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Practical In<strong>for</strong>mationon <strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>A GUIDE FOR SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIESMitigation& PreventionPreparednessRecoveryResponse

This report was produced under U.S. Department of EducationContract No. ED-01-CO-0082/0006 with Westat. Connie Deshp<strong>and</strong>eserved as the contracting officer’s technical representative.U.S. Department of EducationRod PaigeSecretaryOffice of Safe <strong>and</strong> Drug-Free <strong>Schools</strong>Judge Eric AndellDeputy Under SecretaryBill ModzeleskiDeputy Associate Under SecretaryConnie Deshp<strong>and</strong>eSr. Policy AnalystJennifer MedearisPolicy AnalystMay 2003This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduceit in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint thispublication is not necessary, the citation should be:U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe <strong>and</strong> Drug-Free<strong>Schools</strong>, Practical In<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>: A Guide <strong>for</strong><strong>Schools</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Communities</strong>, Washington, D.C., 2003.To order copies of this report,write to: ED Pubs, Education Publications Center, U.S.Department of Education, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398;or fax your request to: (301) 470-1244;or email your request to: edpubs@inet.ed.gov;or call in your request toll-free: 1-877-433-7827 (1-877-4-ED-PUBS).If 877 service is not yet available in your area,call 1-800-872-5327 (1-800-USA-LEARN). Those whouse a telecommunications devise <strong>for</strong> the deaf (TDD)or a teletypewriter (TTY), should call 1-800-437-0833;or order on-line at: www.ed.gov/about/ordering.jspThis report is also available on the Department’s Web site atwww.ed.gov/emergencyplanOn request, this publication is available in alternate <strong>for</strong>mats, suchas Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette. For morein<strong>for</strong>mation, please contact the Department’s Alternate FormatCenter (202) 260-9895 or (202) 205-8113.

CONTENTSPageSection 1: IntroductionIntroduction.....................................................1-1Why This Guide? ............................................1-3An Important Note on Research....................1-4What Is a <strong>Crisis</strong>? .............................................1-5The Sequence of <strong>Crisis</strong> Management.............1-6Take Action! Key Principles <strong>for</strong> Effective<strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> ............................................1-8Using This Guide ..........................................1-12Section 2: Mitigation/PreventionAction Checklist <strong>for</strong> Mitigation/PreventionMitigation/Prevention.....................................2-1Mitigation ........................................................2-3Prevention........................................................2-4Action Steps.....................................................2-5Section 3: PreparednessAction Checklist <strong>for</strong> PreparednessPreparedness....................................................3-1Action Steps.....................................................3-3Section 4: ResponseAction Checklist <strong>for</strong> ResponseResponse ..........................................................4-1Action Steps.....................................................4-2Section 5: RecoveryAction Checklist <strong>for</strong> RecoveryRecovery...........................................................5-1Action Steps.....................................................5-2Closing the Loop..............................................5-7i

CONTENTS (C0NT.)PageSection 6: Closer Look:Defining What Constitutes a <strong>Crisis</strong> ...............6-2FEMA Resources.............................................6-3Leadership .......................................................6-5Terrorism .........................................................6-7Volunteers ........................................................6-9Communication .............................................6-10Preparedness..................................................6-13Community Collaboration ............................6-17Incident Comm<strong>and</strong> System...........................6-19The Media......................................................6-22Products .........................................................6-24Considerations of Special NeedsStaff <strong>and</strong> Students .....................................6-30Student Release .............................................6-32Preparing Students, Staff,<strong>and</strong> Stakeholders to Respond ...................6-35Staff Training ................................................6-37Tabletop Exercises.........................................6-40Families..........................................................6-42Models of <strong>Crisis</strong> Invention <strong>for</strong> Students......6-46Appendix A.Resources ........................................................A-1Appendix B.Emergency School Safety, <strong>Planning</strong>,Response, <strong>and</strong> Recovery MeetingParticipants..................................................B-1Appendix C.<strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> Interview Participants .........C-1List of ExhibitsExhibit 1.1 Cycle of <strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>..................................1-7Exhibit 3.1 Lockdown, Evacuation, orRelocation Decisions ...................................3-9ii

Introduction“As a <strong>for</strong>mer superintendent of thenation’s seventh largest school district,I know the importance of emergencyplanning. The midst of a crisis is not thetime to start figuring out who ought to dowhat. At that moment, everyone involved—from top to bottom—should know the drill<strong>and</strong> know each other.”-Secretary Rod Paige1-1

Families trust schools to keep their children safe duringthe day. Thanks to the ef<strong>for</strong>ts of more than millions ofteachers, principals, <strong>and</strong> staff across America, themajority of schools remain a safe haven <strong>for</strong> our nation’syouth. The un<strong>for</strong>tunate reality is, however, that schooldistricts in this country may be touched either directlyor indirectly by a crisis of some kind at any time.Natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, <strong>and</strong>tornados can strike a community with little or no warning.School shootings, threatened or actual, are extremelyrare but are horrific <strong>and</strong> chilling when they occur.The harrowing events of September 11 <strong>and</strong> subsequentanthrax scares have ushered in a new age of terrorism.<strong>Communities</strong> across the country are struggling to underst<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> avert acts of terror.Children <strong>and</strong> youth rely on <strong>and</strong> find great com<strong>for</strong>t inthe adults who protect them. Teachers <strong>and</strong> staff mustknow how to help their students through a crisis <strong>and</strong>return them home safely. Knowing what to do whenfaced with a crisis can be the difference between calm<strong>and</strong> chaos, between courage <strong>and</strong> fear, between life <strong>and</strong>death. There are thous<strong>and</strong>s of fires in schools everyyear, yet there is minimal damage to life <strong>and</strong> propertybecause staff <strong>and</strong> students are prepared. This preparednessneeds to be extended to all risks schools face.<strong>Schools</strong> <strong>and</strong> districts need to be ready to h<strong>and</strong>le crises,large <strong>and</strong> small, to keep our children <strong>and</strong> staff out ofharm’s way <strong>and</strong> ready to learn <strong>and</strong> teach.The time to plan is now. If you do not have a crisisplan in place, develop one. If you have one, reviewit, update <strong>and</strong> practice your plan.1-2

Children <strong>and</strong> youth rely on<strong>and</strong>findWHY THIS GUIDE?greatTaking action now can save lives, prevent injury, <strong>and</strong>minimize property damage in the moments of a crisis.The importance of reviewing <strong>and</strong> revising school <strong>and</strong>district plans cannot be underscored enough, <strong>and</strong>Practical In<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>: A Guide <strong>for</strong><strong>Schools</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Communities</strong> is designed to help you navigatethis process. The Guide is intended to give schools,districts, <strong>and</strong> communities the critical concepts <strong>and</strong>components of good crisis planning, stimulate thinkingabout the crisis preparedness process, <strong>and</strong> provideexamples of promising practices.This document does not provide a cookbook approachto crisis preparedness. Each community has its ownhistory, culture, <strong>and</strong> way of doing business. <strong>Schools</strong><strong>and</strong> districts are at risk <strong>for</strong> different types of crises <strong>and</strong>have their own definitions of what constitutes a crisis.<strong>Crisis</strong> plans need to be customized to communities,districts, <strong>and</strong> schools to meet the unique needs of localresidents <strong>and</strong> students. <strong>Crisis</strong> plans also need to addressstate <strong>and</strong> local school safety laws.com<strong>for</strong>t in the adults who protect them.Experts recommend against cutting <strong>and</strong> pasting plansfrom other schools <strong>and</strong> districts. Other plans can serveas useful models, but what is effective <strong>for</strong> a large innercityschool district where the population is concentratedmay be ineffective <strong>for</strong> a rural community where schools<strong>and</strong> first responders are far apart.1-3

AN IMPORTANT NOTE ONRESEARCHThe research on what works in school-based crisis planningis in its infancy. While a growing body of research<strong>and</strong> literature is available on crisis management <strong>for</strong>schools, there is little hard evidence to quantify bestpractices. Fortunately, major crises, especially catastrophicevents, are rare in our nation’s schools. Fewcases can be <strong>for</strong>mally evaluated. Much of the in<strong>for</strong>mationin this Guide draws heavily on what we knowabout crisis management in many settings. These promisingpractices could effectively be adapted <strong>and</strong> appliedto school settings.Furthermore, the Department conducted extensiveinterviews with individuals who have experienced crisisin a school first h<strong>and</strong>. We also benefited from input bythe multidisciplinary expert panel (see Appendix B) <strong>and</strong>many other experts in the field. While not a large-scaleimpact study, these interviews provide community <strong>and</strong>educational leaders with the most current practicalin<strong>for</strong>mation on crisis management.1-4

WHAT IS A CRISIS?Crises range in scope <strong>and</strong> intensity from incidentsthat directly or indirectly affect a single studentto ones that impact the entire community. Crisescan happen be<strong>for</strong>e, during, or after school <strong>and</strong>on or off school campuses. The definition of acrisis varies with the unique needs, resources,<strong>and</strong> assets of a school <strong>and</strong> community. Staff<strong>and</strong> students may be severely affected by anincident in another city or state. The eventsof Columbine <strong>and</strong> September 11 left the entirenation feeling vulnerable.The underpinnings <strong>for</strong> this Guide can be foundin the definition <strong>for</strong> crisis: “An unstable or crucialtime or state of affairs in which a decisivechange is impending, especially one with thedistinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome(Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary,1987).” Additionally, Webster notes that “crisis”comes from the Greek word meaning “decision”(Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, 1987).In essence, a crisis is a situation where schoolscould be faced with inadequate in<strong>for</strong>mation, notenough time, <strong>and</strong> insufficient resources, but inwhich leaders must make one or many crucialdecisions.All districts <strong>and</strong> schools need a crisis team. Oneof the key functions of this team is to identifythe types of crises that may occur in the district<strong>and</strong> schools <strong>and</strong> define what events would activatethe plan. The team may consider many factorssuch as the school’s ability to h<strong>and</strong>le a situationwith internal resources <strong>and</strong> its experience inresponding to past events.PAGE 6-2Defining <strong>Crisis</strong>1-5

Plans need to address a range of events <strong>and</strong> hazardscaused both by both nature <strong>and</strong> by people, such as:Natural disasters (earthquake, tornado,hurricane, flood)Severe weatherFiresChemical or hazardous material spillsBus crashesSchool shootingsBomb threatsMedical emergenciesStudent or staff deaths (suicide, homicide,unintentional, or natural)Acts of terror or warTHE SEQUENCE OF CRISISMANAGEMENTThe results of extensive interviews <strong>and</strong> a review of thecrisis literature reveal that experts employ four phasesof crisis management:Mitigation/Prevention addresses whatschools <strong>and</strong> districts can do to reduce oreliminate risk to life <strong>and</strong> property.1-6

Preparedness focuses on the process ofplanning <strong>for</strong> the worst-case scenario.Response is devoted to the steps to takeduring a crisis.Recovery deals with how to restore thelearning <strong>and</strong> teaching environment aftera crisis.<strong>Crisis</strong> management is a continuous process in which allphases of the plan are being reviewed <strong>and</strong> revised (seeExhibit 1.1). Good plans are never finished. They canalways be updated based on experience, research, <strong>and</strong>changing vulnerabilities. Districts <strong>and</strong> schools may bein various stages of planning. This Guide provides theresources needed to start the planning process <strong>and</strong> isa tool used to review <strong>and</strong> improve existing plans.Exhibit 1.1Cycle of <strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>Mitigation& PreventionPreparednessRecoveryResponse1-7

TAKE ACTION!KEY PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVECRISIS PLANNING<strong>Crisis</strong> planning may seem overwhelming. It takes time<strong>and</strong> ef<strong>for</strong>t, but it is manageable. Sections 2 through 5provide practical tips on how to develop your plans.These principles are crucial to the planning process.Effective crisis planning begins withleadership at the top. Every governor,mayor, legislator, superintendent, <strong>and</strong> principalshould work together to make school crisisplanning a priority. Top leadership helpsset the policy agenda, secures funds, <strong>and</strong>brings the necessary people together acrossagencies. Other leadership also needs to beidentified—the teacher who is well loved inher school, the county’s favorite schoolresource officer, or the caring school nurse.Leaders at the grassroots level will help yourschool community accept <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>m theplanning process.<strong>Crisis</strong> plans should not be developed ina vacuum. They are a natural extension ofongoing school <strong>and</strong> community ef<strong>for</strong>ts tocreate safe learning environments. Goodplanning can enhance all school functions.Needs assessments <strong>and</strong> other data shouldfeed into a crisis plan. <strong>Crisis</strong> plans shouldaddress incidents that could occur insideschool buildings, on school grounds, <strong>and</strong>in the community. Coordination will avoidduplication <strong>and</strong> mixed messages, as well asreduce burden on planners.1-8

Effective crisis planningbegins withSchool <strong>and</strong> districts should open thechannels of communication well be<strong>for</strong>ea crisis. Relationships need to be built inadvance so that emergency responders arefamiliar with your school. Cultivate a relationshipwith city emergency managers, publicworks officials, <strong>and</strong> health <strong>and</strong> mentalhealth professionals now, <strong>and</strong> do not overlooklocal media. It is important that theyunderst<strong>and</strong> how the district <strong>and</strong> schools willrespond in a crisis.leadership at the top.<strong>Crisis</strong> plans should be developed in partnershipwith other community groups,including law en<strong>for</strong>cement, fire safetyofficials, emergency medical services, aswell as health <strong>and</strong> mental health professionals.Do not reinvent the wheel. Thesegroups know what to do in an emergency<strong>and</strong> can be helpful in the development ofyour plan. Get their help to develop a coordinatedplan of response.A common vocabulary is necessary.It is critical that school staff <strong>and</strong> emergencyresponders know each other’s terminology.Work with emergency responders to developa common vocabulary. The words used togive directions <strong>for</strong> evacuation, lockdown, <strong>and</strong>other actions should be clear <strong>and</strong> not hazardspecific. The Federal Emergency ManagementAgency recommends using plain language toannounce the need <strong>for</strong> action, <strong>for</strong> example,1-9

<strong>Crisis</strong> plans are living documents.Theyneedtobereviewed <strong>and</strong> revised regularly.“evacuate” rather than “code blue.” Manydistricts note that with plain language everyonein the school building including newstaff, substitute teachers, <strong>and</strong> visitors willknow what type of response is called <strong>for</strong>.However, some districts have found it usefulto use—but streamline—codes. Rather thana code <strong>for</strong> each type of incident they use onlyone code <strong>for</strong> each type of response. Witheither approach, it is critical that terms <strong>and</strong>/orcodes are used consistently across the district.<strong>Schools</strong> should tailor district crisis plansto meet individual school needs. In fact, aplan should not be one document. It shouldbe a series of documents targeted to variousaudiences. For example, a school could usedetailed response guides <strong>for</strong> planners,flipcharts <strong>for</strong> teachers, a crisis response toolbox<strong>for</strong> administrators, <strong>and</strong> wallet cards containingevacuation routes <strong>for</strong> bus drivers.Plans should be age appropriate. Elementaryschool children will behave much differentlyin a crisis than high school students.Plan <strong>for</strong> the diverse needs of children<strong>and</strong> staff. Our review of crisis plans foundthat few schools addressed children or staffwith physical, sensory, motor, developmental,or mental challenges. Special attention isalso needed <strong>for</strong> children with limited English1-10

proficiency. Outreach documents <strong>for</strong> familiesmay be needed in several languages.Include all types of schools where appropriate.Be sure to include alternative, charter,<strong>and</strong> private schools in the planningprocess, as well as others who are involvedwith children be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong> after school.Provide teachers <strong>and</strong> staff with readyaccess to the plan so they can underst<strong>and</strong>its components <strong>and</strong> act on them. Peoplewho have experienced a crisis often reportthat they go on “autopilot” during an incident.They need to know what to do in advance notonly to get them through an incident but alsoto help alleviate panic <strong>and</strong> anxiety.Training <strong>and</strong> practice are essential <strong>for</strong>the successful implementation of crisisplans. Most students <strong>and</strong> staff know whatto do in case of a fire because the lawrequires them to participate in routine firedrills, but would they know what to do in adifferent crisis? Many districts now requireevacuation <strong>and</strong> lockdown drills in addition tostate-m<strong>and</strong>ated fire drills. Drills also allowyour school to evaluate what works <strong>and</strong> whatneeds to be improved.1-11

<strong>Crisis</strong> plans are living documents. They need to bereviewed <strong>and</strong> revised regularly. Analyzing how wella crisis plan worked in responding to an incident,whether a drill or a real event, is crucial. Documentingall actions taken while, during, <strong>and</strong> after an event helpsin identifying the strengths <strong>and</strong> weaknesses of a plan.Use this in<strong>for</strong>mation to strengthen the plan.USING THIS GUIDEThe remainder of this Guide is organized into five sections.Sections 2 through 5 discuss mitigation/prevention,preparedness, response, <strong>and</strong> recovery in-depth. Eachsection begins with a checklist that provides an overviewof the critical issues in each phase. These are designed sothey can be copied <strong>and</strong> distributed to various stakeholders.Section 6 provides closer looks at specific aspects ofcrisis management. These are intended <strong>for</strong> key plannerswho need more detailed guidance to help them implementthe crisis planning process. This symbol refers thereader to a Closer Look topic.Appendix A provides a resource guide <strong>for</strong> getting started.A wealth of in<strong>for</strong>mation is already available to helpbegin or update the planning process. It also includescontact in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> state school safety offices,FEMA, state emergency management agencies, <strong>and</strong>disaster relief organizations.Appendix B contains the names <strong>and</strong> affiliations of theworking group members, as well as the members of thefocus groups held across the country. Finally, AppendixC contains the names of the crisis planning expertsinterviewed to assist in preparing the Guide.1-12

Mitigation & PreventionMitigation &Prevention

Mitigation & PreventionACTION CHECKLISTConnect with community emergencyresponders to identify local hazards.Mitigatin& PreventionReview the last safety audit toexamine school buildings <strong>and</strong>grounds.Determine who is responsible <strong>for</strong>overseeing violence preventionstrategies in your school.Encourage staff to provide input <strong>and</strong>feedback into the crisis planningprocess.Review incident data.Determine the major problems in yourschool with regard to student crime<strong>and</strong> violence.Assess how the school addressesthese problems.Conduct an assessment to determinehow these problems—as well as others—may impact your vulnerability tocertain crises.

