Portable power analyzer - Circutor

Portable power analyzer - Circutor Portable power analyzer - Circutor

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong><strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>sCIRCUTOR offers a wide rangeof portable <strong>analyzer</strong>s designed tomeasure, display and/or record themost important parameters of anelectrical network. With the analysis ofthe electrical parameters, the user canfind out the <strong>power</strong> consumption of theinstallation or detect problems within itM.8Definition<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>s are unitsdesigned for easy transportation, andtemporary and simple installation; theyare also capable of measuring electricalparameters whether or not the data isrecorded in the memory.The majority of CIRCUTOR <strong>power</strong><strong>analyzer</strong>s have internal memoryavailable where measured andcalculated parameters are recorded.Because they are units that mustperform measurements in a number ofinstallations with very different features,they have setup menus for the mostcommon installations (single-phase,two-phase, 3-wire or 4-wire threephase).The current measurement is performedby clamps for easy installation, as thereis a wide variety of models and ways ofmeasuring them.AdvantagesThere are many diverse advantages ofa portable <strong>analyzer</strong> for the user. Themost important is information.With a portable <strong>analyzer</strong>, informationcan be obtained from our installationsimply by installing it (if you havescreen) or with a single entry (analyzingdata using PLUS PowerVision; for moreinformation see M9).With the information from a single entry,we can find out:• xHabits of use to ensure that the contractedtariffs are the most suitable.• xResponse of an installation's load tosee how it affects the rest of the installation,startup, shutdown or normaloperation of the various charges.• xAngles of each of the loads for theanalysis of reactive <strong>power</strong>, thereforeavoiding penalties.• xAnalysis of defects in the supply orquality events (if the <strong>analyzer</strong> permits)to determine the causes of unwantedtripping of protection, restarting electronicequipment, or PLCs• xMeasuring leakage currents that triggerunwanted tripping of the differentialcurrent protection relays.• xMeasurement of the harmonics ofthe installation that cause conductorwarming, high neutral currents, andresonances with reactive compensationequipment.x • Getting to know the demand for ourinstallation to determine if the <strong>power</strong>M8-3

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> and quality <strong>analyzer</strong>sDescriptionFeatures}}<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong> for three-phaseand single-phase electrical networks withsimultaneous measurement of leakagecurrent, <strong>power</strong> quality and recording oftransients.}}AR6 is the best tool for visualizing andanalyzing the network’s problems regardlessof whether it is a single-phase or three-phasenetwork.}}It allows recordings of the most commonelectrical parameters and also thosespecifically related to supply quality such asovervoltages, swell, sags and transients.}}Thanks to the graphical display ofharmonics, phasors and waveforms, theuser can detect anomalies in the installationsimply by connecting the device.}}Measurement of the main electricalparameters.}}True root mean square measure (TRMS).}}5.7” colour graphic screen.}}Includes meter for energy consumed andgenerated.}}Has 5 voltage measurement inputs and 5current channels.}}Configurable trigger menu via level andtime trigger.}}Multiple languages (Spanish, English,French, German, Portuguese, Italian,Chinese, Russian).}}Recording of voltage-quality events (classB) via configurable menu.}}600 CAT IV, 1000V CAT III (EN 61010).}}CE marking.}}Analysis of records via Power Vision plusPC software.}}Simple and intuitive menu for deviceconfiguration.AR6Class 0.5 in the measurementClass B according to UNE-EN 61000-4-30Measurement and recording according to EN 50160AR6 <strong>power</strong> supplyVoltage (external <strong>power</strong> supply)100…240 Vac.Current (external <strong>power</strong> supply)3.33 AFrequency50 to 60 HzMaximum <strong>power</strong>40 WAR6Nominal voltage12 VdcCurrent2 AMaximum <strong>power</strong>24 WConsumption30 VAOperating temperature 0 to 50ºCAltitude2000 mHumidity without condensation 5…95 %Contamination level 2Current input featuresCurrent inputsI1 , I2 , I3 , IN , LleakageInput voltage0…2 VMeasurement margin1 to 120 of In%Maximum current3In AInput impedance10 kΩVoltage input featuresVoltage inputsU1, U2, U3, UN, EarthingInput voltage10 to 800 Vrms neutral phaseMaximum voltage admissible2,500 VBandwidth3.2 kHzOther featuresVoltage measurement range10 to 800 Vf-nCurrent measurement range0.01 to 1000 A (depending on clamp)Transformation ratiosProgrammableInternal memory1 GbInternal memory features FAT 32M8-5

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> andquality <strong>analyzer</strong>Features}}List of detected disturbances in tables.}}Display of wave shapes of transientsrecorded.}}Manual or programmed PHOTO captures(wave shapes of 9 channels along withinstantaneous values).}}Compatible with AR5-L pins.}}Automatic detection of clamps.}}Memory download via USB connection.}}Graphic display of phasors, harmonicsand wave shapes.WaveformAccuracy classVoltageCurrentActive <strong>power</strong>Reactive <strong>power</strong>Build featuresEnclosureKeyboardScreenDimensionsWeightCommunications0.5% ± 2 digits0.5% ± 2 digits0.5% ± 2 digits1% ± 2 digitsDouble insulationMovement and function keys5.7“ colour VGA283 x 168 x 80 mm1.640 kgUSB• xWith the waveform visualization, it ispossible to detect any waveform defect.• xIt is also possible to pause the imageand zoom-in on the oscilloscope image anytime in order to get a better definition of theimage.Photo• xThe device captures the waveform of9 channels measured together with theinstantaneous values of the most importantelectric variables so that each photo allowsa detailed analysis of the installation.Safety Category III - 600 V, in accordance with 610101000 V CAT III/600 V CAT IV for altitudes lower than 2000 m1000 V CAT III/600 V CAT III/300 V CAT IV above 2000 mStandardsEN 61000-6-4 (2002), Industrial emissions.EN 55011 (1994), Driven (EN 52022 – Class B)EN 55011 (1994), Radiated (EN 55022 – Class A)EN 61000-6-2 (2022), Industrial immunityEN 61000-4-2 (1995), Electrostatic dischargeEN 61000-4-8 (1995), Rapid transient burstsEN 61000-6-1 (2002), Domestic immunityEN 61000-4-11 (1994), Power supply outages(*) Accuracy is given by the following measurement conditions:Exclusion of errors produced by the clamps and external voltage transformers,with a temperature range of 5 to 45ºC and <strong>power</strong> factor 0 to 1• xThe photo capture can be programmedwith trigger (electrical parameterscomparison) or can be taken manually.Current clamps• xThe current clamps of the AR6 arebuilt with amplifier included. This featurefacilitates the transportation and speciallythe installation of the clamps to makemeasurements since they do not need extrasupply or extra wiringM8-6

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> andquality <strong>analyzer</strong>Easy configuration menu• xAR6 has an intuitive main menu and largeicons that makes the equipment very easy tonavigate and configure.Quality• xIt is possible to activate and configure thedetection and registration of quality eventssuch as over-voltages, swells, dips andtransients. The events are shown in a tablewith the most important parameters of theevent. The user can select any event andvisualize the waveform and values of theevent.M8-8

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> andquality <strong>analyzer</strong>AutonomyIt is the only portable <strong>analyzer</strong> that ensures8 hours of battery life.BatteryVoltageCapacityCharge timeBattery life while in useNiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride)6 V4,200 mAh2 …2,5 h4hrs with LCD on8hrs with LCD offMemory• xIt has an internal memory that can beextended if the user needs it, but the<strong>analyzer</strong> is capable of recording for years.SDSDHCStandard specification 1.10Capability up to 32 GBSpecification 2.0Class 4Minimum transfer speed 4MB/sCapability up to 32 GBLow-pass filter• xIt includes the possibility of activating alow-pass filter to verify the difference inresponse and measurement between theimmunized earth leakage relays and thosethat are not..Photo capture• xThere is the possibility of activatingthe automatic photo capture. The photorecords the waveforms of 9 channelsand the instantaneous values of the mainparameters.• xTo capture the photo, it’s necessary tocreate trigger conditions comparing electricalvalues from one phase or all of them. It’spossible to combine different conditions with“AND” and/or “OR” conditions to capture thephoto.• xAfter the configuration, the user canactivate the conditions they require for everyregistration.M8-9

