Thank You - Somerville College

Thank You - Somerville College

Thank You - Somerville College

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<strong>Thank</strong> <strong>You</strong><strong>Somerville</strong> <strong>College</strong>Report for DonorsFOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 1.8.08-31.7.09

ContentsAddress fromthe Principal 3List of donors 5Volunteers andCommittee Members 19Financial reportFor the financial year 1.8.08 - 31.7.09 22The Principal and Fellows of<strong>Somerville</strong> <strong>College</strong> extendtheir most sincere thanks tothe donors listed for theirmost generous support of the<strong>College</strong> in 2008-09.Every gift received by the<strong>College</strong> makes a difference –834 of you supported <strong>Somerville</strong>with unrestricted and restrictedgifts from 1.8.08 – 31.7.09.<strong>Somerville</strong> <strong>College</strong>Woodstock Road OX2 6HDTelephone 01865 270600www.some.ox.ac.uk

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 3FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09From the Principal<strong>Thank</strong> you for making a difference…This donor thank you report for the financial year2008-09 is particularly important to me for severalreasons. In one of the perhaps most challenging yearsfor fundraising in recent decades, it is particularlyheartening that more than 800 donors supported the<strong>College</strong> generously by donating over £1 million inregular donations, major gifts and legacies. A further£550,000 was pledged by donors who will supportthe <strong>College</strong> in the coming years. This generosity ishumbling and your support is absolutely vital to the<strong>College</strong> as it enables us to continue to deliver coreaspects of <strong>Somerville</strong>’s mission; it provides supportfor talented students in need, it helps to secure ourtutorial system by providing funding for fellowshipsand it offers essential help with maintaining our<strong>College</strong> facilities. On behalf of the Fellows andstudents, I would like to express my warmest thanksto you all for supporting us in a year which has, infinancial terms, been an exceptionally difficult one.

4 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09This report is also very important to mebecause it is my last opportunity to expressmy thanks before I retire as Principal of the<strong>College</strong>. During my 14 years at <strong>Somerville</strong>,it has been heartening to experience thegenerosity of alumni and friends. It has beenan inspiration to witness the dedicationand commitment of donors at every leveland I have thoroughly enjoyed workingwith you all to strengthen the <strong>College</strong>’sposition. Fundraising has always beencentral to <strong>Somerville</strong>’s existence and thiswill be even more evident in the decadesto come. Decreasing Government supportand accelerated pressures on the <strong>College</strong>’smodest endowment have made it a challengeto sustain our world-class educational andresearch environment; your continuedcommitment to support the <strong>College</strong> withdonations of all sizes is invaluable.The <strong>Somerville</strong> Campaign was successfullylaunched last summer and many of you havealready responded with encouragementand further donations. Many of thesedonations will form part of the report for thenext financial year. The determination ofalumni and friends to help us to reach ourambitious target of raising £25 million insupport of student bursaries, endowment offellowships and the construction of two newstudent accommodation buildings on theRadcliffe Observatory Quarter site is inspiring.Indeed, it is your generosity which gave usthe confidence that we can be successful inreaching our challenging campaign target.More than £13 million has been raised to dateand the <strong>Somerville</strong> Campaign will be at theheart of our endeavours for the years to come.As Principal of <strong>Somerville</strong> it has been a greathonour to have been entrusted with the taskof sustaining our founders’ vision of a liberaland pioneering education and this can notbe achieved without your vital support. <strong>You</strong>rcommitment to making a difference providesthe means to secure <strong>Somerville</strong>’s ethos andeducation for generations to come.With my most sincere thanks,DAME FIONA CALDICOTTPrincipalApril 2010

List of DonorsFOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 1.8.08-31.7.09