Mitigation& PreventionAlthough schools have no control over someof the hazards that may impact them, suchas earthquakes or plane crashes, they cantake actions to minimize or mitigate theimpact of such incidents. <strong>Schools</strong> in earthquake-proneareas can mitigate the impactof a possible earthquake by securing bookcases<strong>and</strong> training students <strong>and</strong> staff whatto do during tremors.<strong>Schools</strong> cannot always control fights, bombthreats, <strong>and</strong> school shootings. However,they can take actions to reduce the likelihoodof such events. <strong>Schools</strong> may institutepolicies, implement violence preventionprograms, <strong>and</strong> take other steps to improvethe culture <strong>and</strong> climate of their campuses.2-1

School safety <strong>and</strong> emergency management experts oftenuse the terms prevention <strong>and</strong> mitigation differently.Crises experts encourage schools to consider the fullrange of what they can do to avoid crises (when possible),or lessen their impact. Assessing <strong>and</strong> addressing the safety<strong>and</strong> integrity of facilities (window seals, HVAC systems,building structure), security (functioning locks, controlledaccess to the school), <strong>and</strong> the culture <strong>and</strong> climate ofschools through policy <strong>and</strong> curricula are all important <strong>for</strong>preventing <strong>and</strong> mitigating possible future crises.Mitigation <strong>and</strong> prevention require taking inventory ofthe dangers in a school <strong>and</strong> community <strong>and</strong> identifyingwhat to do to prevent <strong>and</strong> reduce injury <strong>and</strong> propertydamage. For example:Establishing access control procedures <strong>and</strong>providing IDs <strong>for</strong> students <strong>and</strong> staff mightprevent a dangerous intruder from comingonto school grounds.Conducting hurricane drills can reduceinjury to students <strong>and</strong> staff because theywill know what to do to avoid harm. Also,schools in hurricane-prone areas can addressstructural weaknesses in their buildings.<strong>Planning</strong> responses to <strong>and</strong> training <strong>for</strong> incidentsinvolving hazardous materials is important<strong>for</strong> schools near highways.There are resources in every community that can helpwith this process. Firefighters, police, public works staff,facilities managers, <strong>and</strong> the district’s insurance representative,<strong>for</strong> example, can help conduct a hazard assessment.That in<strong>for</strong>mation will be very useful in identifyingproblems that need to be addressed in the preparednessprocess. Rely on emergency responders, public healthagencies, <strong>and</strong> school nurses to develop plans <strong>for</strong> <strong>and</strong>provide training in medical triage <strong>and</strong> first aid.2-2

MITIGATIONThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)has done considerable work to help states <strong>and</strong> communitiesin the area of mitigation planning. It notes thatthe goal of mitigation is to decrease the need <strong>for</strong> responseas opposed to simply increasing response capability.[Mitigation is] any sustained action taken toreduce or eliminate long-term risk to life <strong>and</strong>property from a hazard event. Mitigation […]encourages long-term reduction of hazard vulnerability(FEMA, 2002).Mitigating emergencies is also important from a legalst<strong>and</strong>point. If a school, district, or state does not take allnecessary actions in good faith to create safe schools, itcould be vulnerable to a suit <strong>for</strong> negligence. It is importantto make certain that the physical plant is up to localcodes as well as federal <strong>and</strong> state laws.Mitigating or preventing a crisis involves both the district<strong>and</strong> the community. Contact the regional or stateemergency management office to help get started <strong>and</strong>connect to ef<strong>for</strong>ts that are under way locally. A list ofresources <strong>for</strong> state emergency management agencies isin Appendix A.PAGE 6-3FEMA Resources2-3

shouldbepartofPREVENTIONthecrisisplanningteam.The staff in charge of preventionCreating a safe <strong>and</strong> orderly learning environmentshould not be new to any school <strong>and</strong> district. Identifyingstudents (or in some cases staff) who may pose a dangerto themselves or to others is sometimes called “threatassessment.” The U.S. Department of Education <strong>and</strong>U.S. Secret Service recently released a guide, ThreatAssessments in <strong>Schools</strong>: A Guide to Managing ThreateningSituations <strong>and</strong> to Creating Safe School Climates that maybe useful in working through the threat assessmentprocess. The results of a threat assessment may guideprevention ef<strong>for</strong>ts, which may help avoid a crisis.Many schools have curricula <strong>and</strong> programs aimed atpreventing children <strong>and</strong> youth from initiating harmfulbehaviors. Social problem-solving or life skills programs,anti-bullying programs, <strong>and</strong> school-wide disciplineef<strong>for</strong>ts are common across the nation as a means ofhelping reduce violent behavior. The staff in chargeof prevention in a school (counselors, teachers, healthprofessionals, administrators) should be part of thecrisis planning team. In<strong>for</strong>mation on effective <strong>and</strong>promising prevention programs is on the Office of Safe<strong>and</strong> Drug-Free <strong>Schools</strong> Web site.2-4

ACTION STEPSKnow the school building. Assess potential hazardson campus. Conduct regular safety audits of the physicalplant. Be sure to include driveways, parking lots, playgrounds,outside structures, <strong>and</strong> fencing. A safety auditshould be part of normal operations. This in<strong>for</strong>mationshould feed into mitigation planning.Know the community. Mitigation requires assessmentof local threats. Work with the local emergency managementdirector to assess surrounding hazards. Thisincludes the identification <strong>and</strong> assessment of the probabilityof natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes)<strong>and</strong> industrial <strong>and</strong> chemical accidents (watercontamination or fuel spills). Locate major transportationroutes <strong>and</strong> installations. For example, is the schoolon a flight path or near an airport? Is it near a railroadtrack that trains use to transport hazardous materials?Also address the potential hazards related to terrorism.<strong>Schools</strong> <strong>and</strong> districts should be active partners in community-widerisk assessment <strong>and</strong> mitigation planning.To help agencies work together, they may want to developa memor<strong>and</strong>um of underst<strong>and</strong>ing (MOU), that outlineseach agency’s responsibility.Bring together regional, local, <strong>and</strong> school leaders,among others. Given that mitigation/prevention arecommunity activities, leadership <strong>and</strong> support of mitigation<strong>and</strong> prevention activities are necessary to ensurethat the right people are at the planning table. Again,leadership begins at the top. <strong>Schools</strong> <strong>and</strong> districts willface an uphill battle if state <strong>and</strong> local governments arenot supportive of their mitigation ef<strong>for</strong>ts.PAGE 6-7 Terrorism,6-9 VolunteersPAGE 6-5Leadership2-5

Make regular school safety <strong>and</strong> security ef<strong>for</strong>tspart of mitigation/prevention practices. Consultthe comprehensive school safety plan <strong>and</strong> its needsassessment activities to identify what types of incidentsare common in the school.PAGE 6-10CommunicationEstablish clear lines of communication. Becausemitigation <strong>and</strong> prevention planning requires agencies<strong>and</strong> organizations to work together <strong>and</strong> share in<strong>for</strong>mation,communication among stakeholders is critical. Inaddition to communications within the planning team,outside communications with families <strong>and</strong> the largercommunity are important to convey a visible messagethat schools <strong>and</strong> local governments are working togetherto ensure public safety. Press releases from the governor<strong>and</strong> chief state school officer that discuss the importanceof crisis planning can help open the channelsof communication with the public.2-6


ACTION CHECKLISTPreparednessPreparednessTo review the comprehensiveness ofthe crisis plan, consider the itemson the checklist below.Determine what crisis plans exist inthe district, school, <strong>and</strong> community.Identify all stakeholders involvedin crisis planning.Develop procedures <strong>for</strong> communicatingwith staff, students, families, <strong>and</strong>the media.Establish procedures to account<strong>for</strong> students during a crisis.Gather in<strong>for</strong>mation that exists aboutthe school facility, such as maps <strong>and</strong>the location of utility shutoffs.Identify the necessary equipmentthat needs to be assembled to assiststaff in a crisis.

PreparednessCrises have the potential to affect everystudent <strong>and</strong> staff member in a schoolbuilding. Despite everyone’s best ef<strong>for</strong>ts atcrisis prevention, it is a certainty thatcrises will occur in schools. Good planningwill facilitate a rapid, coordinated,effective response when a crisis occurs.Being well prepared involves an investmentof time <strong>and</strong> resources—but the potential toreduce injury <strong>and</strong> save lives is well worththe ef<strong>for</strong>t.Every school needs a crisis plan that istailored to its unique characteristics. Withina school district, however, it is necessary<strong>for</strong> all plans to have certain commonalities.3-1

Also, it is impractical <strong>for</strong> all schools to work individuallywith emergency responders <strong>and</strong> other local agencies,although school staff should meet the people who willrespond to a crisis be<strong>for</strong>e one happens. It is importantto find the right balance <strong>and</strong> to assign district <strong>and</strong>school roles early.PAGE 6-13PreparednessSet a realistic timetable <strong>for</strong> the preparation process. Whileit is reasonable to feel a sense of urgency about the needto be prepared <strong>for</strong> a crisis, a complete, comprehensivecrisis plan cannot be developed overnight. Take the timeneeded <strong>for</strong> collecting essential in<strong>for</strong>mation, developingthe plan, <strong>and</strong> involving the appropriate people.3-2

ACTION STEPSStart by identifying who should be involved in developingthe crisis plan. Include training <strong>and</strong> drills. Delegatingresponsibilities <strong>and</strong> breaking the process down into manageablesteps will help planners develop the plan.Identify <strong>and</strong> involve stakeholders. Identify the stakeholdersto be involved in developing the crisis managementplan (the people who are concerned about thesafety of the school <strong>and</strong> the people who will call assistwhen a crisis occurs). Ask stakeholders to provide feedbackon sections of the plan that pertain to them. Forinstance, ask families to comment on procedures <strong>for</strong>communicating with them during a crisis.During this process, create working relationships withemergency responders. It is important to learn howthese organizations function <strong>and</strong> how you will workwith each other during a crisis. Take time to learn thevocabulary, comm<strong>and</strong> structure, <strong>and</strong> culture of thesegroups. Some districts have found it useful to signMOUs with these agencies that specify expectations,including roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities.PAGE 6-17CommunityIt is essential to work with city <strong>and</strong> county emergencyplanners. You need to know the kinds of support municipalitiescan provide during a crisis, as well as any plansthe city has <strong>for</strong> schools during a crisis. For example, city<strong>and</strong> county planners may plan to use schools as anemergency shelter, a supply depot, or even a morgue.Reviewing this in<strong>for</strong>mation in advance will help youquickly integrate resources. Participating in local emergencyplanning gives school <strong>and</strong> district administrators3-3

It is critical to work with law en<strong>for</strong>cementofficers<strong>and</strong> emergency responders.insight into all the problems they might face in the eventof a community-wide crisis <strong>and</strong> will help school ef<strong>for</strong>ts.Consider existing ef<strong>for</strong>ts. Be<strong>for</strong>e jumping in to developyour crisis plan, investigate existing plans (such as thoseof the district <strong>and</strong> local government). How do otheragencies’ plans integrate with the school’s? Are thereconflicts? Does the comprehensive school safety planinclude a crisis plan? What in<strong>for</strong>mation from the district’scrisis plan can be used in the school’s crisis plan?If the school recently completed a crisis plan, ef<strong>for</strong>tsmay be limited to revising the plan in response toenvironmental, staff, <strong>and</strong> student changes:Has the building been renovated or is itcurrently under renovation?Is the list of staff current?Have there been changes in the student population?Have other hazards revealed themselves?Determine what crises the plan will address.Be<strong>for</strong>e assigning roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities or collectingthe supplies that the school will need during a crisis,define what is a crisis <strong>for</strong> your school based on vulnerabilities,needs, <strong>and</strong> assets.Describe the types of crises the plan addresses, includinglocal hazards <strong>and</strong> problems identified from safety audits,evaluations, <strong>and</strong> assessments conducted during the mitigation/preventionphase (see Section 2). Consider inci-3-4

dents that may occur during community use of theschool facility <strong>and</strong> prepare <strong>for</strong> incidents that occurwhile students are off-site (e.g., during a field trip).Define roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities. How will theschool operate during a crisis? Define what shouldhappen, when, <strong>and</strong> at whose direction—that is, createan organizational system. This should involve many ofthe school staff—important tasks will be neglected ifone person is responsible <strong>for</strong> more than one function.School staff should be assigned to the following roles:School comm<strong>and</strong>erLiaison to emergency respondersStudent caregiversSecurity officersMedical staffSpokespersonDuring the planning process, both individuals <strong>and</strong>backups should be assigned to fill these roles.If the district has not already appointed a public in<strong>for</strong>mationofficer, or PIO, it should to do so right away.Some large school districts have staff dedicated solely tothis function. Many smaller districts use the superintendent,school security officers, or a school principalas their PIO.3-5

Work with law en<strong>for</strong>cement officers <strong>and</strong> emergencyresponders to identify crises that require an outsideagency to manage the scene (fire, bomb threat, hostagesituations). Learn what roles these outsiders will play,what responsibilities they will take on, <strong>and</strong> how theywill interact with school staff. Especially important isdetermining who will communicate with families <strong>and</strong>the community during an incident.PAGE 6-19ICSMany schools <strong>and</strong> emergency responders use theIncident Comm<strong>and</strong> System, or ICS, to manage incidents.ICS provides a structured way <strong>for</strong> delegating responsibilitiesamong school officials <strong>and</strong> all emergency respondersduring crisis response. An ICS <strong>and</strong>/or other managementplan needs to be created with all emergencyresponders <strong>and</strong> school officials be<strong>for</strong>e a crisis occurs.Develop methods <strong>for</strong> communicating with thestaff, students, families, <strong>and</strong> the media. Addresshow the school will communicate with all of the individualswho are directly or indirectly involved in thecrisis. One of the first steps in planning <strong>for</strong> communicationis to develop a mechanism to notify students <strong>and</strong>staff that an incident is occurring <strong>and</strong> to instruct themon what to do. It is critical that schools <strong>and</strong> emergencyresponders use the same definitions <strong>for</strong> the same terms.Don’t create more confusion because terms do not meanthe same to everyone involved in responding to a crisis.It is important to determine how to convey in<strong>for</strong>mationto staff <strong>and</strong> students by using codes <strong>for</strong> evacuation <strong>and</strong>lockdown, or simply by stating the facts. FEMA recommendssimply using plain language rather than codes.If students are evacuated from the school building, willstaff use cell phones, radios, intercoms, or runners toget in<strong>for</strong>mation to the staff supervising them? Be sureto discuss the safest means of communication with lawen<strong>for</strong>cement <strong>and</strong> emergency responders. For example,some electronic devices can trigger bombs.3-6

Plan how to communicate with families, communitymembers, <strong>and</strong> the media. Consider writing template letters<strong>and</strong> press releases in advance so staff will not haveto compose them during the confusion <strong>and</strong> chaos of theevent. It’s easier to tweak smaller changes than to beginfrom scratch.Often the media can be very helpful in providing in<strong>for</strong>mationto families <strong>and</strong> others in the community. Be sureto work with local media be<strong>for</strong>e a crisis occurs to helpthem underst<strong>and</strong> school needs during an incident.Obtain necessary equipment <strong>and</strong> supplies. Providestaff with the necessary equipment to respond to a crisis.Consider whether there are enough master keys <strong>for</strong> emergencyresponders so that they have complete access to theschool. Get the phones or radios necessary <strong>for</strong> communication.Ask <strong>for</strong> contact in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> families. Maintaina cache of first aid supplies. What about food <strong>and</strong> water<strong>for</strong> students <strong>and</strong> staff during the incident?Prepare response kits <strong>for</strong> secretaries, nurses, <strong>and</strong> teachersso they have easy access to the supplies. For example,a nurse’s kit might include student <strong>and</strong> emergency medicines(“anaphylaxis kits,” which may require physician’sorders, <strong>for</strong> use in breathing emergencies such as severe,sudden allergic reactions), as well as first aid supplies. Ateacher’s kit might include a crisis management referenceguide, as well as an updated student roster.PAGE 6-22The MediaPAGE 6-24ProductsPrepare <strong>for</strong> immediate response. When a crisisoccurs, quickly determine whether students <strong>and</strong> staffneed to be evacuated from the building, returned to thebuilding, or locked down in the building. Plan actionsteps <strong>for</strong> each of these scenarios.Evacuation requires all students <strong>and</strong> staff to leave thebuilding. While evacuating to the school’s field makes3-7

PAGE 6-30Special Needs Studentssense <strong>for</strong> a fire drill that only lasts a few minutes, it maynot be an appropriate location <strong>for</strong> a longer period of time.The evacuation plan should include backup buildings toserve as emergency shelters, such as nearby communitycenters, religious institutions, businesses, or otherschools. Agreements <strong>for</strong> using these spaces should benegotiated or reconfirmed prior to the beginning of eachschool year. Evacuation plans should include contingencies<strong>for</strong> weather conditions such as rain, snow, <strong>and</strong>extreme cold <strong>and</strong> heat. While most students will be ableto walk to a nearby community center, students with disabilitiesmay have more restricted mobility. Your planshould include transportation options <strong>for</strong> these students.If an incident occurs while students are outside, youwill need to return them to the building quickly. Thisis a reverse evacuation. Once staff <strong>and</strong> students are safelyin the building, you may find the situation calls <strong>for</strong> alockdown.Lockdowns are called <strong>for</strong> when a crisis occurs outsideof the school <strong>and</strong> an evacuation would be dangerous.A lockdown may also be called <strong>for</strong> when there is acrisis inside <strong>and</strong> movement within the school will putstudents in jeopardy. All exterior doors are locked <strong>and</strong>students <strong>and</strong> staff stay in their classrooms. Windowsmay need to be covered. Exhibit 3.1 illustrates the stepsin determining which action is most appropriate <strong>for</strong>each situation.3-8