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> andquality <strong>analyzer</strong>Customizable and configurable• xThe device allows the configuration of thenumber of decimals and units desired by theuser for each variable.• xThe user can select the backgroundcolour and colours for each phase accordingto regulations.Multi circuit• xAllows the configuration for a number ofnetworks. Also shows every way of installingthe current sensors according to the networkselected. The options are single-phase, twophase,aron, three-phase and three-phasewith neutral.Harmonic graphs• xThe harmonics screen displays theamplitude value information of eachharmonic.• xThe user can scroll to select the desiredharmonic to display in the below table themost important values of this harmonic.Application}}With the AR6 you can perform a full studyof the electrical installation. It is possibleto perform an analysis of consumption, loadcurves, voltage disturbances in the installationand to display waveshapes, study harmonicsor measure flicker, as well as otheroptions.M8-10

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> andquality <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6 Clampskit 3 AM54-FLEXkit 4 AM54-FLEXKit with 3 AM54-FLEX flexible100-1000-10000 A clampsKit with 4 AM54-FLEX flexible100-1000-10000 A clampsM82532M82533Clamps CF-5 CF-10 CP-5 CP-100 CPR-500 CPR-1000 CP-2000 / 200Measurementrange (*)0,01 ... 5 A 5 mA ... 10 A 50 mA ... 5A 1 ... 100 A 1 ... 500 A 1 ... 1000 A1 ... 200 A10 ... 2000 ANominal frequency 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 HzOutput voltage 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V acDielectric rigidity5200 V,50 Hz,1 min5200 V,50 Hz,1 min5200 V, 50Hz, 1 min5200 V, 50Hz, 1 min5200 V, 50 Hz,1 min5200 V, 50Hz, 1 min5200 V, 50 Hz, 1 minMaximumconductor diameter20 mm 100 mm 20 mm 20 mm 52 mm 52 mm 64 mmMaximum busbar1 - 50 x 5 mm or4 - 30 x 5 mm5 - 80 x 5 mm or3 - 80 x 10 mm20 x 5 mm 20 x 5 mm1 - 50 x 5 mm or4 - 30 x 5 mm1 - 50 x 5 mm or4 - 30 x 5 mm5 - 125 x 5 mm or3 - 100 x 10 mmDescription/ CodeCFG-5Code M810BDCFG-10Code M810BECFG-5Code M810B1CFG-100Code M810B2CFG-500Code M810B3CFG-1000Code M810B4CFG-2000/200Code M810B5Kit 3Description/ Code3 CPG-5 KitCode M810C13 CPG-100 KitCode M810C23 CPG-500 KitCode M810C33 CPG-1000 KitCode M810C43 CPG-2000/200Kit Code M810C5Kit 4Description/ Code4 CPG-5 KitCode M810D14 CPG-100 KitCode M810D24 CPRG-500 KitCode M810D34 CPRG-1000 KitCode M810D44 CPG-2000/200 KitCode M810D5(*) Measurement rangeClamps CFG-5 CFG-10 CPG-5 CPG-100 CPRG-500 CPRG-1000 CPG-2000/200200 A 2000 ACurrent 0,01 ... 100 mA 5 ...100 mA 50 ... 500 mA 1 ... 10 A 1 ... 5A 1 ... 5 A 1 ... 3 A 10 ... 150 ATolerance 1 %+ 0,4 mV 1,5 % + 0,4 mV 2 % 1 % 3 % 3 % 05 % + 70 mA 05 % + 250 mAPhase - - - - - - - -Current 0,1 ... 5 A 0,1 ... 1 A 0,5 ... 1 A 10 ... 100 A 5...50 A 5 ... 20 A 3...10 A 150...2000 ATolerance 0,5 % 1,5 % 1 % 0,5 % 0,7% 0,7% 05 % + 70 mA 05 % + 100 mAPhase 10º < 4º 3º 1,5º - - 5º 0,5ºCurrent 1 ... 10 A 1 ... 5 A 50 ... 500 A 20 ... 1000 A 10 ... 50 ATolerance 1 % 1 % 0,7 % 0,7 % 05 % + 70 mAPhase < 3º 1,7º 1º 1º 1,5ºCurrent50 ... 2000 ATolerance05 % + 70 mAPhase 1ºM8-12

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6Three-phase <strong>power</strong> andquality <strong>analyzer</strong>ConnectionsTwo-phase systemThree-phase system with neutralSingle-phase systemThree-phase system without neutralDimensionsM8-13

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>DescriptionFeatures}}Measures all of the main electricalparameters of an electricity network}}Measurement in true root mean square}}Built-in energy meter}}With 4 voltage channels and 4 currentchannels (AR5-L)}}Configurable auto-trigger, depending onthe parameters required}}Languages: Spanish and English}}Large backlit LCD display}}CAT III 600 V (EN 61010). UL Certificate}}Display of up to 30 electrical parameterson the screen}}Small size and reduced weight, only800 g}}Independent files for each measurement}}Including the <strong>power</strong>ful analysis software:POWER VISION PLUS}}Configurable with menus}}Optional operation with no external <strong>power</strong>supply, with an autonomy of up to 8 hours}}RS-232 Communications with PC}}Clamp auto-detection}}Auto-selection of parameters stored}}Calculation of the time remaining until thememory is full}}Linear or rotating memory (depending onthe configuration)AR5-LPower supply circuitThrough an external <strong>power</strong> supply unit 100...240 V ac / 12 V dcFrequency50...60 HzConsumption15 V·AOperating temperature 0...+40 ºCAltitude≤ 2000 mHumidity of operation80 % for temperatures under 31 ºC, with alinear decrease down to 50 % at 40 ºCMeasurement circuit Three-phase (3 wires) Three-phase (3 / 4 wires)Contamination level 2Voltage circuitMeasurement rangeIn accordance with the clamp, 0.01 A...20 kAVoltage and current transformation ratios ProgrammableMeasurement unitsAutomatic change of scaleInternal memory1 MbAccuracy class (*)Voltage0.5 % ± 2 digitsCurrent0.5 % ± 2 digitsActive <strong>power</strong>1 % ± 2 digitsPower factor1 % ± 2 digitsBuild featuresHousingReinforced insulationKeyboard / DisplayOn the front panelDisplayLCD 160 x 160 pixels (backlit)Current clamp connector 3 3 / 4Dimensions220 x 60 x 130 mmWeight800 gRS-232 OutputsSeries outputM8-14

