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agesranzcogTraineeWorkshop26 & 27august2005Platinum Sponsor of <strong>AGES</strong>Major Sponsor of <strong>AGES</strong>SURGICAL SKILLS CENTREROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONSSPRING ST MELBOURNE

<strong>AGES</strong>, in conjunction with RANZCOG, are pleased to present theLaparoscopic Skills Workshop for advanced RANZCOG trainees. Theworkshop is to be held on Friday 26 August 2005 and Saturday 27August 2005 at the new Surgical Skills Centre, Royal AustralasianCollege of Surgeons, Spring Street, Melbourne.This workshop was designed in response to the new surgical skillassessment modules the College has developed for Level 5 and 6trainees.Attendance at this workshop will be of significant benefit in passing thelaparoscopic component of these assessments.The Training Committee of RANZCOG together with <strong>AGES</strong> highlyrecommend that Level 5 and 6 trainees attend this course. All supervisingconsultants are encouraged to allow their trainees to be free during thistime to attend this inaugural course. We intend that this course willbecome an integral part of training and accreditation in the future and wewould hope that significant numbers would be able to attend.messagefrom the convenorscourseobjectives coursenumbersThe aims of the course are to teach Level 5 and 6 trainees the practiceand principles of laparoscopic adnexal surgery and laparoscopicsuturing techniques.The maximum number of delegates is 32. As places are limited,delegates are encouraged to book early.Dr Rob O’Shea South Australia President <strong>AGES</strong>Dr Kenneth Clark New Zealand President RANZCOGDr Jim Tsaltas VictoriaAssoc Prof Peter Maher VictoriaDr Chris Hughes South AustraliaAssoc Prof Alan Lam SydneyProf Ray Garry Western AustraliaDr Elvis Seman South AustraliaMr Garry Kakos Victoria Co-ordinator RACS Skill CentreorganisingcommitteeProf David HealyDr Anna RosamiliaDr Anthony LawrenceDr Marcus CareyDr Stuart SalfingerDr Scott PearceDr Emma ReadmanDr Janine ManwaringDr Haider Ahmedfaculty

day 1– friday 26 augustcourse outlineLaparoscopic pelvic anatomyPrinciples of electrosurgeryEctopic pregnancyindications and techniques of laparoscopic managementOvarian cystsovarian cystectomy and oophorectomy techniques and tissue extractionRevisiting laparoscopic entry techniquesVeress needle, open Hasson entry and Palmer’s point entryStations:Laparoscopic ectopicLaparoscopic diathermyLaparoscopic hand/eye coordinationLaparoscopic instrument set uplecture programlaparoscopic skills workshopday 2 – saturday 27 augustlaparoscopic suturingAn introduction to laparoscopic suturing techniques,instrumentation and ergonomicsOutline of different types of instruments availableincluding needle holders, needle receivers,secondary graspers and knot pushersLaparoscopic suturing stations. Intensive training insuturingSession concludes with assessment of skillsobtained and feedbackconditionsDEPOSITS AND FINAL PAYMENTS: All costs are payable in advance.If, for any reason, your entire payment has not been received by thedue date, we reserve the right to treat your booking fee as cancelledand will apply the appropriate cancellation fee.CANCELLATION POLICY: Should you or a member of your party beforced to cancel, you are to advise the Conference Organisers inwriting. Single Meeting Registrations: The <strong>AGES</strong> cancellation policyfor workshops and courses allows a cancellation fee of $100.00 ofregistration fees for cancellations received 8 weeks’ prior to the firstday of the Meeting and of 50% of registration fees for cancellations4 weeks’ prior to the Meeting. No refund will be made after thistime. <strong>AGES</strong> reserves the right to cancel any workshop or course ifthere are insufficient registrations.INSURANCE: Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind.Insurance is strongly recommended to cover: loss of payments as aresult of cancellation of your participation in the Conference, orthrough cancellation of the Conference itself, loss of airfares for anyreason, loss or damage to personal property, additional expensesand repatriation should travel arrangements need to be altered,medical expenses, or any other related losses.PRICING POLICY: It is impossible to predict increases to costelements such as government taxes and other service providertariffs. In the event of such fluctuations or increases affecting theprice of the Conference tour, we reserve the right to adjust our tourprices as may be necessary at any time up to and including the dayof departure, even though the balance payment may have beenmade. If we are forced to change your booking or any part of it forany reasons beyond our control, for instance, if an airline changes itsschedule - we reserve the right to vary your itinerary and will giveyou, or cause to be given to you, prompt notice thereof.COSTS DO NOT INCLUDE: Insurance, telephone calls, laundry, foodand beverage except as itemised in the brochure, items of apersonal nature.OUR RESPONSIBILITY: <strong>AGES</strong> and Conference Connection cannotaccept any liability of whatever nature for the acts, omissions ordefault, whether negligent or otherwise of those airlines, coachoperators, shipping companies, hoteliers, or other persons providingservices in connection with your tour pursuant to a contract betweenthemselves and yourself (which may be evidenced in writing by theissue of a ticket, voucher, coupon or the like) and over whom wehave no direct and exclusive control.<strong>AGES</strong> and Conference Connection do not accept any liability incontract or in tort (actionable wrong) for any injury, damage, loss,delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly orindirectly by force majeure or other events which are beyond ourcontrol, or which are not preventable by reasonable diligence on ourpart including but not limited to war, civil disturbance, fire, floods,unusually severe weather, acts of God, act of Government or anyauthorities, accidents to or failure of machinery or equipment orindustrial action (whether or not involving our employees and eventhough such action may be settled by acceding to the demands of alabour group. Please note that the Prices quoted are subject tochange without notice.PRIVACY ACT 1988, Corporations Act 2001: Collection, maintenanceand disclosure of certain personal information is governed bylegislation included in these Acts. Please note that your details maybe disclosed to the parties mentioned in this brochure.

sponsorshipPlatinum Sponsor of <strong>AGES</strong>Applied MedicalMajor Sponsor of <strong>AGES</strong>Johnson & JohnsonMajor Workshop SponsorN. Stenningregistration and booking formdelegate detailstitle first name surnameaddressstatep’codephone mobile faxe-mail badge name trainee levelspecial dietary requirementsconference coststax invoiceABN 33 075 573 367<strong>AGES</strong>/RANZCOG Trainee Workshop 26 & 27 April $400 $………..booking agreementOn behalf of each person named forwhom this booking request is made,I have read, understood, and agree to bebound by the conditions set out in thisworkshop brochure.Signatureages membership fees 2005Registrar/TraineeInternationalRegistrar/TraineeFees to 31 December 2005 $176 $160 $………..TOTAL PAYABLE (INCL. GST)All costs include GST.Registration Fee InclusionsAttendance at all sessions on 26 & 27 August.Conference lunches, morning & afternoon teas.$………..DatePAYMENTPayment by ChequePlease send registration form and chequemade payable to “<strong>AGES</strong>” to:Conference Connection282 Edinburgh RoadCastlecrag, Sydney, NSW 2068Payment by Credit Card(Visa or Mastercard only)Card NumberPaymentsCompleted registration form must be accompanied by full payment.All costs are in Australian dollars, and include gst.Registration fees are payable by cheque, Visa or Mastercard.Expiry DateCardholder NameSignatureFAX BACK NUMBER: 02 9967 2627Date

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