Exhibit 3.1DecisionsLockdown, Evacuation, or RelocationDostudentsneed tomove?Is schoolcampussafe?Movestudentsto schoolcampus.YesNoLockdown.Isoffsite*safe?Movestudentsto off sitelocation.Is remote*shelterneeded?YesNoNoMove toalternativelocation.**YesContinue tohold in place.Initiateremoterelocationplans.NoStartreunificationprocedures.Release toparents?Yes* “Offsite” means off the school campus but in vicinity.“Remote” means a location further from the school than offsite location.** Be sure to prepare primary <strong>and</strong> secondary evacuation routes in advance.Adapted from the San Diego school district.3-9

Preparedness includesemergencydrills<strong>and</strong> crisisexercises.Shelter-in-place is used when there is not time to evacuateor when it may be harmful to leave the building.Shelter-in-place is commonly used during hazardousmaterial spills. Students <strong>and</strong> staff are held in the building<strong>and</strong> windows <strong>and</strong> doors are sealed. There can belimited movement within the building.Create maps <strong>and</strong> facilities in<strong>for</strong>mation. In a crisis,emergency responders need to know the location ofeverything in a school. Create site maps that includein<strong>for</strong>mation about classrooms, hallways, <strong>and</strong> stairwells,the location of utility shut-offs, <strong>and</strong> potential stagingsites. Emergency responders need copies of this in<strong>for</strong>mationin advance. During a crisis designate locations—staging sites—<strong>for</strong> emergency responders to organize, <strong>for</strong>medical personnel to treat the injured, <strong>for</strong> the publicin<strong>for</strong>mation officer to brief the media, <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> familiesto be reunited with their children. Student reunificationsites should be as far away from the media staging areaas possible. Law en<strong>for</strong>cement will help determine theplans needed to facilitate access of emergency responders<strong>and</strong> to restrict access of well-wishers <strong>and</strong> the curious.Develop accountability <strong>and</strong> student release procedures.As soon as a crisis is recognized, account <strong>for</strong> allstudents, staff, <strong>and</strong> visitors. Emergency responders treata situation very differently when people are missing.For example, when a bomb threat occurs, the stakes aresubstantially higher if firefighters do not know whetherstudents are in the school when they are trying to locate<strong>and</strong> disarm a bomb.3-10

Be sure to in<strong>for</strong>m families of release procedures be<strong>for</strong>ea crisis occurs. In many crises, families have flocked toschools wanting to collect their children immediately.A method should be in place <strong>for</strong> tracking student release<strong>and</strong> ensuring that students are only released to authorizedindividuals.Practice. Preparedness includes emergency drills <strong>and</strong>crisis exercises <strong>for</strong> staff, students, <strong>and</strong> emergencyresponders. Many schools have found tabletop exercisesvery useful in practicing <strong>and</strong> testing the proceduresspecified in their crisis plan. Tabletop exercises involveschool staff <strong>and</strong> emergency responders sitting arounda table discussing the steps they would take to respondto a crisis. Often, training <strong>and</strong> drills identify issues thatneed to be addressed in the crisis plan <strong>and</strong> problemswith plans <strong>for</strong> communication <strong>and</strong> response. Teachersalso need training in how to manage students duringa crisis, especially those experiencing panic reactions.Careful consideration of these issues will improve yourcrisis plan <strong>and</strong> better prepare you to respond to anactual crisis.Address liability issues. Consideration of liabilityissues is necessary be<strong>for</strong>e crisis planning can be completed<strong>and</strong> may protect you <strong>and</strong> your staff from a lawsuit.Situations where there is a <strong>for</strong>eseeable danger canhold liability if the school does not make every reasonableef<strong>for</strong>t to intervene or remediate the situation. Acareful assessment of the hazards faced by the schoolis critical.PAGE 6-32Student ReleasePAGE 6-35 Preparing to Respond,6-37 Staff Training, 6-40 TabletopExcercises3-11


ACTION CHECKLISTDetermine if a crisis is occurring.Identify the type of crisis thatis occurring <strong>and</strong> determine theappropriate response.Activate the incident managementsystem.ResponseResponseAscertain whether an evacuation;reverse evacuation; lockdown;or shelter-in-place needs to beimplemented.Maintain communication amongall relevant staff at officiallydesignated locations.Establish what in<strong>for</strong>mationneeds to be communicatedto staff, students, families,<strong>and</strong> the community.Monitor how emergency first aid isbeing administered to the injured.Decide if more equipment <strong>and</strong>supplies are needed.

ResponseA crisis is the time to follow the crisis plan,not to make a plan from scratch. Thissection summarizes some of the majorrecommendations gathered fromexperienced practitioners <strong>and</strong> otherexperts about points to remember whencalled on to implement your crisis plan.4-1

ACTION STEPSExpect to be surprised. Regardless of how much time<strong>and</strong> ef<strong>for</strong>t was spent on crisis planning, the members ofthe crisis team should know that there will always be anelement of surprise <strong>and</strong> accompanying confusion whena school is confronted with a crisis.Assess the situation <strong>and</strong> choose the appropriateresponse. Following the plan requires a very quick butcareful assessment of the situation. Determine whethera crisis exists <strong>and</strong> if so, the type of crisis, the location,<strong>and</strong> the magnitude. Because the team has practiced theplan, leaders are ready to make these decisions. Afterbasic protective steps are in place, more in<strong>for</strong>mationcan be gathered to adjust later responses.Respond within seconds. When a crisis actuallyhappens, make the basic decisions about what type ofaction is needed <strong>and</strong> respond within seconds. An immediate,appropriate response depends on a plan withclearly articulated roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities, as well astraining <strong>and</strong> practice. With proper training, district <strong>and</strong>school staff <strong>and</strong> students will respond appropriatelywithin seconds.Notify appropriate emergency responders <strong>and</strong> theschool crisis response team. One common mistakeis to delay calling emergency responders, such as thepolice or fire departments. In the midst of a crisis,people often believe that the situation can be h<strong>and</strong>ledin-house. It is better to have emergency responders onthe scene as soon as possible, even if the incident hasbeen resolved by the time they arrive, than to delaycalling <strong>and</strong> risk further injury <strong>and</strong> damage. For instance,4-2

One common mistake istodelaycallingit is better to have emergency responders arrive at aschool to find a fire put out than to arrive too late toprevent loss of life or serious property damage.Notifying a district’s or school’s crisis team allows themto begin the necessary measures to protect the safety ofall persons involved. Unless in<strong>for</strong>med otherwise by theincident comm<strong>and</strong>er, school crisis team members shouldproceed with their responsibilities.Evacuate or lock down the school as appropriate.This step is crucial <strong>and</strong> should be one of the first decisionsmade, regardless of the order in which initial decisionsare implemented.emergencyresponders.Triage injuries <strong>and</strong> provide emergency first aid tothose who need it. The plan should assign emergencymedical services personnel <strong>and</strong> school staff with relevantqualifications to determine who needs emergencyfirst aid. Designate a location <strong>for</strong> EMS to treat the seriouslyinjured on the scene.Keep supplies nearby <strong>and</strong> organized at all times. Ifyou move to another location, remember to take yoursupplies with you. Monitor the amount of supplies <strong>and</strong>replace them as needed.Trust leadership. Trust the internal crisis team members<strong>and</strong> external emergency responders who have beentrained to deal with crises. Trust will help calm thesituation <strong>and</strong> minimize the chaos that may occurduring a crisis.4-3

During a crisis, leaders need to project a calm, confident,<strong>and</strong> serious attitude to assure people of the seriousnessof the situation <strong>and</strong> the wisdom of the directionsbeing given. This leadership style will help allinvolved to respond in a similarly calm <strong>and</strong> confidentmanner, as well as helping to mitigate the reactions ofanyone who might deny that a crisis has occurred.In certain situations it may be necessary to yield leadershipto others in the plan’s designated comm<strong>and</strong> structure.In some jurisdictions laws state the protocol <strong>for</strong> thecomm<strong>and</strong> structure. This structure may vary from stateto state <strong>and</strong> even from community to community withinstate. For instance, in a fire, the expertise of firefightersshould lead the way, with others filling designated rolessuch as manager of family-student reunification.Communicate accurate <strong>and</strong> appropriate in<strong>for</strong>mation.During a crisis, districts <strong>and</strong> schools will communicatewith the school community as well as the community atlarge. Use the channels of communication identified inthe plan. For instance, all in<strong>for</strong>mation released to themedia <strong>and</strong> public should be funneled through a singlepublic in<strong>for</strong>mation officer or appointed spokesperson.This will maximize the likelihood of presenting consistent<strong>and</strong> accurate in<strong>for</strong>mation to the public.The crisis team should communicate regularly with staffwho are managing students. A school’s most importantresponsibility, the safety of the students entrusted to theschool by their families, cannot be fulfilled during a crisiswithout timely <strong>and</strong> accurate in<strong>for</strong>mation to thosecaring <strong>for</strong> students.At a minimum, families need to know that a crisis hasoccurred <strong>and</strong> that all possible steps are being taken tosee to the safety of their children. Additional detailsabout assembly <strong>and</strong> shelter procedures may also be4-4

provided, as determined by the plan or those managingthe crisis. At some point, families will also need toknow when <strong>and</strong> where their children will be released.Activate the student release system. Always keep inmind that the earliest possible safe release of students isa desired goal. Often student release will be accomplishedbe<strong>for</strong>e complete resolution of a crisis.PAGE 6-42FamiliesAllow <strong>for</strong> flexibility in implementing the crisis plan.It is impossible <strong>for</strong> any crisis plan, no matter how complete,to address every situation that may arise during acrisis. With proper training <strong>and</strong> practice, emergencyresponders <strong>and</strong> staff will be able to respond appropriately<strong>and</strong> to adapt the school crisis plans to the situation.Documentation. Write down every action taken duringthe response. This will provide a record of appropriateimplementation of the crisis plan. Also necessary isrecording damage <strong>for</strong> insurance purposes <strong>and</strong> trackingfinancial expenditures related to the incident. Keep alloriginal notes <strong>and</strong> records. These are legal documents.4-5


ACTION CHECKLISTStrive to return to learning as quicklyas possible.Restore the physical plant, as wellas the school community.Monitor how staff are assessingstudents <strong>for</strong> the emotional impactof the crisis.RecoveryRecoveryIdentify what follow up interventionsare available to students, staff, <strong>and</strong>first responders.Conduct debriefings with staff <strong>and</strong>first responders.Assess curricular activities thataddress the crisis.Allocate appropriate time <strong>for</strong> recovery.Plan how anniversaries of events willbe commemorated.Capture “lessons learned” <strong>and</strong>incorporate them into revisions<strong>and</strong> trainings.

RecoveryThe goal of recovery is to return to learning<strong>and</strong> restore the infrastructure of theschool as quickly as possible. Focus onstudents <strong>and</strong> the physical plant, <strong>and</strong> totake as much time as needed <strong>for</strong> recovery.School staff can be trained to deal withthe emotional impact of the crisis, as wellas to initially assess the emotional needs ofstudents, staff, <strong>and</strong> responders. One ofthe major goals of recovery is to provide acaring <strong>and</strong> supportive school environment.5-1

ACTION STEPSPlan <strong>for</strong> recovery in the preparedness phase.Determine the roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities of staff <strong>and</strong>others who will assist in recovery during the planningphase. District-level counselors may want to train schoolstaff to assess the emotional needs of students <strong>and</strong> colleaguesto determine intervention needs. Experienceshows that after a crisis many unsolicited offers of assistancefrom outside the school community are made.During planning, you may want to review the credentialsof service providers <strong>and</strong> certify those that will beused during recovery.PAGE 6-46<strong>Crisis</strong> InventionAssemble the <strong>Crisis</strong> Intervention Team. A <strong>Crisis</strong>Intervention Team, or CIT, is composed of individualsat either the district or school level involved in recovery.A review of the literature shows that there are differentmodels <strong>for</strong> organizing a CIT. In one model, there is acentralized CIT at the district level, which serves allschools in that district. In another model, the districttrains school-based CITs. Even when crisis interventionteams exist within individual schools, it may be necessary<strong>for</strong> the superintendent to allocate additionalresources on an as-needed basis.Service providers in the community may want to assistafter a crisis. With prior planning, those with appropriateskills <strong>and</strong> certifications may be tapped to assist inrecovery. This will help district <strong>and</strong> school personnelcoordinate activities of the community service providers<strong>and</strong> see that district procedures <strong>and</strong> intervention goalsare followed.5-2

One of the major goals ofrecoveryReturn to the “business of learning” as quickly aspossible. Experts agree that the first order of businessfollowing a crisis is to return students to learning asquickly as possible. This may involve helping students<strong>and</strong> families cope with separations from one anotherwith the reopening of school after a crisis.<strong>Schools</strong> <strong>and</strong> districts need to keep students, families,<strong>and</strong> the media in<strong>for</strong>med. Be clear about whatsteps have been taken to attend to student safety. Letfamilies <strong>and</strong> other community members know whatsupport services the school <strong>and</strong> district are providing orwhat other community resources are available. Messagesto students should be age appropriate. It may be necessaryto translate letters <strong>and</strong> other <strong>for</strong>ms of communicationinto languages other than English depending on thecomposition of the communities feeding the affectedschool(s). Be sure to consider cultural differences whenpreparing these materials.Focus on the building, as well as people, duringrecovery. Following a crisis, buildings <strong>and</strong> theirgrounds may need repairing or repainting/rel<strong>and</strong>scaping.Conduct safety audits <strong>and</strong> determine the parts ofthe building that can be used <strong>and</strong> plan <strong>for</strong> repairingthose that are damaged.Provide assessment of emotional needs of staff,students, families, <strong>and</strong> responders. Assess the emotionalneeds of all students <strong>and</strong> staff, <strong>and</strong> determinethose who need intervention by a school counselor,social worker, school psychologist, or other mentalhealth professional. Arrange <strong>for</strong> appropriate interven-istoprovide a caring <strong>and</strong> supportive school environment.5-3

tions by school or community-based service providers.In addition, available services need to be identified <strong>for</strong>families, who may want to seek treatment <strong>for</strong> their childrenor themselves. Appropriate group intervention maybe beneficial to students <strong>and</strong> staff experiencing lesssevere reactions to the crisis. Group interventionsshould be age appropriate.Provide stress management during class time.Trauma experts emphasize the need to create a caring,warm, <strong>and</strong> trusting environment <strong>for</strong> students followinga crisis. Allow students to talk about what they felt <strong>and</strong>experienced during the traumatic event. Younger childrenwho may not be able to fully express their feelingsverbally will benefit from participating in creative activities,including drawing, painting, or writing stories.Young adolescents benefit from group discussions inwhich they are encouraged to talk about their feelings,as well as from writing plays or stories about their experiences.Engage older adolescents in group discussions,<strong>and</strong> address any issues of guilt (“I could have takensome action to change the outcome of the crisis”).Conduct daily debriefings <strong>for</strong> staff, responders,<strong>and</strong> others assisting in recovery. Mental healthworkers who have provided services after crises stressthe importance of ensuring that those who are providing“psychological first aid” are supported with daily criticalincident stress debriefings. Debriefings help staff copewith their own feelings of vulnerability.5-4

Allow students to talk about whattheyTake as much time as needed <strong>for</strong> recovery. An individualrecovers from a crisis at his or her own pace.Recovery is not linear. After a crisis, healing is a processfilled with ups <strong>and</strong> downs. Depending on the traumaticevent <strong>and</strong> the individual, recovery may take months oreven years.Remember anniversaries of crises. Many occasionswill remind staff, students, <strong>and</strong> families about crises.The anniversary of crises will stimulate memories <strong>and</strong>feelings about the incident. In addition, other occasionsmay remind the school community about the crises,including holidays, returning to school after vacations<strong>and</strong> other breaks, as well as events or occasions thatseemingly do not have a connection with the incident.This underscores the notion that recovery may take alonger time than anticipated.Staff members need to be sensitive to their own as wellas the students’ reactions in such situations <strong>and</strong> providesupport when necessary. School crisis planning guidessuggest holding appropriate memorial services or otheractivities, such as planting a tree in memory of victimsof the crises. Trauma experts discourage memorials <strong>for</strong>suicide victims to avoid glorification <strong>and</strong> sensationalizationof these deaths.felt <strong>and</strong> experienced during the traumatic event.5-5

Evaluate. Evaluating recovery ef<strong>for</strong>ts will help prepare<strong>for</strong> the next crisis. Use several methods to evaluaterecovery ef<strong>for</strong>ts. Conduct brief interviews with emergencyresponders, families, teachers, students, <strong>and</strong> staff.Focus groups may also be helpful in obtaining c<strong>and</strong>idin<strong>for</strong>mation about recovery ef<strong>for</strong>ts. The following areexamples of questions to ask:Which classroom-based interventions provedmost successful <strong>and</strong> why?Which assessment <strong>and</strong> referral strategies werethe most successful <strong>and</strong> why?What were the most positive aspects of staffdebriefings <strong>and</strong> why?Which recovery strategies would you change<strong>and</strong> why?Do other professionals need to be tapped tohelp with future crises?What additional training is necessary toenable the school community <strong>and</strong> the communityat large to prepare <strong>for</strong> future crises?What additional equipment is needed tosupport recovery ef<strong>for</strong>ts?What other planning actions will facilitatefuture recovery ef<strong>for</strong>ts?5-6