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Application}}Complete study of the installation wherethe <strong>analyzer</strong> is capable of gathering differenttypes of records: harmonics, disturbances,meter verification, transients, flicker, etc.ReferencesFeaturesAR5-LSafety Category III - 600 V, in accordance with 61010StandardsEN 61000-3-2 (1995), HarmonicsEN 61000-3-3 (1995), Voltage fluctuationsEN 61000-6-4 (2002), Industrial emissionsEN 55011 (1994), Driven (EN 52022 – Class B)EN 55011 (1994), Radiated (EN 55022 – Class A)EN 61000-6-2 (2022), Industrial immunityEN 61000-4-2 (1995), Electrostatic dischargeENV 50140 (1993), Radiated electromagnetic fieldEN 61000-4-8 (1995), Rapid transient burstsENV 50141 (1993), RF in common modeEN 61000-4-8 (1995), Magnetic field at 50 HzEN 61000-6-1 (2002), Domestic immunityEN 61000-4-5 (1995), ShockwaveEN 61000-4-11 (1994), Power supply interruptions(*) Accuracy is given by the following measurement conditions: Exclusionof errors produced by the clamps and external voltage transformers, witha range of temperature of 5 ... 45 ºC and <strong>power</strong> factor of 0 ... 1Analyzer Clamps Program Transport Type CodeUnitsAR5-L - Energy / Harmonics Carrying Bag AR5-L- Power <strong>analyzer</strong> with 4 current inputs M80111AR5-L KitsAR5-LAR5-L3 x CPR-10001 x CPR-5003 x CPR-2000/2001 x CPR-1000Energy / Harmonics Carrying Bag 3 L AR5-L M80811Energy / Harmonics Carrying Bag 4 L AR5-L M80821AR5-L3 x CPR-2000/2001 x CPR-10003x CP-5Energy / Harmonicsand DisturbancesCarrying Bag 5 L AR5-L M80832AR5-L3 x C-FLEX–45 cm1 x CF-5Energy / Harmonicsand DisturbancesCarrying Bag 11 L AR5-L-RBT M80843AR5-L3 x C-FLEX-80 cm1 x CF-5Energy / Harmonicsand DisturbancesCarrying Bag 12 L AR5-L-RBT M80853AR5-L3 x C-FLEX-45 cm1 x CF-5Energy / Harmonicsand DisturbancesCase 11 LM AR5-L-RBT M80643AR5-L3 x C-FLEX-80 cm1 x CF-5Energy / Harmonicsand DisturbancesCase 12 LM AR5-L-RBT M80653The two <strong>analyzer</strong>s include: 3 voltage cables + <strong>power</strong> supplyAll kits include: 3 voltage cables + <strong>power</strong> supply + PowerVision software + energy / harmonics program + 3 clampsAccessoriesSee page M.8-40M8-15

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Parameters measuredThree-phase system, 4 wiresThree-phase system, 3 wiresParameterSymbol(unit) L1 L2 L3phase-neutral voltage V Yes Yes Yes -Current A Yes Yes Yes YesNeutral current(only AR5-L)I NYesFrequency Hz Yes - - -Active <strong>power</strong> kW Yes Yes Yes YesPower factor L kvarL Yes Yes Yes YesPower factor C kvarC Yes Yes Yes YesApparent <strong>power</strong> kVA - - - YesPower factor PF Yes Yes Yes YesActive energy kW·h Yes Yes Yes YesPower factor L kvar·h L Yes Yes Yes YesPower factor C kvar·h C Yes Yes Yes YesVoltage harmonics Yes Yes Yes -Current harmonics Yes Yes Yes -Current harmonicson neutralYesThree-phasevalueParameterSymbol(unit) L1-L2 L2-L3 L3-L1phase-phase voltage V Yes Yes Yes -Current A Yes Yes Yes YesFrequency Hz Yes - - -Active <strong>power</strong> kW Yes Yes Yes YesPower factor L kvarL Yes Yes Yes YesPower factor C kvarC Yes Yes Yes YesApparent <strong>power</strong> kVA - - - YesPower factor PF Yes Yes Yes YesActive energy kW·h - - - YesPower factor L kvar·h L - - - YesPower factor C kvar·h C - - - YesVoltage harmonics Yes Yes Yes -Current harmonics Yes Yes Yes -Three-phasevalueTwo-phase SystemSingle-phase systemParameterSymbol(unit) L1-N L2-NTwo-phasevalue L1 - L2ParameterSymbol(unit)L1-Nphase-phase voltage V Yes Yes YesCurrent A Yes Yes YesNeutral current(only AR5-L)I N-Frequency Hz Yes - -Active <strong>power</strong> kW Yes Yes YesPower factor L kvar L Yes Yes YesPower factor C kvar C Yes Yes YesApparent <strong>power</strong> kVA - - YesPower factor PF Yes Yes YesActive energy kW·h - - YesPower factor L kvar·h L - - YesPower factor C kvar·h C - - YesVoltage harmonics Yes Yes -Current harmonics Yes Yes -Current harmonicson neutralYesphase-phase voltage V YesCurrent A YesFrequency Hz YesActive <strong>power</strong> kW YesPower factor L kvarL YesPower factor C kvarL / (-C) YesApparent <strong>power</strong> kVA YesPower factor PF YesActive energy kW·h YesPower factor L kvar·h L YesPower factor C kvar·h C YesVoltage harmonicsYesCurrent harmonicsYesM8-16

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ProgramsAR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ProgramsDescription Equipment Type CodeUpdating harmonics AR5-L Updating ARI M80221Flicker (PST and PLT assessment) AR5-L FL Program M80223Detection of network disturbances AR5-L PERTURB Program M80224CHECK METER, meter verification system AR5-L CM Program M80225Optic fibre sensor, shunts and CHECK METER program included AR5-L Optical check meter kit M806B3FAST CHECK, motor start-up AR5-L Fast Program M80226LEAK METER, detection and analysis of leakages AR5-L Leak Program M80229FILE VISION, display of files in AR5-L AR5-L Fil Vision Program M8022AMemory capacity example: In the Energy program, if you record 30 network parameters, with a registration period of 15 minutes, you obtain anautonomy of 80 days of memory.HarmonicsThe harmonics program can be used for thefollowing:}}Analysis of all electrical parameters:voltage, current, <strong>power</strong>, energy, etc.}}Analysis of overheating in transformers,capacitors, etc.}}Detection of neutral current}}Wave shapes shown on the display in realtime}}Zoom on a wave shape}}Harmonic decomposition display (30 or50 harmonics)}}Calculation of the THD % in voltage andcurrent}}Harmonic decomposition (up to order 50)}}True root mean square values for voltageand current}}It can be used to prepare tables and lists}}The direction of harmonics can be seenwith softwareTypeUpdating ARICodeM80221Applications:}}Calculation of the diameter of cablerequired to support losses produced byharmonics}}Study of harmonic filtering applications}}Comparison of measurements taken, inaccordance with the IEC standard}}Energy and billing study}}Study of installation consumption}}Analysis of the <strong>power</strong> factor compensationGraphical representation of:}}Wave shapes and harmonic distortion}}Total harmonic distortion THD %M8-17

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ProgramsAR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Network quality - DisturbancesProgram applications:}}Detection of interruptions, gaps, microcuts,peaks, etc.}}Adjustment of the sensitivity for the captureof different types of disturbances}}Information about the number of disturbancesdetected}}Applications}}Check the effect of switching a load over variouspoints of the installation}}Take "x-rays" of any installation with anAR5-L unit and a PC, in order to know everythingabout a supply network:• xEvolution of the wave shape• xDisplay of an alterationChecking thethree phases during the alterationTypePERTURB ProgramCodeM80224FlickerThe flicker program can be used to:}}Study the flicker present in the installation,whether it is instantaneous, PST or PLT (thelatter via software)}}Carry out the same operations executedby the energy program}}Configuration of the times for the calculationof the flicker and energy}}Flicker parameters on a single screen}}Applications}}Determine the level of visual disturbancethat can lead to a decrease in the performanceof workers}}Study voltage fluctuationsTypeFL ProgramCodeM80223Motor start-up (Fast check)This program can be used to:}}Perform studies on single or three-phasenetworks to capture the voltage, current,<strong>power</strong> and <strong>power</strong> factor during cycle periods}}Capture short voltages (for ex.: motorstart-up, welding machines, etc.)}}Potential recording with a trigger}}Fixed or rotating memoryTypeFast ProgramCodeM80226M8-18

