2 109.7 110.1 110.0 110.0 111.0 110.6 110.4 110.7 111.7 112.2 111.7 124.1 124.1 124.1 124.8 125.7 125.6 125.6 126.2 126.6 126.9 126.8 118.4 118.4 118.6 119.2 120.1 120.2 118.1 119.1 119.7 119.5 119.4 74.1 73.5 74.7 75.1 75.3 76.0 78.0 78.5 78.7 79.0 79.8 82.2 85.0 87.9 89.8 89.1 87.5 83.5 81.3 80.9 80.4 82.3 96.7 100.5 101.6 100.4 98.2 97.3 92.7 89.5 89.1 89.2 91.6 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 979.15.66 89.0 88.5 90.0 90.0 90.2 91.0 91.3 91.5 91.5 92.0 93.0 73.0 73.3 74.1 74.9 75.3 76.2 78.0 79.0 79.0 78.5 79.2 77.0 78.0 78.0 78.2 78.2 78.2 78.2 79.0 79.3 80.2 80.5 64.0 63.6 63.4 64.5 64.8 64.8 68.5 71.5 74.0 74.4 74.6 74.8Data revised Datatype9.15. Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudesIndices du coût horaire du travail tous salariés281 - Industries mécaniques et électriques I-1997/10Indices des prix des matières et des matériaux59 - V Produits et services divers: Psd A Produits et services divers A I-1990/0160 - V Produits et services divers: Psd B Produits et services divers B I-1990/0161 - V Produits et services divers: Psd C Produits et services divers C I-1990/0162 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Aicf Tôles à froid acier inox X5 CrNi 18-10 I-1990/0163 - II Métaux non ferreux: Alu Aluminium I-1990/0164 - II Métaux non ferreux: Cf Fil de cuivre I-1990/0165 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Td Tôle magnétique à grain non orientés en bobines M600-50A I-1990/0166 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Aicc Tôles à chaud acier inox CrNi 18-9 I-1990/0167 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Aidf Feuilles acier inox X2 CrNiMo 17-12-2 I-1990/0168 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Tf Plaques laminées à chaud S185 I-1990/0169 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Tm a Tôle à chaud en acier E 24 -2 I-1990/01Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.18

EUR-121/2 FRANCEEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001111.5 112.1 113.9 114.1 114.3 114.7 115.1 115.3 115.6 115.8 116.0 116.2 114.5 9.15.281118.2 118.0 118.8 118.4 118.9 118.4 117.8 116.9 116.4 116.0 115.5 115.4 9.15.59130.7 130.7 130.6 130.7 131.1 131.2 131.0 130.7 130.9 129.2 130.9 130.7 9.15.60125.3 125.6 125.8 125.8 126.5 126.5 125.8 125.2 125.6 124.7 125.4 124.8 9.15.61104.6 103.2 101.3 98.2 96.6 94.4 91.3 88.8 86.6 85.0 82.4 79.5 9.15.6298.4 100.4 98.6 96.9 98.1 99.1 96.4 92.8 90.9 85.3 85.5 87.1 9.15.63110.2 110.9 110.5 108.9 111.2 110.1 105.7 99.5 97.1 95.3 98.1 100.4 9.15.64102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 9.15.65106.1 105.1 105.1 102.4 101.1 101.3 101.5 99.6 98.5 96.9 96.1 95.8 9.15.6699.9 98.7 98.1 94.9 93.6 90.9 88.6 87.5 85.0 82.2 80.0 78.7 9.15.6788.8 90.7 90.7 90.4 90.7 90.7 88.8 88.1 87.9 87.1 85.8 84.7 9.15.6888.1 84.6 81.7 79.3 79.0 78.5 76.5 75.3 73.9 72.8 71.3 69.7 9.15.69Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002116.7 117.2 118.0 118.3 118.6 118.9 119.4 119.6 119.8 119.9 120.1 121.0 119.0 9.15.281115.8 116.2 116.1 116.1 117.2 116.7 116.5 116.9 117.9 118.4 117.9 117.5 9.15.59131.0 131.0 131.0 131.7 132.7 132.6 132.6 133.2 133.6 134.0 133.8 133.8 9.15.60125.0 125.0 125.2 125.8 126.8 126.9 124.7 125.7 126.4 126.1 126.0 125.8 9.15.6178.2 77.6 78.9 79.3 79.5 80.2 82.3 82.9 83.1 83.4 84.2 84.4 9.15.6286.8 89.7 92.8 94.8 94.1 92.4 88.1 85.8 85.4 84.9 86.9 85.7 9.15.63102.1 106.1 107.2 106.0 103.7 102.7 97.9 94.5 94.1 94.2 96.7 96.5 9.15.64102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 9.15.6593.9 93.4 95.0 95.0 95.2 96.1 96.4 96.6 96.6 97.1 98.2 98.4 9.15.6677.1 77.4 78.2 79.1 79.5 80.4 82.3 83.4 83.4 82.9 83.6 83.4 9.15.6781.3 82.3 82.3 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 83.4 83.7 84.7 85.0 85.0 9.15.6867.6 67.1 66.9 68.1 68.4 68.4 72.3 75.5 78.1 78.5 78.7 79.0 9.15.69Datatype Data revisedBulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes 9.15.Index of hourly labour costs of all employeesI-1997/10 - Mechanical and electrical engineering 281Materials price indicesI-1990/01 - V Other products and services: Psd A Other products and services A 59I-1990/01 - V Other products and services: Psd B Other products and services B 60I-1990/01 - V Other products and services: Psd C Other products and services C 61I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Aicf Stainless steel cold-rolled sheet X5 CrNi 18-10 62I-1990/01 - II Non-ferrous metals: Alu Aluminium 63I-1990/01 - II Non-ferrous metals: Cf Copper wiring 64I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Td Dynamo sheet M600-50A 65I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Aicc Hot-rolled stainless steel sheet X5 CrNi 18-9 66I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Aidf Cold-rolled stainless steel sheet X2 CrNiMo 17-12-2 67I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Tf Steel plate grade S185 68I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Tm a Hot-rolled sheet in steel E 24 -2 69Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.19

FRANCE 2/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (FF)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20019.15.70 93.4 91.8 89.7 85.4 84.0 82.5 80.0 78.5 76.0 74.5 73.5 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.8 119.9 119.9 123.3 123.3 123.3 122.5 122.0 587.2 588.3 589.4 593.4 594.4 596.1 597.9 597.7 598.8 598.9 599.5 600.29.15.74 699.2 700.4 700.7 702.6 703.8 706.2 707.3 707.7 706.8 707.6 708.8 711.09.15.75 526.2 526.6 526.1 527.1 527.8 528.9 529.9 530.4 530.5 531.6 532.3 533.39.15.76 662.9 664.9 665.6 669.4 668.8 670.9 671.7 675.2 674.9 675.9 678.4 680.210.16.327 108.2 108.1 108.2 107.7 107.1 105.3 102.7 102.1 101.3 100.9 100.4 99.2 104.310.16.42812.18.79 664.3 664.3 663.6 664.7 666.4 668.2 669.6 668.6 670.4 664.5 672.9 671.712.18.81 194.4 194.4 194.5 195.1 195.5 196.1 196.9 196.9 197.6 198.0 198.9Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20029.15.70 72.5 72.0 72.0 72.3 73.4 73.8 74.8 75.0 75.6 76.5 77.6 121.0 122.4 123.0 123.5 123.5 123.5 128.7 131.7 132.0 132.0 132.0 604.6 605.6 608.7 611.9 612.1 612.6 616.9 619.0 619.2 620.2 619.6 621.59.15.74 717.3 720.8 722.5 724.0 725.2 727.6 730.5 731.1 730.4 730.1 732.1 734.49.15.75 534.7 535.2 536.1 539.5 539.9 541.2 543.1 543.8 543.6 544.8 545.7 546.69.15.76 683.8 684.0 685.9 687.6 688.4 689.8 693.8 696.0 694.3 696.2 697.7 699.610.16.327 98.8 97.6 97.4 99.1 101.2 101.5 103.1 104.8 102.9 p 103.2 p 102.5 101.7 p 101.410.16.42812.18.79 673.1 674.9 675.7 678.3 679.6 679.1 679.1 680.7 681.8 681.4 681.3 683.112.18.81 199.8 200.3 200.7 201.1 201.4 201.4 201.4 201.4 201.4 200.9 201.0 201.8Data revised Datatype9.15. Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudesIndices des prix des matières et des matériaux70 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Ttm Tôle mince à froid en bobine DC 01 I-1990/0171 - I Produits sidérurgiques (CECA): Lma Petit profilé laminé à chaud S 235 JR I-1990/01Index nationaux de prix du bâtiment73 - BT01 Tous corps d'état I-1974/0174 - BT38 Plomberie sanitaire (y compris appareils) I-1974/0175 - BT43 Menuiserie en alliage d'aluminium I-1974/0176 - BT46 Peinture, tentures et revêtements muraux I-1974/0110.16. INSEE: Bulletin Mensuel de StatistiquePVN Indices de prix de vente de l'industrie et des services aux entreprises (1)327 - 24 10 00 Produits chimiques de base 05-01 I-1995428 - 24 10 00 Produits chimiques de base (2) I-200012.18. L'Usine NouvelleIndices et Cotations79 - Prix de Génie Civil: Index ingéniérie 07-02 I-1973/0181 - Salaires: Indice Syntec I-1961/01(1) Series 10.16.327 replaces 10.16.77 - change of base year.(2) Series 10.16.428 replaces 10.16.327 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.20

EUR-122/2 FRANCEEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200198.6 96.9 94.7 90.1 88.7 87.1 84.4 82.9 80.2 78.6 77.6 77.1 9.15.70123.5 123.5 123.5 124.3 126.6 126.6 130.2 130.2 130.2 129.3 128.8 127.7 9.15.71505.3 506.3 507.2 510.7 511.5 513.0 514.5 514.4 515.3 515.4 515.9 516.5 9.15.73601.7 602.7 603.0 604.6 605.7 607.7 608.7 609.0 608.2 608.9 610.0 611.9 9.15.74452.8 453.2 452.7 453.6 454.2 455.2 456.0 456.4 456.5 457.5 458.1 458.9 9.15.75570.5 572.2 572.8 576.1 575.5 577.4 578.0 581.1 580.8 581.7 583.8 585.4 9.15.76107.6 107.5 107.6 107.1 106.5 104.7 102.2 101.6 100.8 100.4 99.9 98.7 103.8 10.16.327104.8 104.3 104.5 103.9 103.3 101.8 99.3 98.4 97.5 97.0 96.5 95.3 10.16.428568.5 568.5 567.9 568.9 570.3 571.9 573.1 572.2 573.8 568.7 575.9 574.9 12.18.79194.8 194.8 194.9 195.5 195.9 196.5 197.3 197.3 198.0 198.4 199.3 12.18.81Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200276.5 76.0 76.0 76.3 77.5 77.9 79.0 79.2 79.8 80.8 81.9 83.4 9.15.70127.7 129.2 129.8 130.4 130.4 130.4 135.9 139.0 139.3 139.3 139.3 139.3 9.15.71520.3 521.2 523.8 526.6 526.8 527.2 530.9 532.7 532.9 533.7 533.2 534.8 9.15.73617.3 620.3 621.8 623.0 624.1 626.1 628.6 629.2 628.6 628.3 630.0 632.0 9.15.74460.1 460.6 461.3 464.3 464.6 465.7 467.4 468.0 467.8 468.8 469.6 470.4 9.15.75588.5 588.6 590.3 591.7 592.4 593.6 597.1 599.0 597.5 599.1 600.4 602.1 9.15.7698.3 97.1 96.9 98.6 100.7 101.0 102.6 104.2 102.4 p 102.7 p 102.0 101.2 p 100.9 10.16.32795.0 93.4 93.3 95.5 98.1 98.8 100.7 102.7 100.6 100.8 100.1 99.1 98.2 10.16.428576.1 577.6 578.3 580.5 581.6 581.2 581.2 582.6 583.5 583.2 583.1 584.6 12.18.79200.2 200.7 201.1 201.5 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.8 201.3 201.4 202.2 12.18.81Datatype Data revisedBulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes 9.15.Materials price indicesI-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Ttm Cold-rolled sheet in steel grade DC 70I-1990/01 - I Steel products (CECA): Lma Small sections grade S 235 JR 71National construction price indexI-1974/01 - BT01 All trades 73I-1974/01 - BT38 Sanitary installations (including fixtures) 74I-1974/01 - BT43 Aluminium alloy joinery 75I-1974/01 - BT46 Paintwork, wall coverings 76INSEE: Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique 10.16.PVN Price indices of industry and business services (1)I-1995 05-01 - 24 10 00 Basic chemicals 327I-2000 - 24 10 00 Basic chemicals (2) 428L'Usine Nouvelle 12.18.Indices and QuotesI-1973/01 07-02 - Civil engineering prices: Engineering index 79I-1961/01 - Salaries: Syntec index 81(1) Series 10.16.327 replaces 10.16.77 - change of base year.(2) Series 10.16.428 replaces 10.16.327 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.21

ALLEMAGNE 1/6MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DM)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.2.2241.2.3551. 118.9 118.9 121.4 121.4 115.6 116.2 118.3 118.3 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20021.2.2241.2.3551. 121.4 121.4 125.1 125.1 118.3 118.3 121.4 121.4 revised Datatype1.2. Statistisches Bundesamt: Löhne und Gehälter Fachserie 16: Reihe 2.1 Arbeiterverdienste in der Industrie5 Durchschnittliche Bruttostundenverdienste der Arbeiter nach Wirtschaftszweig, Geschlecht und Leistungsgruppe224 - Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Hessen: Insgesamt M4 Bezahlte Arbeitsstunden und Bruttoverdienste der Arbeiter/-innen nach Leistungsgruppen, Wirtschaftszweigen und Bundesländern355 - Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Insgesamt: Hessen: Arbeiter/-innen insgesamt: Bruttostundenverdienst (1) M6 Durchschnittliche Bruttowochenverdienste der Arbeiter nach Wirtschaftszweig, Geschlecht und Leistungsgruppe19 - Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Baden-Württemberg: Zusammen M1.4. Statistisches Bundesamt: Löhne und Gehälter Fachserie 16: Reihe 4.3 Index der Tariflöhne und -gehälter2 Index der tariflichen Stundenlöhne in der gewerblichen Wirtschaft und bei Gebietskörperschaften323 - Investitionsgüter produzierendes Gewerbe: Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Zusammen (2) I-19953 Index der tariflichen Monatsgehälter in der gewerblichen Wirtschaft und bei Gebietskörperschaften324 - Investitionsgüter produzierendes Gewerbe: Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Zusammen (2) I-19952 Index der tariflichen Stundenlöhne in der gewerblichen Wirtschaft und bei Gebietskörperschaften415 - Investitionsgüter produzierendes Gewerbe: Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Zusammen (3) 20003 Index der tariflichen Monatsgehälter in der gewerblichen Wirtschaft und bei Gebietskörperschaften416 - Investitionsgüter produzierendes Gewerbe: Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau: Zusammen (3) 2000(1) Series 1.2.355 is the euro replacement of series 1.2.224.(2) Series 1.4.323 replaces 1.4.249 and 1.4.324 replaces 1.4.250 - change of base year.(3) Series 1.4.415 replaces 1.4.323 and 14.4.416 replaces 1.4.324 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.22

EUR-121/6 GERMANYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.2.22416.61 16.65 16.89 16.77 1.2.3551.2.19113.9 113.9 116.3 116.3 115.2 1.4.323110.7 111.3 113.3 113.3 112.2 1.4.3241.4.4151.4.416Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20021.2.22416.73 16.71 16.99 16.96 1.2.3551.2.19116.3 116.3 119.8 119.8 118.1 1.4.323113.3 113.3 116.3 116.3 114.8 1.4.324106.7 105.1 1.4.415106.4 105.0 1.4.416Datatype Data revisedStatistisches Bundesamt: Löhne und Gehälter Fachserie 16: Reihe 2.1 Arbeiterverdienste in der Industrie 1.2.5 Average gross hour earnings per worker by branch of industry, sex and qualification groupM - Aircraft and spacecraft industry: Hesse: total 2244 Paid working hours and gross earnings of workers per qualification group, branch of industry and regional unitM - Aircraft and spacecraft industry: total: Hesse: all workers: gross hourly earnings (1) 3555 Average gross weekly earnings per worker by branch of industry, sex and qualification groupM - Aircraft and spacecraft industry: Baden-Württemberg: total 19Statistisches Bundesamt: Löhne und Gehälter Fachserie 16: Reihe 4.3 Index der Tariflöhne und -gehälter 1.4.2 Index of contractual hourly earnings in manufacturing and in local governmentI-1995 - Capital goods industry: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft: total (2) 3233 Index of contractual monthly earnings in manufacturing and in local governmentI-1995 - Capital goods industry: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft: total (2) 3242 Index of contractual hourly earnings in manufacturing and in local governmentI-2000 - Capital goods industry: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft: total (3) 4153 Index of contractual monthly earnings in manufacturing and in local governmentI-2000 - Capital goods industry: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft: total (3) 416(1) Series 1.2.355 is the euro replacement of series 1.2.224.(2) Series 1.4.323 replaces 1.4.249 and 1.4.324 replaces 1.4.250 - change of base year.(3) Series 1.4.415 replaces 1.4.323 and 14.4.416 replaces 1.4.324 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.23

ALLEMAGNE 2/6MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DM)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.40.212 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 74.69 73.35 73.35 73.35 73.35 74.79 74.79 74.79 74.79 74.79 74.79 74.79 74.79 74.311.40.215 74.28 74.28 74.28 74.28 75.75 75.75 75.75 75.75 75.75 75.75 75.75 75.75 78.68 78.68 78.68 78.68 80.24 80.24 80.24 80.24 80.24 80.24 80.24 80.24 79.721.40.217 83.19 83.19 83.19 83.19 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 67.53 67.53 67.53 67.53 68.92 68.92 68.92 68.92 68.92 68.92 68.92 68.92 68.461.40.219 64.07 64.07 64.07 64.07 65.38 65.38 65.38 65.38 65.38 65.38 65.38 65.38 64.951.40.220 66.60 66.60 66.60 66.60 67.96 67.96 67.96 67.96 67.96 67.96 67.96 67.96 67.511.40.221 67.06 67.06 67.06 67.06 68.44 68.44 68.44 68.44 68.44 68.44 68.44 68.44 67.981.40.222 77.50 77.50 77.50 77.50 79.04 79.04 79.04 79.04 79.04 79.04 79.04 79.04 78.531.40.2121.40.2131.40.2141.40.2151.40.2161.40.2171.40.2181.40.2191.40.2201.40.2211.40.222Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype1.40. Statistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR (1) (2)212 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Hamburg und Gebiete aus Schleswig- MHolstein und Niedersachsen Gehaltsgruppe G8a (2)213 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Bremen Mund Gebiete aus Niedersachsen (Unterwesergebiet) Gehaltsgruppe G8a (2)214 - Gehaltsabkommen der Eisen-, Metall-, Elektro- und Zentralheizungsindustrie sowie in Verbindung damit Mder kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie in Nordrhien-Westfalen Gehaltsgruppe KT6a (2)215 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Eisen- Metall-, Elektroindustrie in Hessen Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M216 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Nordwürttemberg-Nordbaden Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M217 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Bayern Gehaltsgruppe VII b (2) M218 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie in Berlin-Ost und Brandenburg Gehaltsgruppe 5b (2) M219 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Gehaltsgruppe 8a (2) M220 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Sachsen Gehaltsgruppe VI b (2) M221 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie in Thüringen Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M222 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M(1) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 have been derived from national sources, although they are not available in the Fachseries.(2) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 are the euro replacements of series 1.40.212 to 1.40.222.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.24