CLOSING THE LOOPAt the beginning of this Guide, wediscussed the cyclical nature of crisisplanning. Recovery may seem like an end,but it is also the beginning. You must closethe loop on the circle. A critical step incrisis planning is to evaluate each incident.What worked? What didn’t? How could youimprove operations? Take what you havelearned <strong>and</strong> start at the beginning. Update<strong>and</strong> strengthen the plan so that in a crisis,no child is left behind.5-7

Closer LookCloser Look

Closer LookCloser Look

Closer LooksThis section provides in<strong>for</strong>mation on specificaspects of crisis management, <strong>and</strong> isintended <strong>for</strong> key planners who need moredetailed guidance to help them implementthe crisis management process. As part ofthese “closer looks” at crisis planning <strong>and</strong>management, examples have been includedthat illustrate how actual school districtshave implemented crisis planning. Selectionof these examples does not constitute anendorsement of any school district’s crisisplan by the U.S. Department of Education.Given the vast differences in the wayseducational systems <strong>and</strong> emergencyresponders are organized across thenation, crisis planning at the local levelshould address individual community needs.6-1

DEFINING WHAT CONSTITUTESA CRISISThose familiar with crises describe them as sudden,unexpected, overwhelming incidents. However, within thecrisis planning field, there is no consensus on what constitutesa crisis, emergency, or disaster. Often, these terms areused interchangeably. Below are some ways crisis managementplanners have defined the terms. We hope thesewill help you craft your own definition based on localneeds, vulnerabilities to certain conditions, <strong>and</strong> assets.The State of Florida. Emergency: A dangerous eventthat does not result in a request <strong>for</strong> state or federalassistance (Florida Department of Education, 2002).Olathe Unified School District #233 (Kansas).People <strong>Crisis</strong>: An event dealing with people <strong>and</strong> theirphysical or emotional well-being that impacts the schoolpopulation (Olathe Unified School District, 2002).FEMA. Emergency: An emergency is any unplannedevent that can cause deaths or significant injuries toemployees, customers or the public; or that can shutdown your business, disrupt operations, cause physicalor environmental damage, or threaten the facility’sfinancial st<strong>and</strong>ing or public image (FEMA, 1993).The National Association of School Nurses.Emergency <strong>and</strong> Disaster: [A]n emergency is an unexpectedevent that is usually managed by existing resources<strong>and</strong> capabilities. A disaster is any incident that resultsin multiple human casualties or disruption of essentialpublic health services or any incident that requires anincreased level of response beyond the routine operatingprocedures, including increased personnel, equipment,or supply requirements (Doyle <strong>and</strong> Loyacono, 2002).6-2

FEMA RESOURCESFEMA recently has released a series of “how-to” guides<strong>for</strong> state <strong>and</strong> local planners on mitigating disasters thatmay be useful in learning about <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing mitigationpractices:Underst<strong>and</strong>ing Your Risks: Identifying <strong>and</strong>Estimating Losses. This guide provides stepby-stepinstructions on assessing risk.Getting Started: Building Support <strong>for</strong>Mitigation <strong>Planning</strong>. This guide provides ageneral overview of emergency management,takes the reader through the stages of mitigationplanning, <strong>and</strong> gives practical exampleson conducting a community assessment,building a planning team, <strong>and</strong> engaging thepublic in planning.Integrating Human-Caused Hazards intoMitigation <strong>Planning</strong>. This guide was developedin the wake of the September 11 attacks.The guide addresses such incidents as technologicalhazards <strong>and</strong> acts of terrorism.Are You Ready: A Guide to CitizenPreparedness. This guide provides detailedin<strong>for</strong>mation in layperson’s terms on what todo in specific disasters <strong>and</strong> what to do tosurvive one.These documents can be downloaded fromhttp://www.fema.gov.Some of FEMA’s online courses will also be helpful <strong>for</strong>school <strong>and</strong> district staff. Basic Incident Comm<strong>and</strong> System6-3

provides an introduction to the concepts <strong>and</strong> principlesof ICS including how ICS functions <strong>and</strong> the activities itis responsible <strong>for</strong> during incidents. Exercise Designteaches how to develop tabletop exercises <strong>and</strong> drills totest the plan. The course addresses the communications,logistics, <strong>and</strong> administrative structure needed to supportthese activities. These courses can be downloaded athttp://training.fema.gov/emiweb.Students may appreciate the FEMA <strong>for</strong> Kids Web sitehttp://www.FEMA.gov/kids. Materials on the Web siteare designed to make crises less scary to children byhelping them feel prepared. The Disaster Action Kidprogram even provides certificates to students whocomplete a series of online activities.6-4

LEADERSHIPLeadership is the key to crisis preparedness. An organizedmanagement structure will be needed to respond to anycrisis—<strong>and</strong> this structure begins with strong leadership.Major ElementsLeadership should start at the top. Aneffective crisis plan requires strong leadershipfrom state, district, school, <strong>and</strong> communityleaders. Leadership should start at the statelevel <strong>and</strong> continue down to the district <strong>and</strong>school levels. In selecting team members,remember natural leaders at the grassrootslevel.Districts should be at the <strong>for</strong>efront inthe creation of crisis plans <strong>for</strong> all oftheir schools. <strong>Schools</strong> should then tailorplans to fit their needs.At the school level, the principal serves as a leader.He or she should do the following:Identify stakeholders who need to beinvolved in crisis planning, such as communitygroups, emergency responders, families,<strong>and</strong> staff. Cultivate relationships withthese groups.Establish a crisis planning team.Secure commitment to crisis planningwithin the school <strong>and</strong> the larger community.Create an incident management structure.The structure should provide a comprehensiveorganizational structure designed <strong>for</strong> all types6-5

of emergencies. It is based on the premise thatevery crisis has certain major elementsrequiring clear lines of comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control.Know available resources. This activityincludes identifying <strong>and</strong> becoming familiarwith resources in the school such as staffmembers certified in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation(CPR); in the community, includingeveryone from emergency responders tocounselors; <strong>and</strong>, in organizations such asthe parent-teacher association.Set up time to train <strong>and</strong> practice withstaff, students, <strong>and</strong> emergency responders.Training is multifaceted <strong>and</strong> can includedrills, in-service events, tabletop exercises,<strong>and</strong> written materials. Also include timeto review <strong>and</strong> evaluate the plan.PAGE 6-19ICSIn times of crisis, the principal serves as the manager<strong>and</strong> a leader. This does not always equate with beingthe person in charge of the entire crisis response; seethe closer look on ICS <strong>for</strong> more details. During a crisis,a principal should per<strong>for</strong>m the following tasks:Respond within seconds <strong>and</strong> lead witha serious, calm, confident style.Implement the crisis plan.Yield authority, when appropriate, to othersin the plan’s designated comm<strong>and</strong> structure.Facilitate collaboration among school staff<strong>and</strong> emergency responders.Remain open to suggestions <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationthat may be critical in adjusting the response.6-6

TERRORISMThorough crisis planning will carry the school <strong>and</strong>district a long way in responding to a terrorist incident.While the risk of a terrorist attack on a school is muchlower than the risk of being impacted by many local hazards,it is very important to be prepared. As with otherincidents, a terrorist attack may result in the following:Damage beyond school boundaries (as witha hurricane),Victims who are contaminated (as witha hazardous materials spill),A crime scene to protect (as with arson), orWidespread fear <strong>and</strong> panic (as with a schoolshooting).The response will need to involve securing student <strong>and</strong>staff safety <strong>and</strong> supporting long-term recovery, just aswith any other incident.As the Department of Homel<strong>and</strong> Security (DHS),Advisory System signals increased threat, additionalprotective measures are needed. Several districts haveincorporated the DHS system into their crisis planning.The Red Cross has also issued some general guidance onhow schools may adapt these codes. It is useful to consultwith local emergency management offices <strong>and</strong> state orcounty emergency terrorism task <strong>for</strong>ces. Each state alsohas a Department of Homel<strong>and</strong> Security liaison. Checkwith the Governor’s office to identify the contact.The sample school advisory system is a useful tool toadapt <strong>and</strong> incorporate into crisis planning. As the riskof attack increases, consider action items under bothcurrent <strong>and</strong> lower threat levels. It is important to assesslocal conditions <strong>and</strong> implement actions accordingly.6-7

Sample SchoolAdvisory SystemRiskSEVERE(Red)HIGH(Orange)Suggested ActionsFollow local <strong>and</strong>/or federal government instructions(listen to radio/TV)Activate crisis planRestrict school access to essential personnelCancel outside activities <strong>and</strong> field tripsProvide mental health services to anxious students <strong>and</strong> staffAssign staff to monitor entrances at all timesAssess facility security measuresUpdate parents on preparedness ef<strong>for</strong>tsUpdate media on preparedness ef<strong>for</strong>tsAddress student fears concerning possible terrorist attacksPlace school <strong>and</strong> district crisis response teams on st<strong>and</strong>by alert statusELEVATED(Yellow)Inspect school buildings <strong>and</strong> grounds <strong>for</strong> suspicious activitiesAssess increased risk with public safety officialsReview crisis response plans with school staffTest alternative communication capabilitiesGUARDED(Blue)Review <strong>and</strong> upgrade security measuresReview emergency communication planInventory, test, <strong>and</strong> repair communication equipmentInventory <strong>and</strong> restock emergency suppliesConduct crisis training <strong>and</strong> drillsLOW(Green)Assess <strong>and</strong> update crisis plans <strong>and</strong> proceduresDiscuss updates to school <strong>and</strong> local crisis plans with emergencyrespondersReview duties <strong>and</strong> responsibilities of crisis team membersProvide CPR <strong>and</strong> first aid training <strong>for</strong> staffConduct 100% visitor ID check6-8

VOLUNTEERSVolunteers can be a vital resource <strong>for</strong> planning. Recentfederal initiatives have focused on training civilians <strong>for</strong>emergency preparedness.The White House Freedom Corps created the CitizenCorps to funnel the energy <strong>and</strong> concern of volunteersinto initiatives that prepare local communities to prevent<strong>and</strong> respond effectively to the threats of terrorism,crime, or any other kind of disaster. Citizen Corpsef<strong>for</strong>ts at state <strong>and</strong> local levels are coordinated nationallyby FEMA. One of these nationwide initiatives is theCommunity Emergency Response Team (CERT), atraining program that prepares citizens in neighborhoods,the workplace, <strong>and</strong> schools to take a more activerole in emergency management planning <strong>and</strong> to preparethemselves <strong>and</strong> others <strong>for</strong> disasters.CERT ef<strong>for</strong>ts include developing community actionplans, assessing possible threats, <strong>and</strong> identifying localresources. As you explore neighborhood resources toassist in mitigation, planning, response, <strong>and</strong> recovery,be sure to check whether a CERT is active in the area.Additionally, knowing this national support structuremay provide the impetus needed <strong>for</strong> organizing volunteerswho may surface at various points of the crisisplanning <strong>and</strong> management cycle.6-9

COMMUNICATIONClear lines of communication are crucial to a successfulresponse to a crisis. During the planning process, it willbe important to establish effective lines of communicationamong <strong>and</strong> within the state, district, school, <strong>and</strong>community groups. When creating a crisis plan, thereare several communication needs that should beaddressed.Communication is essential be<strong>for</strong>e crises occur:Use common terminology across a district.Terminology should be the same acrossschools in a district. In most districts, thereis a great deal of mobility from one schoolto another, <strong>for</strong> both staff <strong>and</strong> students. Theterm or code <strong>for</strong> evacuation in one school,<strong>for</strong> example, should be the same as the termor code <strong>for</strong> evacuation in another school in thedistrict. The use of plain language is advised.Identify several modes of communication<strong>for</strong> both internal <strong>and</strong> external communication.Keep in mind that in times of crisis,computers, intercoms, telephones, <strong>and</strong> evencell phones may not work or may be dangerousto use. Plan <strong>for</strong> several methods of communicationin a crisis.Make sure that schools have adequatesupplies of communication gear <strong>and</strong> thatthe appropriate individuals have accessto it. One school’s crisis plan, <strong>for</strong> example,calls <strong>for</strong> the principal to immediately graba backpack containing a cell phone <strong>and</strong> a6-10

walkie-talkie. Communication gear is of nouse if no one can access it.Verify that school communicationdevices are compatible with emergencyresponder devices. A cell phone or two-wayradio is of no use if it cannot be used withthe emergency responder’s phone or radio.Also, check to see that the school’s communicationdevices do not interfere with theemergency responder’s equipment.Create communication plans to notifyfamilies that a crisis has occurred attheir child’s school. These pathwaysshould include several modes of communication,including notices sent home <strong>and</strong> phonetrees, so the pathways can be tailored to fitthe needs of a particular crisis. For example,it may be appropriate in some crises to senda notice home, while other crises requireimmediate parental notification. Use thesepathways throughout the planning processto encourage parental input <strong>and</strong> support.Establish communication pathways withthe community. This may be in the <strong>for</strong>m ofa phone or e-mail tree, a community liaison,or media briefings. It is crucial to keep thecommunity in<strong>for</strong>med be<strong>for</strong>e, during, <strong>and</strong>after a crisis.Designate a PIO to deal with families, thecommunity <strong>and</strong> the media. The designationof one individual will help all parties stayin<strong>for</strong>med with identical in<strong>for</strong>mation.6-11

Good communication during a crisis is also crucial.Below are some key points to keep in mind:Keep staff who are managing the studentsin<strong>for</strong>med. Regardless of the amountof training staff members have received,there is going to be chaos <strong>and</strong> fear.Communication mitigates those reactions<strong>and</strong> helps regain a sense of calm <strong>and</strong> control.Notify families of action being taken.Underst<strong>and</strong> that parents are going to wantimmediate access to their children. Safelybegin reunification procedures as soon aspossible. Keep families in<strong>for</strong>med as much aspossible, especially in the case of delayedreunification.Communication often stops after a crisis subsides.However, during the recovery phase, keeping staff <strong>and</strong>community in<strong>for</strong>med remains critical.6-12

PREPAREDNESSThere is a great deal of variation in what districts doto prepare <strong>for</strong> crises. Different districts have differentneeds <strong>and</strong> face different hazards. For example, OlatheUnified School District in Kansas is likely to face a tornado,unlike San Diego City Public <strong>Schools</strong> in Cali<strong>for</strong>nia.Also, San Diego serves far more students than Olathe.In contrast, the Boyertown Area School District inPennsylvania must address the hazards posed by itsproximity to a nuclear power plant. Volusia County,Florida, is unique <strong>for</strong> its tests of whether staff <strong>and</strong> studentsfollow proper procedures during a mock crisis situation.Despite their different needs, all four districtshave undertaken comprehensive preparedness ef<strong>for</strong>ts.Olathe Unified School District, Kansas“The question is not if an emergency happens, butwhen it happens, how prepared are we to h<strong>and</strong>le asituation,” says the assistant superintendent <strong>for</strong> generaladministration <strong>for</strong> the Olathe School District. Olathe’scrisis plan has been in existence <strong>for</strong> the past 11 years.Every school building is required to have its own allhazardcrisis plans, which are also housed in the districtoffice. Building principals review <strong>and</strong> update their plansyearly to make sure they are in compliance. Plans arecontinuously used by school buildings <strong>and</strong> are consideredpart of the daily routine.The district has two teams that have specific responsibilitiesneeded to respond to crisis situations. The districtcrisis management team is responsible <strong>for</strong> coordinationof all aspects of a crisis from the district level.The building crisis management team assesses the6-13

situation to determine whether the building crisis planshould be set into motion. The district has also establisheduniversal codes, drills, <strong>and</strong> procedures <strong>for</strong> eachbuilding in the district. Training <strong>and</strong> drills are seen asessential components of the crisis plans. The districtrequires five types of drills over the school year: fire, tornado,severe weather, code red (lockdown), <strong>and</strong> bus evacuation.Other drills are left up to the schools’ discretion.San Diego City Public <strong>Schools</strong>, Cali<strong>for</strong>niaSan Diego has implemented a four-pronged approach <strong>for</strong>the development <strong>and</strong> maintenance of its schools’ safetyplans <strong>and</strong> meeting safety needs of students, staff, <strong>and</strong>the community:1 Revise emergency procedures <strong>and</strong>develop a quick reference guide.2 Create <strong>and</strong> distribute an emergencyresponse box to every school <strong>and</strong> childdevelopment center in the district.3 Conduct ongoing crisis response planning<strong>and</strong> training with the San DiegoPolice Department, San Diego SchoolPolice Services, public safety, <strong>and</strong>district personnel.4 Implement safe school plans.State law has required school safety plans since 1997.School police services coordinates the annual review ofsafe school plans <strong>for</strong> all schools <strong>and</strong> child developmentcenters in the district. Plans must be reviewed <strong>and</strong>approved by the school site prior to submission toschool police services. The school board ultimately signs6-14

off on all plans. The district can be fined by the state <strong>for</strong>any school that does not submit a plan.Boyertown Area School District, PennsylvaniaBoyertown Area School District is only a few miles fromthe Limerick Nuclear Generating Plant. Any school within10 miles of a nuclear power plant has special needs <strong>for</strong>crisis plans. Many Pennsylvania school districts havefound the Philadelphia Electric Company—Limerick’sowner—very helpful in developing evacuation plans.Boyertown has developed an All Hazards Plan, whichprovides in<strong>for</strong>mation on various emergency procedures,including those <strong>for</strong> accidents, bomb threats, evacuation,explosion, fire, hazardous materials, natural disasters,radiological emergencies, security situations, casualties,<strong>and</strong> crisis intervention. The All Hazards Plan goes to districtadministrators <strong>and</strong> school principals who in turndevelop site plans. School staff are given a staff emergencyprocedures folder to use in the event of an emergency.The district uses a color-coded system to facilitateresponse <strong>and</strong> communication. One feature of the AllHazards Plan is the checklist that appears at the beginningof each section. These checklists enable the personin charge during an emergency to know exactly what todo, whom to call, <strong>and</strong> how to react. Changes are made tothe plan as the district experiences emergencies or conductsroutine drills. In addition to the routine drills, everytwo years school buildings must conduct a radiologicaldrill with the help of emergency management staff.Volusia County <strong>Schools</strong>, Florida“Overall, [Volusia County <strong>Schools</strong>] feel com<strong>for</strong>table thatstaff <strong>and</strong> students are prepared <strong>for</strong> an emergency,” saysthe district director of student assignments. The district6-15

has implemented a security certification process <strong>for</strong> allschools <strong>for</strong> the past four years. <strong>Schools</strong> must be in compliancewith all 57 security st<strong>and</strong>ards which are dividedinto six categories:1 training <strong>and</strong> implementation,2 violence prevention,3 emergencies <strong>and</strong> disasters,4 student <strong>and</strong> staff protection,5 physical plant, <strong>and</strong>6 community involvement.In addition to a copy of the st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> requirements<strong>for</strong> certification, schools have access to a workbook thatoutlines where they should be. A team of district,school, <strong>and</strong> law en<strong>for</strong>cement administrators conductscompliance monitoring <strong>and</strong> certification every thirdyear. To confirm that staff <strong>and</strong> students are aware ofprocedures during a crisis situation, schools are evaluatedon their response to a crisis scenario. In order to pass,schools must demonstrate that staff <strong>and</strong> students followproper procedures <strong>and</strong> are aware of steps they must takewhen a situation arises. District staff annually spotcheckschools on identified st<strong>and</strong>ards. <strong>Schools</strong> found outof compliance receive unannounced spot-checks withina year after the initial review.6-16