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ProgramsAR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Check-MeterThe program can be used to:}}Check the measurements of electronicand mechanical meters}}Carry out the tests with no energy cuts}}Carry out 30-second long tests}}Determine the error in active energy or<strong>power</strong> factor meters}}Programmed setup and percentage erroron a single screen}}Up to 4000 records can be created}}Numerical table}}Export to .bmp format or to the clampboard.ApplicationsMeter verification studies,creation of detailed reports in eachmeasurement pointOptical reader kit}}For electronic meters or meters with verificationLED}}Optic fibre cable used to check meters}}Communications and <strong>power</strong> supply cableconnected to AR5-L}}Measures impulses with a longitude that exceeds1 us}}Shock-proof plastic}}Reduced dimensions: 64x41x26 mmTypeCM optical kit(includes sensor,shunts, programand software )CodeM806C3}}Detection of errors that exceed 1 % (withthe AR5-L-shunts calibrated set) in electricitymeters}}Detect potential fraud situationsTypeCM ProgramCodeM80225Leak}}Measurement of leakage current, up to10 A, with a transformer}}Measurement with current sensing clamp}}Measurement with earth leakage transformers}}Measurement scales with 2 mA ... 1 Aclamp and 20 mA ... 10 A clamp}}Filtering of high frequencies to avoid theeffect of switching systems}}Measurement of the true root meansquare value during each period (20 ms)}}Continuous measurement with a record ofeach period of the programmed time}}Programmable record time 1 s ... 100 s}}Detection of the trip moment due to a voltagedrop}}Detection of the trip moment, dependingon the programmed leakage levelApplicationsDetection of the trip level ofprotection relays}}Checking leakages with no need for manualanalysis on the siteTypeLeak Meter ProgramCodeM80229M8-19

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ProgramsAR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>File Vision}}On-site verification of records}}Display of records, with no need for a PC}}The screen has a cursor that indicates theposition of the value of the variable selected,in terms of record time and parameter}}Auto-scalable axis of the parameter(adapted to the maximum and minimum valuesof all records}}Permanent display of 32 records on thescreen}}Display of the maximum and minimumvalue of the records}}You can browse through records easilyand quickly}}Variables represented by the different programs:• xHarmonics: Vpp, Vpn, A, W, var L, var C,PF, Hz, V·A, I N, kW·h• xCheck-Phase: Vpp, Vpn, A, W, var L, varC, PF, Hz, V·A, I N, kW·h• xFlicker: Vpp, Vpn, A, W, var L, var C, PF,Hz, V·A, I N, kW·h, Pst• xFast-Check: Vpp, Vpn, A, W, var L, var C,PF, Hz, V·A, I NTypeFile VisionCodeM8022AConnectionsThree-phase system, 4 wiresThree-phase system, 3 wires, ARONTwo-phase SystemThree-phase system, 3 wiresSingle-phase systemDimensionsM8-20

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ClampsAR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Clamps CF-5 CF-10 CP-5 CP-100 CPR-500 CPR-1000 CP-2000 / 200Measurementrange1...5 A ac 0.2 mA...10 A ac 0.05..0.5 A ac 1...100 A ac 1...500 A ac 1...1000 A ac1...200 A ac10...2000 A acNominal frequency 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 Hz 48...65 HzOutput voltage 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V ac 2 V acDielectric rigidity5200 V,50 Hz,1 min5200 V,50 Hz,1 min5200 V, 50Hz, 1 min5200 V, 50Hz, 1 min5200 V, 50 Hz,1 min5200 V, 50Hz, 1 min5200 V, 50 Hz, 1 minScale base error1 % (up to 0.1 A)0.5 % (Up to 5 A) -0,35 % 1 % 0,5 % 0,7 % 0,7 %Scale 200: 0.5% (+70 mA)Scale 2000: 0.5%(+100 mA)Maximumconductor diameter20 mm 100 mm 20 mm 20 mm 52 mm 52 mm 64 mmMaximum busbar1 - 50 x 5 mm or4 - 30 x 5 mm5 - 80 x 5 mm or3 - 80 x 10 mm20 x 5 mm 20 x 5 mm1 - 50 x 5 mm or4 - 30 x 5 mm1 - 50 x 5 mm or4 - 30 x 5 mm5 - 125 x 5 mm or3 - 100 x 10 mmDescription/ CodeCF-5Code M81331CF-10Code M813343 CP-5 KitCode M810413 CP-100 KitCode M810421 CP-100Neutralclamp (blue)Code M810363 CPR500 KitCode M810431 CPR-500Neutralclamp (blue)Code M810373 CPR-1000 KitCode M810441 CPR-1000 -Neutral clamp(blue)CodeM810383 CP-2000/200 KitCode M81045M8-21

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ClampsAR5-L<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Clamps C-FLEX 20 000 / 2 000 / 200 A-45Longitude sensorScalesSensitivity in mVMeasurement amplitudeBandwidth45 cm200 A / 2000 A / 20000 A or100 A / 1000 A / 10000 AScale 200 or 100: 10 mV / AScale 2000 or 1000: 1 mV / AScale 20k or 10k: 0,1 mV / A5 A...20 kA10...20 kHzAccuracy 1 %Electrical safetyDouble insulationIEC 1010 - 100 V - Cat III -Degree of contamination 2Admissible output overvoltage 600 V (peak factor 1.5)Ambient conditionsTemperature -10 ... +55 °CHumidity90 % HR (a 50 °C)Scales Type kit Code20 kA / 2000 A / 200 AKit 3 C-FLEX20000/2000/200 A-45M81141Clamps C-FLEX 20 000 / 2 000 / 200 A-80Clamps C-FLEX 20 000 / 2 000 / 200 A-120Longitude sensor80 cmLongitude sensor120 cmScales200 A / 2000 A / 20000 A or100 A / 1000 A / 10000 AScales200 A / 2000 A / 20000 A or100 A / 1000 A / 10000 ASensitivity in mVScale 200 or 100: 10 mV / AScale 2000 or 1000: 1 mV / AScale 20k or 10k: 0,1 mV / ASensitivity in mVScale 200 or 100: 10 mV / AScale 2000 or 1000: 1 mV / AScale 20k or 10k: 0,1 mV / AMeasurement amplitude5 A...20 kAMeasurement amplitude5 A...20 kABandwidth10...20 kHzBandwidth10...20 kHzAccuracy 1 %Accuracy 1 %Electrical safetyDouble insulationIEC 1010 - 100 V - Cat III -Degree of contamination 2Electrical safetyDouble insulationIEC 1010 - 100 V - Cat III -Degree of contamination 2Admissible output overvoltage 600 V (peak factor 1.5)Ambient conditionsTemperature -10 ... +55 °CAdmissible output overvoltage 600 V (peak factor 1.5)Ambient conditionsTemperature -10 ... +55 °CHumidity90 % HR (a 50 °C)Humidity90 % HR (a 50 °C)Scales Type kit CodeScales Type kit Code20 kA / 2000 A / 200 AKit 3 C-FLEX20000/2000/200 A-80M8114220 kA / 2000 A / 200 AKit 3 C-FLEX20000/2000/200 A-120M81143M8-22