EUR-122/6 GERMANYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200137.45 37.45 37.45 37.45 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 37.94 1.40.21237.45 37.45 37.45 37.45 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 38.19 37.94 1.40.21337.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 38.24 38.24 38.24 38.24 38.24 38.24 38.24 38.24 37.99 1.40.21437.98 37.98 37.98 37.98 38.73 38.73 38.73 38.73 38.73 38.73 38.73 38.73 38.48 1.40.21540.23 40.23 40.23 40.23 41.03 41.03 41.03 41.03 41.03 41.03 41.03 41.03 40.76 1.40.21642.53 42.53 42.53 42.53 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.28 43.03 1.40.21734.53 34.53 34.53 34.53 35.24 35.24 35.24 35.24 35.24 35.24 35.24 35.24 35.00 1.40.21832.76 32.76 32.76 32.76 33.43 33.43 33.43 33.43 33.43 33.43 33.43 33.43 33.21 1.40.21934.05 34.05 34.05 34.05 34.75 34.75 34.75 34.75 34.75 34.75 34.75 34.75 34.52 1.40.22034.29 34.29 34.29 34.29 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.99 34.76 1.40.22139.63 39.63 39.63 39.63 40.41 40.41 40.41 40.41 40.41 40.41 40.41 40.41 40.15 1.40.222Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20021.40.2121.40.2131.40.2141.40.2151.40.2161.40.2171.40.2181.40.2191.40.2201.40.2211.40.222Datatype Data revisedStatistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR (1) (2) 1.40.M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal working industry in Hamburg and areas of Schleswig- 212Holstein and Niedersachsen salary group G8a (2)M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Bremen (2) 213and areas of Niedersachsen Unterwesergebiet salary group G8aM - Salary agreement for ferrous, metal working, electrical and central heating industry as well as 214plastic manufacturing industry in Nordrhein-Westfalen salary group KT6a (2)M - Pay agreement on salaries for ferrous, metal, electrical industry in Hessen salary group T6b (2) 215M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Nordwürttemberg-Nordbaden salary group T6b (2) 216M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Bayern salary group VII b (2) 217M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Berlin-Ost and Brandenburg salary group 5b (2) 218M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern salary group 8a (2) 219M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Sachsen salary group VI b (2) 220M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Thüringen salary group T6b (2) 221M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern salary group T6b (2) 222(1) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 have been derived from national sources, although they are not available in the Fachseries.(2) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 are the euro replacements of series 1.40.212 to 1.40.222.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.25

1.40.3611.40.3621.40.3631.40.3641.40.3651.40.3661.40.3671.40.3681.40.3691.40.3701.40.3711.40.3611.40.3621.40.3631.40.3641.40.3651.40.3661.40.3671.40.3681.40.3691.40.3701.40.371ALLEMAGNE 3/6MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DM)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype1.40. Statistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR (1) (2)361 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Hamburg und Gebiete aus Schleswig- MHolstein und Niedersachsen Gehaltsgruppe G8a (2)362 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Bremen Mund Gebiete aus Niedersachsen (Unterwesergebiet) Gehaltsgruppe G8a (2)363 - Gehaltsabkommen der Eisen-, Metall-, Elektro- und Zentralheizungsindustrie sowie in Verbindung damit Mder kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie in Nordrhien-Westfalen Gehaltsgruppe KT6a (2)364 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Eisen- Metall-, Elektroindustrie in Hessen Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M365 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Nordwürttemberg-Nordbaden Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M366 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Bayern Gehaltsgruppe VII b (2) M367 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie in Berlin-Ost und Brandenburg Gehaltsgruppe 5b (2) M368 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Gehaltsgruppe 8a (2) M369 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Sachsen Gehaltsgruppe VI b (2) M370 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metall- und Elektroindustrie in Thüringen Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M371 - Gehaltstarifvertrag für die Metallindustrie in Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern Gehaltsgruppe T6b (2) M(1) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 have been derived from national sources, although they are not available in the Fachseries.(2) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 are the euro replacements of series 1.40.212 to 1.40.222.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.26

EUR-123/6 GERMANYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.40.3611.40.3621.40.3631.40.3641.40.3651.40.3661.40.3671.40.3681.40.3691.40.3701.40.371Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200238.47 38.47 38.47 38.47 39.73 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.42 1.40.36138.47 38.47 38.47 38.47 39.73 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.91 39.42 1.40.36238.52 38.52 38.52 38.52 39.80 39.97 39.97 39.97 39.97 39.97 39.97 39.97 39.74 1.40.36339.02 39.02 39.02 39.02 40.32 40.48 40.48 40.48 40.48 40.48 40.48 40.48 39.98 1.40.36441.32 41.32 41.32 41.32 42.60 42.83 42.83 42.83 42.83 42.83 42.83 42.83 42.31 1.40.36543.64 43.64 43.64 43.64 44.80 45.11 45.11 45.11 45.11 45.11 45.11 45.11 44.59 1.40.36635.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 36.47 36.70 36.70 36.70 36.70 36.70 36.70 36.70 36.28 1.40.36733.68 33.68 33.68 33.68 34.61 34.80 34.80 34.80 34.80 34.80 34.80 34.80 34.41 1.40.36835.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.98 36.19 36.19 36.19 36.19 36.19 36.19 36.19 35.78 1.40.36935.25 35.25 35.25 35.25 36.22 36.43 36.43 36.43 36.43 36.43 36.43 36.43 36.02 1.40.37040.71 40.71 40.71 40.71 42.01 42.24 42.24 42.24 42.24 42.24 42.24 42.24 41.71 1.40.371Datatype Data revisedStatistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR (1) (2) 1.40.M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal working industry in Hamburg and areas of Schleswig- 361Holstein and Niedersachsen salary group G8a (2)M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Bremen 362and areas of Niedersachsen Unterwesergebiet salary group G8a (2)M - Salary agreement for ferrous, metal working, electrical and central heating industry as well as 363plastic manufacturing industry in Nordrhein-Westfalen salary group KT6a (2)M - Pay agreement on salaries for ferrous, metal, electrical industry in Hessen salary group T6b (2) 364M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Nordwürttemberg-Nordbaden salary group T6b (2) 365M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Bayern salary group VII b (2) 366M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Berlin-Ost and Brandenburg salary group 5b (2) 367M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern salary group 8a (2) 368M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Sachsen salary group VI b (2) 369M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Thüringen salary group T6b (2) 370M - Pay agreement on salaries for metal industry in Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern salary group T6b (2) 371(1) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 have been derived from national sources, although they are not available in the Fachseries.(2) Series 1.40.361 to 1.40.371 are the euro replacements of series 1.40.212 to 1.40.222.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.27

ALLEMAGNE 4/6MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DM)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.1.287 103.8 104.0 104.0 104.2 104.2 104.4 104.6 103.1 103.3 103.3 103.5 103.5 103.7 103.9 104.0 104.0 104.1 104.1 104.2 96.8 96.9 96.9 96.4 96.4 96.3 96.2 96.2 96.1 96.2 96.8 96.7 100.8 100.9 101.5 101.6 102.6 102.6 102.7 102.7 102.9 102.9 102.6 102.6 101.9 101.9 102.2 102.2 102.3 102.5 102.4 102.3 102.3 102.5 102.6 102.6 97.9 100.4 98.7 98.7 99.5 97.5 96.5 95.2 95.1 94.8 93.7 92.3 98.7 98.8 98.7 98.3 97.8 97.8 98.7 103.7 104.0 103.8 103.6 103.7 111.7 111.9 111.6 111.6 113.0 111.5 109.5 107.8 106.7 104.7 105.8 105.0 116.1 117.0 116.6 116.8 117.0 116.6 115.8 115.7 114.7 112.4 111.9 111.1 103.4 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.7 103.8 103.8 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.1 104.1 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.8 105.0 105.1 105.0 105.2 105.1 105.0 104.9 105.1 109.1 109.3 109.5 109.7 109.8 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 110.0 110.3 110.2 107.4 107.5 107.7 108.5 108.4 108.6 108.3 108.3 108.2 108.9 108.8 108.5 106.6 106.9 107.0 107.2 107.2 107.4 107.4 107.5 107.5 107.8 107.7 107.8 103.7 107.6 107.5 107.8 107.7 107.8 107.8 107.8 108.6 108.9 108.5 108.5 107.7Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20021.1.2871.1.341 104.6 104.9 105.0 104.8 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.2 105.3 97.2 97.6 97.7 97.8 98.2 97.3 96.9 96.8 97.0 96.9 96.9 96.8 102.8 102.6 102.7 102.7 102.7 102.4 102.4 102.3 102.7 103.1 103.2 103.2 102.8 102.9 102.7 102.6 102.8 102.8 102.6 102.6 102.6 103.0 102.9 102.9 91.9 90.8 92.0 95.0 95.0 96.1 97.1 98.5 98.4 98.5 97.8 97.3 101.9 101.6 100.7 100.8 100.9 101.0 103.3 103.3 103.1 103.2 103.1 102.9 104.8 105.6 107.0 106.9 105.4 104.5 102.7 101.2 100.8 100.4 100.7 101.2 108.8 109.0 109.8 109.9 109.4 109.1 108.0 107.0 106.1 105.8 105.6 105.8 104.4 104.4 104.5 104.4 104.6 104.7 104.8 104.8 105.0 105.2 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.0 105.0 104.6 104.7 104.7 104.6 104.6 104.7 104.9 104.9 105.0 111.1 111.1 111.2 111.4 111.7 111.8 111.8 111.9 112.0 112.1 112.0 112.2 109.6 109.8 110.3 110.4 110.4 110.3 110.4 110.4 110.7 110.7 110.8 110.8 108.5 108.5 108.6 108.8 108.9 109.0 109.0 109.1 109.2 109.3 109.3 109.4 108.5 108.3 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.6 108.3 107.9 107.9 108.0 108.0 108.3Data revised Datatype1.1. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)1 Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte: 1.1 Aktuelle Ergebnisse287 - 5 Erzeugnisse der Investitionsgüterproduzenten I-1995341 - 5 Erzeugnisse der Investitionsgüterproduzenten (1) I-1995288 - 128 Gewebe aus Chemiefasern (1720 3) I-1995289 - 129 Spezialgewebe (1720 4) I-1995290 - 236 Leistungen des Druckgewerbes (222) I-1995291 - 290 Kunststoffe, in Primärformen (2416) I-1995292 - 375 Feuerfeste keramische Werkstoffe (2626) I-1995293 - 433 NE-Metalle und Halbzeug daraus (274) I-1995294 - 437 Aluminium und Halbzeug daraus (2742) I-1995295 - 456 Metallerzeugnisse (28) I-1995296 - 457 Stahl- und Leichtmetallbauerzeugnisse (281) I-1995297 - 510 Pumpen und Kompressoren (2912) I-1995298 - 525 Armaturen (2913) I-1995299 - 640 Maschinenbau i. e. S. (291-295) I-1995300 - 651 Lufttechnische Einzelapparate und Anlagen (2923 12, 2923 14, 2923 20) I-1995(1) Series 1.1.341 is based on a harmonised EU definition of the main industrial groupings (MIGs) and is therefore not directly comparable with 1.1.287.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.28

EUR-124/6 GERMANYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200199.4 99.6 99.6 99.8 99.8 100.0 100.2 100.4 1.1.28798.8 99.0 99.0 99.1 99.1 99.3 99.5 99.6 99.6 99.7 99.7 99.8 99.3 1.1.34192.7 92.8 92.8 92.3 92.3 92.3 92.2 92.2 92.1 92.2 92.7 92.6 92.4 1.1.28896.6 96.7 97.2 97.3 98.3 98.3 98.4 98.4 98.6 98.6 98.3 98.3 97.9 1.1.28997.6 97.6 97.9 97.9 98.0 98.2 98.1 98.0 98.0 98.2 98.3 98.3 98.0 1.1.29093.8 96.2 94.6 94.6 95.3 93.4 92.4 91.2 91.1 90.8 89.8 88.4 92.6 1.1.29194.6 94.6 94.6 94.2 93.7 93.7 94.6 99.3 99.6 99.4 99.2 99.3 96.4 1.1.292107.0 107.2 106.9 106.9 108.2 106.8 104.9 103.3 102.2 100.3 101.4 100.6 104.6 1.1.293111.2 112.1 111.7 111.9 112.1 111.7 110.9 110.8 109.9 107.7 107.2 106.4 110.3 1.1.29499.1 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.4 99.7 99.7 99.8 99.7 99.7 99.4 1.1.295100.5 100.5 100.5 100.4 100.6 100.7 100.6 100.8 100.7 100.6 100.5 100.7 100.6 1.1.296104.5 104.7 104.9 105.1 105.2 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.4 105.7 105.6 105.2 1.1.297102.9 103.0 103.2 103.9 103.8 104.0 103.7 103.7 103.7 104.3 104.2 103.9 103.8 1.1.298102.1 102.4 102.5 102.7 102.7 102.9 102.9 103.0 103.0 103.3 103.2 103.3 102.8 1.1.29999.3 103.1 103.0 103.3 103.2 103.3 103.3 103.3 104.0 104.3 103.9 103.9 103.2 1.1.300Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20021.1.287100.2 100.5 100.6 100.4 100.6 100.6 100.6 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.8 100.9 100.6 1.1.34193.1 93.5 93.6 93.7 94.1 93.2 92.8 92.7 92.9 92.8 92.8 92.7 93.2 1.1.28898.5 98.3 98.4 98.4 98.4 98.1 98.1 98.0 98.4 98.8 98.9 98.9 98.4 1.1.28998.5 98.6 98.4 98.3 98.5 98.5 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.7 98.6 98.6 98.5 1.1.29088.0 87.0 88.1 91.0 91.0 92.1 93.0 94.4 94.3 94.4 93.7 93.2 91.7 1.1.29197.6 97.3 96.5 96.6 96.7 96.8 99.0 99.0 98.8 98.9 98.8 98.6 97.9 1.1.292100.4 101.2 102.5 102.4 101.0 100.1 98.4 96.9 96.6 96.2 96.5 96.9 99.1 1.1.293104.2 104.4 105.2 105.3 104.8 104.5 103.5 102.5 101.6 101.4 101.2 101.4 103.4 1.1.294100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 100.2 100.3 100.4 100.4 100.6 100.8 100.7 100.7 100.4 1.1.295100.7 100.6 100.6 100.2 100.3 100.3 100.2 100.2 100.3 100.5 100.5 100.6 100.4 1.1.296106.4 106.4 106.5 106.7 107.0 107.1 107.1 107.2 107.3 107.4 107.3 107.5 107.0 1.1.297105.0 105.2 105.7 105.8 105.8 105.7 105.8 105.8 106.0 106.0 106.1 106.1 105.8 1.1.298103.9 103.9 104.0 104.2 104.3 104.4 104.4 104.5 104.6 104.7 104.7 104.8 104.4 1.1.299103.9 103.7 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 104.0 103.7 103.4 103.4 103.5 103.5 103.8 1.1.300Datatype Data revisedStatistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17 1.1.Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)1 Output price index for manufactured goods: 1.1 Current figuresI-1995 - 5 Capital goods 287I-1995 - 5 Capital goods (1) 341I-1995 - 128 Fabrics from chemical fibres (1720 3) 288I-1995 - 129 Special fabrics (1720 4) 289I-1995 - 236 Printing and services actives related to printing (222) 290I-1995 - 290 Plastics, in primary forms (2416) 291I-1995 - 375 Refractory ceramic products (2626) 292I-1995 - 433 Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production (274) 293I-1995 - 437 Aluminum production (2742) 294I-1995 - 456 Metal products (28) 295I-1995 - 457 Structural metal products (281) 296I-1995 - 510 Pumps and compressors (2912) 297I-1995 - 525 Taps and valves (2913) 298I-1995 - 640 Mechanical engineering products (291-295) 299I-1995 - 651 Non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment (2923 12, 2923 14, 2923 20) 300(1) Series 1.1.341 is based on a harmonised EU definition of the main industrial groupings (MIGs) and is therefore not directly comparable with 1.1.287.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.29

ALLEMAGNE 5/6MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DM)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.1.301 84.5 84.5 84.5 84.3 84.4 84.2 84.2 84.0 84.0 84.1 83.7 83.7 99.0 98.9 98.7 99.3 99.4 99.5 98.4 97.3 96.9 94.9 94.6 93.4 83.6 83.6 83.7 83.7 83.3 82.8 81.9 81.2 81.0 80.5 80.2 80.1 106.8 106.7 106.5 107.5 107.8 107.7 108.0 107.8 107.8 107.6 107.3 107.6 108.4 108.6 108.6 108.5 108.6 108.6 108.9 108.9 108.9 109.0 109.0 109.0 105.6 105.9 106.8 108.1 108.2 108.5 107.7 106.9 106.9 103.3 103.0 102.6 115.7 116.1 116.5 117.4 116.7 118.5 119.9 119.9 118.3 118.6 117.9 118.7 108.3 109.0 109.1 109.5 110.0 110.2 110.2 110.0 110.0 109.7 109.5 109.6 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20021.1.301 82.7 82.7 82.7 82.7 82.7 82.7 82.5 82.5 82.1 82.2 82.1 82.1 92.7 92.6 92.5 92.2 92.2 91.7 91.0 91.2 90.8 91.0 91.5 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 79.7 79.6 79.6 80.2 79.7 79.6 79.6 79.5 108.6 109.0 109.2 109.0 109.4 109.2 109.6 109.7 110.1 110.1 110.2 110.2 110.3 110.3 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.7 110.7 110.7 103.7 103.9 104.3 102.3 101.7 101.7 100.2 99.1 99.0 100.0 100.5 100.6 119.7 119.9 120.9 120.6 120.6 121.7 121.9 122.2 121.6 121.8 121.0 110.6 110.9 111.1 111.2 111.2 111.1 111.3 111.2 111.1 111.1 110.7 revised Datatype1.1. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbeliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)1 Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte: 1.1 Aktuelle Ergebnisse301 - 717 Andere elektrische Leiter für die Fernmeldetechnik, für eine Spannung von 80 v oder weniger (3130 13 300) I-1995302 - 738 Elektronische Bauelemente (321) I-1995303 - 742 Dioden; Transistoren u. a. Halbleiterbauelemente; Leuchtdioden;gefasste oder montierte Piezoelektrische Kristalle (3210 5) I-1995304 - 763 Meß-, Kontroll-, u. ä. Instrumente und Vorrichtungen (332) I-1995305 - 775 Optische und fotografische Geräte (334) I-1995306 - 820 Elektrischer Strom, Gas, Fernwärme (40) I-19951.39. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 7 - Preisindizes für die Lebenshaltung1. Preisindex fuer die Lebenshaltung aller privaten Haushalte: 1.1 Gliederung nach dem Verwendungszweck307 - 85 Verkehrsdienstleistungen 073 (1) I-1995325 - Gesamtindex (1) I-1995405 - 85 Verkehrsdienstleistungen 073 I-2000406 - Gesamtindex I-200030

EUR-125/6 GERMANYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200180.9 80.9 80.9 80.8 80.9 80.7 80.7 80.5 80.5 80.6 80.2 80.2 80.7 1.1.30194.8 94.7 94.6 95.1 95.2 95.3 94.3 93.2 92.8 90.9 90.6 89.5 93.4 1.1.30280.1 80.1 80.2 80.2 79.8 79.3 78.5 77.8 77.6 77.1 76.8 76.7 78.7 1.1.303102.3 102.2 102.0 103.0 103.3 103.2 103.5 103.3 103.3 103.1 102.8 103.1 102.9 1.1.304103.8 104.0 104.0 103.9 104.0 104.0 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.2 1.1.305101.2 101.4 102.3 103.6 103.7 103.9 103.2 102.4 102.4 99.0 98.7 98.3 101.6 1.1.306110.8 111.2 111.6 112.5 111.8 113.5 114.9 114.9 113.3 113.6 112.9 113.7 112.9 1.39.307103.7 104.4 104.5 104.9 105.4 105.6 105.6 105.4 105.4 105.1 104.9 105.0 105.0 1.39.3251.39.4051.39.406Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200279.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.0 79.0 78.6 78.7 78.6 78.6 79.0 1.1.30188.8 88.7 88.6 88.3 88.3 87.8 87.2 87.4 87.0 87.2 87.7 87.7 87.9 1.1.30276.6 76.6 76.6 76.6 76.3 76.3 76.3 76.8 76.3 76.3 76.3 76.2 76.4 1.1.303104.0 104.4 104.6 104.4 104.8 104.6 105.0 105.1 105.5 105.5 105.6 105.6 104.9 1.1.304105.7 105.7 105.9 105.9 105.9 105.9 105.9 105.9 105.9 106.0 106.0 106.0 105.9 1.1.30599.3 99.5 99.9 98.0 97.4 97.4 96.0 94.9 94.8 95.8 96.3 96.4 97.1 1.1.306114.7 114.9 115.8 115.5 115.5 116.6 116.8 117.1 116.5 116.7 115.9 116.6 1.39.307106.0 106.2 106.4 106.5 106.5 106.4 106.6 106.5 106.4 106.4 106.0 106.1 1.39.325104.2 104.3 105.4 104.9 104.8 106.7 107.5 107.2 106.2 106.3 105.3 106.7 1.39.405102.9 103.2 103.4 103.3 103.4 103.4 103.7 103.5 103.4 103.3 103.0 104.0 1.39.406Datatype Data revisedStatistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17 1.1.Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)1 Output price index for manufactured goods: 1.1 Current figuresI-1995 - 717 Other electrical conductors for the telecommunication technology, for a voltage of 80 v or fewer (3130 13 300) 301I-1995 - 738 Electronic components (321) 302- 742 Diodes; Transistors among other things semiconductor components; 303I-1995 Light emitting diodes; calm or installed piezoelectric crystals (3210 5)I-1995 - 763 Measuring, control, and testing instruments and devices (332) 304I-1995 - 775 Optical and photographic devices (334) 305I-1995 - 820 Electricity, gas, district heating (40) 306Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 7 - Preisindizes für die Lebenshaltung 1.39.1. Price index of living standards of all private households: 1.1 arrangement after the intended purposeI-1995 - 85 Transport services 073 (1) 307I-1995 - Overall index (1) 325I-2000 - 85 Transport services 073 405I-2000 - Overall index 40631