COMMUNITY COLLABORATION<strong>Crisis</strong> planning experts recommend that school districtscollaborate with community emergency responders indeveloping their crisis plans. They note that emergencyresponders have substantial training in this area, unlikemost school system staff. In some states, laws m<strong>and</strong>ate collaborationamong schools, school districts <strong>and</strong> emergencyresponders in developing their crisis plans. For example,the Georgia General Assembly wrote the following:“School safety plans of public schools shall beprepared with input from students enrolled inthat school, parents or legal guardians of suchstudents, teachers in that school, other schoolemployees <strong>and</strong> school district employees <strong>and</strong>local law en<strong>for</strong>cement, fire service, public safety<strong>and</strong> emergency management agencies.”Maine, Nevada, <strong>and</strong> Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong> are among the statesrequiring law en<strong>for</strong>cement, firefighters, <strong>and</strong> local emergencyservices officials be included in the planning process.Here are examples of how two school districts have workedwith community agencies to develop their crisis plans.Bibb County School District, GeorgiaSchool district staff in Bibb County, Georgia, throughthe school police, have worked extensively with county<strong>and</strong> community agencies to develop a comprehensivecrisis management plan. After their district-wide crisisteam (whose members included campus police, schoolsocial workers, school psychologists, teachers from alleducation levels, families, <strong>and</strong> students) had developeda draft crisis management plan, they worked with local6-17

police, sheriff, EMS, Red Cross, county health <strong>and</strong> mentalhealth agencies, <strong>and</strong> family <strong>and</strong> children’s services todetermine how they would interact in a crisis <strong>and</strong> whatservices each agency would provide.District staff have also participated in the communitywideemergency preparedness initiative. This ef<strong>for</strong>t toaddress major incidents was convened by the sheriffwho recognized that the county emergency managementagency has plans to deal with floods <strong>and</strong> hurricanes, butis not prepared <strong>for</strong> a weapons of mass destruction incident.All community agencies were asked to bringcopies of their crisis plans <strong>and</strong> a list of the resourcesthey could lend to manage such an incident. This grouphas been meeting every two weeks <strong>and</strong> has conducted anumber of tabletop exercises.Hanover Public <strong>Schools</strong>, VirginiaHanover Public <strong>Schools</strong>’ crisis plans developed out ofa partnership with the Hanover County Sheriff’sDepartment. Plans have been in existence <strong>for</strong> the pasteight years. The district’s plan consists of intervention,crisis response, <strong>and</strong> critical incident procedures. Animportant component of the district’s plan is its communitycollaboration. “The district has made every ef<strong>for</strong>t toinclude a broad cross section of the community constituencyin the development of crisis plans,” says thedistrict’s executive director of support services. The districthas an interagency agreement that is both written<strong>and</strong> verbal with a compendium of agencies to aid incommunication <strong>and</strong> to help coordinate services betweenthe agencies <strong>and</strong> individual schools or the entire schooldistrict. In addition, each school must have a communityrepresentative on the school safety committee <strong>and</strong> onthe school safety audit committee.6-18

INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEMResponse to all crises requires a clear chain of comm<strong>and</strong>between all responders. The ICS is based on the premisethat every crisis has certain major elements requiringclear lines of comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control.FEMA is a good source of in<strong>for</strong>mation on the ICS.FEMA has developed a self-study course that anyonecan take. The description of the ICS below borrowsfrom that course <strong>and</strong> from FEMA’s multihazard training<strong>for</strong> schools—a program also offered by many state emergencymanagement agencies.Be<strong>for</strong>e developing school <strong>and</strong> district ICS teams, workwith emergency responders to learn how they willrespond to different types of crises. Learn which typesof crises will result in fire <strong>and</strong> police departments leadingthe response. Learn how they will direct their personnel<strong>and</strong> interface with outsiders. Let these agenciesknow who at the school will be their liaison during anincident. Designate two backup liaison officers in casethe primary liaison is off site when the incident occurs.Although emergency responders may be managing theincident, there is still much <strong>for</strong> school staff to do, includingmanaging the care of students <strong>and</strong> the supplies <strong>and</strong>staffing needs of the situation. While the ICS calls <strong>for</strong>school staff to serve in all of the critical functions, beprepared <strong>for</strong> the incident comm<strong>and</strong>er to designate outsidepersonnel to manage these responsibilities. Accordingto FEMA, the critical functions are as follows:Incident comm<strong>and</strong>er. This person managesthe entire incident <strong>and</strong> will very often be anemergency responder rather than a schooladministrator.6-19

Public in<strong>for</strong>mation officer. This person isresponsible <strong>for</strong> releasing in<strong>for</strong>mation to families,community members, <strong>and</strong> the mediaduring a crisis. The media can be a tremendoushelp in getting in<strong>for</strong>mation to families<strong>and</strong> community members.Safety officer. This person is responsible<strong>for</strong> the safety of the scene <strong>and</strong> the individualsat the scene. His or her role might includedetermining whether students have beenevacuated far enough from the school. Oftenthis role will be filled by an emergencyresponder.Liaison officer. This person is responsible<strong>for</strong> coordinating with all of the agencies thathave responded to the crisis. It is critical thatthis person be a good communicator <strong>and</strong> ableto convey important in<strong>for</strong>mation both toresponders about the situation or the schoolfacility <strong>and</strong> to school staff about necessaryactions.Operations officer. This person managesstudent <strong>and</strong> staff care during a crisis. Thisincludes physical (food <strong>and</strong> water), medical(CPR <strong>and</strong> first aid), <strong>and</strong> mental needs (psychologicalservices), as well as student release.<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>and</strong> intelligence officer. Thisperson is responsible <strong>for</strong> documenting theevent, analyzing what has transpired thusfar, <strong>and</strong> planning <strong>for</strong> possible further action.Logistics officer. This person manages thesupply <strong>and</strong> staffing needs of the situation. Thelogistics officer focuses on acquiring6-20

the supplies needed to assist the emergencyresponders. The logistics officer’s school stafflogistics responsibilities will include long-termneeds (beyond the first four hours) <strong>for</strong> thingslike food, water, <strong>and</strong> bathroom facilities, aswell as transportation (if students need to bebused off campus). The logistics officer is alsoresponsible <strong>for</strong> locating <strong>and</strong> assigning staff tofill various tasks <strong>for</strong> emergency situations.This could include finding staff to carry messagesfrom the operations officer to those staffmembers directly managing students.6-21

THE MEDIAThough there are not many certainties in school crises,it is guaranteed that the media will be at the scene.Instead of being overwhelmed <strong>and</strong> threatened by themedia, be prepared to work with them. The media canbe a valuable asset during a crisis. In the event of a catastrophicevent, the media may be your only outlet <strong>for</strong>communicating with families. However, as with all crisisplanning, it is important to be proactive, not reactive.If members of the media feel that they are not getting astory, they will seek one out.Work with local media be<strong>for</strong>e a crisisoccurs to make sure they underst<strong>and</strong>your needs during an incident. The mediacan even help report on preparednessef<strong>for</strong>ts—families <strong>and</strong> community memberswill appreciate knowing about a plan <strong>for</strong>dealing with the situation should a crisisarise.Designate one representative withinyour crisis team to deal with the media.This should be the PIO. The PIO may be theprincipal or another team member designatedby the principal or the head of the responseteam. There also may be media specialists atthe district level. Investigate this <strong>and</strong> makesure that the school-level representativeimmediately contacts the district-level mediarepresentative in the event of a crisis.Emphasize that only the designated representativewill give in<strong>for</strong>mation to themedia. In order to be proactive, only onePIO/spokesperson should speak with themedia, even if there is nothing yet available6-22

to share. It is helpful <strong>for</strong> the representative tointroduce him or herself as the spokesperson<strong>and</strong> say, “We don’t have/aren’t able to releaseany in<strong>for</strong>mation yet but we will keep youupdated as soon as we are able. We wouldreally appreciate your cooperation with stayingin the media staging area. I will be makingall announcements from this area <strong>and</strong>will keep you in<strong>for</strong>med.”Designate a predetermined site <strong>for</strong> themedia to congregate in event of a schoolcrisis. If it is not possible to use the predeterminedsite that is away from students <strong>and</strong>staff, the principal or head of the comm<strong>and</strong>chain should designate an alternate site.Prepare staff to deal with the mediatrying to get live coverage pictures <strong>and</strong>interviews. Media personnel will often tryto get on campus <strong>and</strong> interview staff <strong>and</strong> students.Make it clear to staff that they shoulddirect media people to the media area <strong>and</strong> tothe school spokesperson or PIO.Arrange <strong>for</strong> a joint press conference withemergency responders or choose onemedia representative to disseminate in<strong>for</strong>mationto all other media outlets. This willgive you some control over the content, flow,<strong>and</strong> timing of in<strong>for</strong>mation that is released.Work with state <strong>and</strong> local emergencymanagement agencies to have the FederalAviation Administration restrict air spaceover your site. This will prevent helicoptersflying over your school at a time of chaos.Media helicopters can be very frighteningto children.6-23

PRODUCTSA three-ring binder detailing every aspect of response,complete with floor plans, facilities in<strong>for</strong>mation, <strong>and</strong>roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities is not the only product you’llneed to be able to respond to a crisis. Teachers shouldhave abbreviated guides, principals should have crisisresponse boxes, <strong>and</strong> emergency responders should havefloor plans <strong>and</strong> facilities in<strong>for</strong>mation. Some schooldistricts have found the following products useful.Teacher Quick Reference GuidesThe director of school safety in Bulloch County,Georgia, discovered that teachers found having copiesof the district’s safety plan inadequate <strong>for</strong> crisisresponse. Using the master plan, they were unable toquickly identify their roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities in acrisis. Teachers recommended that the district developsomething they could hold in their h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> quicklyflip through.Staff at one high school, including teachers, nurses, <strong>and</strong>media center staff, were drafted to develop such a tool.Their Quick Guide was piloted by all teachers at thatschool <strong>for</strong> one year. Overall, teachers were happy withthe guide but did report some bugs. Over the summerthe district-level team worked to refine the guide toaddress the bugs <strong>and</strong> make sure the guide contained allkey in<strong>for</strong>mation from the district-level plan. The guideis a spiral-bound notebook with plastic insert pages. Thepages contain district- <strong>and</strong> school-specific in<strong>for</strong>mation.General district procedures are on the front pages <strong>and</strong>school-specific in<strong>for</strong>mation, such as evacuation locations<strong>for</strong> fire drills, are on the back pages. The title of eachincident is at the bottom of the page so staff can quicklyflip to the procedures <strong>for</strong> the situation at h<strong>and</strong>.6-24

The Quick Guide has been designed to be a dynamicdocument that can be updated every year. Now allfaculty members, from teachers to cafeteria workers,have a copy of the guide <strong>and</strong> only principals <strong>and</strong>members of school safety team have the big book.<strong>Crisis</strong> BoxesThe Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Safe <strong>Schools</strong> Task Force realizedschool administrators should have crisis boxes sothat they will immediately have the in<strong>for</strong>mationessential <strong>for</strong> effective management of a criticalincident. They created a monograph that can be foundat http://www.cde.ca.gov/spbranch/safety/crisismgnt/crisis.asp. The monograph contains tips on how toorganize the in<strong>for</strong>mation that should be in the crisisresponse box, recommendations <strong>for</strong> who should getcopies of the box, <strong>and</strong> details of what should be inthe box <strong>and</strong> why. Recommended contents includethe following:<strong>Crisis</strong> response team roster <strong>and</strong> contactin<strong>for</strong>mationStudent attendance rostersStudent disposition <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>and</strong> emergencydata cardsStudent photosSpecial needs dataStaff rosterKeys6-25

Aerial photos of campusMaps of the surrounding neighborhoodCampus layoutEvacuation sitesDesignated comm<strong>and</strong> post <strong>and</strong> staging areasFire alarm turn-off proceduresSprinkler systems turn-off proceduresUtility shutoff valvesGas line <strong>and</strong> utility line layoutThe guide also reminds schools of the importance ofhaving first aid supplies easily accessible from multiplelocations.Teacher <strong>Crisis</strong> BagsMany experts recommend that each classroom beequipped with a crisis bag. These can take the <strong>for</strong>m ofbackpacks, tote bags, or even five gallon buckets. Thecontents should include the following:Current class rosterCopy of emergency proceduresFirst aid suppliesFlashlight <strong>and</strong> extra batteries6-26

Activities <strong>for</strong> studentsPaper <strong>and</strong> pensClipboardStore teacher crisis bags in easily accessible locations.Family Reunification PlansStaff in Bibb County School District, Georgia, have puta lot of ef<strong>for</strong>t into developing the family reunificationprocedures that are in the district crisis plan. They haveworked with the Red Cross to set up evacuation/reunificationsites around the county. Not only does everyschool have two evacuation kits that include studentrosters <strong>and</strong> emergency notification/contact cards, butthe district has a system-wide reunification kit. Thiskit includes drafts of notices that can be faxed to localmedia outlets with in<strong>for</strong>mation necessary to let familiesknow both that an evacuation has occurred <strong>and</strong> wherethey can collect their children. Bibb County’s crisispreparations included discussions with the media onhow media outlets could help distribute in<strong>for</strong>mation inthe event of a crisis. The Chief of Bibb County SchoolPolice noted that the media has been very cooperativein developing these protocols.School Site In<strong>for</strong>mationWhen a crisis occurs, emergency responders will immediatelyneed a great deal of in<strong>for</strong>mation about yourschool campus. They will need to know the membersof your crisis response team, how various sites can beaccessed, <strong>and</strong> the location of utility shutoff valves. Manyschools share this in<strong>for</strong>mation with local police <strong>and</strong>6-27

escue agencies during the crisis planning process. Someschools give these agencies copies of floor plans thatindicate shutoff in<strong>for</strong>mation. Some school districts compilesite in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> all schools on a CD-ROM <strong>and</strong>distribute copies to responders; other schools post thisin<strong>for</strong>mation on a secure Web site that responders canaccess from laptops at the scene. The following are twoexamples of how this in<strong>for</strong>mation can be assembled.Maryl<strong>and</strong> Virtual Emergency Response System,or MVERS. MVERS was developed in partnershipwith the Maryl<strong>and</strong> State Police, Maryl<strong>and</strong> Institute <strong>for</strong>Emergency Medical Services Systems, <strong>and</strong> the Maryl<strong>and</strong>Emergency Management Agency. This system can beused to prepare an electronic plan that allows quick<strong>and</strong> easy access to in<strong>for</strong>mation in order to expedite aresponse to a critical situation. MVERS utilizes digitalfloor plans with specific icons that link the viewerto photographs, panoramic pictures, or spreadsheetscontaining essential data. The images can includeinstructions <strong>for</strong> disconnecting utilities, gaining accessto a certain area, <strong>and</strong> locations of potential hazards.The combination of floor plans <strong>and</strong> associated in<strong>for</strong>mationprovides a virtual tour of the structure’s interior<strong>and</strong> exterior, allowing responders to underst<strong>and</strong> thebuilding layout prior to entering. <strong>Schools</strong> can also loadcontact in<strong>for</strong>mation into MVERS. The Virtual EmergencyResponse System Construction Kit will provide the userwith a description of the MVERS, an appendix ofresources, <strong>and</strong> shareware <strong>for</strong> completing the plan. TheMVERS team estimates it takes about 60 hours to collect<strong>and</strong> load all in<strong>for</strong>mation to create the digital floorplan <strong>for</strong> each school. The bulk of this time will be spenttaking <strong>and</strong> editing pictures of the buildings.6-28

Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina PoliceVirtual Tour. After a recent incident where there werecommunication glitches between school staff <strong>and</strong> police,the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department realized itneeded to better prepare <strong>for</strong> school crises. An officerwas detailed to create Virtual Tours <strong>for</strong> each school. TheVirtual Tour is a combination of the school plan <strong>and</strong> thepolice plan. School resource officers, or SROs, developbasic crisis plans around the plans their school hasalready developed. The SROs identify on-scene <strong>and</strong> offscenecomm<strong>and</strong> posts <strong>and</strong> initial road blocks. They alsocollect in<strong>for</strong>mation on crucial players at the school <strong>and</strong>district (maintenance supervisors), bell schedules, aerialphotographs of the school <strong>and</strong> surrounding community,<strong>and</strong> extensive photos of the school campus.For each school, a master Web page contains a pictureof the school <strong>and</strong> links to the crisis plan, the VirtualTour, <strong>and</strong> aerial photos of the school <strong>and</strong> surroundingneighborhood. The tour allows emergency respondersto move around the school building from the safety ofa laptop as they prepare to respond to the crisis. TheVirtual Tour opens with a map of the school. Userscan zoom in on a door or window, click on a door<strong>and</strong> go through, walk down a hallway, look left, right,up <strong>and</strong> down, <strong>and</strong> turn around. Each screen includesan orientation map that shows where you are on thesite map. The program also flags potential hazards, suchas closets, windows in unusual spaces, <strong>and</strong> crawl spaces.This in<strong>for</strong>mation is loaded on police laptops <strong>and</strong> computers<strong>and</strong> updated monthly. This material is stored ona private Web site <strong>and</strong> cannot be accessed by the public.6-29

CONSIDERATIONS OF SPECIALNEEDS STAFF AND STUDENTSBe sure to give special consideration to the unique needsof staff <strong>and</strong> students with disabilities when developingthe crisis plan. Evacuation <strong>and</strong> relocation procedureswill need to address mental physical, motor, developmental,<strong>and</strong> sensory limitations. For example, individualswho use wheelchairs or other auxiliary aids will notbe able to traverse the front steps of a building withoutsubstantial assistance.The following issues should be addressed:In some cases, individuals with disabilitiesmay have limited mobility. In an evacuationthere may not be enough time to move students<strong>and</strong> staff with limited mobility totraditional shelters. It is important to identifyalternative, accessible, safe shelter locations<strong>and</strong> to communicate these locations toemergency responders.Individuals with hearing disabilities may notbe able to communicate verbally, to read lips,or to hear fire alarms or other emergency signals.Consider providing basic sign languagetraining to designated school staff.Visual impairments might impede readingsigns or traversing unfamiliar or altered terrain—considerwhether debris might obstructthe evacuation of such staff <strong>and</strong> students <strong>and</strong>necessitate alternative shelter locations.Debris may obstruct the evacuation of individualswith mobility impairments. Be sure6-30

to assign sufficient staff to assist these individualsduring a crisis or consider identifyingalternative shelter locations.Are staff trained to assist students withdevelopmental disabilities? These studentsmay become upset if routine patterns ofactivity are disrupted.Do any students or staff have special needs<strong>for</strong> medicines, power supplies, or medicaldevices that are not likely to be available inemergency shelters? Consider what alternativearrangements can be made to providethese necessities.In addition to addressing these concerns, find outwhether specific crises will require additional considerations<strong>for</strong> hazards, such as fire, severe weather, or earthquake.For example, mobility impairments might preventsome staff or students from being able to bend over toassume the protective position recommended during tornadoes.Also, during a fire, elevators will be unavailableto transport wheelchairs. As noted earlier, it is critical toidentify safe <strong>and</strong> appropriate shelter areas inside schoolbuildings that can be reached quickly <strong>and</strong> accommodateindividuals with disabilities.6-31

STUDENT RELEASEStudent release is a crucial part of crisis planning. Inall school crisis planning, the safety of the students isthe main priority. During a crisis, traditional studentrelease procedures are frequently unsafe or otherwiseinoperable. Accordingly, a comprehensive crisis planneeds to include certain procedures:Update student rosters. Rosters should beupdated at a minimum of twice a year; somedistricts recommend updating rosters weekly.Distribute updated rosters. All teachersneed updated rosters of all their classes. Thisin<strong>for</strong>mation should be stored in their classroomso that a substitute teacher could easilyfind it. A copy of all rosters should also beplaced in the crisis response box, as well aswith the principal <strong>and</strong> any other stakeholderas advisable. It is critical to know which studentsare present during a crisis.Create student emergency cards. At thebeginning of the school year, make sure theschool has an emergency card <strong>for</strong> eachstudent containing contact in<strong>for</strong>mation onparents/guardians, as well as several otheradults who can be contacted if the parent orguardian is not available. The card shouldalso indicate whether the student is permittedto leave campus with any of the adults listedon the card, if necessary. Some districts recommendauthorizing one or more parentsof children at your child’s school to pick upyour child. The card should also include allpertinent medical in<strong>for</strong>mation, such as6-32

allergies, medications, <strong>and</strong> doctor contactin<strong>for</strong>mation. These cards should be storedin the front office, both in hard copy <strong>and</strong>electronically, if possible.Create student release <strong>for</strong>ms to be usedin times of crisis <strong>and</strong> store them withcrisis response materials. Create a back-upplan if <strong>for</strong>ms are not available.Designate student release areas, as wellas back-up options. These areas should bepredetermined <strong>and</strong> communicated to families.If necessary, changes should be communicatedthrough the designated channels.Assign roles <strong>for</strong> staff. For example, a staffmember is needed to take the emergencycards from the office to the release area,while several staff members are needed todeal with families <strong>and</strong> sign out students.These roles should be assigned be<strong>for</strong>e a crisisoccurs. If roles change, the principal or designatedleader should assign new roles.Create student release procedures.These procedures should create a flexible,yet simple, system <strong>for</strong> the release of students.Families will want immediate access to theirchildren; emotions will be running high.Create a system that considers this, <strong>and</strong> trainstaff to expect it. Procedures should requireproof of identity; if necessary, wait until suchproof can be ascertained. It is important notto release a student to a noncustodial guardianif custody is an issue <strong>for</strong> the family. Do notrelease students to people not listed on studentemergency cards. A well-intentioned6-33

friend may offer to take a child home; however,school staff must be certain that studentsare only released to the appropriate people sostudents’ families will know where they are.Arrange <strong>for</strong> transportation <strong>for</strong> studentswho are not taken home by a parent orguardian. Also arrange <strong>for</strong> shelter <strong>and</strong> provisions,if necessary.Use all communication outlets to keepfamilies, the media, <strong>and</strong> communityin<strong>for</strong>med during <strong>and</strong> after the crisis.Signal the end of the crisis as well.6-34

PREPARING STUDENTS,STAFF, AND STAKEHOLDERSTO RESPONDExperts have noted that when a crisis occurs, individualsinvolved tend to go on autopilot. There<strong>for</strong>e, when acrisis occurs staff immediately need to know how toreact. They need to know, <strong>for</strong> example, the signals <strong>for</strong>crisis, the protocol <strong>for</strong> lockdown <strong>and</strong> evacuation, howto dismiss students, <strong>and</strong> what to do if staff or studentsneed help. They should know these things ahead oftime. There will not be a time during the crisis to thinkabout what to do next. Chances of responding appropriatelyin a crisis will be much greater if all players havepracticed the basic steps they will need to take. Training<strong>and</strong> drills are crucial.In the San Diego, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, school district, staff feelthat practice <strong>and</strong> training should constitute the majorityof the crisis planning process. In their “<strong>for</strong>mula <strong>for</strong> success,”practice accounts <strong>for</strong> 50 percent of the process,training <strong>for</strong> 30 percent, <strong>and</strong> planning 20 percent. Whilethe percentages are flexible, training <strong>and</strong> drills areessential. Key components to facilitate training, <strong>and</strong>thus a successful reaction, are as follows:Provide regular, comprehensive trainings<strong>for</strong> teachers <strong>and</strong> staff. At least once a year,provide crisis response training <strong>for</strong> teachers<strong>and</strong> staff. Also provide make-up trainings <strong>for</strong>those unable to attend the regular trainingsession. Go through the crisis plan <strong>and</strong> proceduresin order to familiarize all school personnelwith it. Periodically remind staff ofsignals <strong>and</strong> codes.6-35

Visit evacuation sites with staff <strong>and</strong>stakeholders. Show involved parties notonly where evacuation sites are but alsowhere specific areas, such as student reunificationareas, media areas, <strong>and</strong> triage areaswill be.Give all staff, stakeholders, <strong>and</strong> familiesliterature corresponding to the crisisplan. While all staff should have a copy ofthe crisis plan, it will also be helpful to providethem with pamphlets reminding themof key principles. Families <strong>and</strong> communitymembers should also receive literature summarizingcrisis procedures <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationpertaining to them. Provide each classroomwith a copy of the crisis plan <strong>and</strong> any relevantmaterials, supplies, <strong>and</strong> equipment.Require a specific number of crisis drillsevery year. Most states require fire drills; thesame should be true of crisis drills. This neednot be an extra burden; work with state <strong>and</strong>district laws <strong>for</strong> possible options. In Arizona,<strong>for</strong> example, schools are permitted to use someof the m<strong>and</strong>ated fire drills <strong>for</strong> crisis drills.Also, speak with students about the importanceof drills <strong>and</strong> explain that while theyare serious, students should not be frightened.Conduct tabletop exercises <strong>and</strong> scenariobaseddrills regularly. While actual drills<strong>and</strong> training are essential, it is also helpful tohave group brainstorming activities that canbe done in<strong>for</strong>mally around a table. These canbe held with stakeholders, staff, communitymembers, <strong>and</strong> first responders. Students canbe involved as well.6-36

STAFF TRAININGSchool staff need to be trained in how to respond ina crisis.Bulloch County School District, GeorgiaIn Bulloch County School District, Georgia, school districtstaff were able to illustrate to the school board theneed <strong>for</strong> training by using data from a faculty surveyshowing teachers felt they lacked the skills to consistently<strong>and</strong> adequately respond in a crisis. The districtnow uses a train-the-trainer model to provide importantskills to all school staff.District staff now conduct trainings every month. Eachschool sends a delegate from its crisis response team orsafety committee. Often the delegate is an assistant principalor lead teacher, but some training sessions focus onthe needs of specific groups, such as front office personnel,custodians, <strong>and</strong> cafeteria workers. Training sessionshave addressed topics from intruders to large assemblies.Generally the first hour of each training session is anexplanation/demonstration <strong>for</strong> the delegates. Duringthe second hour, the delegates work in groups to deviseways to present this in<strong>for</strong>mation to the staff at theirschools. All school staff members are expected to receivetraining from their delegates within a month of the district-widetraining.6-37

For the bomb threat training, a representative from theGeorgia Emergency Management Agency, or GEMA,conducts an assessment at each school to identifycommon issues. The GEMA officer than conductsthe training <strong>and</strong> covers the following issues:What <strong>for</strong>m the secretaries should completewhen a bomb threat is called in,How the secretaries can keep the caller onthe phone as long as possible,How to alert school staff <strong>and</strong> law en<strong>for</strong>cementbased on their conversation with aperpetrator,Who is in charge of the situation(law en<strong>for</strong>cement versus fire chief), <strong>and</strong>How the building will be screened whenemergency responders arrive.The training also addresses how school staff should benotified of the bomb threat, including those schoolswithout intercoms. In addition, staff learn that if thecaller reports that a bomb is in the gym, <strong>for</strong> example,it might not be necessary to evacuate the entire school.During the month following the training, each schoolwill be required to conduct a bomb threat drill. Thesedrills will range from law en<strong>for</strong>cement responding asthough there really was a bomb in the building to astaff-only tabletop exercise.Every spring all school principals <strong>and</strong> safety representativesevaluate that year’s training to identify areaswhere more training is needed.6-38

Hudson School District, New HampshireThe Hudson School District teamed with the NewHampshire Office of Emergency Management(NHOEM) to train district staff in emergency planning.The district then teamed with local police <strong>and</strong> fireofficials to conduct tabletop exercises, individual schooldrills, <strong>and</strong> a town-wide mock drill.The comprehensive town-wide drill began at a localelementary school when an intruder entered the school.The school <strong>and</strong> local response agencies were faced witha number of issues including that the intruder had aweapon <strong>and</strong> had taken a hostage. During the drill, theICS was activated at both the school <strong>and</strong> theSuperintendent’s Office. The town-wide drill was evaluatedby NHOEM <strong>and</strong> local experts. The experiencehelped the district better prepare to manage emergencies.The district also gained valuable experience ininterfacing with local emergency responders.6-39

TABLETOP EXERCISESTabletop exercises are “in<strong>for</strong>mal <strong>and</strong> stress-free exercisesintended to facilitate the testing, evaluation <strong>and</strong> practicingof a school facility’s crisis response plan <strong>and</strong> promotegroup problem solving.” (Fairfax County, Virginia).While drills <strong>and</strong> training are essential, it is also helpfulto have group brainstorming activities that can be conductedin<strong>for</strong>mally. For this reason, many districts areadopting tabletop exercises. Fairfax County, Virginia,has had great success with these exercises. In Fairfax,the exercises consist of complete written scenarios <strong>and</strong>“injects”—additional pieces of in<strong>for</strong>mation or circumstancesthat can be injected to alter the scenario. Theseinjects range from “suspicious person with firearmbehind school” to “electrical service to cafeteria interrupted.”Injects include a list of possible responses toassist the facilitator.The exercise begins with the reading of the scenario;scenarios are often tweaked to fit a particular school.A facilitator then distributes injects to individual participants.Participants may h<strong>and</strong>le the inject <strong>and</strong> implementan action individually or seek more in<strong>for</strong>mation<strong>and</strong> coordination from other group members.Discussion ensues.In Fairfax, the objectives include the following:Test the ability of school personnel to identify,allocate, <strong>and</strong> utilize resources within theirschool during a critical incident.Assess the ability of school personnel toimplement their critical incident plan.6-40

The director of safety <strong>and</strong> security <strong>for</strong> Fairfax CountyPublic <strong>Schools</strong> commented:“We believe that the best type of training isexperience. Fortunately, most of our schoolsdo not have frequent critical events thatrequire these kinds of responses. There<strong>for</strong>e,many of our personnel do not have theopportunity to experience the harsh realitiesof having to manage these issues. The tabletopexercise allows us to provide an environmentthat can reasonably simulate the topics<strong>and</strong> some elements of the stress that areinherent in critical events. We have providedtabletop exercises to all 234 of our schoolsover the past two years. We now have a rotatingschedule that provides an exercise facilitatedby our office to all high schools <strong>and</strong>middle schools every other year, <strong>and</strong> to eachelementary school every three years.”6-41

FAMILIESMany facets of school safety planning impact families.Much of the literature on school safety planning providesguidelines <strong>for</strong> communicating with families <strong>and</strong>advice <strong>for</strong> families on how to deal with their childrenafter a crisis. Additionally, verbatim statements fromfamilies of children attending school near the WorldTrade Center on September 11 provide insight into crisisplanning. The following sections address the school’srole in communicating with families both be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong>immediately following a school crisis <strong>and</strong> what familiescan do to facilitate their children’s recovery.Communicating In<strong>for</strong>mationto Families Be<strong>for</strong>e a <strong>Crisis</strong>Families will appreciate in<strong>for</strong>mation on crisis preparations.It is especially useful to explain family members’roles be<strong>for</strong>e an incident occurs. Some school districtssend families letters describing the school’s expectations<strong>for</strong> their response. Other school districts have found ituseful to work with local media to disseminate thisin<strong>for</strong>mation.School <strong>and</strong> district staff <strong>and</strong> emergency responders needto be able do their jobs. Families need to know that theyshould rely on media outlets <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation during anincident, rather than telephoning schools. It is veryimportant that families underst<strong>and</strong> that during a crisis,school phones will be needed to manage the situation.Families should also know that they should wait <strong>for</strong>instructions on student release rather than rushing tothe school. It is helpful to explain to families that emergencyresponders need the area clear to do their job.Also explain that only after emergency responders6-42

determine that a safe student release is possible willfamilies be reunited with their children. It is also usefulto remind families that in many situations, their childrenwill be safer in the school building than outsideor in a car, particularly in cases of severe weather.Communicating In<strong>for</strong>mationto Families During a <strong>Crisis</strong>Communicating with families. It is important to havea mechanism <strong>for</strong> communicating with families in theevent of a crisis. The mode of communication could bea telephone voice recording with in<strong>for</strong>mation aboutwelfare of the children, evacuation sites, or in<strong>for</strong>mationabout releasing students. Arrangements could be madewith TV <strong>and</strong> radio stations to release such in<strong>for</strong>mation.In the case of an extended crisis, such as the sniperattacks on the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area,a school official may want to write a letter to familieseach day of the crisis to update them on safety measuresdevoted to the safety of their children. <strong>Schools</strong> should besensitive to the communities they draw upon <strong>and</strong> enlistvolunteers to help communicate with families who donot speak English. It is important to acknowledgecultural differences in responding to crises.Contact in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> students. <strong>Schools</strong> needcontact in<strong>for</strong>mation from families, including numberswhere they can be reached during the day. In addition,each child should have several alternative contacts, suchas a relative or family friend who would be able to pickup the child in the event of an emergency. One of thebackup adults should live outside of the immediate area,if possible.6-43

Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Families in Dealing with TheirChildren After a <strong>Crisis</strong>Remain calm. It is important to remain calm in theaftermath of a crisis. Children are greatly influencedby their family’s sense of well-being, <strong>and</strong> anything thatfamilies can do to reassure students will be helpful.At the same time, families need to be compassionatelisteners when their children speak of the crisis.Attend to children’s reactions. Be alert to children’semotional needs. Individuals recover from crisis at theirown pace. Many children will benefit from mentalhealth services regardless of whether they were directlyor indirectly involved in the incident.Return children to normal routine as quickly aspossible. Families should adhere to the schedule of theschool, <strong>and</strong> if the school remains open immediately afterthe aftermath of a crisis, it is important to let childrenreturn to school. Adhering to a typical routine will helpchildren in the recovery process.Refer the Media to the PIO. Undoubtedly, the mediawill try to interview families <strong>and</strong> children during orafter a crisis. Families can make a very positive contributionto the school by referring the media to the PIO.Attend community meetings. Families will receiveinvaluable in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>and</strong> support by attending communityor school meetings. Community meetings oftenprovide in<strong>for</strong>mation to help dispel rumors <strong>and</strong> establishmechanisms of communication with parents, the media,<strong>and</strong> other affected parties.6-44