6 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Alice CobbResearchFellowship(to fund the emolument of aresearch Fellow in Philosophy)Mrs Lesley Brown (Wallace) 1963Dr Nick SheaAnnual Fund(ordered by Matriculation year)1930-39Mrs Sally Chilver (Graves) 1932Miss Ruth Spalding 1932 †Mrs Margaret Hagger(Leith-Ross) 1933Mrs Margot Child (Bond) 1934Mrs Judith Manches(Hydleman) 1935 †Mrs Margaret Dawes (Monk) 1936Mrs Betty Flexner (Wrey) 1936 †Mrs Diana Rowley (Crowfoot) 1936Miss Jean Wilks 1936Miss Winifred Brown 1937Miss Liz Daunton 1937Miss Kay Davies 1937Miss Margaret Higginson 1937 †Miss Molly Loughnane 1937Miss Joyce Reynolds 1937Dr Christina Roaf (Drake) 1937Mrs Margaret Capstick(Price) 1938Mrs Claudia Lennon(Furneaux) 1938Miss Joyce Skinner 1938Dr Enid Stoye 1938Miss Patricia Norman 1939Mrs Angela Sinclair Loutit(De Renzy-Martin) 1939Mrs Daphne Stroud(Vandepeer) 1939Mrs Olive Wright 1939 †1940 - 49Mrs Elizabeth Clarke (Potter) 1940Mrs Ellen Jarvis (Lunnon) 1940Miss Eleanor Macnair 1940Baroness Daphne Park 1940 †Miss Beryl Davies 1941Professor Margaret Davies-Mitchell (Brown) 1941Miss Mary Dobson 1941Miss Valerie Dundas-Grant 1941Mrs Barbara Mitchell(Davies) 1941Mrs Jean Velecky (Stanier) 1941Mrs Mary Dawson(Hothersall) 1942Mrs Rosamund Huebener(Benson) 1942Mrs Elizabeth Lonsbrough(Nelson) 1942Miss Christine Maclean 1942Miss Elizabeth McCullough 1942Mrs Marjorie Pattle (Whitter) 1942Mrs Susan Wood(Chenevix-Trench) 1942Mrs Dorothy Coleman(Thompson) 1943Miss Sheila Durbin 1943Mrs Valerie Langweil(Potts) 1943 †Mrs Margaret Lee (Cox) 1943Miss Eleanor Littleboy 1943Mrs Pamela Mason (Rhodes) 1943Ms Mairi McCormick(MacInnes) 1943Mrs Joey Philpott (Huckett) 1943Mrs Mary Bowen (Anderson) 1944Mrs Olive Bridge (Brown) 1944Mrs Audrey Faber(Thompson) 1944Dr Leonora Goulty 1944Mrs Margaret Kohl (Cook) 1944Mrs Amanda Parsons(Rhodes) 1944Professor Lalage Bown 1945Mrs Esther Ehrman (Unger) 1945Mrs Cecile Kessler (Offen) 1945 †Mrs Patricia MacAulay (Hale) 1945Mrs Joyce Molyneux(Ormerod) 1945Mrs Sheila Ormerod (Preece) 1945Mrs Sheila Warson (Curtis) 1945Mrs Patricia Clough (Brown) 1946Mrs Barbara Forrai(Lockwood) 1946Lady Hazel Fox (Stuart) 1946Mrs Gladys Green(Brett-Harris) 1946Miss Barbara Harvey 1946Miss Sheila Hill 1946Mrs Prue Hopkinson(Holmes) 1946Mrs Moira Large (Sydney) 1946Miss Kathleen Moore 1946Mrs Hester Smallbone(Parrington) 1946Mrs Avril Wotherspoon(Edwards) 1946Mrs Patience Barnes (Wade) 1947Mrs Judy Cazorla (King) 1947Dr Dorothy Collin (Halstead) 1947Mrs Joan Hampshire 1947Mrs Mira Harding (Vidakovic) 1947Dr Rosalind Maskell(Rewcastle) 1947Dame Anne Warburton 1947Mrs Betty Williams(Rollason) 1947Mrs Joan Wilson (Turton) 1947Mrs Amna Winter (Sankar) 1947Mrs Mary Brettell(Bennett) 1948Lady Mavis Dunrossil(Spencer-Payne) 1948Mrs Rosemary Jones(Eldridge) 1948Mrs Anne Knight (Earle) 1948Mrs Moira Long (Gilmore) 1948Mrs Prue Stokes (Watling) 1948Miss April Symons 1948Mrs Sheila Barber (Marr) 1949