1.1.4471.1.4481.1.4491.1.4501.1.4511.1.4521.1.4531.1.4541.1.4551.1.4561.1.4571.1.4581.1.4591.1.4601.1.4611.1.462ALLEMAGNE 6/6MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (DM)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20011.1.4471.1.4481.1.4491.1.4501.1.4511.1.4521.1.4531.1.4541.1.4551.1.4561.1.4571.1.4581.1.4591.1.4601.1.4611.1.462Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype1.1. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)1 Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte: 1.1 Aktuelle Ergebnisse447 - (341) Erzeugnisse der Investitionsgüterproduzenten (1) I-2000448 - (291) Kunststoffe, in Primärformen (2416) (1) I-2000449 - (292) Feuerfeste keramische Werkstoffe (2626) (1) I-2000450 - (293) NE-Metalle und Halbzeug daraus (274) (1) I-2000451 - (294) Aluminium und Halbzeug daraus (2742) (1) I-2000452 - (295) Metallerzeugnisse (28) (1) I-2000453 - (296) Stahl- und Leichtmetallbauerzeugnisse (281) (1) I-2000454 - (297) Pumpen und Kompressoren (2912) (1) I-2000455 - (298) Armaturen (2913) (1) I-2000456 - (299) Maschinenbau i. e. S. (291-295) (1) I-2000457 - (300) Lufttechnische Einzelapparate und Anlagen (2923 12, 2923 14, 2923 20) (1) I-2000458 - (302) Elektronische Bauelemente (321) (1) I-2000459 - (303) Dioden; Transistoren u. a. Halbleiterbauelemente; Leuchtdioden;gefasste oder montierte Piezoelektrische Kristalle (3210 5) (1) I-2000460 - (304) Meß-, Kontroll-, u. ä. Instrumente und Vorrichtungen (332) (1) I-2000461 - (305) Optische und fotografische Geräte (334) (1) I-2000462 - (306) Elektrischer Strom, Gas, Fernwärme (40) (1) I-2000(1) New series 458 to 462 replace 302 to 306 and 447 replaces 341 and 448 to 457 replace291 to 300 - base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.32

EUR-126/6 GERMANYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001100.1 100.3 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.7 100.8 101.0 101.0 101.1 100.9 100.9 100.7 1.1.447102.8 105.5 103.8 103.7 104.6 102.4 101.5 99.9 100.0 99.5 98.2 96.8 101.6 1.1.448100.0 100.1 100.1 99.4 98.8 99.0 99.9 105.6 105.8 105.9 105.9 105.6 102.2 1.1.449102.7 102.7 102.8 102.8 104.3 102.5 100.8 99.1 97.9 96.1 97.1 96.5 100.4 1.1.450106.1 106.5 107.0 107.2 107.4 106.6 106.0 106.2 105.1 103.0 102.6 101.8 105.5 1.1.451100.4 100.6 100.5 100.5 100.6 100.7 100.7 100.8 100.8 100.9 100.8 100.8 100.7 1.1.452100.4 100.4 100.4 100.3 100.5 100.6 100.6 100.7 100.5 100.4 100.3 100.5 100.5 1.1.453100.8 101.1 101.3 101.4 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.6 101.7 101.8 101.7 101.4 1.1.454100.9 101.1 101.3 102.0 102.0 102.3 102.0 102.0 101.9 102.5 102.3 102.0 101.9 1.1.455100.8 101.1 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.6 101.8 101.8 102.0 101.9 101.9 101.6 1.1.456100.4 102.4 102.3 102.9 102.8 102.9 102.8 102.8 103.4 103.6 103.2 103.2 102.7 1.1.457100.3 99.7 99.7 100.0 99.9 99.9 96.8 96.0 95.1 93.9 94.0 93.6 97.4 1.1.458102.1 102.1 102.3 102.3 101.9 101.2 99.2 98.3 98.1 97.3 97.0 96.7 99.9 1.1.459100.0 99.9 99.8 100.6 100.8 100.5 100.8 100.7 100.7 100.9 100.7 101.3 100.6 1.1.460101.3 101.3 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.5 1.1.461112.8 113.0 114.1 115.7 115.8 116.3 115.0 113.8 113.8 109.8 109.6 109.1 113.2 1.1.462Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002101.5 101.7 101.7 101.6 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.9 101.9 101.9 101.9 101.9 101.8 1.1.44795.9 94.5 96.4 99.2 99.1 100.5 101.8 103.2 103.3 103.1 102.3 101.6 100.1 1.1.448103.4 103.4 102.4 102.8 102.4 102.6 105.2 105.0 104.9 105.5 105.3 105.3 104.0 1.1.44997.0 97.5 99.0 99.0 97.3 96.5 94.7 93.5 93.3 93.0 93.2 93.8 95.7 1.1.450100.7 100.4 101.3 101.6 100.8 100.4 99.5 98.5 98.0 97.7 97.3 97.7 99.5 1.1.451101.1 101.1 101.2 101.1 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.3 101.4 101.6 101.4 101.5 101.3 1.1.452100.5 100.5 100.5 100.2 100.2 100.1 100.1 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.3 100.2 1.1.453102.6 102.6 102.7 102.8 103.0 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.2 103.3 103.0 1.1.454103.0 103.3 103.7 103.8 103.9 103.9 104.0 104.0 104.2 104.1 104.2 104.1 103.9 1.1.455102.7 102.8 102.8 103.0 103.1 103.0 103.1 103.1 103.2 103.4 103.4 103.4 103.1 1.1.456103.3 103.2 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.4 102.9 102.7 102.7 102.7 102.6 103.1 1.1.45793.6 93.5 93.3 92.9 92.8 92.3 91.8 91.8 91.7 90.0 90.3 90.4 92.0 1.1.45896.7 96.7 96.7 96.6 95.9 95.9 95.9 96.7 95.9 95.8 95.8 95.8 96.2 1.1.459102.5 103.0 103.2 103.1 103.5 103.1 103.8 103.7 104.0 103.9 104.1 104.1 103.5 1.1.460103.1 103.1 103.4 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 1.1.461110.3 110.4 110.9 108.4 107.9 108.0 106.1 104.9 104.8 105.9 106.6 106.6 107.6 1.1.462Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17 1.1.Datatype Data revised Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)1 Output price index for manufactured goods: 1.1 Current figuresI-2000 - (341) Capital goods (1) 447I-2000 - (291) Plastics, in primary forms (2416) (1) 448I-2000 - (292) Refractory ceramic products (2626) (1) 449I-2000 - (293) Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production (274) (1) 450I-2000 - (294) Aluminum production (2742) (1) 451I-2000 - (295) Metal products (28) (1) 452I-2000 - (296) Structural metal products (281) (1) 453I-2000 - (297) Pumps and compressors (2912) (1) 454I-2000 - (298) Taps and valves (2913) (1) 455I-2000 - (299) Mechanical engineering products (291-295) (1) 456I-2000 - (300) Non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment (2923 12, 2923 14, 2923 20) (1) 457I-2000 - (302) Electronic components (321) (1) 458I-2000 - (303) Diodes; Transistors among other things semiconductor components; 459Light emitting diodes; calm or installed piezoelectric crystals (3210 5) (1)I-2000 - (304) Measuring, control, and testing instruments and devices (332) (1) 460I-2000 - (305) Optical and photographic devices (334) (1) 461I-2000 - (306) Electricity, gas, district heating (40) (1) 462(1) New series 458 to 462 replace 302 to 306 and 447 replaces 341 and 448 to 457 replace291 to 300 - base year changed33

IRLANDEMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (IRL)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200124.35.16924.35.282 115.3 116.3 117.2 118.2 119.0 119.6 119.3 119.7 120.2 120.6 120.5 121.1 118.924.35.17024.35.283 130.7 136.3 137.8 141.1 136.525.36.183 132.8 133.9 135.0 136.2 137.0 137.7 137.4 137.8 138.4 138.9 138.8 139.5 112.5 113.5 114.4 115.4 116.1 116.7 116.4 116.8 117.3 117.7 117.6 118.2 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200224.35.16924.35.282 120.9 121.7 122.8 123.9 124.5 124.7 124.3 125.0 125.6 126.2 126.3 127.1 124.424.35.17024.35.283 140.3 141.5 145.9 149.5 144.325.36.18325.36.189 118.0 118.8 119.9 120.9 121.5 121.7 121.3 122.0 122.6 123.2 123.3 124.1 121.425.36.354EUR-12Data revised Datatype24.35. OECD: Main Economic IndicatorsIreland: Prices169 - Consumer prices: All items I-1990282 - Consumer prices: All items (3) I-1995Ireland: Wages170 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing I-1990283 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing (3) I-199525.36. CSO: Press releaseConsumer price index183 - All items I-1989/11189 - All items (1) I-1996/11354 - All items (2) I-2001/12(1) Series 25.36.189 began in 11/96.(2) Series 25.36.354 replaces 25.36.183 - change of base year.(3) Series 25.35.282 replaces 25.35.169 and 25.35.283 replaces 25.35.170 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.34

EUR-12IRELANDEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200124.35.169119.3 120.4 121.4 122.4 123.2 123.8 123.5 123.9 124.4 124.9 124.7 125.4 123.1 24.35.28224.35.170135.3 141.1 142.7 146.1 141.3 24.35.283130.3 131.4 132.5 133.6 134.4 135.1 134.8 135.2 135.8 136.3 136.2 136.9 134.4 25.36.183113.3 114.3 115.3 116.3 117.0 117.6 117.3 117.7 118.2 118.6 118.5 119.1 117.0 25.36.189100.0 25.36.354Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200224.35.169125.2 126.0 127.1 128.3 128.9 129.1 128.7 129.4 130.0 130.7 130.8 131.6 128.8 24.35.28224.35.170145.3 146.5 151.1 154.8 149.4 24.35.28325.36.183118.9 119.7 120.8 121.8 122.4 122.6 122.2 122.9 123.5 124.1 124.2 125.0 122.3 25.36.18999.8 100.5 101.4 102.3 102.8 103.0 102.6 103.2 103.7 104.2 104.3 105.0 102.7 25.36.354Datatype Data revisedOECD: Main Economic Indicators 24.35.Ireland: PricesI-1990 - Consumer prices: All items 169I-1995 - Consumer prices: All items (3) 282Ireland: WagesI-1990 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing 170I-1995 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing (3) 283CSO: Press release 25.36.Consumer price indexI-1989/11 - All items 183I-1996/11 - All items (1) 189I-2001/12 - All items (2) 354(1) Series 25.36.189 began in 11/96.(2) Series 25.36.354 replaces 25.36.183 - change of base year.(3) Series 25.35.282 replaces 25.35.169 and 25.35.283 replaces 25.35.170 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.35

ITALIE 1/4MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (LIT)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200121.32.197 114.8 114.8 114.8 115.3 115.3 115.3 117.8 117.8 117.8 117.8 117.8 117.8 116.421.32.198 116.4 116.4 116.4 116.9 116.9 116.9 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 115.4 115.4 115.4 115.9 115.9 115.9 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 114.7 114.7 114.7 115.2 115.2 115.2 117.8 117.8 117.9 117.8 117.8 117.8 116.421.32.201 116.5 116.5 116.5 117.0 117.0 117.0 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 118.321.32.202 115.7 115.7 115.7 116.2 116.2 116.2 118.9 118.9 118.9 118.9 118.9 118.9 117.421.32.206 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.9 113.921.32.207 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.521.32.208 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.821.32.209 115.4 115.4 115.4 115.9 115.9 115.9 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 117.1Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200221.32.197 117.8 117.8 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4 119.6 119.6 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 118.5 118.5 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2 120.821.32.200 117.8 117.8 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 119.921.32.201 119.8 119.8 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 118.9 118.9 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 121.6 113.9 113.9 115.8 115.8 115.8 115.8 115.8 115.8 117.7 117.7 117.7 117.7 115.5 115.5 117.5 117.5 117.5 117.5 117.8 117.8 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 114.8 114.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 117.0 117.0 119.1 119.1 119.1 119.1 117.321.32.209 118.5 118.5 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 121.3 120.8Data revised Datatype21.32. Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica14-16 Numeri indici delle retribuzioni orarie contrattuali (1)197 - Metalmeccanica: Operai I-1995/12198 - Metalmeccanica: Impiegati I-1995/12199 - Metalmeccanica: Operai ed Impegiati (2) I-1995/12200 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Operai I-1995/12201 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Impiegati I-1995/12202 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Operai ed Impegiati (2) I-1995/12206 - Chimiche: Operai I-1995/12207 - Chimiche: Impiegati I-1995/12208 - Chimiche: Dipendenti in complesso (2) I-1995/12209 - Meccanica generale: Operai ed Impegiati (2) I-1995/12(1) Series 21.32.197 to 21.32.209 (replacing 21.32.141 to 21.32.154 and 31.32.165) began as a monthly series in 1/96.(2) Please note that manual and non-manual workers were replaced by total employees.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.36

EUR-121/4 ITALYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001123.2 123.2 123.2 123.8 123.8 123.8 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 125.1 21.32.197125.0 125.0 125.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 128.4 128.4 128.4 128.4 128.4 128.4 127.0 21.32.198123.9 123.9 123.9 124.4 124.4 124.4 127.2 127.2 127.2 127.2 127.2 127.2 125.9 21.32.199123.1 123.1 123.1 123.7 123.7 123.7 126.5 126.5 126.6 126.5 126.5 126.5 125.1 21.32.200125.1 125.1 125.1 125.6 125.6 125.6 128.6 128.6 128.6 128.6 128.6 128.6 127.2 21.32.201124.2 124.2 124.2 124.7 124.7 124.7 127.6 127.6 127.6 127.6 127.6 127.6 126.2 21.32.202122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.3 122.5 21.32.206124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.2 21.32.207123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.2 123.4 21.32.208123.9 123.9 123.9 124.4 124.4 124.4 127.2 127.2 127.2 127.2 127.2 127.2 125.9 21.32.209Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002126.5 126.5 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.0 21.32.197128.4 128.4 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.2 21.32.198127.2 127.2 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1 129.9 21.32.199126.5 126.5 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 128.9 21.32.200128.6 128.6 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.4 21.32.201127.6 127.6 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.5 130.2 21.32.202122.3 122.3 124.3 124.3 124.3 124.3 124.3 124.3 126.4 126.4 126.4 126.4 124.8 21.32.206124.0 124.0 126.1 126.1 126.1 126.1 126.5 126.5 128.8 128.8 128.8 128.8 127.0 21.32.207123.2 123.2 125.4 125.4 125.4 125.4 125.6 125.6 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 126.1 21.32.208127.2 127.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.2 129.9 21.32.209Datatype Data revisedInstituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica 21.32.14-16 Indices of agreed hourly earnings (1)I-1995/12 - Mechanical engineering: Manual workers 197I-1995/12 - Mechanical engineering: Non-manual workers 198I-1995/12 - Mechanical engineering: Total employees (2) 199I-1995/12 - Electrical engineering and electronics: Manual workers 200I-1995/12 - Electrical engineering and electronics: Non-manual workers 201I-1995/12 - Electrical engineering and electronics: Total employees (2) 202I-1995/12 - Chemical industry: Manual workers 206I-1995/12 - Chemical industry: Non-manual workers 207I-1995/12 - Chemical industry: Total employees (2) 208I-1995/12 - General engineering: Total employees (2) 209(1) Series 21.32.197 to 21.32.209 (replacing 21.32.141 to 21.32.154 and 31.32.165) began as a monthly series in 1/96.(2) Please note that manual and non-manual workers were replaced by total employees.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.37

21.32.46321.32.46421.32.46521.32.46621.32.46721.32.46821.32.47221.32.47321.32.47421.32.475ITALIE 2/4MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (LIT)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200121.32.46321.32.46421.32.46521.32.46621.32.46721.32.46821.32.47221.32.47321.32.47421.32.475Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype21.32. Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica14-16 Numeri indici delle retribuzioni orarie contrattuali (1)463 - Metalmeccanica: Operai (1) I-2000/12464 - Metalmeccanica: Impiegati (1) I-2000/12465 - Metalmeccanica:Operai ed Impegiati (1) I-2000/12466 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Operai (1) I-2000/12467 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Impiegati (1) I-2000/12468 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Operai ed Impegiati (2) I-2000/12472 - Chimiche: Operai (1) I-2000/12473 - Chimiche: Impiegati (1) I-2000/12474 - Chimiche: Operai ed Impegiati (1) I-2000/12475 - Meccanica generale: Operai ed Impegiati (1) I-2000/12(1) Series 21.32.463 to 21.32.475 replace 21.32.197 to 21.32.209 - index base year changed.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.38

EUR-122/4 ITALYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 101.8 21.32.463100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 101.9 21.32.464100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 101.8 21.32.465100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 101.8 21.32.466100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 101.9 21.32.467100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 101.8 21.32.468100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 21.32.472101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 21.32.473100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.9 21.32.474100.3 100.3 100.3 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 101.8 21.32.475Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002103.0 103.0 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.4 105.0 21.32.463103.2 103.2 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.4 21.32.464103.1 103.1 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.1 21.32.465103.0 103.0 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 105.3 104.9 21.32.466103.3 103.3 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.4 21.32.467103.1 103.1 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.2 21.32.468100.8 100.8 102.4 102.4 102.4 102.4 102.4 102.4 104.1 104.1 104.1 104.1 102.7 21.32.472101.0 101.0 102.8 102.8 102.8 102.8 103.0 103.0 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 103.2 21.32.473100.9 100.9 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.8 102.8 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 103.0 21.32.474103.1 103.1 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.1 21.32.475Datatype Data revisedInstituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica 21.32.14-16 Numeri indici delle retribuzioni orarie contrattuali (1)I-2000/12 - Mechanical engineering: Manual workers (1) 463I-2000/12 - Mechanical engineering: Non-manual workers (1) 464I-2000/12 - Mechanical engineering: Total employees (1)(2) 465I-2000/12 - Electrical engineering and electronics: Manual workers (1) 466I-2000/12 - Electrical engineering and electronics: Non-manual workers (1) 467I-2000/12 - Electrical engineering and electronics: Total employees (1)(2) 468I-2000/12 - Chemical industry: Manual workers (1) 472I-2000/12 - Chemical industry: Non-manual workers (1) 473I-2000/12 - Chemical industry: Total employees (1)(2) 474I-2000/12 - General engineering: Total employees (1)(2) 475(1) Series 21.32.197 to 21.32.209 (replacing 21.32.141 to 21.32.154 and 31.32.165) began as a monthly series in 1/96.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.39