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>C-80<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>DescriptionFeatures}}Measurement of the main electrical parametersof a single-phase network, balancedthree-phase network and unbalancedthree-phase network with neutral}}Measurement of energy}}Measurement of the THD in A and V}}Detects leakage currents and the turningdirection of phases}}Internal memory to record parameters automatically}}Display of the maximum and minimumvalues of electrical parameters}}Reduced size and weight (300g) very robustand easy to use}}Auto-detection of clampApplication}}Calculation of the capacity in kvar to compensatethe installation}}Display of energies compensated with adetermined capacitor bank}}Creation of harmonic distortion alarms todetect resonancesPower supply circuitVoltage2 x 1,5 V dc (LR6 AA-type batteries)Measurement circuitNominal voltage50 ... 500 VacFrequency45 ... 65 HzNominal current2 V (automatic, depending on the clamp)Voltage overload10% (550 V ac)Current overload 10%Class/AccuracyVoltage0.5% ± 2 digitsCurrent0.5% ± 2 digitsPower rating1% ± 2 digitsBuild featuresOperating autonomy200 hoursKeyboard1 on/off + 7 function keysDisplay7 segments, 3 lines x 4 digits, indication iconsVoltage terminalsL1, L2, L3 / NCurrent clamp connector4 wires (ID signal -> automatic detection)RecordCircular file (between 1 and 90 min)Dimensions172 x 100 x 50 mmWeight300 gAccepted clampsCP 2000/200, CP 1000, CP 500, CP 100,CP 5, CF-5, C-FLEX 200 / 2000 / 20000SafetyIEC 61010-6-1StandardsIEC 61000-6-3: 1996, Emissions in residential and commercial environments and light industryCISPR 11:1997 MOD, Radiated (CISPR 22: 1997 MOD-Class A)IEC 61000-6-4: 1997, Emissions in industrial environments.CISPR 11: 1997 MOD, Radiated (CISPR 22: 1997 MOD-Class A)IEC 61000-6-2:1999, Immunity in industrial environmentsIEC 61000-4-2:1995, Electrostatic dischargeIEC 61000-4-3:2002, Radiated electromagnetic fieldIEC 61000-4-4:1995, Rapid transient burstsIEC 61000-4-5:1995, ShockwavesIEC 61000-4-6:1996, RF in common modeIEC 61000-4-8:1993, Magnetic field at 50 HzIEC 61000-6-1:1997, Immunity in residential and commercial environments and light industryIEC 61000-4-5:1995, ShockwavesIEC 61010-6-1:2001, Electrical securityM8-23

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>C-80<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Parameters measuredBalanced Three-phase /Single-phase systemSymbolParameter (unit) Instantaneous Maximum MinimumVoltage V • • •Current A • • -Frequency Hz • • •Active <strong>power</strong> W • • -ReferencesReactive <strong>power</strong>(L and C)var • • -Analyzer Clamps Type CodeC-80 -KitsC-80, Power<strong>analyzer</strong>M80120C-80 CPR-1000 C-80 / 1000 M80121C-80 CP-2000/200 C-80 / 2000 M80122C-80C-80C-80C-FLEX 20k / 2k/ 200 A, 45 cmC-FLEX 20k / 2k/ 200 A, 80 cmC-FLEX 20k / 2k / 200A, 45 cm + CF-5AAll kits include 3 voltage cables + caseC-80 / C-FLEX 45 M80123C-80 / C-FLEX 80 M80124C-80 / C-FLEX 45 M80125Apparent <strong>power</strong> V · A • • -Power factor PF • • -Cos cos • • -Active energy W · h • - -Power factor (L) var · h L • - -Power factor (C) var · h C • - -THD (%) U, I % THD • • -MD (Maxdemand)AccessoriesSee page M.8-44PD • • -ConnectionsBalanced Three-phase SystemBalanced single-phase systemUmbalanced Three-phase System with neutralDimensionsM8-24

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>ClampsC-80<strong>Portable</strong> single and three-phase<strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>C-FLEX Clamps 20 000 / 2000 / 200 A-120Longitude sensorScales120 cm200 A / 2000 A / 20000 A or100 A / 1000 A / 10000 ASensitivity in mVMeasurement amplitudeBandwidthScale 200 or 100: 10 mV / AScale 2000 or 1000: 1 mV /AScale 20k or 10k: 0.1 mV / A5 A...20 kA10...20 kHzAccuracy 1 %Electrical safetyDouble insulationIEC 1010 - 100 V - Cat III -Degree of contamination 2Admissible output overvoltage 600 V (peak factor 1.5)Ambient conditionsTemperature -10...+55 ºCHumidity90 % HR (at 50 ºC)Scales Type Code20 kA / 2000 A / 200 A10 kA / 1000 A / 100 AC-FLEX20000 / 2000 / 200 A-120C-FLEX10000 / 1000 / 100 A-120M81153M81653* Codes for 1 clampC-FLEX Clamps 20 000 / 2000 / 200 A-80Longitude sensorScalesSensitivity in mVMeasurement amplitudeBandwidth80 cmAccuracy 1 %Electrical safety200 A / 2000 A / 20000 A or100 A / 1000 A / 10000 AScale 200 or 100: 10 mV / AScale 2000 or 1000: 1 mV /AScale 20k or 10k: 0.1 mV / A5 A...20 kA10...20 kHzDouble insulationIEC 1010 - 100 V - Cat III -Degree of contamination 2Admissible output overvoltage 600 V (peak factor 1.5)Ambient conditionsTemperature -10...+55 ºCC-FLEX Clamps 20 000 / 2000 / 200 A-45Longitude sensorScalesSensitivity in mVMeasurement amplitudeBandwidth45 cmAccuracy 1 %Electrical safety200 A / 2000 A / 20000 A or100 A / 1000 A / 10000 AScale 200 or 100: 10 mV / AScale 2000 or 1000: 1 mV /AScale 20k or 10k: 0.1 mV / A5 A...20 kA10...20 kHzDouble insulationIEC 1010 - 100 V - Cat III -Degree of contamination 2Admissible output overvoltage 600 V (peak factor 1.5)Ambient conditionsTemperature -10...+55 ºCHumidity90 % HR (at 50 ºC)Humidity90 % HR (at 50 ºC)Scales Type CodeScales Type Code20 kA / 2000 A / 200 A10 kA / 1000 A / 100 AC-FLEX20000 / 2000 / 200 A-80C-FLEX10000 / 1000 / 100 A-80M81152M81652* Codes for 1 clamp20 kA / 2000 A / 200 A10 kA / 1000 A / 100 AC-FLEX20000/2000/200 A-45C-FLEX10000/1000/100 A-45M81151M81651* Codes for 1 clampM8-26

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CIR-e 3<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>DescriptionFeatures}}Measure in 2 quadrants the main parametersfor single-phase and three-phase electricalnetworks with 3 and 4 wires.}}True root mean square measure}}Built-in energy meter.}}4 voltage channels and 3 current channels.}}Configurable via PC application.}}Recording of parameters on SD card (upto 2 Gb).}}Compatible with Power Vision software.}}Possibility of custom-made independent<strong>power</strong> supply allowing <strong>power</strong> supply rangesof 100 to 400 Vac and 70 to 315 Vdc.}}Reduced size which allows installation inboxes with standard double insulation.}}Light}}Automatic detection of pins.}}Indication of poor connection of voltagesand current pins.}}Compatible with CIR-e WEB applicationfor processing data via a web site.}}Magnetic attachment to facilitate fasteningto an electric panel or metal supports.Application}}Equipment for performing energy auditsPower circuitVoltage100 to 400 Vac, 70 to 315 VdcFrequency50 to 60 HzConsumption9 VAMeasurement circuitVoltage ( f-N ) 10 to 400 Vac (f-N) ± 10%Voltage f-f 17 to 690 Vac (f-f) ± 10%Current (.../2 V)2.5 to 100% F.E. of clamp (within class)Frequency45 to 65 HzMinimum/maximum current, in accordance with the clamp and scaleClamp Scale RangeL1/sc1 200 A 5 to 200 AE-FLEX 20/54 cm L2/sc2 2 000 A 50 to 2000 AL3/sc3 20 000 A 500 to 20,000 ACP-5 5 A 0.05 to 5 ACP-100 100 A 1 to 100 AAccuracyVoltage0,5 % F.E.Current1 % F.E.Power2 % F.E.Energy2 % F.E.Build featuresOperating temperature 10 to 50ºCAltitude2 000 mHumidity95% RH without condensationStorage temperature -10 to 65ºCProtection degree IP 53Weight (only CIRe3)0.677 kgWeight (with packaging)0.733 kgStandardsELECTRICAL SAFETY STANDARD: IEC 60664-1, IEC 61010-1, IEC 62053-21, UL 94, VDE 110ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS: IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-6-4, EN 55011, EN 55022ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY: IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-6-1, IEC 61000-4-11, ENV 50141M8-27