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 7FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 – 31.7.09Miss Marian Brown 1949Mrs Aylwin Chancellor(Humphrys) 1949Professor Jenny Glusker(Pickworth) 1949Mrs Helen Grellier (Brindle) 1949Mrs Sue Low (Carpenter) 1949Mrs Gillian Mackie(Faulkner) 1949Ms Jane-Kerin Moffat 1949Mrs Elspeth Orrom (Oliver) 1949Mrs Ruth Roberts (Greenhow) 1949Mrs Margaret Stewart (Adams) 1949Lady Sarah Wright(Waldegrave) 19491950-59Lady Gillian Chipperfield(James) 1950Mrs Hilda Cole (Robinson) 1950Dr Bridget Davies 1950Mrs Penelope Lee(Hooper) 1950Mrs Margaret Oddie(Timmis) 1950Mrs Jane Peters (Sheldon) 1950Mrs Henrietta Phipps(Lamb) 1950Mrs Nora Satterthwaite(Cable) 1950Mrs Phoebe Van Oss(Herbert) 1950 †Dr Joan Christodoulou(Edmunds) 1951Miss Celia Clout 1951Professor Albertine Cox(Jwaideh) 1951Mrs Pat Davies (Owtram) 1951Mrs Elizabeth Heritage(Robertson) 1951 †Mrs Dorothy Newton(Casley) 1951Mrs Corinne Petford(Chambers) 1951Mrs Frances Playfer(Tindall) 1951Mrs Margaret Porter(Wallace) 1951Mrs Rita Richards(Bradford) 1951Mrs Hester Rybka(McClellan) 1951Mrs Gillian Saunders(Gaisford) 1951Mrs Lucia Turner(Glanville) 1951Mrs Jenifer Wates(Weston) 1951Mrs Erica Wood (Twist) 1951Miss Celia Clarke 1952Mrs Cynthia Coldham-Jones(Coldham) 1952Miss Anne Dawnay 1952Mrs Pamela Egan (Brooks) 1952Ms Shirley Hermitage 1952Mrs Gillian Lawrence(Rushton) 1952Dr Jenifer Lomer 1952Mrs Jennifer Welsh(Husband) 1952Mrs Mary Williams (Short) 1952Mrs Barbara Williamson(Freeman) 1952Dr Doreen Boyce(Vaughan) 1953Dr Paula Brownlee(Pimlott) 1953Miss Nadine Brummer 1953Mrs Ann Currie(Mansfield-Robinson) 1953Miss Ann Gray 1953Professor Sally Humphreys(Hinchliff) 1953Mrs Jennifer Johnson(Dyson) 1953Mrs Gillian Keily (Gunner) 1953Mrs Jane Salusbury (Terry) 1953Mrs Rhona Solomon(Gold) 1953Mrs Edyth Watt (Hitchens) 1953Mrs Jane Wimbury(Cook) 1953 †Dr Maureen Birukowska(Booth) 1954Dr Hilary Brown(Maunsell) 1954Mrs Shirley Carnell (Mair) 1954Mrs Daphne Green(Fenner) 1954Mrs Sheila Harrison(Ashcroft) 1954Mrs Giustina Ryan(Blum Gentilomo) 1954Mrs Gillian Simmill(Evans) 1954Miss Janet Tanner 1954Mrs Miranda Villiers(McKenna) 1954Mrs Anne Weizmann(Owen) 1954Mrs Elizabeth Rogers(Telfer) 1955Dr Helen Ross 1955Mrs Francesca Upton(Ricketts) 1955Mrs Sally Wheeler (Hilton) 1955Dr Joan Wilkinson 1955Mrs Paddy Crossley(Earnshaw) 1956Mrs Hannah Edmonds(Oppenheimer) 1956Mrs Shelagh Eltis (Owen) 1956Mrs Audrey Gale (Sander) 1956Professor Sonia Jackson(Edelman) 1956Mrs Caroline Kenny(Arthur) 1956Lady Virginia Pasley (Wait) 1956Miss Anne Stoddart 1956Mrs Judith Gray(Campbell) 1957Mrs Hyacinthe Harford(Hoare) 1957Mrs Mary Howard(Maries) 1957