ITALIE 3/4MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (LIT)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200121.32.271 111.8 112.0 112.0 112.2 111.8 111.7 111.1 111.1 111.2 110.8 110.5 110.4 111.421.32.272 113.2 113.1 113.1 113.1 112.5 112.1 111.2 110.9 111.1 110.3 109.6 109.3 111.621.32.273 115.0 114.8 114.7 114.7 113.9 113.4 112.1 111.8 112.0 111.0 110.2 109.9 112.821.32.274 108.7 108.5 108.6 108.8 108.6 108.6 108.5 108.6 108.6 108.6 108.6 108.7 108.621.32.275 104.0 104.1 104.3 104.4 104.5 104.4 104.3 104.5 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.3 104.321.32.276 110.1 110.5 110.6 111.2 111.3 111.2 111.2 111.4 111.4 111.2 111.2 111.2 100.8 101.5 101.4 101.8 101.6 101.6 101.7 101.7 101.7 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.621.32.278 103.5 106.3 107.0 107.3 107.4 107.4 107.8 107.8 107.9 107.6 107.4 107.4 106.8 106.9 107.0 107.0 107.0 107.1 107.1 107.0 107.0 107.1 107.1 107.0 106.6 106.7 106.8 106.9 106.9 107.0 107.0 106.9 106.9 107.0 107.1 107.0 106.9Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200221.32.271 110.5 110.4 110.5 110.7 110.8 110.9 111.2 111.4 111.8 112.0 111.8 112.1 109.2 109.0 109.1 109.4 109.5 109.6 110.0 110.2 110.7 111.1 110.6 111.0 109.7 109.4 109.5 109.9 110.0 109.9 110.5 110.7 111.4 111.8 111.1 111.6 110.521.32.274 108.9 109.0 109.0 109.1 109.1 109.1 109.2 109.4 109.7 109.8 110.0 110.0 109.421.32.275 103.8 104.1 104.3 104.5 104.4 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.4 104.5 104.6 104.4 104.421.32.276 110.8 111.3 111.7 112.3 111.9 112.2 112.2 111.8 111.9 112.2 112.7 112.4 101.4 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.0 100.6 106.9 106.1 106.1 106.1 105.7 105.7 105.7 105.7 105.8 105.8 105.7 105.7 105.921.32.279 107.1 107.2 107.3 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.4 107.5 107.421.32.280 107.2 107.4 107.4 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.9 108.0 107.8Data revised Datatype21.32. Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica13-2 Numeri indici dei prezzi alla produzione dei prodotti inustrialiper destinazione economica, sezioni, divisioni e gruppi di prodotti (1)271 - Indice generale I-1995Beni Intermedi272 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Operai ed Impegiati (2) I-1995273 - A destinazione mista e per la prod. di servia I-1995274 Prodotti in metallo, escluse macchine e impianti - Totale I-1995Macchine e apparecchi elettrici - n.c.a.275 - Totale I-1995276 - Altri apparecchi elettrici - n.c.a. I-1995Apparecchi radio televisiva e per comunicazioni277 - Totale I-1995278 - Tubi e valvole elettronici e altri componenti elettronici I-1995Apparecchi medicali, apparecchiatura di precisione, strumenti ottici e orologi279 - Total I-1995280 - Strumenti e apparecchiature di misurazione, controllo, prove navigazione e simili I-1995(1) Series 21.32.271 to 21.32.280 began in 1/96.(2) serie 395 replaces 271 - index base year changed.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.40

EUR-123/4 ITALYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001122.8 123.0 123.0 123.2 122.8 122.7 122.0 122.0 122.1 121.7 121.3 121.2 122.5 21.32.271124.3 124.2 124.2 124.2 123.5 123.1 122.1 121.8 122.0 121.1 120.3 120.0 122.7 21.32.272126.3 126.1 125.9 125.9 125.1 124.5 123.1 122.8 123.0 121.9 121.0 120.7 124.0 21.32.273119.4 119.1 119.2 119.5 119.2 119.2 119.1 119.2 119.2 119.2 119.2 119.4 119.4 21.32.274114.2 114.3 114.5 114.6 114.7 114.6 114.5 114.7 114.6 114.6 114.6 114.5 114.7 21.32.275120.9 121.3 121.4 122.1 122.2 122.1 122.1 122.3 122.3 122.1 122.1 122.1 122.1 21.32.276110.7 111.5 111.3 111.8 111.6 111.6 111.7 111.7 111.7 111.6 111.6 111.6 111.7 21.32.277113.6 116.7 117.5 117.8 117.9 117.9 118.4 118.4 118.5 118.2 117.9 117.9 117.8 21.32.278117.3 117.4 117.5 117.5 117.5 117.6 117.6 117.5 117.5 117.6 117.6 117.5 117.7 21.32.279117.1 117.2 117.3 117.4 117.4 117.5 117.5 117.4 117.4 117.5 117.6 117.5 117.6 21.32.280Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002121.3 121.2 121.3 121.6 121.7 121.8 122.1 122.3 122.8 123.0 122.8 123.1 122.3 21.32.271119.9 119.7 119.8 120.1 120.2 120.3 120.8 121.0 121.6 122.0 121.4 121.9 121.0 21.32.272120.5 120.1 120.2 120.7 120.8 120.7 121.3 121.6 122.3 122.8 122.0 122.5 121.5 21.32.273119.6 119.7 119.7 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.9 120.1 120.5 120.6 120.8 120.8 120.3 21.32.274114.0 114.3 114.5 114.7 114.6 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.6 114.7 114.9 114.6 114.8 21.32.275121.7 122.2 122.7 123.3 122.9 123.2 123.2 122.8 122.9 123.2 123.8 123.4 123.2 21.32.276111.3 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.2 110.9 110.5 111.3 21.32.277117.4 116.5 116.5 116.5 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.2 116.2 116.1 116.1 116.5 21.32.278117.6 117.7 117.8 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 117.9 118.0 118.1 21.32.279117.7 117.9 117.9 118.6 118.6 118.6 118.6 118.6 118.6 118.6 118.5 118.6 118.5 21.32.280Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica 21.32.13-2 Indices of producer prices of industrial goodsby end-use: sections, divisions and groups of products (1)I-1995 - General index 271Intermediate goodsI-1995 - Total 272I-1995 - For various end-uses and the output of services 273I-1995 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 274Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.I-1995 - Total 275I-1995 - Other electrical equipment n.e.c. 276Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatusI-1995 - Total 277I-1995 - Electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components 278Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocksI-1995 -Total 279I-1995 - Instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes 28041

21.32.39521.32.40721.32.40821.32.40921.32.41021.32.41121.32.41221.32.41321.32.41421.32.476ITALIE 4/4MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (LIT)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200121.32.39521.32.40721.32.40821.32.40921.32.41021.32.41121.32.41221.32.41321.32.41421.32.476Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype21.32. Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica13-2 Numeri indici dei prezzi alla produzione dei prodotti inustrialiper destinazione economica, sezioni, divisioni e gruppi di prodotti395 Indice generale (1) I-20001.2.1 Numeri indici dei prezzi alla produzione dei prodotti inustriali407 Prodotti intermedi (1) I-2000408 28- Prodotti in mettalo (esclusi macchine e impianti) (1) I-2000409 31- Macchine e apparecchi elettrici n.c.a. (1) I-2000410 316- Altri apparecchi elettrici (1) I-2000411 32- Apparecchi radiotelevisivi e apparecchiature per le comunicazioni (1) I-2000412 321- Tubi e valvole e altri componenti elettronici (1) I-2000413 33- Apparecchi medicali, apparecchi di precisione, strumenti ottici e orologi (1) I-2000414 332- Strumenti e apparecchi di misurazione, controllo, prova, navigazione e simili (1) I-2000476 Beni Strumentall (2) I-2000(1) Series 21.32.407 to 21.32.414 replace series 21.32.272 to 280 and 21.32.395 replaces 21.32.271 (base year changed)(2) Serie was introduced in April 2004Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.42

EUR-124/4 ITALYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001102.3 102.3 102.3 102.5 102.3 102.3 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.4 101.0 100.9 21.32.395101.8 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.3 101.4 101.2 101.2 101.0 100.7 100.4 100.3 21.32.407101.1 100.6 100.6 100.7 100.5 100.5 100.2 100.2 100.4 100.1 100.0 100.1 21.32.408101.2 101.2 101.3 101.4 101.4 101.2 101.3 101.4 101.6 101.7 101.8 101.7 21.32.409100.8 100.9 100.8 101.0 101.0 100.9 101.1 101.1 101.2 101.1 101.1 101.1 21.32.410101.1 101.6 101.4 101.7 101.5 101.6 101.7 101.7 101.7 101.7 101.7 101.7 21.32.41199.5 101.7 102.4 102.5 102.4 102.6 102.8 103.0 102.7 102.6 102.7 102.8 21.32.412100.8 100.8 100.9 100.8 101.0 101.2 101.1 101.0 101.1 101.3 101.4 101.6 21.32.413100.4 100.5 100.5 100.6 100.4 100.6 100.7 100.6 100.5 100.6 100.9 101.0 21.32.414101.2 101.1 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.7 21.32.476Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002101.1 101.2 101.5 101.7 101.8 101.8 102.2 102.4 102.7 103.0 102.6 102.9 21.32.395100.4 100.5 100.7 101.0 101.3 101.7 101.9 102.1 102.1 102.2 102.2 102.2 101.5 21.32.407100.5 100.6 100.9 101.0 100.9 100.9 101.0 101.4 101.4 101.6 101.7 101.7 101.1 21.32.408102.3 102.4 102.7 102.7 102.8 102.9 103.1 103.0 103.0 102.9 102.9 102.9 102.8 21.32.409103.0 103.1 103.4 103.5 103.7 103.8 104.2 104.3 104.3 104.2 104.3 104.3 103.8 21.32.410101.8 101.8 102.0 101.9 101.9 101.9 101.9 101.8 101.8 101.7 101.3 101.0 101.7 21.32.411101.9 101.1 100.7 100.2 99.6 99.3 98.9 98.6 98.7 98.4 98.2 98.1 99.5 21.32.412101.5 101.7 101.6 102.4 102.2 102.1 102.7 102.6 102.4 102.5 102.9 102.8 102.3 21.32.413101.1 101.2 101.2 101.8 101.7 101.8 101.9 101.9 101.8 101.7 101.7 101.8 101.6 21.32.414102.1 102.2 102.3 102.5 102.4 102.4 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.6 102.6 102.6 21.32.476Datatype Data revised Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica 21.32.13-2 Indices of producer prices of industrial goodsby end-use: sections, divisions and groups of productsI-2000 - General index (1) 3951.2.1 Indices of producer prices of industrial goodsI-2000 Intermediate goods (1) 407I-2000 28- Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (1) 408I-2000 31- Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. (1) 409I-2000 316- Other electrical equipment n.e.c. (1) 410I-2000 32- Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus (1) 411I-2000 321- Electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components (1) 412I-2000 33- Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks (1) 413I-2000 332- Instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes (1) 414I-2000 Capital good (2) 476(1) Series 21.32.407 to 21.32.414 replace series 21.32.272 to 280 and 21.32.395 replaces 21.32.271 (base year changed)(2) Serie was introduced in April 2004Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.43

PAYS-BAS 1/3MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (HFL)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200117.26.193 135.5 135.5 135.5 136.7 137.8 137.8 138.3 138.3 138.3 140.3 140.2 140.2 137.917.26.256 138.6 138.6 138.6 142.7 143.9 145.4 146.2 146.2 146.2 146.2 146.2 146.2 143.817.26.257 132.9 132.9 132.9 135.7 136.0 136.0 136.1 136.1 136.1 136.4 136.4 136.4 135.317.26.258 133.6 135.4 135.4 136.5 136.5 136.5 136.6 136.6 136.6 138.4 138.4 138.4 136.617.26.259 137.2 137.2 137.3 142.3 142.4 142.4 142.9 142.9 142.9 142.9 142.9 142.9 141.317.26.260 136.9 136.9 136.9 136.9 137.8 137.8 142.5 142.5 142.5 142.5 142.5 142.5 139.917.26.261 136.8 136.5 136.5 136.7 136.8 138.8 140.6 140.6 140.6 140.6 140.6 140.6 138.817.26.194 134.3 134.2 134.2 135.5 136.6 136.6 137.1 137.1 137.1 139.0 139.0 139.0 136.617.26.262 135.7 135.7 135.7 139.7 140.9 142.3 143.1 143.1 143.1 143.1 143.1 143.1 140.717.26.263 130.8 130.8 130.8 133.8 134.0 134.1 134.1 134.2 134.2 134.5 134.5 134.5 133.417.26.264 133.7 135.5 135.5 136.5 136.6 136.6 136.7 136.7 136.7 138.5 138.5 138.5 136.717.26.265 133.5 133.5 133.6 138.4 138.5 138.5 138.9 139.0 139.0 139.0 139.0 139.0 137.517.26.266 136.8 136.8 136.8 136.8 137.7 137.7 142.3 142.3 142.3 142.3 142.3 142.3 139.717.26.267 129.2 128.9 129.0 129.1 129.2 131.2 132.8 132.8 132.8 132.9 132.9 132.9 131.1Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200217.26.193 141.1 141.3 142.4 142.4 142.4 142.4 143.4 143.4 143.4 143.4 143.0 142.3 142.617.26.256 147.4 147.4 148.5 148.5 148.5 148.9 151.5 151.5 151.5 151.5 151.0 151.0 149.817.26.257 137.4 137.5 137.6 139.0 139.1 140.4 140.7 140.7 140.6 140.9 140.9 140.9 139.617.26.258 138.9 140.8 140.8 141.4 141.4 141.4 141.5 141.5 141.5 142.4 142.4 142.4 141.417.26.259 144.7 144.7 144.9 149.8 149.8 149.8 149.9 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 148.617.26.260 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.3 144.317.26.261 142.6 142.7 143.4 143.5 143.6 143.8 147.0 146.7 146.7 146.7 146.7 146.9 139.8 140.1 141.1 141.1 141.1 141.1 142.1 142.1 142.1 142.1 141.7 141.0 141.317.26.262 144.2 144.2 145.3 145.4 145.4 145.7 148.3 148.3 148.3 148.3 147.8 147.8 146.617.26.263 135.5 135.6 135.7 137.1 137.3 138.5 138.8 138.8 138.8 139.0 139.0 139.1 137.817.26.264 139.0 140.8 140.8 141.5 141.5 141.5 141.6 141.6 141.6 142.5 142.5 142.5 141.417.26.265 140.5 140.5 140.6 145.4 145.4 145.4 145.5 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.6 144.317.26.266 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 144.2 134.7 134.8 135.5 135.6 135.6 135.8 138.9 138.6 138.6 138.6 138.6 138.8 137.0Data revised Datatype17.26. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Maandstatistiek van de prijzen8.1 Cao-lonen per uur inclusief bijzondere beloningen193 - Economische activiteit: 27-35 Metaal- en elektrotechnische industrie (1) I-1990256 - Economische activiteit: 45 Bouwnijverheid (1) I-1990257 - Economische activiteit: 60-64 Vervoer en communicatie (1) I-1990258 - Economische activiteit: 22 Grafische industrie (1) I-1990259 - Economische activiteit: 24 Chemische industrie (1) I-1990260 - Economische activiteit: 55 Horeca (1) I-1990261 - Economische activiteit: 85 Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (1) I-19908.2 Cao-lonen per maand inclusief bijzondere beloningen194 - Economische activiteit: 27-35 Metaal- en elektrotechnische industrie (1) I-1990262 - Economische activiteit: 45 Bouwnijverheid (1) I-1990263 - Economische activiteit: 60-64 Vervoer en communicatie (1) I-1990264 - Economische activiteit: 22 Grafische industrie (1) I-1990265 - Economische activiteit: 24 Chemische industrie (1) I-1990266 - Economische activiteit: 55 Horeca (1) I-1990267 - Economische activiteit: 85 Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (1) I-1990(1) Series 17.26.193, 17.26.294,17.26.256 to 17.26.267 replaced by 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 and 17.26.441 to 17.26.446Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.44

EUR-121/3 NETHERLANDSEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001142.2 142.2 142.2 143.4 144.6 144.6 145.1 145.1 145.1 147.2 147.1 147.1 144.7 17.26.193145.4 145.4 145.4 149.7 151.0 152.6 153.4 153.4 153.4 153.4 153.4 153.4 150.9 17.26.256139.4 139.4 139.4 142.4 142.7 142.7 142.8 142.8 142.8 143.1 143.1 143.1 142.0 17.26.257140.2 142.1 142.1 143.2 143.2 143.2 143.3 143.3 143.3 145.2 145.2 145.2 143.3 17.26.258144.0 144.0 144.1 149.3 149.4 149.4 149.9 149.9 149.9 149.9 149.9 149.9 148.3 17.26.259143.6 143.6 143.6 143.6 144.6 144.6 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 146.8 17.26.260143.5 143.2 143.2 143.4 143.5 145.6 147.5 147.5 147.5 147.5 147.5 147.5 145.6 17.26.261140.9 140.8 140.8 142.2 143.3 143.3 143.8 143.8 143.8 145.8 145.8 145.8 143.3 17.26.194142.4 142.4 142.4 146.6 147.8 149.3 150.1 150.1 150.1 150.1 150.1 150.1 147.6 17.26.262137.2 137.2 137.2 140.4 140.6 140.7 140.7 140.8 140.8 141.1 141.1 141.1 140.0 17.26.263140.3 142.2 142.2 143.2 143.3 143.3 143.4 143.4 143.4 145.3 145.3 145.3 143.4 17.26.264140.1 140.1 140.2 145.2 145.3 145.3 145.7 145.8 145.8 145.8 145.8 145.8 144.3 17.26.265143.5 143.5 143.5 143.5 144.5 144.5 149.3 149.3 149.3 149.3 149.3 149.3 146.6 17.26.266135.6 135.2 135.3 135.5 135.6 137.7 139.3 139.3 139.3 139.4 139.4 139.4 137.6 17.26.267Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002154.7 154.7 155.8 155.8 155.8 156.2 159.0 159.0 159.0 159.0 158.4 158.4 157.2 17.26.256144.2 144.3 144.4 145.8 145.9 147.3 147.6 147.6 147.5 147.8 147.8 147.8 146.5 17.26.257145.7 147.7 147.7 148.4 148.4 148.4 148.5 148.5 148.5 149.4 149.4 149.4 148.4 17.26.258151.8 151.8 152.0 157.2 157.2 157.2 157.3 157.4 157.4 157.4 157.4 157.4 155.9 17.26.259151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 151.4 17.26.260149.6 149.7 150.5 150.6 150.7 150.9 154.2 153.9 153.9 153.9 153.9 154.1 152.1 17.26.261146.7 147.0 148.0 148.0 148.0 148.0 149.1 149.1 149.1 149.1 148.7 147.9 148.3 17.26.194151.3 151.3 152.5 152.6 152.6 152.9 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.1 155.1 153.8 17.26.262142.2 142.3 142.4 143.8 144.1 145.3 145.6 145.6 145.6 145.8 145.8 145.9 144.6 17.26.263145.8 147.7 147.7 148.5 148.5 148.5 148.6 148.6 148.6 149.5 149.5 149.5 148.4 17.26.264147.4 147.4 147.5 152.6 152.6 152.6 152.7 152.8 152.8 152.8 152.8 152.8 151.4 17.26.265151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 17.26.266141.3 141.4 142.2 142.3 142.3 142.5 145.7 145.4 145.4 145.4 145.4 145.6 143.7 17.26.267Datatype Data revised Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Maandstatistiek van de prijzen Hourly wage rates including bonuses and allowancesI-1990 - Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering 193I-1990 - Economic activity: 45 Construction 256I-1990 - Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications 257I-1990 - Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers 258I-1990 - Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry 259I-1990 - Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc 260I-1990 - Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work 2618.2 Monthly wage rates including bonuses and allowancesI-1990 - Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering 194I-1990 - Economic activity: 45 Construction 262I-1990 - Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications 263I-1990 - Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers 264I-1990 - Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry 265I-1990 - Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc 266I-1990 - Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work 267Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.45

17.26.41917.26.42017.26.42117.26.42217.26.42317.26.42417.26.42517.26.42617.26.44117.26.44217.26.44317.26.44417.26.44517.26.446PAYS-BAS 2/3MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (HFL)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200117.26.41917.26.42017.26.42117.26.42217.26.42317.26.42417.26.42517.26.42617.26.44117.26.44217.26.44317.26.44417.26.44517.26.446Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002Data revised Datatype17.26. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Maandstatistiek van de prijzen8.1 Cao-lonen per uur inclusief bijzondere beloningen419 - Economische activiteit: 45 Bouwnijverheid (1) I-2000420 - Economische activiteit: 60-64 Vervoer en communicatie (1) I-2000421 - Economische activiteit: 55 Horeca (1) I-2000422 - Economische activiteit: 85 Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (1) I-20008.2 Cao-lonen per maand inclusief bijzondere beloningen423 - Economische activiteit: 45 Bouwnijverheid (1) I-2000424 - Economische activiteit: 60-64 Vervoer en communicatie (1) I-2000425 - Economische activiteit: 55 Horeca (1) I-2000426 - Economische activiteit: 85 Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (1) I-20008.1 Cao-lonen per uur inclusief bijzondere beloningen441 - Economische activiteit: 27-35 Metaal- en elektrotechnische industrie (2) I-2000443 - Economische activiteit: 22 Grafische industrie (2) I-2000444 - Economische activiteit: 24 Chemische industrie (2) I-20008.2 Cao-lonen per maand inclusief bijzondere beloningen442 - Economische activiteit: 27-35 Metaal- en elektrotechnische industrie (2) I-2000445 - Economische activiteit: 22 Grafische industrie (2) I-2000446 - Economische activiteit: 24 Chemische industrie (2) I-2000(1) Series 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 replace 17.26.256 to 256 except 193-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.46