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CIR-e 3<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Parameters measuredParameter Symbol (unit) L1 L2 L3 IIIMax./Min.Voltage V • • • - •Current A • • • - •Frequency Hz • - - - •Active <strong>power</strong> W • • • • •Reactive <strong>power</strong> factor (L and C) varL, varC • • • • •Apparent <strong>power</strong> V·A • • • • •Power factor PF • • • • •Active energy W · h - - - • -Reactive energy (L and C) var·hL,var·hC - - - • -Apparent energy VAh - - - • -Harmonic decomposition U, I (50) • • • - -THD (%) U, I % THD • • • - -ReferencesAnalyzer Pins Type CodeCIR-e 3 - CIR-e 3 M85020CIR-e 3 3 x 3 x CP-100 CIR-e 3 / 3 CP-100 M85030CIR-e 3 E-FLEX 54 CIR-e 3 E-FLEX 54 M85000AccessoriesSee page M.8-45MD (Max demand) - Active <strong>power</strong> W (MD) - - - • •MD (Max demand) - Apparent <strong>power</strong> VA (MD) - - - • •Fundamental U, I • • • - -WA flicker WA • • • - -PST flicker Pst • • • • •ConnectionsDimensionsThree-phase system balanced withneutralSingle-phase systemL 1L 2L 3NAlimentaciónauxiliarPower supplyL 1NAlimentaciónauxiliarPower supplyM8-28

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CIR-e Q<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> quality <strong>analyzer</strong>DescriptionFeatures}}Standard measurement of voltage parameters.}}Parameters for live <strong>power</strong> quality.}}Configurable via PC application.}}Recording of electrical parameters andquality events in SD (up to 2 Gb).}}Light.}}Reduced size which allows installation inboxes with standard double insulation.}}Possibility of custom-made independent<strong>power</strong> supply allowing <strong>power</strong> supply rangesof 100 to 400 Vac and 70 to 315 Vdc.}}Compatible with CIR-e WEB applicationfor processing data via a web site (STD files).}}Has a magnet to facilitate fastening onelectric panel or metal supports.Application}}Device which has been designed to incorporatethe most recent technologies offeringthe most advanced services on the marketfor measuring and recording quality events inelectrical networks.Power circuitVoltage100 to 400 Vac, 70 to 315 VdcFrequency50 to 60 HzConsumption 100/400 Vac5.2/22 VAConsumption 70/315 Vdc3 WMeasurement circuitVoltage ( f-N )10 to 400 Vac (f-N)Voltage f-f17 to 520 Vac (f-f)Frequency45 to 65 HzAccuracy0.5 % F.E.Build featuresOperating temperature 10 to 50ºCAltitude2 000 mHumidity95% RH without condensationStorage temperature -10 to 65ºCProtection degree IP 53Weight (only CIR-e Q )0.677 kgWeight (with packaging)0.713 kgStandardsELECTRICAL SAFETY STANDARD: IEC 60664-1, IEC 61010-1, UL 94, VDE 110ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS: IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-6-4, EN 55011, EN 55022ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY: IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-6-1, IEC 61000-4-11, ENV 50141M8-29

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CIR-e QAnalizador portátil de calidad de suministroParameters measuredParameterSymbol(unit) L1 L2 L3 III Max./Min.Phase-neutral voltage V Yes Yes Yes YesPhase-phase voltage V Yes Yes Yes YesFrequency Hz Yes YesTHD V Yes Yes Yes YesFundamental V Yes Yes YesHarmonic decompositionV (50º)Har Yes Yes YesQuality percentage Yes Yes YesCrest factor Yes Yes YesWA flicker WA Yes Yes YesPST flicker Pst Yes Yes Yes YesImbalance kd V Yes YesAsymmetry Ka V Yes YesQualityOvervoltage Yes Yes YesVoltage gaps Yes Yes YesInterruptions Yes Yes Yes‏ReferencesAnalyzerCIR-e QAccessoriesSee page M.8-45CodeM85010ConexionesDimensionsUnbalanced three-phase system withneutralBalanced single-phase systemM8-30

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Special clampsHigh voltage clampsPI-23High voltage clampsDescriptionFeatures}}Open clamps can be used to measurecurrent in points where the <strong>power</strong> supply cannot be interruptedApplication}}Check currents circulating through the line}}Assessment of network losses}}Carry out studies to prevent overheating}}PI-23 Applications: This clamp has beendesigned to measure the maximum currentcirculating through the line}}The clamp has a display that shows themaximum value of the current measured}}The measurement is taken while usinga safety system that prevents the effects ofthe clamps on the current when the clamp isplaced or taken out of the line.Maximum voltage36 kVMaximum measurement current400 A (2 scales)Maximum conductor diameter25 mmVoltage circuitBattery9 V, 6F22Frequency50 Hz (60 Hz, on demand)BacklitLCDDigits 3Accuracy ± 2 %Build featuresDegree of protection IP 50Weight (without battery) 290 g 360 g with receiverStandards61010 Electrical safetyReferencesI max U max ∅ max Type Code400 A 36 kV 25 PI-23 + case (50 Hz) M80132400 A 36 kV 25 PI-23 + case (60 Hz) M801320016 m Pole (3 sections of 2 m) M89941M8-31

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>Special clampsClamps with loggerCPLClamps with memoryDescriptionFeatures}}Current sensing clamps that measureand integrate the current in true root meansquare.}}Internal memory used to store mean values(128 kB)}}Measurement in true root mean square}}Maximum and minimum current values}}Trigger option}}Real-time clock to record events}}PC connection to program and obtaindata recordedVoltage circuitThrough an external <strong>power</strong> supply unit 230 Vac (± 15 %)Self-<strong>power</strong> supplyI >15 % I nFrequency50 ... 60 HzMeasurement range1 at 100% I nAccuracy with external <strong>power</strong> supply 1 % of the reading (± 2 digits)Memory128 KB ( > 8000 records)Type of memoryLinearSafety Category III 640 V (self-<strong>power</strong> supply), EN 61010StandardsEN 60664, VDE 0110, UL 94, EN 60801, EN 6100, EN 61010-1ReferencesMeasurement margin(external <strong>power</strong> supply)Measurement margin(self-<strong>power</strong> supply) Type Code5...500 A ac 75...500 A ac CPL-500 M8131110...1000 A ac 150...1000 A ac CPL-1000 M8131220...2000 A ac 300...2000 A ac CPL-2000 M81313Includes memory with <strong>power</strong> supply, RS-232 interface and PowerVision softwareM8-32

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>T-3VEarth resistance meterDescriptionFeatures}}Capable of measuring the earth voltage}}The 2 mA measurement current can beused to make resistivity tests of the earth totrigger the earth circuit breakers of the circuitbeing tested}}Battery operated}}Self-disconnection. The timer is operatedautomatically after no control has been usedfor 3~6 minutes. The meter is in operationwhen the operation push-button and the timeractivation button are pressed at the sametime}}Reading memory function}}Open circuit indicator. The OFF LED indicateswhen the connection of the test bitsis correct}}Compact and light}}Designed to comply with the IEC-1010(EN61010) security standard.Measurement systemEarth voltageEarth resistivityEarth voltage accuracyEarth resistivity accuracyEarthing resistance to earth with aconstant current inverter800 Hz, 2 mA approx.0...200 V ac, 40...500 HzScale and resolution0 ~ 20 Ω ( 0.01Ω )0 ~ 200 Ω ( 0.1Ω )0 ~ 2000 Ω ( 1Ω )± (1 % read. + 2 dig.)± 0.1% _ or (when greater);± (2 % read. + 2 dig.)Safety standards IEC-1010 (EN 61010)Low battery indicatorRead memory indicatorOver-margin indicationOpen circuit indicatorTimer (auto-disconnection)IndicatorPower supplyDimensionsWeightAccessoriesThe "B" symbol will appear on the displayThe "DH" symbol will appear on the display“1” on the most significant digit (MSD)The operation indicator (2) will be turned offWhen no control is operated, after 3 ~ 6 minutes3 digit LCD (2000 records)Six 1.5 V batteries (R6C)W. 163 x H. 100 x D. 50 mmApprox. 600 g (including batteries)Testing bits (red – 15 m, yellow – 10 m,green – 5 m), auxiliary earthing rods,carrying case, instruction manualCodingConnectionsTypeT-3VCodeM80410M8-33