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 9FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 – 31.7.09Mrs Caroline Higgitt(Besley) 1965Dr Helen Lewis(Goodman) 1965Lady Angela Morgan(Rathbone) 1965Mrs Janet Nash(De Gruchy) 1965Dr Alice Prochaska(Barwell) 1965Dr Shirley Vinall (Jones) 1965Professor FenellaWojnarowska 1965Mrs Carole Brown (Leigh) 1966Professor Gail Cunningham(Pennington) 1966Miss Suzanne Elcoat 1966Mrs Susan Hughes (Berry) 1966Mrs Lynette Jeggo (Wilkie) 1966Ms Venetia Kudrle(Thomas) 1966Dr Angela Mills 1966Miss Margaret Newens 1966Mrs Alexandra Nicol(Marr) 1966Miss Viv Robins 1966Mrs Sue Robson (Bodger) 1966Mrs Helen Stammers(Tritton) 1966Mrs Janet Stanworth(Kemp) 1966Miss Helen Wise 1966Mrs Vanessa Allen(Lampard) 1967Miss Rachel Berger 1967Professor Edwina Brown 1967Mrs Angela Davies(Holdich) 1967Miss Rosalind Erskine 1967Mrs Sarah Hale (Watkins) 1967Mrs Stephanie Klass(Brown) 1967Mrs Judith Mitchell(Bainbridge) 1967Mrs Rosamund Skinner(Forrest) 1967Mrs Rosemary Swatman(Cox) 1967Dr Vicky Tagart 1967Lady Charlotte Beatson(Christie-Miller) 1968Miss Joanna Bosanquet 1968Mrs Miranda Corben(McCormick) 1968Dr Meriel Kitson(De Laszlo) 1968Dr Elaine Merrylees(Barrie) 1968Mrs Janet Pope (Gardiner) 1968Mrs Niloufer Reifler(Marker) 1968Dr Ann Rolinson 1968Mrs Jenny Wright (Allan) 1968Mrs Jackie Andrew(Turner) 1969Mrs Patricia Baskerville(Lawrence-Wilson) 1969Mrs Gill Bennett(Randerson) 1969Dr Anne Davies 1969Miss Christine Denwood 1969Dr Sophie McCormick(Williams) 1969Miss Charlotte Morgan 1969Dr Jill Pipe (Pritchard) 1969Professor Caroline Series 1969Mrs Elizabeth Thorne(Westbrook) 19691970-79Miss Maggie Ainsley 1970Dr Sarah Beaver (Wilks) 1970Mrs Sarah Danby(Sherrard) 1970Mrs Wendy Holmes(Beswick) 1970Ms Elizabeth Knowles 1970Mrs Elizabeth Philipps(Black) 1970Dr Ann Prentice (Rubach) 1970Mrs Jill Bowman(Watkins) 1971Ms Sue Dixson 1971Mrs Elizabeth Harbord(Harris) 1971Mrs Lepel Kornicka(Phipps) 1971Mrs Nina Lillie (Piggott) 1971Miss Lindy MacLean 1971Mrs Stephanie Martin(King) 1971Mrs Sally Patmore(Wiseman) 1971Lady Jan Stanhope (Flynn) 1971Dr Ruth Thompson 1971Dr Dilys Wadman 1971Dr Trudy Watt 1971Mrs Laura Barnett(Weidenfeld) 1972Dr Janet Beeby (Badcock) 1972Mrs Kay Brock (StewartSandeman) 1972Dr Gillie Evans 1972Professor Susan Farnsworth 1972Miss Dot Metcalf 1972Mrs Karen Niles (Larson) 1972Mrs Nicola Ormerod(Callander) 1972Miss Karen Richardson 1972Miss Ruth Sillar 1972Professor Wisia Wedzicha 1972Ms Jill Barelli 1973Dr Penelope Gardner-Chloros(Chloros) 1973Dr Elizabeth Grayson(Thomas) 1973Mrs Aileen Hingston(Simkins) 1973Mrs Frances Mallary(Neville-Rolfe) 1973The Hon Mrs Jane Morris-Jones(Howard) 1973Ms Krystyna Nowak 1973Professor Anne Redston 1973Miss Susan Scholefield 1973Miss Ruth Thomas 1973