EUR-122/3 NETHERLANDSEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200117.26.41917.26.42017.26.42117.26.42217.26.42317.26.42417.26.42517.26.42617.26.44117.26.44217.26.44317.26.44417.26.44517.26.446Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 17.26.419106.8 106.7 106.9 106.9 106.9 17.26.420106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 17.26.421111.0 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1 17.26.422110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 17.26.423107.0 106.9 107.1 107.1 107.1 17.26.424106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 17.26.425111.0 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1 17.26.42617.26.44117.26.44217.26.44317.26.44417.26.44517.26.446Datatype Data revisedCentraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Maandstatistiek van de prijzen Hourly wage rates including bonuses and allowancesI-2000 - Economic activity: 45 Construction (1) 419I-2000 - Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications (1) 420I-2000 - Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc (1) 421I-2000 - Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work (1) 4228.2 Monthly wage rates including bonuses and allowancesI-2000 - Economic activity: 45 Construction (1) 423I-2000 - Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications (1) 424I-2000 - Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc (1) 425I-2000 - Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work (1) 4268.1 Hourly wage rates including bonuses and allowancesI-2000 - Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering (2) 441I-2000 - Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers (2) 443I-2000 - Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry (2) 4448.2 Monthly wage rates including bonuses and allowancesI-2000 - Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering (2) 442I-2000 - Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers (2) 445I-2000 - Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry (2) 446(1) Series 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 replace 17.26.256 to 256 except 193-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.(2) Series 17.26.441 to 17.26.446 replace 17.26.193-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.47

PAYS-BAS 3/3MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (HFL)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200117.26.11917.26.12117.26.326 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 107 107 107 10817.26.40417.27.120 p 131.8 p 133.0 p 134.6 p 136.6 p 134.0Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200217.26.11917.26.12117.26.326 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 10817.26.404 105 105 106 10417.27.120 p 138.5 p 139.9 p 141.0 p 141.1 p 140.1Data revised Datatype17.26. Centraal bureau voor de Statistiek: Statistisch Bulletin3.2.2 Producentenprijsindexcijfers van het verbruik van grondstoffen enhalffabrikaten door de nijverheid, per bedrijfsklasse119 - 27-35 Vervaardiging van metaal- en elektrotechnische produkten: 7 Totaal I-1990121 - 28 Vervaardiging van produkten van metaal (excl. machines en transportmiddelen): 7 Totaal (2) (3) I-1990326 - DJA Metaal en elektrotechnische producenten industrie; Totaal verbruik (1) I-1995404 - 28 Vervaardiging van produkten van metaal (excl. machines en transportmiddelen): 7 Totaal (2) I-199517.27. Centraal bureau voor de Statistiek: Statistisch BulletinGeactualiseerde loonkosten per gewerkt uur120 - Metaalnijverheid en electrotechniek I-1992(1) Series 17.26.326 replaces 17.26.119 - change of nomenclature and base year.(2) Series 17.26.121 has ended.(3) Series 17.26.404 replaces 17.26.121 - base year changed.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.48

EUR-123/3 NETHERLANDSEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200117.26.11917.26.121103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102 103 17.26.32617.26.404p 136.0 p 137.2 p 138.9 p 141.0 p 138.3 17.27.120Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200217.26.11917.26.121102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 17.26.326100 100 101 99 17.26.404p 142.9 p 144.4 p 145.5 p 145.6 p 144.6 17.27.120Datatype Data revisedCentraal bureau voor de Statistiek: Statistisch Bulletin Producer price indices for consumption by industry of raw materials andsemi-finished products, by class of companyI-1990 - 27-35 Manufacture of metal and electrical products: 7 Total 119I-1990 - 28 Manufacture of metal products (excluding machinery and means of transport): 7 Total (2) 121I-1995 DJA Metal and electrotechnical producers' industry; Total consumption (1) 326I-1995 - 28 Manufacture of metal products (excluding machinery and means of transport): 7 Total (2) (3) 404Centraal bureau voor de Statistiek: Statistisch Bulletin 17.27.Updated wage costs per hour workedI-1992 - Metal industry and electrical engineering 120(1) Series 17.26.326 replaces 17.26.119 - change of nomenclature and base year.(2) Series 17.26.121 has ended.(3) Series 17.26.404 replaces 17.26.121 - base year changed.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.49

NORVEGE 1/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (NKR)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200115.45.31915.45.32015.45.32115.45.32215.45.328 99.97 101.97 101.43 102.42 103.80 103.36 100.68 100.67 100.76 97.32 95.96 96.1515.45.329 102.53 103.22 102.65 101.78 102.29 101.76 100.87 100.26 99.42 98.81 98.77 98.6815.45.330 102.78 102.24 102.33 100.19 99.66 99.08 98.96 98.88 98.58 97.29 96.66 94.9115.45.331 100.77 101.67 101.30 101.56 102.52 102.21 101.07 100.11 100.23 98.65 97.82 96.95Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200215.45.31915.45.32015.45.32115.45.32215.45.328 96.93 97.48 98.56 98.89 98.07 96.64 95.85 96.77 98.56 99.20 99.28 105.4915.45.329 98.79 98.89 99.13 98.75 98.68 98.60 98.81 98.71 98.80 98.70 98.51 98.3615.45.330 95.63 95.72 94.35 93.14 92.87 93.52 93.93 92.86 93.72 92.87 93.75 91.9115.45.331 97.36 96.99 98.18 98.66 98.21 97.04 96.50 96.47 97.48 97.04 96.34 96.97Data revised Datatype15.45. Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk ManedsheftePrisindeks for førstegangsomsetning innenlands319 Varer i alt I-1981Bearbeidde varer gruppert etter materiale320 I alt I-1981321 Jern og stål I-1981Produsentprisindeks for olje- og gassutvinning, industri, bergverksdrift og kraftforsyning322 Industri; I alt I-1981Prisindeks for førstegangsomsetning innenlands328 Varer i alt (1) I-2000Bearbeidde varer gruppert etter materiale329 I alt (1) I-2000330 Jern og stål (1) I-2000Produsentprisindeks for olje- og gassutvinning, industri, bergverksdrift og kraftforsyning331 Industri; I alt (1) I-2000(1) Series 15.45.328 to 15.45.331 are new series that replace 15.45.319 to 15.45.322 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.50

1/2 NORWAYEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200115.45.31915.45.32015.45.32115.45.32298.45 100.70 100.81 102.37 105.33 105.63 102.44 101.36 102.17 98.70 98.24 97.59 15.45.328100.97 101.94 102.03 101.73 103.80 104.00 102.63 100.95 100.81 100.21 101.11 100.15 15.45.329101.22 100.97 101.71 100.14 101.13 101.26 100.69 99.56 99.96 98.67 98.95 96.33 15.45.33099.24 100.41 100.68 101.51 104.03 104.46 102.83 100.80 101.63 100.05 100.14 98.40 15.45.331Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200215.45.31915.45.32015.45.32115.45.32299.25 101.55 103.57 105.23 105.76 105.86 104.98 105.66 108.58 109.61 110.02 117.29 15.45.328101.16 103.02 104.17 105.08 106.42 108.00 108.22 107.77 108.85 109.05 109.16 109.36 15.45.32997.92 99.72 99.14 99.11 100.15 102.44 102.88 101.39 103.25 102.61 103.89 102.19 15.45.33099.69 101.04 103.17 104.98 105.91 106.29 105.69 105.33 107.39 107.22 106.76 107.81 15.45.331Datatype Data revisedStatistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte 15.45.Price index of first-hand domestic transactionsI-1981 Commodities total (1) 319Manufactured goods classified by materialI-1981 Total (1) 320I-1981 Iron and steel (1) 321Producer price index for goods from oil extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity supplyI-1981 Manufacturing; Total (1) 322Price index of first-hand domestic transactionsI-2000 All sitc groups (1) 328Manufactured goods classified by materialI-2000 Total (1) 329I-2000 Iron and steel (1) 330Producer price index for goods from oil extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity supplyI-2000 Manufacturing; Total (1) 331(1) Series 15.45.328 to 15.45.331 are new series that replace 15.45.319 to 15.45.322 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.51

NORVEGE 2/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (NKR)TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2001 2ème Trimestre 2001 3ème Trimestre 2001 4ème Trimestre 2001 200115.45.315 115.6 116.5 118.2 116.7 118.0 119.6 121.315.45.317 116.6 117.8 119.2 120.315.45.318 131.2 132.3 130.5 127.1 130.315.45.389 102.8 103.6 105.0 106.715.45.390 103.4 104.5 105.9 107.415.45.391 103.0 104.0 105.2 106.21er Trimestre 2002 2ème Trimestre 2002 3ème Trimestre 2002 4ème Trimestre 2002 200215.45.315 120.9 122.2 122.7 124.3 121.7 123.3 125.2 128.5 128.1 127.8 127.415.45.389 107.5 108.6 111.7 108.6 110.0 111.1 112.715.45.391 107.6 108.9 110.2 111.6Data revised Datatype15.45. Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte06 Arbeidsliv, yrkesdeltakingIndeks for gjennomsnittlig månedsfortjeneste i alt i industri, olje- og gassutvinning og bergverksdrift,bygge- og anleggsvirksomhet, samferdsel, varehandel, forretningsmessig tjenesteyting og eiendomsdrift315 - Industri (1) I-1998/Q1316 - Samferdsel (1) I-1998/Q1317 - Forretningsmessig tjenesteyting og eiendomsdrift (1) I-1998/Q108 Priser, prisindekser og konjunkturindikatorerEngroshandel. Prisindeks318 Innsats- varer, unntatt jordbruks- varer, avfall og skrap; I alt I-199506 Arbeidsliv, yrkesdeltakingIndeks for gjennomsnittlig månedsfortjeneste i alt i industri, olje- og gassutvinning og bergverksdrift,bygge- og anleggsvirksomhet, samferdsel, varehandel, forretningsmessig tjenesteyting og eiendomsdrift389 - Industri (1) I-2000390 - Samferdsel (1) I-2000391 - Forretningsmessig tjenesteyting og eiendomsdrift (1) I-2000(1) Series 15.45.389 to 15.45.391 replace 15.45.315 to 15.45.317 - index base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.52

2/2 NORWAYEUROTRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2001 2nd Quarter 2001 3rd Quarter 2001 4th Quarter 2001 2001119.2 123.0 124.8 127.3 15.45.315120.3 124.5 126.3 128.7 15.45.316120.2 124.3 125.8 127.6 15.45.317132.5 136.8 135.0 132.1 134.2 15.45.318101.6 104.9 106.3 108.6 15.45.389102.2 105.8 107.2 109.3 15.45.390101.8 105.3 106.5 108.1 15.45.3911st Quarter 2002 2nd Quarter 2002 3rd Quarter 2002 4th Quarter 2002 2002130.9 137.4 141.8 15.45.315132.8 139.8 144.2 15.45.316131.7 138.7 144.0 15.45.317132.8 141.6 143.4 144.6 140.6 15.45.318111.6 117.2 122.4 124.3 15.45.389112.7 118.7 121.8 124.9 15.45.390111.7 117.5 120.8 123.6 15.45.391Datatype Data revisedStatistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte 15.45.06 Labour market, wagesIndex on average monthly earnings in manufacturing, oil and gas extraction and mining,construction, transport and communication, wholesale and retail trade, real estate and business activitiesI-1998/Q1 - Manufacturing (1) 315I-1998/Q1 - Transport and communication (1) 316I-1998/Q1 - Real estate and business activities (1) 31708 Prices, price indices and economic trendsWholesale. Price indexI-1995 Non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap; Total 31806 Labour market, wagesIndex on average monthly earnings in manufacturing, oil and gas extraction and mining,construction, transport and communication, wholesale and retail trade, real estate and business activitiesI-2000 - Manufacturing (1) 389I-2000 - Transport and communication (1) 390I-2000 - Real estate and business activities (1) 391(1) Series 15.45.389 to 15.45.391 replace 15.45.315 to 15.45.317 - index base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.53

PORTUGALMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (ESC)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200129.47.342 121.2 120.4 121.6 121.4 124.0 125.2 123.5 121.1 121.3 120.4 117.5 114.329.47.343 113.4 114.7 116.0 115.6 116.7 116.2 116.5 116.7 116.3 115.6 115.2 115.529.47.344 107.0 106.9 106.8 106.8 106.3 106.3 106.3 106.2 106.1 105.8 106.1 105.829.47.38429.47.38529.47.38629.48.345 110.9 111.0 111.5 112.1 113.1 113.4 113.5 113.3 113.2 113.7 114.4 114.629.48.346 112.0 112.2 112.7 113.4 114.4 114.7 114.9 114.7 114.7 115.1 115.8 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200229.47.342 113.8 114.4 115.6 119.5 121.5 120.5 119.1 118.929.47.343 116.2 116.4 117.4 117.6 117.8 118.0 118.5 118.529.47.344 105.8 105.9 106.0 106.4 106.6 106.7 106.7 106.729.47.38429.47.38529.47.38629.48.345 114.8 114.6 115.1 116.1 116.8 117.2 117.4 117.5 117.4 118.2 119.0 116.1 115.9 116.4 117.4 118.3 118.7 119.0 119.2 119.1 119.8 120.5 120.629.48.392EUR-12Data revised Datatype29.47. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índices de Preços na Produção Industrial342 - Índice geral I-1995343 - Bens de consumo I-1995344 - Bens intermédios I-1995384 - Índice geral (1) I-2000385 - Bens de consumo (1) I-2000386 - Bens intermédios (1) I-200029.48 Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor345 - Índice de preços no consumidor I-1997346 - Índice harmonizado de preços no consumidor I-1996392 - Índice de preços no consumidor (1) I-2002(1) Series 29.47.384 to 29.47.386 replace 29.47.342 to 29.47.344 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.54

EUR-12PORTUGALEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001118.2 117.5 118.6 118.4 121.0 122.1 120.5 118.1 118.3 117.5 114.6 111.5 29.47.342110.6 111.9 113.2 112.8 113.8 113.4 113.7 113.8 113.5 112.8 112.4 112.7 29.47.343104.4 104.3 104.2 104.2 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.6 103.5 103.2 103.5 103.2 29.47.344102.4 102.6 102.8 102.7 103.3 103.4 103.3 103.3 103.3 102.6 101.6 101.7 102.7 29.47.384102.2 103.4 103.8 103.6 104.3 104.0 104.2 104.4 104.1 103.0 102.5 102.8 103.5 29.47.385101.8 101.8 101.6 101.5 101.4 101.2 101.0 101.0 100.8 100.5 100.3 100.1 101.1 29.47.386109.6 109.7 110.2 110.7 111.7 112.0 112.1 111.9 111.8 112.3 113.0 113.2 29.48.345110.6 110.8 111.3 112.0 113.0 113.3 113.5 113.3 113.3 113.7 114.4 114.6 29.48.34629.48.392Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002111.0 111.6 112.8 116.6 118.5 117.6 116.2 116.0 29.47.342113.4 113.6 114.5 114.7 114.9 115.1 115.6 115.6 29.47.343103.2 103.3 103.4 103.8 104.0 104.1 104.1 104.1 29.47.344101.9 102.0 102.3 102.9 103.9 103.9 103.7 103.5 103.5 103.8 103.3 103.0 103.2 29.47.384104.1 104.2 104.6 104.9 105.1 105.4 105.5 105.2 104.7 104.7 104.5 104.4 104.8 29.47.385100.0 99.9 100.2 100.5 100.7 100.7 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.8 100.6 100.6 29.47.386113.4 113.2 113.7 114.7 115.4 115.8 116.0 116.1 116.0 116.8 117.6 117.8 29.48.345114.7 114.5 115.0 116.0 116.9 117.3 117.6 117.8 117.7 118.4 119.0 119.1 29.48.34698.2 98.0 98.4 99.3 99.9 100.2 100.3 100.5 100.4 101.1 101.8 102.0 29.48.392Datatype Data revisedInstituto Nacional de Estatística: Índices de Preços na Produção Industrial 29.47.I-1995 - Industrial Producer Price Index: General index 342I-1995 - Industrial Producer Price Index: Consumer goods 343I-1995 - Industrial Producer Price Index: Intermediate goods 344I-2000 - Industrial Producer Price Index: General index (1) 384I-2000 - Industrial Producer Price Index: Consumer goods (1) 385I-2000 - Industrial Producer Price Index: Intermediate goods (1) 386Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor 29.48I-1997 - Consumer Price Index 345I-1997 - Harmonized Consumer Price Index 346I-2002 - Consumer Price Index (1) 392(1) Series 29.47.384 to 29.47.386 replace 29.47.342 to 29.47.344 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.55

ESPAGNE 1/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (PTA)MENSUEL - MONTHLYEUR-12Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 20018.14.50 129.2 129.8 130.2 130.1 130.4 130.4 130.2 130.0 130.1 129.5 128.8 129.1 129.9 130.3 130.2 130.5 130.3 130.3 130.4 130.5 130.7 130.8 81.0 81.0 83.1 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.2 81.8 82.9 82.9 81.8 113.9 113.4 113.3 113.1 113.1 113.5 113.5 113.3 113.3 112.9 112.7 100.2 100.0 99.6 98.9 99.1 99.5 99.3 99.3 98.7 99.0 98.9 126.6 126.6 127.9 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 133.4 133.9 134.4 135.1 135.6 136.1 136.4 136.7 136.7 136.6 136.5 127.0 127.4 127.8 128.6 129.4 129.7 128.9 128.5 128.8 128.5 127.9 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 20028.14.50 129.3 129.6 130.2 131.1 131.2 131.0 131.0 131.1 131.5 131.6 131.0 131.5 131.9 132.7 132.6 132.4 132.4 132.4 132.5 132.2 132.5 132.3 82.5 82.3 81.2 80.9 81.7 81.2 80.5 80.5 80.2 79.6 80.0 113.0 112.5 112.6 112.7 113.2 112.9 113.0 112.6 112.5 112.6 112.4 99.5 100.0 99.8 99.1 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.2 98.6 98.5 128.5 129.8 129.9 130.3 130.4 130.3 130.3 130.2 130.2 130.2 130.3 revised Datatype8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica2 Indices de precios industriales50 - 2.1 Indice general (2)2 Indices de precios industriales: 2.2 Indices de agrupaciones segun la CNAE-74 I-199051 - 32 Construcción de maquinaria y equipo mecánico (2) I-199052 - 33 Construcción des máquinas de oficina y ordenadores (incluida su instalación) (2) I-199053 - 34 Construcción de maquinaria y material eléctrico (2) I-199054 - 35 Fabricación material electrónico (excepto ordenadores) (2) I-199055 - 39 Fabricación instrumentos de precisión óptica y similares (2) I-19901 Indices de precios de consumo56 - 1.1 Indices nacionales generales y de grupos: Indice general (1) I-199257 - 1.3 Indices nacionales de grupos especiales: Bienes industriales: Total (1) I-1992356 - 1.1 Indices nacionales generales y de grupos: Indice general (1) I-2001357 - 1.3 Indices nacionales de grupos especiales: Bienes industriales: Total (1) I-20012 Indices de precios industriales: 2.2 Indices de agrupaciones segun la CNAE-93398 - 2.1 Indice general (2) I-2000399 - DK Industria de la construcción de maquinaria y equipo mecánico (2) I-2000400 - 30 Fabricación de máquinas de oficina y equipos informáticos (2) I-2000401 - 31 Fabricación de maquinaria y material eléctrico (2) I-2000402 - 32 Fab. material electrónico; fab. De equipo y aparatos de radio, TV y comunicaciones (2) I-2000403 - 33 Fabricación de equipo médico-quirùrgico, de precisión, óptica y relojeria (2) I-2000(1) Series 8.14.356 replaces 8.14.56 and 8.14.357 replaces 8.14.57 - change of base year.56