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>MEG-SInsulation meterDescriptionThe MEG-S unit has a backlit LCD displayand it is used to take insulation (MΩ),continuity ( Ω) and AC voltage readings.}}Press a button for instantaneous operation.In addition, in the case of taking continuousreadings of MΩ or Ω, the unit has a builtintimer with automatic disconnection after 3to 5 minutes to save on the consumption ofbatteries}}LED indicator (red) to check the insulationand continuity}}Use of the high-performance and accuracyDC-DC converter}}Carrying case}}Specially designed to measure the insulatingresistance of domestic electrical appliances,distribution of energy lines and installations.}}Cable for the conductor insulation test.}}Cable for the insulation test against theappliance body.CodingFeaturesIndicator 3 1/2 digit LCD indicator with maximum reading of 199920 M_ ± 1.5 % read. ± 2 dig.Insulation reading200 M_ ± 2.5 % read. ± 2 dig.2000 M_ ± 5.0 % read. ± 3 dig.Auto-range function(for Insulation Measurement)Test voltage 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V DC ±10%AC voltage measurementImpedanceContinuity measurementOver-margin indicationTimerNon-disruptive voltagePower supplyDimensionsWeightAccessories0 – 750 V ±1.5 % read. + 2 dig.10 MΩ0 - 20 Ω ± 2 % read. ± 4 dig.0 - 200 Ω ± 1.5 % read. ± 2 dig.0 - 2 kΩ ± 1.5 % read. ± 2 dig.Short-circuit current 3 mAAcoustic continuity indication under:8 Ω scale of 20 Ω10 Ω scale of 200 kΩ40 Ω scale of 2 kΩ“1” on the most significant digit (MSD)Automatic disconnection after 3 minutesIn compliance with the IEC-1010 security requirementscategory IIISix 1.5 V batteries (R6C)W. 163 x H. 100 x D. 52 mmApprox. 430 g (including batteries)Batteries (6)Testing bitsCarrying caseInstruction manualTypeMEG-SCodeM80420ConnectionsM8-34

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CPMCurrent sensing clamp -multimeterFeaturesIndicator 3 1/2 digit LCD indicator with maximum reading of 1999Presentation functions HoldMAXMeasurement retentionRetention of the maximum measurement valuePolarityAutomatic, positive by default andnegative polarity indicator (-)Over-marginZero(OL) or (-OL) will be shown on the displayAutomaticLow battery indicator “ “ will be displayed when the voltageof the battery is under the normal operating levelsDescription}}The CPM current sensing clamp offersthe voltage, current, resistance and frequencymeasurement functions, with an acousticcontinuity buzzer and diode test.}}Three push-buttons are used to select themeasurement hold (HOLD), maximum value(MAX) and DC current measurement reset(DCA ZERO) functions}}The meter is <strong>power</strong>ed with a 9 V battery.Its design and double insulation make theCPM a safe and robust instrument.CodingTypeCPMCodeM80430Reading ratePower supplyAutonomyAmbient conditionsOperating temperatureStorage temperatureDimensionsWeightAccessories2.5 readings per second, nominal9 V Battery, IEC 6F22200 standard hours, with carbon-zinc battery0 °C to 40 °C (RH 0-70%)20 °C to 60 °C, (RH 0-80%) with the battery removed250 (W) x 100 (H) x 46 mm. (D)380 g, including batteryA pair of test bits. Carrying caseReference conditions Environmental conditions: 23 °C ± 5 °C, RH < 75%DC VoltageScaleAccuracyInput impedanceOverload protectionAC Voltage (50-500 Hz)ScaleAccuracyInput impedanceOverload protectionResistanceScalesAccuracyOpen circuit voltageOverload protectionFrequency (Auto-range)ScalesAccuracySensitivityOverload protectionContinuityAcoustic warningOverload protectionDiode testTesting currentAccuracyOpen circuit voltageAcoustic warningOverload protectionDC Current(Place the conductor in thecentre of the piece)ScalesResolutionAccuracyOverload protectionAC Current (40 Hz to 500 Hz)(Place the conductor in thecentre of the piece)ScalesResolutionAccuracyOverload protection600 V± (0.5% read. + 1 digit)10 MΩ600 V dc or ac. rms200 V, 600 V± (1.2% read. + 4 digits)10 MΩ600 V dc or ac. rms2 kΩ, 200 kΩ± (1.2% read. + 1 digit)0.3 V dc600 V dc or ac rms2 kHz, 20 kHz± 0.1% read. + 3 digits80 V rms minimum600 V dc or ac rmsLower than 30 Ω in the 2 kΩ600 V dc or ac rms1.0 mA ± 0.6 mA± (6.0% read. + 3 digits)3,0 V dc standard< 30 mV600 V dc or ac rms200 A, 700 A100 mA± (1.5% read. + 5 digits)700 A dc Max. during one minute200 A, 700 A100 mA± (1.5% read. + 5 digits) 50 to 60Hz±(3.5% read. + 5 digits) 40 to 500 Hz700 A dc Max. during 1 minuteM8-35

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CDBEarth leakage verification unit andloop resistance meterDescription}}Designed to take readings in single orthree-phase installations}}Measurement of amperage with voltagesper phase of 190 to 260 V}}Inspection of all sorts of residual currentdevices}}Powered with batteries or accumulators}}Measurement of the voltage between thephase and earth UL-PE}}Measurement of the voltage between thephase and neutral UL-N}}Measurement of the voltage between theneutral and earth terminal UN-PE}}Measurement of frequency}}Measurement of the protection loopimpedance RS}}Measurement of the protection loopimpedance RS, with no disconnection of theRCD}}Measurement of the trigger time tA of theRCD with earth leakage intensity I_N, 5xI_N and pulsed current}}Checking the RCD with gradualincremental voltage, measurement ofthe operating intensity of the RCD I_ andmeasurement of the contact voltage UI_when the RCD is disconnected}}Measurement of the contact voltageUI_N when passing the nominal operationintensity 0.45x I_N through earth with nosynchronisation of the RCD, checking thatthe RCD is not disconnected}}Cabling inspection (results are displayedin the form of symbols)}}Optional backlit LCD display}}The values read are automatically storedand then displayed on the displayBasic operating instructions}}The instrument can be used at a roomtemperature of - 5° C to 40° C. Instrumentsstored during a long period of time at temperaturesunder 0ºC must be acclimatisedduring 2 hours prior to storage}}The maximum relative humidity in air allowedis 80 % at 23° C}}The instrument must not be exposed toaggressive gases and vapours that couldcause oxidation, liquids and dust}}The instrument can only take readingsunder reference conditions with no additionalerrors}}The maximum resistance of the housingto heat is a maximum of 80º C}}The instrument can not take readingswhen the ºC overheating symbol is displayed}}The instrument can also be connectedbetween phases during a maximum intervalof 5 minutes}}All units under the RCD (Capacitors, rotatingmachines, etc.) as well as the residualcurrents of circuits can have an impact on thereadings}}The voltage drops in batteries under thelimits allowed is shown by the symbol that appearson the lower left corner of the screen}}The correct battery polarity must bemaintained when changing batteries (in accordancewith the battery clamp symbols).Used batteries will reduce the clarity of thedisplay, even though this does not have animpact on the operation of the instrument.Batteries can not be changed when theinstrument is connected to the mains. Theinstrument must not be connected to themains when the battery lid is damaged. Thelid must be changed immediately}}The two-wire adaptor can only be connectedto the CDB instrument for measuringpurposes, i.e., it can not be connected to the<strong>power</strong> supply}}The CDB plug must be connected to theadaptor's output (when a two-wire adaptor isused) before it is connected to the mains orto the load being measuredCodingTypeCDBCodeM80450M8-36