10 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Miss Judith Unwin 1973Ms Victoria <strong>You</strong>nghusband 1973Miss Ruth Crocket 1974Mrs Ruth Harris (Lodge) 1974Ms Olwyn Hocking 1974Mrs Alison Jones (Emmett) 1974Miss Clare Mainprice 1974Mrs Vicky Maltby (Elton) 1974H H Judge Judy Moir(Edwardson) 1974Ms Susan Morris 1974Ms Hilary Newiss 1974Mrs Barbara Phillips(Monkhouse) 1974Mrs Nicola Ralston(Thomas) 1974Ms Jane Sender(Nothmann) 1974Mrs Gail Sperrin (Kyle) 1974Mrs Vicky Carnegy-Arbuthnott(Carlstrand) 1975Dr Judith Collier 1975Mrs Suzan Griffiths(Green) 1975Miss Eleanor Harre 1975Ms Nadine Majaro 1975Mrs Sarah Parish(Williams) 1975Mrs Jane Shepherd(Booth) 1975Miss Leila Abu-Sharr 1976Mrs Anne Cowan (MacKay) 1976Ms Lesley Fidler 1976Miss Pamela Hewitt 1976Mrs Jenny Meader(Heseltine) 1976Mrs Jane Millinchip(Davenport) 1976Viscountess Claire Mackintosh(Nowak) 1976Mrs Eleanor Orr (Brown) 1976Mrs Susan Sinagola(Livingstone) 1976Mrs Jane Bell (Gilman) 1977Mrs Sheila Bulpett(Thomson) 1977Dr Viva Fisher 1977Mrs Kati Hughes(Whitaker) 1977Mrs Caroline Jarrett(Sankey) 1977Mrs Merryn Kent (Wills) 1977Dr Katherine Lack (Taylor) 1977Miss Margaret Robertson 1977Miss Sarah Whitley 1977Mrs Mary Beagon (Manley) 1978Mrs Joanna Bell (Priest) 1978Mrs Liz Brockmann(Madell) 1978Mrs Marcelle Macnamara(von Schoenberg) 1978 †Mrs Margaret McKenna(Wylie) 1978Mrs Corinne Pardoe(Stephens) 1978Professor Carole Pashley(Fairbairn) 1978Mrs Sue Scollan (Green) 1978Mrs Diane Smith(Lightowler) 1978Dr Gubby Ayida-Akerele(Ayida) 1979Mrs Jennifer Bennet(Caldwell) 1979Mrs Melanie Brown (Gee) 1979Mrs Judith Dingle (Martin) 1979Mrs Gail Higgins (Hudson) 1979Lady Katherine Innes Ker(Jones) 1979Ms Mary Kirk 1979Professor Angela Mclean 1979Mrs Rachel Parker(Nicholls) 1979Dr Rachel Warner 1979Ms Jacqueline Watts 19791980-89Mrs Nancy Brown(Freeman) 1980Miss Ruth Crawford 1980Mrs Claire Hayes (Lines) 1980Ms Anne Heal 1980Mrs Hannah Houghton-Berry(Sunderland) 1980Miss Susan Karamanian 1980Mrs Catherine McCabe(Hawes) 1980Mrs Debbie Megone (Barker) 1980Mrs Judith Shepherd (Bos) 1980Dr Ursula Cox (Nicholls) 1981Mrs Rosemary Gardiner(Proctor) 1981Mrs Fiona Gatty 1981Miss Jenny Ladbury 1981Ms Catherine McLoughlin 1981Ms Philippa O’Neill 1981Dr Louise Wilkinson 1981Mrs Nicola Bazire 1982Miss Kathryn Bourke 1982Miss Sophie Corlett 1982Ms Judith Crosbie-Chen(Crosbie) 1982Miss Carol Jackson 1982Mrs Martha Jones(Andrew) 1982Mrs Christina Bayly(Hindson) 1984Miss Andrea Lyons 1984Miss Susan Baines 1985Ms Bev Cox 1985Miss Akiko Kuni 1985Mrs Kristen Mead Materne(Mead) 1985Dr Lisa Teoh (Webber) 1985Mrs Nikki Doran (Ray) 1986Anonymous 1986Miss Noelle Morris 1986Mrs Suzanne Heywood(Cook) 1987Ms Yi-Fun Hsueh 1987Miss Emma Sky 1987Mrs Natalie Smith(Nurock) 1987Mrs Sarah Wyles (Ryle) 1987Anonymous 1988Mrs Julia Aglionby 1988Ms Talya Baker (Cohen) 1988Mrs Rebecca Briscoe(Copsey) 1988