The following statement, made by a parent of a child ina school near the World Trade Center on September 11,2001, emphasizes the points made earlier.“Children’s reactions are reflections of theirparents. Too many parents expose children totheir every emotion: fear, anxiety, anger,worry, etc. The fact is that children want parentsto be heroes. If parents can be strong,this will benefit their recovery.”6-45

MODELS OF CRISISINTERVENTION FOR STUDENTSThere are many approaches to crisis intervention <strong>for</strong>students. Most experts agree that school- or classroombasedstress management needs to be conducted <strong>for</strong> allstudents <strong>and</strong> that those with more severe reactions needto be referred <strong>for</strong> evaluation <strong>and</strong> possibly counseling.Who provides interventions? Teachers, school counselors,<strong>and</strong> social workers, as well as community serviceproviders may be involved in conducting interventionsfollowing a crisis. Families may also use school personnelas a resource <strong>for</strong> seeking outside counseling. Duringthe planning phase, districts should identify serviceproviders in the community that have the skills <strong>and</strong>appropriate credentials <strong>and</strong> develop a list of referrals.What are the types of interventions? The followingbullets briefly describe several approaches:Group crisis intervention, or GCI, aschool-based intervention, is often defined as“psychological first aid.” GCI is an efficient<strong>and</strong> cost-effective way of helping studentscope in the aftermath of a crisis. Basically,GCI is offered to homogeneous groups ofstudents (class membership) <strong>and</strong> involvesguided group discussions in a supportiveenvironment. The agenda <strong>for</strong> GCI includesan introduction <strong>and</strong> sessions on providingfacts, dispelling rumors, sharing stories,sharing reactions, providing empowerment,<strong>and</strong> offering a closing. Students with severereactions to the crisis should receive moreintensive interventions (Brock et al., 2002).6-46

Acute traumatic stress management <strong>for</strong>educators, another school-based intervention,offers a “road map” <strong>for</strong> educators to dealwith the aftermath of a crisis. ATSM takesa practical approach to dealing with thepsychological consequences of a traumaticevent. The goal is to stimulate adaptivecoping mechanisms <strong>and</strong> to stabilize moresevere reactions among students. ATSM has10 stages:1 Assess <strong>for</strong> danger/safety <strong>for</strong> self <strong>and</strong>others.2 Consider the mechanism <strong>for</strong> injury.3 Evaluate the level of responsiveness.4 Address medical needs.5 Observe <strong>and</strong> identify.6 Connect with the individual.7 Ground the individual.8 Provide support.9 Normalize the response.10 Prepare <strong>for</strong> the future.Individual counseling. Students who experiencesevere symptoms after a crisis mayneed individual counseling. It is important<strong>for</strong> these individuals to be referred <strong>for</strong> furtherevaluation by a mental health professional.There are many <strong>for</strong>ms of individual6-47

counseling depending on the age of the child<strong>and</strong> presenting symptoms. Some of theapproaches to individual counseling includeplay therapy, art therapy, talking therapy,drug therapy, <strong>and</strong> a combination of therapies.Cognitive-behavioral therapy, among others,has shown to be an effective therapeuticintervention in the literature. Dr. RobertPynoos, Director of Trauma Psychiatry atthe University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia at Los Angeles,developed an interview guide <strong>for</strong> workingwith students who have been traumatized.The interview guide contains the followingsections:1 Triage questions2 Individual’s reaction to theevent/traumatic reminders3 Life changes/changes in behavior4 Grief responses5 Problem solving/taking constructiveaction, affirmation6 Affirmation <strong>and</strong> rein<strong>for</strong>cement ofstudent’s strengths <strong>and</strong> assets6-48

Appendix AAppendix A

Appendix AAppendix A

Appendix AResourcesThis resource list provides the reader with examples ofthe types of programs that exist in crisis planning. Thisin<strong>for</strong>mation is current as of Spring 2003. Selection ofthese programs does not indicate an endorsement by theDepartment of Education. The Department is interestedin identifying other crisis planning Web sites. Pleasecontact emergencyplan@ed.gov if you have in<strong>for</strong>mationregarding other practical resources.ReferencesBrock, S.E., Lazarus, P.J., & Jimerson, S.R. (2002). Best practicesin school crisis prevention <strong>and</strong> intervention.Bethesda, Md.:National Association of School Psychologists.http://www.nasponline.org/index2.htmlDoyle, J. & Loyacono, T.R. (2002). Disaster preparednessguidelines <strong>for</strong> school nurses. Scarborough, Maine: NationalAssociation of School Nurses. http://www.nasn.orgFederal Emergency Management Agency. (1993).Emergency management guide <strong>for</strong> business <strong>and</strong> industry.Washington, D.C.: Author.http://www.FEMA.gov/library/bizindex.shtmFederal Emergency Management Agency (2002).Integrating human-caused hazards into mitigation planning.Web release 10. Washington, D.C.: Author.http://www.fema.gov.Florida Department of Education. (2002). Instructor guide:Multi-hazard planning <strong>for</strong> Florida’s schools. Tallahassee, Fla.:Author. http://www.fpac.net/educator/signin.cgiA-1

References (Cont.)Lerner, M.D., Volpe, J.S., & Lindell, B. (2003). A practical guide <strong>for</strong>crisis response in our schools.Commack, N.Y.: American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.http://www.schoolcrisisresponse.comhttp://www.atsm.orghttp://www.traumatic-stress.orghttp://www.aaets.orgOlathe Unified School District, Kansas. (2002).<strong>Crisis</strong> management manual.Pol<strong>and</strong>, S. & McCormick, J.S. (1999). Coping with crisis:A resource guide <strong>for</strong> schools, parents, <strong>and</strong> communities.Longmont, Colo.: Sopris West.http://www.sopriswest.com/default.aspPitcher, G.D., & Pol<strong>and</strong>, S. (1992). <strong>Crisis</strong> intervention in theschools. New York: Guil<strong>for</strong>d Press. http://www.guil<strong>for</strong>d.comSchoenfeldt, M. (2000).School crisis response teams: Lesseningthe aftermath. Marysville, Wash.: Schoenfeldt & Associates.http://www.safer-schools.com/U.S. Secret Service <strong>and</strong> the U.S. Department of Education. (2002).Threat assessment in schools: A guide to managing threateningsituations <strong>and</strong> to creating safe school climates.Washington, D.C.: Author.http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSDFS/publications.htmlWebster’s ninth new collegiate dictionary. (1987).Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, Inc.Wong, M., Kelly, J. & Stephens, R.D. (2001). Jane’s school safetyh<strong>and</strong>book. Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, Va.: Jane’s In<strong>for</strong>mation Group.http://catalog.janes.com/A-2

Helpful Web ResourcesFor more in<strong>for</strong>mation on grants from the Department ofEducation to strengthen <strong>and</strong> improve emergencyresponse plans, as well as to help fund education-relatedef<strong>for</strong>ts in the immediate after math of a violent crisis,please see http://www.ed.gov/emergencyplanAmerican Red Crosshttp://www.redcross.orgPublic Health Training NetworkCenters <strong>for</strong> Disease Controlhttp://www.phppo.edc.gov/PHTN/<strong>Crisis</strong> Management ToolkitDepartment of Defense Education Activityhttp://www.odedodea.edu/instruction/crisis/index.htmFairfax County (VA) Public <strong>Schools</strong>http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/Federal Emergency Management Agencyhttp://www.fema.govMontgomery County (MD) Public <strong>Schools</strong>http://mcps.k12.md.us/info/emergency/preparedness/index.cfmNational Clearinghouse <strong>for</strong> Educational Facilitieshttp://www.edfacilities.org/NEA <strong>Crisis</strong> Response TeamNational Education Associationhttp://www.nea.org/crisis/b1home.html# responseNorth Carolina Public <strong>Schools</strong>http://www.ncpublicschools.orgA-3

Helpful Web Resources (Cont.)Ready Campaignhttp://www.ready.govEmergency <strong>Planning</strong>Office of Safe <strong>and</strong> Drug-Free <strong>Schools</strong>U.S. Department of Educationhttp://www.ed.gov/emergencyplan/Communication in a <strong>Crisis</strong>: Risk Communication Guidelines <strong>for</strong>Public Officials, 2002U.S. Department of Health <strong>and</strong> Human ServicesSubstance Abuse <strong>and</strong> Mental Health Services Administrationhttp://www.riskcommunication.samhsa.gov/index.htmU.S. Department of Homel<strong>and</strong> Securityhttp://www.dhs.govA-4

State Emergency Management Offices 1Natural Hazards ProgramAlabama Emergency Management Agency5898 County Road 41P.O. Drawer 2160Clanton, AL 35046-2160(205) 280-2238(205) 280-2200 MAIN(205) 280-2495 FAXhttp://www.aema.state.al.us/Alaska Division of Emergency ServicesP.O. Box 5750Fort Richardson, AK 99505-5750(907) 428-7000(907) 428-7009 FAXhttp://www.ak-prepared.com/School Preparedness Page:http://www.akprepared.com/training/toppage1.htmArizona Division of Emergency Services5636 East McDowell RoadPhoenix, AZ 85008(602) 231-6245(602) 231-6356 FAXhttp://www.dem.state.az.us/School Preparedness Page: http://www.dem.state.az.us/pte/multihazardschool1.htmPlans <strong>and</strong> Operations DepartmentArkansas Department of Emergency ManagementP.O. Box 758Conway, AR 72033(501) 730-9750(501) 730-9754 FAXhttp://www.adem.state.ar.us/1Please contact local emergency management offices prior tocontacting state offices.A-5

State Emergency Management Offices (Cont.)Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Governor’s Office of Emergency ServicesIn<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>and</strong> Public Affairs OfficeP.O. Box 419047Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9047(916) 845-8400(916) 845-8511 FAXhttp://www.oes.ca.gov/Colorado Office of Emergency ManagementDivision of Local GovernmentDepartment of Local Affairs15075 South Golden RoadGolden, CO 80401-3979(303) 273-1622(303) 273-1795 FAXhttp://www.dola.state.co.us/oem/oemindex.htmConnecticut Office of Emergency ManagementMilitary Department360 Broad StreetHart<strong>for</strong>d, CT 06105(860) 566-3180(860) 247-0664 FAXhttp://www.ct.gov/oem/site/default.asp(Connecticut Emergency Management officials recommendcontacting the State Department of Education.)Delaware Emergency Management Agency165 Brick Store L<strong>and</strong>ing RoadSmyrna, DE 19977(302) 659-3362(877)-729-3362 (in-state only)(302) 659-6855 FAXhttp://www.state.de.us/dema/index.htmA-6

District of Columbia Emergency Management Agency2000 14th Street, NW, 8th FloorWashington, DC 20009(202) 727-6161(202) 673-2290 FAXhttp://dcema.dc.govFlorida Division of Emergency Management2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100(850) 413-9969(850) 488-1016 FAXhttp://www.floridadisaster.orgGeorgia Emergency Management AgencyP.O. Box 18055Atlanta, GA 30316-0055(404) 635-7000(404) 635-7205 FAXhttp://www.State.Ga.US/GEMA/http://www2.state.ga.us/GEMA/Training, Education & In<strong>for</strong>mation BranchHawaii State Civil Defense3949 Diamond Head RoadHonolulu, HI 96816-4495(808) 733-4300(808) 734-4246(808) 733-4287 FAXhttp://www.scd.state.hi.usEmergency <strong>Planning</strong>Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services4040 Guard Street, Bldg. 600Boise, ID 83705-5004(208) 334-3460(208) 334-2322 FAXhttp://www2.state.id.us/bds/index.htmA-7

State Emergency Management Offices (Cont.)Illinois Emergency Management Agency110 East Adams StreetSpringfield, IL 62701(217) 782-7860(800) 782-7860 (in-state only)(217) 524-7967 FAXhttp://www.state.il.us/iemaState <strong>Planning</strong> BranchIndiana State Emergency Management Agency302 West Washington StreetRoom E-208 AIndianapolis, IN 46204-2767(317) 233-6116(317) 232-3986(317) 232-3895 FAXhttp://www.ai.org/sema/index.htmlIowa Division of Emergency ManagementDepartment of Public DefenseHoover Office BuildingDes Moines, IA 50319(515) 281-3231(515) 281-7539 FAXhttp://www.state.ia.us/government/dpd/emd/index.htmTraining SectionKansas Division of Emergency Management2800 S.W. Topeka BoulevardTopeka, KS 66611-1287(785) 274-1401(785) 274-1426 FAXhttp://www.ink.org/public/kdem/A-8

Kentucky Community <strong>Crisis</strong> Response Board612 B Shelby StreetFrank<strong>for</strong>t, KY 40601-3460(502) 564-0131(502) 564-0133 (fax)http://www.state.ky.us/agencies/military/kccrb/index.htmlOrKentucky Emergency ManagementEOC Building100 Minuteman Parkway Bldg. 100Frank<strong>for</strong>t, KY 40601-6168(502) 607-1682(502) 607-1614 FAXhttp://kyem.dma.state.ky.usLouisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness7667 Independence Blvd.Baton Rouge, LA 70806(225) 925-7500(225) 925-7501 FAXhttp://www.loep.state.la.us<strong>Planning</strong>Maine Emergency Management AgencyState Office Building, Station 72Augusta, ME 04333(207) 626-4503(207) 626-4499 FAXhttp://www.state.me.us/mema/memahome.htmA-9

State Emergency Management Offices (Cont.)Maryl<strong>and</strong> Emergency Management AgencyPublic In<strong>for</strong>mation OfficerCamp Fretterd Military Reservation5401 Rue Saint Lo DriveReisterstown, MD 21136(410) 517-3631(877) 636-2872 Toll-Free(410) 517-3610 FAXhttp://www.mema.state.md.us/Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency400 Worcester RoadFramingham, MA 01702-5399(508) 820-2000(508) 820-2030 FAXhttp://www.state.ma.us/memaTraining OfficeMichigan Division of Emergency Management4000 Collins RoadP.O. Box 30636Lansing, MI 48909-8136(517) 333-5042(517) 333-4987 FAXMinnesota Division of Emergency ManagementDepartment of Public SafetySuite 223444 Cedar StreetSt. Paul, MN 55101-6223(615) 651-0450(615) 651-0459 FAXhttp://www.dps.state.mn.us/emermgt/A-10

Mississippi Emergency Management AgencyP.O. Box 4501 - Fondren StationJackson, MS 39296-4501(601) 352-9100(800) 442-6362 Toll Free(601) 352-8314 FAXhttp://www.msema.org/index.htm(MEMA recommends contacting the State Department of Education,Division of School Safety)Missouri Emergency Management AgencyP.O. Box 162302 Militia DriveJefferson City, MO 65102(573) 526-9100(573) 751-2748 24-hour Duty Officer(573) 634-7966 FAXhttp://www.sema.state.mo.us/semapage.htmMontana Division of Disaster & Emergency Services1100 North MainP.O. Box 4789Helena, MT 59604-4789(406) 841-3911(406) 444-3965 FAXhttp://www.state.mt.us/dma/des/index.shtmlNebraska Emergency Management Agency1300 Military RoadLincoln, NE 68508-1090(402) 471-7421(402) 471-7433 FAXhttp://www.nebema.orgA-11

State Emergency Management Offices (Cont.)Nevada Division of Emergency Management2525 South Carson StreetCarson City, NV 89711(775) 687-4240(775) 687-6788 FAXhttp://www.dem.state.nv.us/Comprehensive Emergency Management<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Governor’s Office of Emergency ManagementState Office Park South107 Pleasant StreetConcord, NH 03301(603) 271-2231(603) 225-7341 FAXhttp://www.nhoem.state.nh.us/Operational <strong>Planning</strong> Bureau, or Community RelationsNew Jersey Office of Emergency ManagementEmergency Management BureauP.O. Box 7068West Trenton, NJ 08628-0068(609) 538-6050 Monday-Friday(609) 882-2000 ext 6311 (24/7)(609) 538-0345 FAXhttp://www.state.nj.us/oem/county/New Mexico Department of Public SafetyOffice of Emergency Services & SecurityP.O. Box 1628Santa Fe, NM 87504(505) 476-9635(505) 476-9695 FAXhttp://www.dps.nm.org/emergency/index.htmA-12

<strong>Planning</strong> DepartmentNew York State Emergency Management Office1220 Washington AvenueBuilding 22, Suite 101Albany, NY 12226-2251(518) 457-2222(518) 457-9995 FAXhttp://www.nysemo.state.ny.us/Support Services BranchNorth Carolina Division of Emergency Management116 West Jones StreetRaleigh, NC 27603(919) 733-3867(919) 733-5406 FAXhttp://www.dem.dcc.state.nc.us/North Dakota Division of Emergency ManagementP.O. Box 5511Bismarck, ND 58506-5511(701) 328-8100(701) 328-8181 FAXhttp://www.state.nd.us/demOhio Emergency Management Agency2855 W. Dublin Granville RoadColumbus, OH 43235-2206(614)-889-7167(614) 889-7183 FAXhttp://www.state.oh.us/odps/division/ema/<strong>Planning</strong>, Training, <strong>and</strong> Exercise DivisionOffice of Civil Emergency ManagementWill Rogers Sequoia Tunnel 2401 N. LincolnOklahoma City, OK 73152(405) 521-2481(405) 521-4053 FAXhttp://www.odcem.state.ok.us/A-13