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>LXMLuxmeterCodingFeaturesTypeLXMCodeM80450Measurement rangesResolutionAccuracyTemperature featuresResponse timeLight detector: PhotodiodeOperating temp. / humidityStorage temp. / humidityRange Overload0.00 to 39.99/399.9/3999/39990 lx0.000 to 3.999/39.99/399.9/3999 fcautomatic selection / range manual0.01 lx ~ 10 lx ; 0.001 fc ~ 1 fc±3% rdg ±5 digits±0.1% / º C0.5 sec.Yes0º C ~ 40º C (32 ºF ~ 104º F) , 0 ~ 80% HR-10º C ~ 50º C (14ºF ~ 122º F) , 0 ~ 70% HR“ ---- ” displayPower supply one 9V battery ,006P or IEC 6F22 or NEDA 1604Battery working lifeDimensionsWeightAccessoriesApprox. 170 hours (Alkaline battery)196 (L) x 54 (W) x 33 (H) mm7.7 (L) x 2.1 (W) x 1.3 (H) inchesApprox. 180 gr9V Battery, instruction manualMS-148Alternating voltage detectorDescription}}Measurement of ac, from 70 to 600 Vac, with no need to be in contact with thevoltageCodingTypeMS-148CodeM80440M8-37

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>accesorios AR6Kit with 4 flexible clampsDescription}}Kit with 4 AM54-Flex flexible clampswith 5 tiesCode M82533Kit with 3 flexible clampsDescription}}Kit with 3 AM54-Flex flexible clampswith 5 tiesCode M82532Flexible clampDescription}}AM54-Flex type flexible clamps withcoloured clipsCode M82531Crocodile clampsDescription}}Crocodile clamps for AR6Code M89909Voltage cablesDescription}}Black (UL) voltage cables with 12ties in 6 coloursCode M82501AR6 caseDescription}}Deep red AR6 work coverCode M82503M8-38

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR6 caseDescription}}Transport case(trolley type) for AR6Code M82504Lexan front panelDescription}}Lexan front panel with phase coloursCode M82506Power supplyDescription}}Power supply for AR6Code M82507AR6 batteryDescription}}Replacement for the internal battery ofthe AR6 <strong>analyzer</strong>Code M82508Power Vision PlusDescription}}Software for the remote management andmeasurement of the information recorded bythe AR5-L portable <strong>analyzer</strong>s and other unitsmanufactured by CIRCUTOR.}}It is a high-performance tool that increasesthe <strong>power</strong> of the information recorded bythe units.For more information, see M.9 CatalogueCode M90411M8-39

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L accessoriesCharging <strong>power</strong> supply and interface ( RS-232)DescriptionIncludes:}}80 - 250 V ac Power supply}}Power supply cable}}Cable to connect the <strong>power</strong> supplyand the AR5-L}}Series cable (RS-232) to connect the<strong>power</strong> supply and PCCode M89926AR5-L batteryDescriptionReplacement for the internal battery of theAR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong>Code M89904Case for AR5 / AR5-LDescriptionCover for the AR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong>, so that itcan be transported easily and comfortablyCode M89901Carrying bag for AR5 / AR5-LDescriptionIncludes pockets for the following:}}One AR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong>}}4 current sensing clamps (CP5, CP100,CPR500, CPR1000, CP2000 / 200, CF-5 orany kit with flexible clamps)}}Power supply and <strong>power</strong> supply / voltagemeasurement cables}}Folder with the manuals of PowerVisionand other programs}}Accessories of the AR5-L<strong>analyzer</strong>Code M89905M8-40

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L accessoriesCase for AR5-L clampsDescriptionCase for AR5-L clampsCode M899211000 L Case(with protective foam,for CPR-1000 clamps of theAR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong> )DescriptionIncludes pockets for the following:}}One AR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong>}}4 CPR100 current sensing clampsPowersupply and <strong>power</strong> supply / voltage measurementcablesCode M899232000 L Case(with protective foam,for CPR-2000 /200 clamps of theAR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong>)DescriptionIncludes pockets for the following:}}One AR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong>}}4 CPR2000 / 200 current sensing clamps}}Power supply and <strong>power</strong> supply / voltagemeasurement cablesCode M89924C-FLEX Case(with protective foam,for C-FLEX clamps of theAR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong> )Code M8992FM8-41

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L accessoriesCheck Meter + optical readerDescriptionIncludes:}}Check Meter Program for AR5-L (lastversion). The corresponding cartridges areincluded, such as the CheckMeter programfor AR5-L and the co-processor.}}Check Meter optical sensor (with theoptic fibre cable to monitor meters and thecommunications and <strong>power</strong> supply cable thatconnects it to the AR5-L)}}Program User Manual CheckMeter (includingthe explanation of how the sensormust be used)Code M806C3Power Vision PlusDescription}}Software for the remote management andmeasurement of the information recorded bythe AR5-L portable <strong>analyzer</strong>s and other unitsmanufactured by CIRCUTOR.}}It is a high-performance tool that increasesthe <strong>power</strong> of the information recorded bythe units.For more information, see M.9 CatalogueCode M90411PC Communications cableDescription}}RS-232 Series connection cable, withtwo DB9 connectors (male and female), witha length of 1.2 m. Used in AR5 and AR5-L<strong>analyzer</strong>s to download the data stored in thePC with the Power Vision Software.Code M8991EM8-42

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L accessoriesAdaptor cable (3 cables) AR5-LDescription}}Set of three cables, with a 4-way femaleconnector with colour phase on one end anda 3-pin male connector on the other end.Code M89917Adaptor cable (1 cable) AR5-LDescription}}4-way female connector on one end and3-pin male connector on the other end.Code M89922Adaptor cable (1 cable) AR5Description}}3-way female connector on one end and4-pin male connector on the other end, withphase colour.Code M89932Cable to connect the AR5-L unitto the <strong>power</strong> supplyDescription}}Cable to connect the <strong>power</strong> supply inputand communications between the <strong>analyzer</strong>and <strong>power</strong> supply.Code M8992CM8-43

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>AR5-L accessoriesSet of 4 voltage cablesDescription}}Set of 4 cables to connect the voltageinputs of the AR5-L <strong>analyzer</strong> to an electricpanel or sub-panel.Code M89908Crocodile clamp (1 unit)Description}}Clamp that adapts to the voltage cableand can be connected to an electric panel orsub-panel to measure voltage.Code M89909C-80 accessories3 voltage cable replacement kitDescription}}Set of 3 cables to connect the voltage inputsof the C-80 <strong>analyzer</strong> to an electric panelor sub-panel.Code M89907C-80 CaseDescription}}Case to carry the C-80 <strong>analyzer</strong>easily and safely.Code M89931M8-44

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>CIR-e 3 / CIR-e Q accessoriesKit with 3 E-FLEX clampsDescription}}Kit with 3 E-FLEX 54200/2.00/20.000 A clamps for CIR-e 3Code M86010Kit with 3 CP-5 clampsDescription}}Kit with 3 CP-5 clamps for CIR-e 3Code M86011Kit with 3 CP-100 clampsDescription}}Kit with 3 CP-100 clamps for CIR-e 3Code M86012Kit with 6 voltage cablesDescription}}Kit with 6 voltage cables forCIR-e 3 or CIR-e QCode M86020CIR-e 3 or CIR-e Q caseDescription}}Transport case for CIR-e 3 or CIR-e QCode M89931M8-45

M8-46<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>M8-47

<strong>Portable</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>analyzer</strong>+ information: central@circutor.eswww.circutor.comCIRCUTOR, SA - Vial Sant Jordi, s/n08232 Viladecavalls (Barcelona) SpainTel. (+34) 93 745 29 00 - Fax: (+34) 93 745 29 14central@circutor.esCIRCUTOR, SA reserves the right to the change the content of this catalogue

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