EUR-121/2 SPAINEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001100.4 100.9 101.2 101.1 101.4 101.4 101.2 101.0 101.1 100.7 100.1 99.9 8.14.50100.3 101.0 101.3 101.2 101.4 101.3 101.3 101.4 101.4 101.6 101.7 101.6 8.14.5163.0 63.0 64.6 64.1 64.1 64.1 63.9 63.6 64.4 64.4 63.6 63.6 8.14.5288.5 88.1 88.1 87.9 87.9 88.2 88.2 88.1 88.1 87.8 87.6 87.6 8.14.5377.9 77.7 77.4 76.9 77.0 77.3 77.2 77.2 76.7 76.9 76.9 76.9 8.14.5498.4 98.4 99.4 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.6 8.14.55106.1 106.4 106.9 107.4 107.8 108.2 108.5 108.7 108.7 108.6 108.5 108.9 8.14.56101.0 101.3 101.6 102.2 102.9 103.1 102.5 102.2 102.4 102.2 101.7 101.5 8.14.57100.0 8.14.356100.0 8.14.357101.3 101.7 102.0 102.0 102.2 102.2 102.0 101.9 102.0 101.5 100.9 100.7 8.14.3988.14.3998.14.4008.14.4018.14.4028.14.403Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002100.5 100.7 101.2 101.9 102.0 101.8 101.8 101.9 102.2 102.3 101.8 101.9 8.14.50102.2 102.5 103.1 103.1 102.9 102.9 102.9 103.0 102.8 103.0 102.8 102.8 8.14.5164.1 64.0 63.1 62.9 63.5 63.1 62.6 62.6 62.3 61.9 62.2 63.1 8.14.5287.8 87.4 87.5 87.6 88.0 87.8 87.8 87.5 87.4 87.5 87.4 87.4 8.14.5377.3 77.7 77.6 77.0 77.1 77.1 77.1 77.1 77.1 76.6 76.6 76.6 8.14.5499.9 100.9 101.0 101.3 101.4 101.3 101.3 101.2 101.2 101.2 101.3 101.3 8.14.558.14.568.14.57101.3 101.4 102.2 103.6 104.0 104.0 103.2 103.5 103.9 104.9 105.1 105.5 105.0 8.14.35699.6 99.4 100.5 103.0 103.4 102.9 100.4 100.3 101.3 103.7 104.2 104.3 8.14.357101.3 101.5 101.9 102.5 102.7 102.4 102.4 102.6 103.0 103.2 102.6 102.7 8.14.398103.00 103.40 103.70 103.80 103.70 103.90 103.70 103.80 103.70 103.80 103.80 103.90 8.14.39999.90 99.70 98.30 98.00 98.90 98.30 97.40 97.40 97.00 96.40 96.80 98.10 8.14.400100.60 100.60 100.30 100.40 100.60 100.40 100.50 100.30 100.20 100.20 100.20 100.20 8.14.401100.10 100.70 100.40 99.90 99.70 99.70 99.80 99.90 99.80 99.10 99.50 99.00 8.14.402103.0 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.4 103.5 103.6 103.4 103.5 103.5 103.4 103.4 8.14.403Datatype Data revised Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica 8.14.2 Industrial price indices- 2.1 General index (2) 50I-1990 2 Industrial price indices: 2.2 Group indices according to CNAE-74I-1990 - 32 Construction of mechanical machinery and equipment (2) 51I-1990 - 33 Construction of office machinery and computers (incl. installation) (2) 52I-1990 - 34 Construction of electrical machinery and equipment (2) 53I-1990 - 35 Manufacture of electronic equipment (excl. computers) (2) 54I-1990 - 39 Manufacture of optical and other precision instruments (2) 551 Consumer price indicesI-1992 - 1.1 National general and group indices: general index (1) 56I-1992 - 1.3 National indices for specific groups: industrial goods: total (1) 57I-2001 - 1.1 National general and group indices: general index (1) 356I-2001 - 1.3 National indices for specific groups: industrial goods: total (1) 3572 Indices de precios industriales: 2.2 Indices de agrupaciones segun la CNAE-93- 2.1 Indice general (2) 398I-2000 - DK Industria de la construcción de maquinaria y equipo mecánico (2) 399I-2000 - 30 Fabricación de máquinas de oficina y equipos informáticos (2) 400I-2000 - 31 Fabricación de maquinaria y material eléctrico (2) 401I-2000 - 32 Fab. material electrónico; fab. De equipo y aparatos de radio, TV y comunicaciones (2) 402I-2000 - 33 Fabricación de equipo médico-quirùrgico, de precisión, óptica y relojeria (2) 403(1) Series 8.14.356 replaces 8.14.56 and 8.14.357 replaces 8.14.57 - change of base year.57

8.14.428.14.438.14.448.14.458.14.468.14.478.14.488.14.498.14.4778.14.4788.14.4818.14.4828.14.4838.14.428.14.438.14.448.14.458.14.468.14.478.14.488.14.498.14.4778.14.4788.14.4818.14.4828.14.483ESPAGNE 2/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (PTA)TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLYEUR-121st Quarter 2001 2nd Quarter 2001 3rd Quarter 2001 4th Quarter 2001 20011st Quarter 2002 2nd Quarter 2002 3rd Quarter 2002 4th Quarter 2002 2002Data revised Datatype8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica5 Salarios: 5.1 Encuesta de salarios en la industria y los servicios42 - 5.1.1 Ganancia media por hora trabajada en jornada normal y extraordinaria: Pagos totales: Empleados I-199543 - 5.1.1 Ganancia media por hora trabajada en jornada normal y extraordinaria: Pagos totales: Obreros I-199544 - 5.1.2 Ganancia media por trabajador y mes en jornada normal y extraordinaria: I-1995Pagos totales: Empleados45 - 5.1.2 Ganancia media por trabajador y mes en jornada normal y extraordinaria: Pagos totales: Obreros I-199546 - 5.1.3 Ganancia media por hora: 0 Todas las secciones: Empleados M47 - 5.1.3 Ganancia media por hora: 0 Todas las secciones: Obreros M48 - 5.1.4 Ganancia media por trabajador y mes: Industria sin construccion: Empleados M49 - 5.1.4 Ganancia media por trabajador y mes: Industria sin construccion: Obreros M477 Coste por trabajador y mes (1) I-2000478 Coste por hora efectiva -Total(1) I-2000481 Coste por hora efectiva - Salarial total(1) I-2001482 Coste por hora efectiva - Salarial Ordinario(1) I-2002483 Coste por hora efectiva - Otres Costas(1) I-2003(1) series are introduced on 05/2004Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.58

EUR-122/2 SPAINEUROTRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2001 2nd Quarter 2001 3rd Quarter 2001 4th Quarter 2001 20018.14.428.14.438.14.448.14.458.14.468.14.478.14.488.14.4999.80 103.40 102.20 111.20 8.14.47793.90 101.40 110.90 111.60 8.14.47892.20 100.80 109.40 112.90 8.14.48196.10 100.70 113.20 105.10 8.14.48299.30 103.36 115.65 108.00 8.14.4831st Quarter 2002 2nd Quarter 2002 3rd Quarter 2002 4th Quarter 2002 20028.14.428.14.438.14.448.14.458.14.468.14.478.14.488.14.49103.80 108.20 106.60 116.30 8.14.477101.70 103.70 115.40 116.20 8.14.47899.60 102.60 113.40 116.80 8.14.481103.80 102.40 117.40 108.90 8.14.482108.10 107.10 121.70 114.60 8.14.483Datatype Data revisedInstituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica 8.14.5 Wages: 5.1 Survey on wages in industry and servicesI-1995 - 5.1.1 Average earnings per hour worked in a normal day and overtime: total payments: non-manual workers 42I-1995 - 5.1.1 Average earnings per hour worked in a normal day and overtime: total payments: manual workers 43I-1995 - 5.1.2 Average earnings per worker and month for a normal day and 44overtime: total payments: non-manual workersI-1995 - 5.1.2 Average earnings per worker and month for a normal day and overtime: total payments: manual workers 45M - 5.1.3 Average earnings per hour: O All sections: non-manual workers 46M - 5.1.3 Average earnings per hour: O All sections: manual workers 47M - 5.1.4 Average earnings per worker and month: industry excl. construction: non-manual workers 48M - 5.1.4 Average earnings per worker and month: industry excl. construction: manual workers 49I-2000 Monthly labour cost (1) 477I-2000 Hourly Labour cost - Total (1) 478I-2000 Hourly Labour cost - Total wages(1) 481I-2000 Hourly Labour cost - Wages ordinary (1) 482I-2000 Hourly Labour cost- Other costs (1) 483(1) series 8.14.477 and 8.14.478 are introduced on 04/2004Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.59

SUEDEMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (SKR)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200116.25.101 131.7 134.0 134.6 135.7 135.5 135.0 133.6 133.4 135.4 134.8 134.7 119.6 119.2 119.9 120.4 120.5 121.1 121.9 121.7 122.2 122.6 122.0 122.5 147.9 148.9 150.6 150.7 152.2 150.6 151.5 151.2 151.0 151.8 152.7 152.816.46.311 146.3 144.9 147.3 147.2 149.3 148.5 150.0 150.4 150.3 151.3 152.4 152.516.46.313 141.3 140.0 142.1 142.8 143.3 143.0 143.1 143.7 144.6 145.4 146.5 131.7 134.0 134.6 135.7 135.5 135.0 133.6 133.4 135.4 134.8 134.7 130.5 131.4 132.0 134.7 134.7 134.9 131.7 132.2 134.9 134.5 134.9 136.8Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200216.25.101 136.4 138.9 140.3 140.2 141.4 140.0 138.2 137.6 139.5 139.2 140.2 140.916.25.102 122.9 122.5 122.5 121.7 121.8 121.7 121.5 122.5 121.2 120.5 120.2 119.616.25.285 155.6 157.1 159.0 159.2 159.8 159.1 157.9 157.3 159.1 159.1 160.0 155.2 155.5 157.1 157.4 158.9 158.5 158.8 158.3 160.0 160.4 161.4 161.316.46.313 149.0 148.7 149.7 150.4 150.7 150.4 150.0 149.9 151.6 152.4 153.0 153.416.46.312 136.4 138.9 140.3 140.2 141.4 140.0 138.2 137.6 139.5 139.2 140.2 140.916.46.314 136.0 136.7 138.3 139.1 140.8 139.5 135.5 136.8 138.6 138.4 139.6 141.4Data revised Datatype16.25. Statistika Centralbyran: Allmän manadsstatistikH Arbetsmarknad: AKI (am) Arbetskostnadsindex inkl. löneskatter för arbetare inom industri101 - 28-35 Verkstadsindustri I-1994/M2J Priser: ITPI Prisindex för inhemsk tillgang102 - 28-35 Verkstadsvaror I-1990H - Arbetsmarknad: AKI (tjänstemän kvartal) - Arbetskostnadsindex inkl. löneskatter för tjänstemän inom privat sektor285 - 28-35 Verkstadsvaror (1) I-1994/Q116.46. Statistika Centralbyran: ArbetsmarknadTidsserie AKI för tjänstemän preliminära siffror311 - 28-35 Verkstadsindustri I-1994/M2313 - Totalt I-1994/M2Tidsserie AKI för arbetare definitiva siffror312 - 28-35 Verkstadsindustri I-1994/M2314 - Totalt I-1994/M2(1) Series 16.25.285 was introduced in 11/99.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.60

SWEDENEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001132.0 133.2 131.6 132.9 133.5 130.8 128.7 127.9 124.9 125.6 127.7 127.9 16.25.101101.0 99.8 98.8 99.3 100.0 98.8 98.9 98.3 95.0 96.2 97.4 97.6 98.4 16.25.102149.5 149.3 148.6 148.9 151.3 147.2 147.2 146.2 140.5 142.7 146.0 145.8 16.25.285146.6 144.1 144.1 144.2 147.1 143.9 144.5 144.2 138.7 141.0 144.4 144.2 16.46.311141.6 139.2 139.0 139.9 141.2 138.6 137.9 137.8 133.4 135.5 138.9 139.1 16.46.313132.0 133.2 131.6 132.9 133.5 130.8 128.7 127.9 124.9 125.6 127.7 127.9 16.46.312130.8 130.6 129.1 131.9 132.7 130.7 126.9 126.7 124.5 125.3 127.9 129.4 16.46.314Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002131.9 135.0 138.2 137.0 136.9 137.1 133.1 132.8 135.8 136.5 137.8 138.3 16.25.101100.1 100.3 101.6 100.1 99.3 100.4 98.5 99.6 99.4 99.5 99.5 98.8 16.25.102151.8 154.0 158.0 156.9 156.0 157.2 153.4 153.1 156.3 157.3 158.6 158.4 16.25.285150.1 151.1 154.8 153.8 153.8 155.2 152.9 152.8 155.8 157.2 158.6 158.3 16.46.311144.1 144.5 147.5 146.9 145.9 147.3 144.4 144.7 147.6 149.4 150.4 150.5 16.46.313131.9 135.0 138.2 137.0 136.9 137.1 133.1 132.8 135.8 136.5 137.8 138.3 16.46.312131.5 132.9 136.3 135.9 136.3 136.6 130.5 132.0 134.9 135.7 137.2 138.7 16.46.314Datatype Data revisedStatistika Centralbyran: Allmän manadsstatistik 16.25.H Labour market: AKI (am) Labour cost index including payroll taxes for workers in industryI-1994/M2 - 28-35 Engineering goods 101J Prices: ITPI Price index for domestic accessI-1990 - 28-35 Engineering goods 102H Labour market: AKI Index numbers for labour costs, incl. Taxes on the labour force, for salaried employees in the private sectorI-1994/Q1 - 28-35 Engineering goods (1) 285Statistika Centralbyran: Arbetsmarknad 16.46.I-1994/M2Tidsserie AKI för tjänstemän preliminära siffrorI-1994/M2 - 28-35 Engineering goods 311- Total 313I-1994/M2Tidsserie AKI för arbetare definitiva siffrorI-1994/M2 - 28-35 Engineering goods 312- Total 314(1) Series 16.25.285 was introduced in 11/99.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.61

SUISSEMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (SFR)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200126.37.184 104.3 104.3 103.9 104.4 104.3 104.4 104.3 104.1 103.8 103.1 102.2 105.57 105.15 104.31 104.33 104.31 104.41 104.02 103.43 102.88 101.69 100.53 100.44 103.4226.43.418Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200226.37.184 101.4 101.4 101.2 101.6 101.7 101.6 101.626.37.417 98.5 98.3 98.2 98.3 98.526.43.270 100.09 100.00 100.09 100.26 100.41 100.48 100.24 99.75 99.56 99.40 99.50 99.70 100.0026.43.418 99.00 98.50 98.30 98.20 98.30 98.50TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2001 2ème Trimestre 2001 3ème Trimestre 2001 4ème Trimestre 2001 20016.12.39 108.61 109.21 109.16 207.59 208.73 208.63 208.821er Trimestre 2002 2ème Trimestre 2002 3ème Trimestre 2002 4ème Trimestre 2002 20026.12.39 111.05 111.82 111.67 111.846.12.253 212.24 213.70 213.42 213.74Data revised Datatype6.12. Arbeitgeberverband der Schweizer Maschinenindustrie39 - Wage Index I-1995/Q1253 - Wage Index I-1980/Q126.37. Bundesamt für StatistikGrosshandelspreisindex: Ausgewählte Produkte184 - 10 DJ Metalle und Metallwaren I-1993/05417 - 10 DJ Metalle und Metallwaren (1) I-2003/0526.43. Bundesamt für StatistikSection des prix et de la consommation270 Indice des prix pour métaux et produits métallurgiques I-1993/05418 Indice des prix pour métaux et produits métallurgiques (1) I-2003/05(1) Series 26.37.417 replaces 26.37.184 and 26.43.418 replaces 26.43.270 - base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.62

SWITZERLANDEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001120.3 119.8 119.4 120.5 120.0 120.9 121.6 121.2 122.8 122.9 122.9 122.0 26.37.18426.37.417121.78 120.76 119.82 120.38 119.99 120.96 121.22 120.47 121.68 121.25 120.93 120.12 120.75 26.43.27026.43.418Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002121.3 121.1 121.6 122.3 123.1 121.7 122.5 26.37.184102.0 101.7 101.6 101.5 101.7 26.37.417119.73 119.38 120.28 120.65 121.54 120.39 120.90 120.21 119.88 119.68 119.61 119.80 120.22 26.43.270102.60 102.00 101.70 101.59 101.53 101.70 26.43.418TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2001 2nd Quarter 2001 3rd Quarter 2001 4th Quarter 2001 2001111.87 112.86 114.41 117.11 6.12.39317.41 320.22 324.59 332.27 6.12.2531st Quarter 2002 2nd Quarter 2002 3rd Quarter 2002 4th Quarter 2002 2002119.05 120.57 120.51 120.43 6.12.39337.76 342.06 341.89 341.68 6.12.253Datatype Data revisedArbeitgeberverband der Schweizer Maschinenindustrie 6.12.I-1995/Q1 - Wage Index 39I-1980/Q1 - Wage Index 253Bundesamt für Statistik 26.37.Wholesale Price Index: Selected productsI-1993/05 - 10 DJ Metals and metal products 184I-2003/05 - 10 DJ Metals and metal products (1) 417Bundesamt für Statistik 26.43.Section des prix et de la consommationI-1993/05 Indice des prix pour métaux et produits métallurgiques 270I-2003/05 Indice des prix pour métaux et produits métallurgiques (1) 418(1) Series 26.37.417 replaces 26.37.184 and 26.43.418 replaces 26.43.270 - base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.63

ROYAUME-UNI 1/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (UKL)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200113.19.237 90.8 90.9 90.6 90.4 90.4 90.1 89.9 89.7 89.5 89.4 89.4 89.4 136.8 139.9 141.6 138.2 138.2 138.7 140.4 140.2 139.1 140.2 142.2 144.6 128.1 130.2 131.2 129.4 129.8 130.0 130.7 130.9 130.4 130.9 131.9 133.2 130.613.19.240 109.7 110.9 111.3 110.2 110.3 110.3 110.7 110.6 110.2 110.4 110.9 111.6 110.613.19.241 112.7 112.9 113.4 113.3 113.3 113.4 113.1 112.6 112.4 112.5 112.6 112.5 112.913.19.242 128.5 131.1 136.7 131.0 129.8 129.1 130.2 126.4 127.4 127.4 128.3 131.0 129.713.19.243 121.9 123.6 126.0 123.9 123.7 123.6 123.9 122.5 123.4 123.3 123.6 124.8 123.713.19.244 118.1 119.1 120.9 119.4 119.2 119.1 119.2 118.0 118.3 118.3 118.6 119.3 88.0 88.2 87.5 87.1 87.0 86.7 86.3 85.9 85.5 85.4 85.5 85.6 86.613.19.246 136.8 139.9 141.6 138.2 138.2 138.7 140.4 140.2 139.1 140.2 142.2 144.6 127.4 129.4 130.4 128.7 129.1 129.3 130.0 130.1 129.7 130.2 131.1 132.2 129.813.19.248 102.8 103.8 103.8 102.7 102.8 102.7 102.8 102.5 102.1 102.2 102.7 103.2 102.8Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200213.19.237 89.4 89.2 89.1 88.8 88.8 88.6 88.4 87.8 87.9 87.9 87.9 88.1 88.513.19.238 142.5 142.9 145.9 144.9 144.9 146.3 147.1 145.5 145.0 146.4 147.2 151.7 145.913.19.239 131.9 132.2 134.2 134.1 134.2 135.1 135.4 134.7 134.8 135.7 136.2 138.9 134.813.19.240 111.0 111.1 112.1 111.7 111.9 112.2 112.3 111.6 111.6 112.1 112.4 114.0 112.7 113.4 113.4 113.4 113.3 113.2 112.1 112.0 111.8 112.1 112.1 112.9 112.713.19.242 128.5 130.7 134.9 133.3 132.8 132.1 133.2 131.6 131.4 132.6 135.1 138.7 132.913.19.243 123.7 125.0 127.3 127.3 127.2 127.0 127.4 126.9 127.3 127.9 129.1 131.0 127.313.19.244 118.7 119.8 121.2 121.0 120.9 120.6 120.4 120.0 120.0 120.5 121.2 122.8 120.613.19.245 85.6 85.6 85.5 85.1 85.2 84.7 84.5 83.4 83.5 83.3 83.4 83.7 84.513.19.246 142.5 142.9 145.9 144.9 144.9 146.3 147.1 145.5 145.0 146.4 147.2 151.7 145.913.19.247 131.0 131.4 133.3 133.2 133.3 134.2 134.5 133.8 133.8 134.8 135.3 137.9 133.913.19.248 102.8 102.9 103.7 103.2 103.4 103.4 103.4 102.4 102.4 102.6 102.9 104.2 103.1Data revised Datatype13.19. Office for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices3320 Cost indices for the manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing,navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipment237 - 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 04-02 I-1995238 - 5953320200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates (1) I-1995239 - 5953320300 Salaries and general expenses (1) I-1995240 - 5953320000 Combined costs (1) I-19953530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft241 - 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-1995242 - 5953530200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates (1) I-1995243 - 5953530300 Salaries and general expenses (1) I-1995244 - 5953530000 Combined costs (1) I-19953210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other components245 - 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-1995246 - 5953210200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates (1) I-1995247 - 5953210300 Salaries and general expenses (1) I-1995248 - 5953210000 Combined costs (1) I-1995(1) Series 13.19.237 to 13.19.248 are replaced by 13.19.429 to 13.19.440 - index base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updatedData in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.64