State Emergency Management Offices (Cont.)Oregon Emergency ManagementDepartment of State Police595 Cottage Street, NESalem, OR 97310(503) 378-2911(503) 588-1378 FAXhttp://www.osp.state.or.us/oem/index.htmBureau of PlansPennsylvania Emergency Management Agency2605 Interstate DriveHarrisburg, PA 17110(717) 651-2196(717) 651-2040 FAXhttp://www.pema.state.pa.us/Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong> Emergency Management Agency645 New London AveCranston, RI 02920-3003(401) 946-9996(401) 944-1891 FAXhttp://www.state.ri.us/riema/riemaaa.htmlSouth Carolina Emergency Management Division1100 Fish Hatchery RoadWest Columbia, SC 29172(803) 737-8500(803) 737-8570 FAXhttp://www.state.sc.us/emd/South Dakota Division of Emergency Management500 East CapitolPierre, SD 57501-5070(605) 773-6426(605) 773-3580 FAXhttp://www.state.sd.us/state/executive/military/sddem.htmA-14

<strong>Planning</strong>Tennessee Emergency Management Agency3041 Sidco DriveNashville, TN 37204-1502(615) 741-4332(615) 242-9635 FAXhttp://www.tnema.orgTexas Division of Emergency Management5805 N. LamarAustin, TX 78752(512) 424-2138(512) 424-2444 or 7160 FAXhttp://www.txdps.state.tx.us/dem/Utah Division of Emergency Services <strong>and</strong> Homel<strong>and</strong> Security1110 State Office BuildingP.O. Box 141710Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1710(801) 538-3400(801) 538-3770 FAXhttp://www.des.utah.gov/Field OperationsVermont Emergency Management AgencyDepartment of Public SafetyWaterbury State Complex103 South Main StreetWaterbury, VT 05671-2101(802) 244-8721(802) 244-8655 FAXhttp://www.dps.state.vt.us/Virginia Department of Emergency Management10501 Trade CourtRichmond, VA 23236-3713(804) 897-6500 or after hours (804) 674-2400 to have anon-call representative paged(804) 897-6506http://www.vdem.state.va.usA-15

State Emergency Management Offices (Cont.)Public Education ProgramState of Washington Emergency Management DivisionBuilding 20, M/S: TA-20Camp Murray, WA 98430-5122(253) 512-7000(253) 512-7200 FAXhttp://www.emd.wa.gov/West Virginia Office of Emergency ServicesBuilding 1, Room EB-80State Capital Complex1900 Kanawha Boulevard, EastCharleston, WV 25305-0360(304) 558-5380(304) 344-4538 FAXhttp://www.state.wv.us/wvoesWisconsin Emergency Management2400 Wright StreetP.O. Box 7865Madison, WI 53707-7865(608) 242-3232(608) 242-3247 FAXhttp://badger.state.wi.us/agencies/dma/wem/index.htmState Event Management <strong>Planning</strong>Wyoming Emergency Management Agency5500 Bishop Blvd.Cheyenne, WY 82009-3320(307) 777-4920(307) 635-6017 FAXhttp://wema.state.wy.usA-16

Puerto Rico Emergency Management AgencyP.O. Box 966597San Juan, PR 00906-6597(787) 724-0124(787) 725-4244 FAXhttp://www.disaster-management.net/puerto_di.htmVirgin Isl<strong>and</strong>s Territorial Emergency Management - VITEMA2-C Contant, A-Q BuildingVirgin Isl<strong>and</strong>s 00820(304) 774-2244(304) 774-1491http://www.usvi.org/vitema/index.htmlA-17

Safe School CentersNational School Safety Center141 Duesenberg Drive, Suite 11Westlake Village, CA 91362(805) 373-9977(805) 373-9277 FAXhttp://www.nssc1.orgColorado Center <strong>for</strong> the Study <strong>and</strong> Prevention of Violence900 28th Street, Suite 107Boulder, CO 80303(303) 492-0404http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/Connecticut Governor’s Prevention Partnership30 Arbor StreetHart<strong>for</strong>d, CT 06106(860) 523-8042 ext. 28(860) 236-9412 Faxhttp://www.preventionworksct.orgFlorida Office of Safe <strong>Schools</strong>Florida Department of Education325 W. Gaines Street, Room 301Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400Phone: (850) 410-1667Fax: (850) 410-1796http://www.firn.edu/doe/besss/safehome.htmIndiana School Safety Specialist AcademyIndiana Department of EducationRoom 229, State HouseIndianapolis, IN 46204-2798317-234-0326317-232-9140 - Faxhttp://www.doe.state.in.us/isssaA-18

Kentucky Center <strong>for</strong> School SafetyEastern Kentucky University105 Stratton Building521 Lancaster AvenueRichmond, KY 404751-877-805-4277 (toll free)http://www.kysafeschools.orgMissouri Center <strong>for</strong> Safe <strong>Schools</strong>Univ. of MO. - Kansas City - School of Education.5100 Rockhill RoadKansas City, MO 64110Phone Number: 816-235-5656Fax Number: 816-235-5270http://www.umkc.edu/safe-school/Nebraska School Safety OfficeNebraska Department of Education301 Centennial Mall SouthLincoln, NE 68509-4987Phone: (402) 471-1925Fax: (402) 471-8127http://www.nde.state.ne.us/safetyNew York State Center <strong>for</strong> School Safety175 Rt. 32 N.New Paltz, NY 12561(845) 255-8989Emergency number: (845) 471-3660http://www.mhric.org/scssNorth Carolina Center <strong>for</strong> the Prevention of School ViolenceNorth Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice <strong>and</strong>Delinquency Prevention410 S. Salisbury StreetRaleigh, NC 27601800-299-6054http://www.cpsv.orgA-19

Safe School Centers (Cont.)Ohio Prevention <strong>and</strong> Education Resource Center (OPERC)University of CincinnatiP.O. Box 210109Cincinnati, OH 45221-0109Voice: (513) 556-0440Toll Free: (800) 788-7254Fax: (513) 556-3764http://www.ebasedprevention.orgPennsylvania Center <strong>for</strong> Safe <strong>Schools</strong>1300 Market StreetSuite 12Lemoyne, PA 17043(717) 763-1661http://www.safeschools.infoTennessee School Safety Center7th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower710 James Robertson ParkwayNashville, TN 37243(615) 741-3248http://www.state.tn.us/education/sp/sptsscTexas School Safety Center<strong>Southwest</strong> Texas State University601 University DriveASB South, 3 rd FloorSan Marcos, TX 78666Phone: (512) 245-3696Fax: (512) 245-9033http://www.txssc.swt.eduA-20

Appendix BAppendix B

Appendix BAppendix B

Appendix BEmergency School Safety,<strong>Planning</strong>, Response,<strong>and</strong> Recovery MeetingParticipantsWorking GroupChris Stone - FacilitatorVera Institute of JusticeNew York, N.Y.Christine AguilarDirector of Safe <strong>Schools</strong>/HealthyStudents GrantsPoudre School DistrictFort Collins, Colo.William BrennerDirectorNational Clearinghouse onEducational FacilitiesWashington, D.C.Peg CarsonRisk Watch Field AdvisorNational Fire ProtectionAssociationWarrenton, Va.Karen Clevel<strong>and</strong>Emergency ResponseCoordinatorCenters <strong>for</strong> Disease Control <strong>and</strong>PreventionAtlanta, Ga.Julie CollinsOperations ManagerFlorida Department of Education,Office of Safe <strong>Schools</strong>Tallahassee, Fla.Joan CriggerAssistant Executive DirectorU.S Conference of MayorsWashington, D.C.Elizabeth DavisNational Organization onDisabilityEmergency PreparednessInitiativeBrooklyn, N.Y.B-1

Working Group (cont.)Michael DornAntiterrorism PlannerOffice of Homel<strong>and</strong> Security –Georgia EmergencyManagement AgencySchool Safety DivisionAtlanta, Ga.Steven Edwards, Ph.D.Vice PresidentNational Crime PreventionCouncilWashington, D.C.Ted FeinbergAssistant Executive DirectorNational Association of SchoolPsychologistsBethesda, Md.Robyn FordWorkplace Improvement AnalystU.S. Postal Service – CapitalDistrictCapitol Heights, Md.Gabriella HayesProgram ManagerNational PTAChicago, Ill.Bob Hull, Ph.D.Assistant SuperintendentOlathe Unified School District233Olathe, Kan.James KellyPolice ChiefPalm Beach County School,District Police <strong>and</strong> Safe<strong>Schools</strong> CenterWest Palm Beach, Fla.Curtis S. LavarelloExecutive DirectorNational Association of SchoolResource OfficersSarasota, Fla.Robert Lew<strong>and</strong>owskiMiddle School CoordinatorKeys SchoolPark Hill, Okla.Mike LoganDirector, ReadinessDisaster ServicesAmerican Red Cross NationalHeadquartersFalls Church, Va.Kim HoganBehavior TeacherHudson School DistrictHudson, N.H.Robert D. Macy, Ph.D.Executive DirectorThe Center <strong>for</strong> TraumaPsychologyBoston, Mass.B-2

Working Group (cont.)Peter MarcelloProgram AnalystTransportation SecurityAdministrationArlington, Va.Judy MarksAssociate DirectorNational Clearinghouse <strong>for</strong>Educational FacilitiesWashington, D.C.Wesley MitchellChief of Police (retired)Los Angeles School PoliceDepartmentAltadena, Calif.Gregory ThomasExecutive DirectorOffice of School Safety <strong>and</strong><strong>Planning</strong> – New York CityDepartment of EducationBrooklyn, N.Y.Cynthia Wright-Johnson, MSNRNCDirectorMaryl<strong>and</strong> Institute <strong>for</strong> EmergencyMedical Services SystemsEMSC ProgramBaltimore, Md.Bebe PinterManagerHarris County Departmentof EducationHouston, Tex.Judith Robinson, Ph.D., RN,FAANExecutive DirectorNational Association of SchoolNursesCastle Rock, Colo.B-3

Charlotte, N.C.Focus GroupMelissa DeRosier, Ph.D.3-C Institute <strong>for</strong> SocialDevelopmentJerri HaiglerExecutive DirectorPublic In<strong>for</strong>mationCharlotte-Mecklenburg SchoolDistrictRalph Taylor, Ph.DDirectorAlternative Education <strong>and</strong> Safe<strong>Schools</strong>Theresa WahomeCoordinatorSafe <strong>and</strong> Drug-Free <strong>Schools</strong>Durham Public <strong>Schools</strong>William LassiterSchool Safety SpecialistCenter <strong>for</strong> the Preventionof School ViolenceLori LumpkinDurham Public <strong>Schools</strong>Joe ParkWinston-Salem/Forsyth CountyTed PearsonDirectorSchool Law En<strong>for</strong>cementDepartmentCharlotte-Mecklenburg SchoolDistrictMarianne Peltier-AllisonAlamance-Burlington SchoolDistrictAlthia ScrivenHealth <strong>and</strong> Safety OfficerDurham Public <strong>Schools</strong>B-4

Denver, Colo.Focus GroupRobert AndersonDirectorDistrict Prevention<strong>and</strong> InterventionDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Larry Borl<strong>and</strong>DirectorSafety <strong>and</strong> SecurityColorado Springs District 11Patricia LopezCo-Project DirectorPsychological ServicesDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>David MartinSecurity Training SpecialistDepartment of Safety <strong>and</strong>SecurityDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Jim DornDirectorSafety <strong>and</strong> SecurityJefferson County R1 SchoolDistrictStephen FinleyManagerRisk ManagementDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Melanie HaasAssistant SuperintendentSabin Elementary SchoolDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Greg MooreDirectorOrganizational SupportAurora Public <strong>Schools</strong>Sharon MooreProject DirectorHighline Education CenterLeslie PaigeProject DirectorRURAL: Safe <strong>Schools</strong>/HealthyStudentsHays Unified School District#489, Kan.Janelle KruegerProgram ManagerPrevention InitiativesColorado Department ofEducationLynn PopkowskiTeacher on Special AssignmentSafe <strong>and</strong> Drug-Free <strong>Schools</strong>Denver Public <strong>Schools</strong>B-5

Denver, Colo.Focus Group (cont.)Edward RayChiefSafety <strong>and</strong> SecurityDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Reggie RobinsonPrincipalMitchell Elementary SchoolDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Chris SaizPsychological ServicesDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Betsy ThompsonDirectorStudent ServicesJefferson County <strong>Schools</strong>Jim TrevinoPrincipalHorace Mann Middle SchoolDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>Timothy TurleyProject ManagerSafe <strong>Schools</strong>/Healthy StudentsDenver Public <strong>Schools</strong>B-6

Appendix CAppendix C

Appendix CAppendix C

Appendix C<strong>Crisis</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>Interview ParticipantsEducation LawPolicyEducationOrganizationGary AveryLaw Policy InstituteChris BorrecaBracewell <strong>and</strong> Patterson, LLPM<strong>and</strong>y BingamanExecutive Director, EducationLaw AssociationBill BondNational Association ofSecondary School PrincipalsNancy DormanPolicy Specialist, WisconsinAssociation of School BoardsNora HowleyProject Director, School HealthProject, Council of Chief StateSchool OfficersJerald NewberryDirector, Safe <strong>Schools</strong> NowNetwork, National EducationAssociationAnn Od’DoneNational Education AssociationPaula Rae PawlowskiMember, National PTA Boardof DirectorsRonald D. StephensExecutive Director, NationalSchool Safety CenterC-1

EmergencyManagementGordon AoyagiFire Administrator, MontgomeryCounty, Md.Emergency Management CenterTrina HembreeExecutive Director, NationalEmergency ManagementAssociationMike AustinDirector, Arizona Divisionof Emergency ManagementCharlie BiggsFEMA, Readiness DivisionGregg ChamplinNatural Hazards ProgramSpecialist,New Hampshire Officeof Emergency ManagementAnn DeMueuseCo-Chair, Door County Wisc.Emergency ManagementDirectorMichael DornGeorgia Emergency ManagementAgency, School SafetyDivisionKathee HenningCoordinator, MontgomeryCounty, Md. EmergencyManagement CenterRichard MeighenMaryl<strong>and</strong> Institute of EmergencyManagement SystemsKaren MarshBranch Chief, FEMA, Officeof National Preparedness,Community <strong>and</strong> FamilyPreparednessRalph SwisherFEMA, Community <strong>and</strong> FamilyPreparednessDawn WarehimeFEMA, Emergency TrainingInstituteRenelle GrubbsExecutive Director, KentuckyCommunity <strong>Crisis</strong> ResponseBoardC-2

Health <strong>and</strong> WelfareMental HealthSusan WolleyAmerican School HealthAssociationJill CookAmerican School CounselorAssociationLocal EducationAgencyLois BerlinAssociate Superintendent <strong>for</strong>Curriculum <strong>and</strong> Instruction,Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, Va. City Public<strong>Schools</strong>Sharon BoettingerSuperintendent <strong>for</strong> SchoolCounseling, Frederick County,Md. Public <strong>Schools</strong>Cindy CarlyleSchool CounselorKeith GrierDirector Student Services,Charles County, Md. Public<strong>Schools</strong>Brian MarcumMarion County DistrictRowl<strong>and</strong> SavageCoordinator Departmentof Student Support Services,Baltimore County, Md. Public<strong>Schools</strong>Kendall JohnsonAuthor <strong>and</strong> Classroom Teacher,San Antonio High School,Claremont, Tex. Unified SchoolDistrictScott Pol<strong>and</strong>Director, Psychological Services,Cypress- Fairbanks, AlaskaIndependent School DistrictDavid SchonfeldAdministrative Director,Behavioral Pediatrics, YaleUniversity School of Medicine,Department of PediatricsWilliam SaltzmanCo-Director, National Center<strong>for</strong> Acute Traumatic StressRon SlabyProfessor, Harvard GraduateSchool of Education,Technology in EducationJudie SmithSchool/Community Outreach<strong>and</strong> <strong>Crisis</strong> Coordinator, IrvingIndependent School DistrictC-3

Mental Health/<strong>Crisis</strong><strong>Planning</strong> ConsultantNationalAssociationCheri LovreDirector, <strong>Crisis</strong> ManagementInstituteMary SchoefeldtSchoenfeldt <strong>and</strong> AssociatesKate StetznerSafe School SolutionsAnn BeauchesneDirector of EmergencyManagement, NationalGovernors AssociationLiam GoldrickNational Governors Association,Education Policy Studies,Center <strong>for</strong> Best PracticesCyrill Wantl<strong>and</strong>Consultant in Safe <strong>Schools</strong>StrategiesDonald MurrayVice Chair, Justice <strong>and</strong> PublicSafety Steering Committee,National Association ofCountiesC-4

Public SafetyResearcherTerri RoysterSpecial Agent, FBIRob SchellVermont Department of PublicSafetyTerrance N. TreschukChief of Police, Rockville Police<strong>and</strong> Community ServicesDepartments.Daniel Della-GiustinaWest Virginia University Collegeof Engineering <strong>and</strong> MineralResources Industrial <strong>and</strong>Management SystemsEngineering, AmericanSociety of SafetyEngineers (ASSE)Fred HartmeisterProfessor, College of Education,Texas Tech UniversityPatty WeeksProject Director, Stockton StateUniversity, Calif.C-5

Risk ManagementWill EvansDirector of Safety Education,MarkelInsuranceIvan HentschelTraining Coordinator, Public RiskManagement AssociationJim McGintyPublic Agency Training CouncilArt LangRisk Manager, Orange-UlsterBoard of CollaborativeEducation ServicesState EducationAgency/SchoolSafety CenterAnne J. AtkinsonPresident, Policy Works, Ltd.Julie CollinsOperations <strong>and</strong> ManagementConsultant Manager, FloridaDepartment of EducationArlene CundiffSDFS Coordinator, Va.Department of Education,Office of CompensatoryPrograms/Division ofInstructional Support ServicesJean EckhalN.Y. State Center <strong>for</strong> SchoolSafety, Project SAVE SchoolSafety Plans WorkgroupSteve KimberlingDirector, Safe <strong>and</strong> Drug-Free<strong>Schools</strong>, KentuckyMarsha LathroumMaryl<strong>and</strong> Departmentof EducationLynn WiddowsonMaryl<strong>and</strong> Departmentof EducationC-6

U.S. Department of Education

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