1/2 UNITED KINGDOMEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001118.5 118.8 119.3 120.5 122.2 122.6 122.4 118.6 119.1 118.7 119.8 119.5 120.0 13.19.237178.6 182.9 186.5 184.2 186.8 188.8 191.2 185.4 185.1 186.2 190.6 193.2 186.7 13.19.238167.2 170.2 172.8 172.5 175.4 176.9 178.0 173.1 173.5 173.9 176.8 178.0 174.1 13.19.239143.2 145.0 146.6 146.9 149.1 150.1 150.7 146.3 146.6 146.6 148.6 149.1 147.5 13.19.240147.1 147.6 149.4 151.0 153.1 154.3 154.0 148.9 149.5 149.4 150.9 150.3 150.5 13.19.241167.8 171.4 180.1 174.6 175.4 175.7 177.3 167.1 169.5 169.2 171.9 175.1 172.9 13.19.242159.1 161.6 166.0 165.2 167.2 168.2 168.7 162.0 164.2 163.8 165.6 166.8 164.9 13.19.243154.2 155.7 159.3 159.2 161.1 162.1 162.3 156.0 157.4 157.1 158.9 159.4 158.7 13.19.244114.9 115.3 115.3 116.1 117.6 118.0 117.5 113.6 113.8 113.4 114.6 114.4 115.5 13.19.245178.6 182.9 186.5 184.2 186.8 188.8 191.2 185.4 185.1 186.2 190.6 193.2 186.7 13.19.246166.3 169.1 171.8 171.6 174.5 176.0 177.0 172.0 172.6 172.9 175.7 176.7 173.1 13.19.247134.2 135.7 136.7 136.9 138.9 139.8 140.0 135.5 135.8 135.7 137.6 137.9 137.1 13.19.248Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002120.2 120.9 119.9 119.8 117.1 114.0 114.7 114.3 115.5 115.6 114.3 113.7 116.7 13.19.237191.5 193.6 196.4 195.6 191.1 188.3 190.9 189.5 190.6 192.6 191.5 195.8 192.4 13.19.238177.3 179.1 180.6 181.0 177.0 173.8 175.7 175.4 177.2 178.5 177.2 179.3 177.8 13.19.239149.2 150.5 150.9 150.7 147.6 144.4 145.7 145.3 146.7 147.5 146.2 147.1 147.7 13.19.240151.5 153.7 152.6 153.0 149.5 145.7 145.5 145.9 146.9 147.5 145.8 145.7 148.6 13.19.241172.7 177.1 181.6 179.9 175.2 170.0 172.8 171.4 172.7 174.4 175.7 179.0 175.3 13.19.242166.3 169.4 171.3 171.8 167.8 163.4 165.3 165.3 167.3 168.3 167.9 169.1 167.9 13.19.243159.5 162.3 163.1 163.3 159.5 155.2 156.2 156.3 157.7 158.5 157.7 158.5 159.0 13.19.244115.1 116.0 115.1 114.8 112.4 109.0 109.6 108.6 109.7 109.6 108.5 108.0 111.4 13.19.245191.5 193.6 196.4 195.6 191.1 188.3 190.9 189.5 190.6 192.6 191.5 195.8 192.4 13.19.246176.1 178.1 179.4 179.8 175.8 172.7 174.5 174.3 175.8 177.3 176.0 178.0 176.6 13.19.247138.2 139.4 139.6 139.3 136.4 133.1 134.2 133.4 134.6 135.0 133.9 134.5 136.0 13.19.248Datatype Data revisedOffice for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices 13.19.3320 Cost indices for the manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing,navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipmentI-1995 04-02 - 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 237I-1995 - 5953320200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates (1) 238I-1995 - 5953320300 Salaries and general expenses (1) 239I-1995 - 5953320000 Combined costs (1) 2403530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraftI-1995 - 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 241I-1995 - 5953530200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates (1) 242I-1995 - 5953530300 Salaries and general expenses (1) 243I-1995 - 5953530000 Combined costs (1) 2443210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other componentsI-1995 - 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 245I-1995 - 5953210200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates (1) 246I-1995 - 5953210300 Salaries and general expenses (1) 247I-1995 - 5953210000 Combined costs (1) 248(1) Series 13.19.237 to 13.19.248 are replaced by 13.19.429 to 13.19.440 - index base year changedPlease note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updatedData in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.65

ROYAUME-UNI 2/2MONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (UKL)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200113.19.429 99.5 100.1 99.8 99.5 98.9 98.6 97.9 97.5 96.8 96.7 96.8 96.5 104.0 106.4 107.8 104.8 104.8 105.2 106.5 106.4 105.4 106.3 107.9 109.8 106.313.19.431 100.4 101.0 101.0 101.6 102.0 102.0 101.6 102.0 102.4 102.2 101.8 101.613.19.432 101.2 102.4 102.7 101.6 101.4 101.4 101.3 101.2 100.6 100.8 101.3 101.813.19.433 100.9 101.1 100.6 100.3 100.2 100.1 98.5 96.7 96.1 95.2 95.1 101.3 103.3 107.7 102.7 101.9 101.6 102.7 99.8 100.8 101.0 102.0 104.413.19.435 100.4 101.0 101.0 101.6 102.0 102.0 101.6 102.0 102.4 102.2 101.8 101.613.19.436 100.9 101.7 102.6 101.2 101.0 100.9 100.2 98.6 98.6 98.1 98.2 98.313.19.437 99.1 99.5 99.2 98.9 98.3 98.0 97.1 96.6 95.8 95.5 95.7 95.313.19.438 104.0 106.4 107.8 104.8 104.8 105.2 106.5 106.4 105.4 106.3 107.9 109.813.19.439 100.4 101.0 101.0 101.6 102.0 102.0 101.6 102.0 102.4 102.2 101.8 101.613.19.440 100.6 101.6 101.8 101.0 100.7 100.6 100.4 100.2 99.5 99.6 100.0 100.3Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200213.19.429 96.6 96.8 96.9 96.1 96.0 95.7 94.7 94.5 94.2 93.7 93.6 93.8 108.1 108.4 110.7 109.9 109.8 110.9 111.5 110.3 109.9 110.9 111.6 115.1 110.613.19.431 101.4 101.7 102.2 103.0 103.4 103.5 103.3 103.6 104.4 104.6 104.8 105.0 103.413.19.432 101.2 101.5 102.4 101.8 101.8 102.0 101.7 101.2 101.1 101.2 101.4 102.7 101.713.19.433 94.5 94.6 95.1 94.8 94.2 94.2 93.4 93.5 92.9 92.8 92.7 93.1 93.813.19.434 102.5 104.6 108.2 107.0 106.5 106.0 106.9 105.6 105.4 106.4 108.4 111.4 106.613.19.435 101.4 101.7 102.2 103.0 103.4 103.5 103.3 103.6 104.4 104.6 104.8 105.0 103.413.19.436 98.0 98.7 100.0 99.7 99.3 99.2 98.9 98.7 98.5 98.7 99.3 100.3 95.2 95.4 95.3 94.3 93.9 93.6 92.6 92.4 92.0 91.4 91.2 91.3 108.1 108.4 110.7 109.9 109.8 110.9 111.5 110.3 109.9 110.9 111.6 115.1 110.613.19.439 101.4 101.7 102.2 103.0 103.4 103.5 103.3 103.6 104.4 104.6 104.8 105.0 103.413.19.440 99.8 100.0 100.6 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.5 99.1 98.9 98.9 99.0 100.0 99.6Data revised Datatype13.19. Office for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices3320 Cost indices for the manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing,navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipment429 - 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-2000430 - 5003320200 Earnings and National Insurance (1) I-2000431 - 5000000300 General Expenses (1) I-2000432 - 5003320000 Combined costs (1) I-20003530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft433 - 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-2000434 - 5003530200 Earnings and National Insurance (1) I-2000435 - 5000000300 General Expenses (1) I-2000436 - 5003530000 Combined costs (1) I-20003210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other components437 - 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-2000438 - 5003210200 Earnings and National Insurance (1) I-2000439 - 5000000300 General Expenses (1) I-2000440 - 5003210000 Combined costs (1) I-2000(1) Series 13.19.429 to 13.19.440 are new series that replace 13.19.237 to 13.19.248 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updatedData in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.66

2/2 UNITED KINGDOMEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200195.5 96.2 96.6 97.5 98.2 98.6 98.0 94.8 94.7 94.4 95.4 94.8 96.2 13.19.42999.8 102.2 104.4 102.7 104.1 105.2 106.6 103.4 103.1 103.8 106.3 107.9 104.2 13.19.43096.3 97.0 97.8 99.5 101.3 102.0 101.7 99.1 100.1 99.8 100.3 99.8 13.19.43197.1 98.4 99.4 99.5 100.7 101.4 101.4 98.4 98.4 98.4 99.8 100.0 13.19.43296.8 97.1 97.4 98.3 99.5 100.1 98.6 94.0 94.0 92.9 93.7 92.4 13.19.43397.2 99.2 104.3 100.6 101.2 101.6 102.8 97.0 98.6 98.6 100.5 102.5 13.19.43496.3 97.0 97.8 99.5 101.3 102.0 101.7 99.1 100.1 99.8 100.3 99.8 13.19.43596.8 97.7 99.3 99.2 100.3 100.9 100.3 95.8 96.4 95.8 96.7 96.6 13.19.43695.1 95.6 96.0 96.9 97.6 98.0 97.2 93.9 93.7 93.2 94.3 93.6 13.19.43799.8 102.2 104.4 102.7 104.1 105.2 106.6 103.4 103.1 103.8 106.3 107.9 13.19.43896.3 97.0 97.8 99.5 101.3 102.0 101.7 99.1 100.1 99.8 100.3 99.8 13.19.43996.5 97.6 98.6 99.0 100.0 100.6 100.5 97.4 97.3 97.2 98.5 98.5 13.19.440Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200295.4 96.4 95.9 95.3 93.1 90.5 90.3 90.5 91.0 90.6 89.5 89.0 92.3 13.19.429106.8 108.0 109.5 109.0 106.5 104.9 106.3 105.6 106.2 107.2 106.7 109.2 107.2 13.19.430100.2 101.3 101.1 102.2 100.3 97.9 98.5 99.2 100.8 101.1 100.2 99.6 100.2 13.19.431100.0 101.1 101.3 101.0 98.7 96.5 97.0 96.9 97.7 97.9 96.9 97.4 98.6 13.19.43293.4 94.2 94.1 94.0 91.3 89.1 89.1 89.5 89.7 89.7 88.6 88.3 90.9 13.19.433101.3 104.2 107.0 106.1 103.3 100.3 101.9 101.1 101.8 102.9 103.6 105.7 103.3 13.19.434100.2 101.3 101.1 102.2 100.3 97.9 98.5 99.2 100.8 101.1 100.2 99.6 100.2 13.19.43596.8 98.3 98.9 98.9 96.3 93.8 94.3 94.5 95.1 95.4 94.9 95.1 96.1 13.19.43694.0 95.0 94.3 93.5 91.0 88.5 88.3 88.4 88.9 88.4 87.2 86.6 90.3 13.19.437106.8 108.0 109.5 109.0 106.5 104.9 106.3 105.6 106.2 107.2 106.7 109.2 107.2 13.19.438100.2 101.3 101.1 102.2 100.3 97.9 98.5 99.2 100.8 101.1 100.2 99.6 100.2 13.19.43998.6 99.6 99.5 99.2 96.8 94.6 94.9 94.9 95.5 95.6 94.7 94.9 96.5 13.19.440Datatype Data revisedOffice for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices 13.19.3320 Cost indices for the manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing,navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipmentI-2000 - 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 429I-2000 - 5003320200 Earnings and National Insurance (1) 430I-2000 - 5000000300 General Expenses (1) 431I-2000 - 5003320000 Combined costs (1) 4323530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraftI-2000 - 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 433I-2000 - 5003530200 Earnings and National Insurance (1) 434I-2000 - 5000000300 General Expenses (1) 435I-2000 - 5003530000 Combined costs (1) 4363210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other componentsI-2000 - 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 437I-2000 - 5003210200 Earnings and National Insurance (1) 438I-2000 - 5000000300 General Expenses (1) 439I-2000 - 5003210000 Combined costs (1) 440(1) Series 13.19.429 to 13.19.440 are new series that replace 13.19.237 to 13.19.248 - change of base year.Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updatedData in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.67

CANADAMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY (CAD)MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200128.44.30828.44.309 845.20 843.15 843.35 841.53 842.83 848.77 857.05 861.49 854.25 851.50 850.57 854.9928.44.374 494.50 493.71 493.28 494.31 494.73 500.17 504.18 501.61 505.93 508.03 511.29 513.4828.44.375 1,008.81 990.17 998.61 1,017.11 1,010.54 1,020.41 1,017.82 1,023.86 1,023.33 1,021.76 1,015.75 1,014.4228.44.376 904.99 908.76 917.85 922.39 926.61 933.46 941.70 931.73 924.92 921.44 923.53 927.2128.44.377 838.35 835.79 838.68 848.22 834.00 835.45 839.17 852.84 851.95 846.40 838.27 860.8928.44.378 1,057.53 1,058.19 1,063.89 1,063.50 1,071.80 1,076.10 1,073.88 1,074.01 1,076.12 1,089.25 1,089.71 1,116.7528.44.379 1,100.72 1,097.83 1,125.84 1,147.32 1,172.82 1,137.50 1,130.88 1,094.28 1,115.05 1,110.78 1,100.39 1,150.7828.44.380 775.37 788.89 850.44 798.25 812.87 833.15 844.90 827.68 839.78 849.24 854.88 855.7828.44.381 420.63 419.01 421.65 422.52 420.97 422.39 425.19 424.20 428.88 430.65 432.54 436.4228.49.372 114.7 115.2 115.6 116.4 117.4 117.5 117.1 117.1 117.4 116.8 115.8 115.928.50.382 111.5 111.5 111.4 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.2 110.6 110.8 110.8 112.0 110.5 110.8 111.3 111.9 111.9 110.4 109.7 109.8 111.3 110.0 109.7 108.5Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200228.44.30828.44.30928.44.373 861.94 863.47 863.75 869.33 874.01 878.77 885.29 887.78 883.42 882.96 882.43 887.0728.44.374 514.95 515.06 514.63 516.27 512.63 514.07 514.85 513.32 511.69 511.00 512.66 513.0428.44.375 1,028.09 1,028.75 1,025.58 1,037.98 1,032.33 1,035.75 1,029.20 1,029.10 1,013.60 1,008.79 1,011.17 1,025.7728.44.376 933.72 937.62 944.57 947.92 949.10 948.05 949.01 951.67 954.39 959.67 962.19 965.9128.44.377 876.98 888.47 884.87 888.97 894.62 891.54 890.34 885.38 890.80 893.67 881.12 881.1028.44.378 1,129.44 1,140.55 1,137.30 1,144.71 1,148.28 1,151.39 1,151.76 1,153.79 1,153.34 1,154.71 1,155.01 1,155.4528.44.379 1,176.78 1,180.31 1,184.38 1,184.75 1,189.18 1,196.91 1,197.23 1,197.82 1,197.71 1,199.41 1,199.88 1,202.5828.44.380 843.75 871.42 831.90 861.56 872.22 870.91 872.50 861.44 873.05 879.70 881.65 893.8128.44.381 439.61 438.47 437.57 437.80 434.52 433.14 434.51 432.07 431.75 433.17 433.45 432.9228.49.372 116.2 116.9 117.7 118.4 118.6 119.0 119.6 120.1 120.1 120.5 120.8 120.428.50.382 114.2 114.4 114.4 114.3 114.2 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.6 114.6 114.1 114.928.50.383 109.7 109.8 110.2 110.9 110.3 110.1 110.2 111.3 112.5 112.8 112.3 111.7Data revised Datatype28.44 Statistics Canada: Employment, Earnings and HoursAverage weekly earnings (incl. overtime), of salaried employees, firms of all sizes, by industry308, matrix number 4289, electrical & electronic products MIndustrial product price indexes 1992=100 monthly309, matrix number 1876, industrial electrical equipment I-1992Average weekly earnings (SEPH), unadjusted for seasonal variation373 Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Excluding overtime; Industrial aggregate excluding unclassified M374 Employees paid by the hour; Excluding overtime; Industrial aggregate excluding unclassified M375 Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Excluding overtime; Professional, scientific and technical services [54] M376 All employees; Including overtime; Computer and electronic product manufacturing [334] M377 All employees; Excluding overtime; Management, scientific and technical consulting services [5416] M378 Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Including overtime; Electrical equipment manufacturing [3353] M379 Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Including overtime; Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing [3359] M380 Employees paid by the hour; Excluding overtime; Aerospace product and parts manufacturing [3364] M381 Employees paid by the hour; Excluding overtime; Service producing industries M28.49 Statistics Canada: Consumer Price Index372 All items I-199228.50 Statistics Canada: Industry Price IndexesIPI, electrical/communication/non-metallic mineral/petroleum/coal products382 Industrial electrical equipment I-1997Industry price indexes, by NAICS383 Non-food manufacturing (excluding basic manufacturing industries) I-1997Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.68

CANADAEUROMENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 200128.44.308144.2 28.44.309599.52 601.09 595.29 605.29 625.57 652.10 651.60 621.70 599.05 598.64 600.98 607.45 28.44.373350.76 351.97 348.19 355.54 367.20 384.27 383.32 361.99 354.79 357.16 361.26 364.82 28.44.374715.57 705.90 704.88 731.58 750.05 783.97 773.83 738.88 717.62 718.34 717.69 720.72 28.44.375641.93 647.86 647.88 663.45 687.75 717.16 715.96 672.39 648.61 647.81 652.53 658.76 28.44.376594.66 595.84 592.00 610.10 619.02 641.86 638.01 615.46 597.44 595.05 592.29 611.64 28.44.377750.13 754.40 750.96 764.94 795.52 826.75 816.45 775.07 754.64 765.78 769.95 793.43 28.44.378780.76 782.65 794.69 825.23 870.50 873.92 859.79 789.69 781.94 780.92 777.50 817.61 28.44.379549.99 562.41 600.30 574.16 603.33 640.10 642.36 597.30 588.91 597.05 604.03 608.01 28.44.380298.36 298.72 297.63 303.91 312.45 324.52 323.26 306.13 300.76 302.76 305.62 310.07 28.44.381126.5 127.7 126.8 130.1 135.5 140.3 138.4 131.4 128.0 127.6 127.2 128.0 28.49.372123.0 123.6 122.3 124.7 128.1 132.6 131.5 124.1 120.8 121.1 123.1 123.7 28.50.382121.9 122.8 122.2 125.2 129.2 131.9 129.7 123.2 121.4 120.3 120.5 119.9 28.50.383Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 200228.44.30828.44.309609.79 622.10 621.27 620.60 615.07 600.79 577.83 579.00 572.39 570.35 560.81 558.89 28.44.373364.31 371.08 370.16 368.55 360.75 351.45 336.04 334.78 331.53 330.08 325.81 323.24 28.44.374727.34 741.17 737.67 740.99 726.48 708.11 671.76 671.17 656.73 651.63 642.62 646.28 28.44.375660.57 675.52 679.40 676.70 667.91 648.15 619.42 620.67 618.37 619.90 611.50 608.56 28.44.376620.43 640.11 636.46 634.62 629.57 609.52 581.12 577.43 577.17 577.27 559.97 555.13 28.44.377799.04 821.72 818.02 817.18 808.08 787.17 751.75 752.49 747.27 745.89 734.04 727.98 28.44.378832.53 850.37 851.89 845.77 836.86 818.29 781.43 781.20 776.02 774.76 762.55 757.67 28.44.379596.92 627.82 598.36 615.05 613.81 595.41 569.48 561.82 565.67 568.24 560.31 563.14 28.44.380311.01 315.90 314.73 312.54 305.78 296.12 283.60 281.79 279.74 279.81 275.47 272.76 28.44.381127.8 130.9 131.6 131.4 129.7 126.5 121.3 121.8 121.0 121.0 119.3 117.9 28.49.372125.6 128.2 128.0 126.9 125.0 121.7 116.2 116.1 115.5 115.1 112.8 112.6 28.50.382120.7 123.0 123.3 123.1 120.7 117.1 111.9 112.9 113.3 113.3 111.0 109.4 28.50.383Datatype Data revisedStatistique Canada: Emploi, rémunération et heures de travail 28.44Rémunération hebdomadaire moyenne (incl. temps supplémentaire) des employés par industrie, entreprises de toutes taillesM, matrice numéro 4289, produits électriques et électroniques 308Indices des prix des produits industriels 1992=100 mensuelsI-1992, matrice numéro 1876, matériel électrique industriel 309Rémunération hebdomadaire moyenne (I'EERH), variations non désaisonnaliséesM Employés à salaire fixe; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Ensemble des industries excluant non classifier 373M Salariés rémunérés à l'heure; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Ensemble des industries excluant non classifier 374M Employés à salaire fixe; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques [54] 375M Ensemble; Incluant temps supplémentaire; Fabrication de produits informatiques et électroniques [334] 376M Ensemble; Excl. tps supp.; Services de conseils en gestion et de conseils scientifiques et techniques [5416] 377M Employés à salaire fixe; Incluant temps supplémentaire; Fabrication de matériel électrique [3353] 378M Employés à salaire fixe; Incl. tps supp.; Fab. d'autres types de matériel et de composants électriques [3359] 379M Salariés rémunérés à l'heure; Excl. tps supp.; Fab. de produits aérospatiaux et de leurs pièces [3364] 380M Salariés rémunérés à l'heure; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Branche productrice de services 381Statistique Canada: Indice des prix à la consommation 28.49I-1992 Ensemble 372Statistique Canada: Indices des prix de l'industrie 28.50IPI, appareils électriques/télécommunication/minéraux non-métalliques/pétrole/charbonI-1997 Matériel électrique industriel 382Indices des prix de l'industrie, selon le SCIANI-1997 Fabrication des industries non alimentaires (sauf la fabrication des industries de base) 383Please note that data marked "p" is provisional and likely to be updated.Data in bold has been revised. Please refer to the column marked "data revised" to obtain the date of the last revision for each series.69

3. Exchange ratesThe exchange rates for the EURO against the national currencies of theMember States of the European Community and other major currencies areshown as annual, quarterly and monthly averages. These are based ontheoretical daily exchange rates calculated by the European Commission fromthe market rates of the individual currencies that make up the EURO, andmay not be the same as market rates quoted for the EURO.For further explanation concerning the introduction of the EURO please referto the notes in the introduction and the extract of the Council Regulation from31 st December 1998 and from 19 th June 2000 (provided on pages 5 to 7).3. Taux de changeLes taux de change de l’EURO dans les monnaies nationales des Étatsmembres de la Communauté Européenne et dans les autres monnaiesimportantes sont présentés en moyennes annuelles, trimestrielles etmensuelles. Ceux-ci sont fondés sur les taux de change théoriques au jour lejour calculés par la Commission européenne à partir des taux sur les marchésdes monnaies nationales qui constituaient l'EURO; il se peut qu'ils différentdes taux du marché établit pour l'EURO.Pour de plus amples informations concernant l'introduction de l'EURO veuillezvous référer aux notes dans l'introduction et aux extraits du règlement duConseil du 31 décembre 1998 et du 19 juin 2000 se trouvant aux pages 5 au7.71

TAUX DE CHANGE1 EURO =MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 2001DKR 7.4630 7.4643 7.4633 7.4612 7.4539 7.4447 7.4450 7.4413 7.4367 7.4452 7.4431 7.4521 7.4329SKR 8.9770 9.1264 9.1120 9.0576 9.2106 9.2637 9.3107 9.6744 9.5780 9.4166 9.4359 9.2551 9.2275UKL 0.6340 0.6292 0.6217 0.6133 0.6089 0.6086 0.6267 0.6229 0.6239 0.6184 0.6201 0.6219 0.6166SFR 1.5358 1.5355 1.5287 1.5334 1.5225 1.5135 1.5144 1.4913 1.4793 1.4663 1.4749 1.5105 1.4745NKR 8.2125 8.1600 8.1146 7.9927 7.9360 7.9714 8.0552 7.9985 7.9970 7.9224 7.9911 8.0484 7.9208USD 0.9217 0.9095 0.8920 0.8742 0.8532 0.8607 0.9005 0.9111 0.9059 0.8883 0.8924 0.8956 0.8833YEN 107.08 110.33 110.36 106.50 104.30 107.21 109.34 108.20 109.86 108.68 113.38 108.68 117.12CAD 1.4027 1.4167 1.3903 1.3473 1.3016 1.3153 1.3857 1.4260 1.4224 1.4153 1.4075 1.3864 1.4135AUD 1.7236 1.8072 1.7847 1.6813 1.6469 1.6890 1.7169 1.8036 1.7955 1.7172 1.7348 1.7319 1.70941 EURO =MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 2002DKR 7.4329 7.4299 7.4324 7.4341 7.4356 7.4330 7.4301 7.4270 7.4271 7.4297 7.4280 7.4264 7.4305SKR 9.2275 9.1828 9.0594 9.1358 9.2208 9.1137 9.2689 9.2489 9.1679 9.1051 9.0818 9.0961 9.1611UKL 0.6166 0.6116 0.6157 0.6141 0.6282 0.6441 0.6387 0.6363 0.6306 0.6299 0.6371 0.6422 0.6288SFR 1.4745 1.4775 1.4678 1.4658 1.4572 1.4721 1.4624 1.4636 1.4649 1.4650 1.4673 1.4679 1.4670NKR 7.9208 7.7853 7.7183 7.6221 7.5207 7.4043 7.4050 7.4284 7.3619 7.3405 7.3190 7.2948 7.5086USD 0.8833 0.8700 0.8758 0.8858 0.9170 0.9554 0.9922 0.9778 0.9808 0.9811 1.0014 1.0183 0.9456YEN 117.12 116.23 114.750 115.810 115.860 117.800 117.110 116.310 118.380 121.570 121.650 124.200 118.060CAD 1.4135 1.3880 1.3903 1.4008 1.4210 1.4627 1.5321 1.5333 1.5434 1.5481 1.5735 1.5872 1.4838AUD 1.7094 1.6963 1.6695 1.6537 1.6662 1.6793 1.7922 1.8045 1.7927 1.7831 1.7847 1.8076 1.7376Fixed Euro RatesBEF 40.3399DM 1.95583DR 340.750PTA 166.386FF 6.55957IRL 0.787564LIT 1936.27HFL 2.20371OS 13.7603ESC 200.482FMK 5.9457372

EXCHANGE RATES1 EURO =TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2001 2nd Quarter 2001 3rd Quarter 2001 4th Quarter 2001 20017.4639 7.4593 7.4438 7.4415 7.4521 DKR9.0038 9.1261 9.4067 9.4810 9.2551 SKR0.6326 0.6144 0.6194 0.6209 0.6219 UKL1.5334 1.5283 1.5070 1.4735 1.5105 SFR8.2024 8.0109 8.0094 7.9693 8.0484 NKR0.9232 0.8725 0.8903 0.8959 0.8956 USD109.06 106.93 108.27 110.45 108.68 YEN1.4099 1.3450 1.3743 1.4157 1.3864 CAD1.7405 1.7013 1.7341 1.7508 1.7319 AUD1 EURO =TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2002 2nd Quarter 2002 3rd Quarter 2002 4th Quarter 2002 20027.4318 7.4343 7.4281 7.4281 7.4305 DKR9.1589 9.1584 9.2301 9.0946 9.1611 SKR0.61471 0.62853 0.63533 0.63611 0.62883 UKL1.473 1.465 1.464 1.467 1.467 SFR6.5596 6.5596 6.5596 7.3192 7.5086 NKR0.8766 0.9188 0.9838 0.9994 0.9456 USD1,936 1,936 1,936 122 118.06 YEN1.3978 1.4275 1.5361 1.5687 1.4838 CAD13.7603 13.7603 13.7603 1.7913 1.7376 AUDFixed Euro RatesBEF 40.3399DM 1.95583DR 340.750PTA 166.386FF 6.55957IRL 0.787564LIT 1936.27HFL 2.20371OS 13.7603ESC 200.482FMK 5.9457373

4. Consumer price indicesConsumer price indices in national currencyThe consumer price indices in the national currency of each country measure changes inthe purchasing power of one unit of national currency spent in the country concerned.Two composite indices are calculated, covering all the Member States of the Community(EU-15) and the Member States with currencies participating in monetary union (EURO).These indices are calculated as weighted arithmetic means (chain indices) of thenational indices, the weight for each Member State being its relative share in the finalconsumption of households of the group of countries in question (EU-15 or EURO),expressed in purchasing power standards, at current prices and purchasing powerparities.Purchasing power of the ECU/EURO (PPs)These harmonised inflation figures are used for the assessment of inflation convergence.They are not intended to replace existing national Consumer Price Indices (CPIs) whichmay still be published according to national need and definitions.PPs are designed for international comparisons of consumer price inflation. They wereused in particular by the European Commission and European Monetary Institute in theirEMU convergence reports under Article 109j of the Treaty on European Union.The Monetary Union Index of Consumer Prices (MUICP) is a key instrument formonitoring price stability in the euro-zone. The MUICP is based on the PPs of thecountries participating in Stage III of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The MUICPis calculated as a weighted average of PPs of the members of the euro-zone. Countryweights are computed every year reflecting the country's share of private final domesticconsumption expenditure in the euro-zone.74

4. Indices de prix à la consommationIndices de prix à la consommation exprimés en monnaie nationalePour chaque pays, les indices des prix à la consommation calculés sur la base dedonnées en monnaie nationale mesurent la variation de pouvoir d’achat d’une unité demonnaie nationale dépensée dans le pays considéré. Deux indices synthétiques sontcalculés couvrant respectivement l’ensemble des États membres de la Communauté(EU-15) et les États membres dont les monnaies participent dans l'union monétaire(EURO). Ces indices sont calculés comme moyennes arithmétiques des indicesnationaux, pondérées (indices-chaînes) par la part de chaque État membre dans laconsommation finale des ménages de l’ensemble considéré (EU-15 ou EURO). Pour cescalculs, les données de consommation finale des ménages sont exprimées en standardsde pouvoir d’achat, aux prix et parités de pouvoir d’achat courants.Pouvoir d'achat de l'ECU/EURO (PA)Ces chiffres harmonisés sont utilisés pour évaluer la convergence entre les tauxd'inflation. Ils ne sont pas destinés à remplacer les indices nationaux des prix à laconsommation (IPC) qui pourront toujours être calculés et publiés sur la base desdéfinitions et besoins spécifiques de chaque État membre.Le PA doit permettre les comparaisons internationales de l'évolution des prix à laconsommation. Il a été utilisé en particulier à la Commission européenne et à l'Institutmonétaire européen (IME) pour établir son rapport sur la convergence dans le cadre dela réalisation de l'UEM conformément à l'article 109 J du traité sur l'Union européenne.L'indice des prix à la consommation de l'Union monétaire (IPCUM) est le principalinstrument de suivi de l'évolution des prix dans la zone euro. L'IPCUM est basé sur le PAdes pays participant à la phase III de l'union économique et monétaire (UEM). L'IPCUMest une moyenne pondérée du PA des États membres. La pondération de chaque paysest proportionnelle à la part de sa consommation privée intérieure finale dans le total dela zone euro.75

INDICE HARMONISES DES PRIX A LA CONSOMMATIONMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY1996=100EU-15 B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL1997 101.7 101.5 101.9 101.5 105.4 101.9 101.3 101.2 101.9 101.4 101.91998 103.0 102.4 103.3 102.1 110.2 103.7 102.0 103.4 103.9 102.4 103.71999 104.3 103.6 105.4 102.8 112.6 106.0 102.5 106.0 105.7 103.4 105.82000 106.2 106.4 108.3 104.2 115.8 109.7 104.4 111.5 108.4 107.3 108.22001 108.6 109.0 110.7 106.2 120.1 112.8 106.3 116.0 110.9 109.9 113.82001 11 109.0 109.8 111.2 105.9 121.7 114.1 106.6 117.5 112.0 110.7 115.02001 12 109.5 109.7 111.4 107.1 123.1 114.4 106.7 118.5 112.1 110.4 114.82002 01 109.5 108.7 111.6 107.2 122.4 114.2 107.3 118.3 112.0 109.6 116.12002 02 109.7 110.5 112.1 107.5 121.0 114.3 107.4 119.0 111.8 110.9 116.72002 03 110.3 110.7 113.0 107.7 124.5 115.3 107.8 120.1 112.8 111.0 117.92002 04 110.8 110.8 113.4 107.6 125.5 116.9 108.3 121.0 113.6 111.6 118.72002 05 111.0 111.0 113.5 107.7 125.8 117.3 108.4 121.7 113.9 112.1 118.52002 06 111.0 110.7 113.6 107.6 125.5 117.3 108.4 121.9 114.0 112.4 118.12002 07 110.8 109.6 113.2 108.0 123.0 116.5 108.3 121.3 113.9 111.7 118.02002 08 110.9 111.2 113.4 107.8 123.2 116.9 108.5 122.0 113.7 112.6 118.22002 09 111.2 111.3 114.1 107.6 125.8 117.3 108.7 122.4 114.3 113.0 119.42002 10 111.5 111.2 114.4 107.5 126.4 118.4 108.9 122.9 114.9 113.5 119.32002 11 111.4 111.0 114.3 107.1 126.5 118.6 108.8 123.0 115.2 113.7 118.776

HARMONISED CONSUMER PRICE INDEXMONNAIE NATIONALE - NATIONAL CURRENCY1996=100A P FIN S UK IS N CH USA JAP CAN101.2 101.9 101.2 101.9 101.8 101.8 102.5 1997102.0 104.2 102.6 102.9 103.4 103.2 104.6 1998102.5 106.4 103.9 103.4 104.8 105.4 106.8 1999104.5 109.4 107.0 104.8 105.6 110.0 110.0 2000106.9 114.2 109.8 107.6 106.9 117.3 113.0 2001107.4 115.8 110.4 108.8 107.2 121.3 112.7 2001 11107.7 116.0 110.4 108.9 107.5 121.8 112.8 2001 12107.9 116.1 110.9 108.2 107.1 122.9 112.9 2002 01108.0 115.9 111.2 108.5 107.3 122.6 113.3 2002 02108.2 116.4 111.8 109.6 107.7 123.1 113.6 2002 03108.7 117.4 112.3 109.9 108.1 123.0 113.6 2002 04108.9 118.3 112.5 110.1 108.4 123.0 113.8 2002 05108.8 118.7 112.3 109.9 108.4 123.7 113.8 2002 06108.7 119.0 111.9 109.3 108.1 123.9 113.7 2002 07109.0 119.2 111.9 109.4 108.4 123.3 113.3 2002 08108.9 119.1 112.4 110.2 108.7 123.9 114.1 2002 09109.2 119.8 112.7 110.6 108.9 124.4 114.3 2002 10109.2 120.5 112.3 110.3 108.9 124.1 114.7 2002 1177

POUVOIR D'ACHAT DE L'ECU/EUROECU/EURO1996=100EUR EU-15 B DK D EL E F IRL I L1995 96.9 96.7 100.2 98.4 100.7 93.5 95.2 97.5 95.2 88.5 100.71998 100.7 104.2 99.1 101.4 99.0 101.8 99.7 100.3 104.4 104.8 99.01999 102.3 106.5 100.9 104.3 100.4 105.8 102.4 101.5 106.8 106.9 100.72000 104.7 110.1 103.6 106.9 102.4 105.1 106.0 103.3 112.4 109.7 104.52001 107.3 112.1 106.1 109.4 104.9 107.6 109.0 105.2 116.8 112.2 107.02001 11 109.7 114.2 107.8 112.3 106.3 111.9 112.9 107.2 122.4 115.1 109.22001 12 108.0 112.8 106.9 110.1 104.9 110.4 110.5 105.6 119.3 113.4 107.52002 01 108.5 113.2 105.9 110.5 105.9 109.7 110.3 106.1 119.1 113.4 106.82002 02 108.6 113.5 107.6 111.0 106.1 108.5 110.4 106.2 119.8 113.0 108.02002 03 109.2 114.1 107.8 111.9 106.4 111.6 111.4 106.7 120.9 114.1 108.12002 04 109.8 114.7 107.9 112.3 106.4 112.5 112.9 107.2 121.8 114.9 108.72002 05 109.9 114.4 108.1 112.3 106.4 112.8 113.3 107.3 122.5 115.2 109.22002 06 109.9 113.9 107.8 112.5 106.3 112.5 113.3 107.3 122.7 115.3 109.52002 07 109.7 113.9 106.8 112.1 106.6 110.3 112.5 107.2 122.1 115.2 108.82002 08 109.8 114.1 108.3 112.4 106.4 110.5 112.9 107.4 122.8 115.0 109.72002 09 110.1 114.6 108.4 113.1 106.4 112.8 113.3 107.6 123.2 115.6 110.12002 10 110.4 114.9 108.3 113.3 106.3 113.3 114.4 107.8 123.7 116.2 110.62002 11 110.4 114.9 108.3 113.3 106.3 113.3 114.4 107.8 123.7 116.278

PURCHASING POWER OF THE ECU/EUROECU/EURO1996=100NL A P FIN S UK IS N CH USA JAP CAN100.5 100.1 97.0 101.0 90.5 95.8 97.8 98.2 100.6 94.3 112.6 199599.9 98.9 101.1 99.9 98.2 124.4 109.6 101.2 97.2 117.8 96.8 1998102.7 100.1 103.9 101.9 100.0 129.5 115.6 105.3 99.2 126.6 116.7 1999105.1 102.1 106.8 104.9 105.7 141.0 128.3 111.2 103.6 151.3 140.9 2000110.5 104.4 111.5 107.7 99.0 139.9 113.6 115.0 107.9 160.1 128.0 2001114.8 106.2 115.6 109.8 102.0 140.1 121.3 124.3 114.0 154.4 2001 11111.5 105.1 113.3 108.2 98.3 140.9 110.4 115.7 110.4 160.3 121.9 2001 12112.7 105.3 113.4 108.7 99.8 141.2 114.8 116.8 110.7 162.1 117.8 2002 01113.3 105.4 113.2 109.0 100.6 142.6 117.7 119.3 110.4 165.3 118.1 2002 02114.5 105.6 113.7 109.6 103.0 142.1 118.4 120.6 111.2 165.1 120.0 2002 03115.2 106.1 114.6 110.1 102.4 143.1 121.1 122.2 112.3 164.2 119.3 2002 04115.1 106.3 115.5 110.3 101.7 140.2 123.6 124.0 113.0 158.6 119.4 2002 05114.8 106.2 115.9 110.1 102.7 136.8 122.8 126.0 111.7 152.4 117.4 2002 06114.6 106.1 116.2 109.7 100.4 137.5 123.6 125.8 111.7 147.0 117.3 2002 07114.9 106.4 116.4 109.7 100.7 138.4 123.9 125.0 111.8 149.6 118.2 2002 08116.0 106.3 116.3 110.2 102.3 140.1 122.2 127.0 111.8 149.2 116.5 2002 09115.9 106.7 117.0 110.5 103.4 140.5 122.3 127.6 112.4 149.4 113.3 2002 10115.4 106.6 117.7 110.1 2002 1179

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