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 11FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 – 31.7.09Miss Judith Buttigieg 1988Mrs Samantha Campbell-Beeden(Thian) 1988Mrs Sara Nix (Field) 1988Ms Anna Poole 1988Dr Alison Stewart (Lacey) 1988Mrs Angela Wilson (Brown) 1988Mrs Helen Johns (Davies) 1989Mrs Roberta Levy Schwartz(Levy) 1989Mrs Fiona Mayhew(McCallum) 1989Mrs Helen Thomson(Ruse) 19891990-99Mrs Emma Cross (Rich) 1990Miss Eugenie Hunsicker 1990Miss Samantha Knights 1990Ms Sally Mitcham 1990Dr Fahera Musaji (Sindhu) 1990Dr Clare Nasmyth-Miller(Freeman-Emmerson) 1990Ms Zoe Cross 1991Mrs Arabella Freeman(Smith) 1991Mrs Kay Kiggell (Adam) 1991Mrs Barbi Mileham(Cecchet) 1991Dr Tammy Rothenberg 1991Mrs Clare Bone(Swinburn) 1992Miss Clara Farmer 1992Ms Caroline Garnett 1992Miss Celia Wrighton 1992Miss Caroline Carrick 1993Mrs Ciara Hammond(Doherty) 1993Miss Alex Hatchman 1993Mrs Joanna May (Froggatt) 1993Mrs Vicky Price (Snell) 1993Miss EstherSchutzer-Weissmann 1993Miss Ee-Ching Tay 1993Mrs Rosamund Akayan(Brown) 1994Dr Andrew Graydon 1994Miss Anne Madden 1994Miss Winnie Man 1994Miss Hilary Osborne 1994Miss Zoe Trinder-Widdess 1994Miss Rachel Gooden 1995Dr Niels Kroner 1996Mrs Eleanor Smith (Reid) 1996Mr Terry Stickland 1996Mr Stephen Abletshauser 1997Miss Victoria Mance 1997Mr Alex Miller 1997Mr Adam Alvarez 1998Miss Mary McNeil 1998Mr Guy Scadding 1998Mrs Nicola Avery-Gee(Ingber) 1999Mrs Elizabeth Cunningham(Choulerton) 1999Mr Rishi Kansagra 19992000Miss Hannah Cadman 2000Ms Laura Evans 2000Mr Mark Pearson 2000Miss Aimee Donnison 2001Dr Kenneth Kar 2001Ms Caitlin Callaghan 2003Friends of<strong>Somerville</strong>Miss Jean BanisterMr Douglas CarterMrs Toni CoffeeMr Steven CrownMs G GreenMrs Maro Limnios(Papathamos)Mr & Mrs Jeremy LloydMrs Rosemary MacDonald(Coldwell-Horsfall)Mr James MacnamaraMs Rella MatteiMr Jim MorganMiss Helen MortonAnonymousMiss Susan PartridgeMr Roger PilgrimMr Gavin RalstonMs Wendy RegaardDr Olive Sayce (Davison)Mr Irvine SimpsonMs Margaret TilburyMr Richard Van OssMr Thomas Van OssMrs Eliza WalkerMr Alan WalkerMs Rhiannon WaltersHon Mr David Wedgwood BennMr P WilliamsEnsix Charitable TrustIl Circolo LondraOxford & Cambridge ClubPoling Charitable TrustShareGiftTisbury Telegraph TrustMatched Gifts tothe Annual FundBarclays Bank PLC:Mrs Jane Millinchip(Davenport) 1976Barclays Bank PLC:Mrs Sally Patmore(Wiseman) 1971The Thomson Corporation:Mrs Liz Brockman(Madell) 1978UBS Investment Bank EMEA:Mrs Clare Joy (Jwala) 1989UBS Investment Bank EMEA:Miss Ee-Ching Tay 1993

12 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09History (Alcuin)(to support History Undergraduates)Mrs Catherine Hughes (Pestell)French (AdrianneTooke Appeal)(for the study & teaching of French)Mr Matthew Blessett 1994Miss Dara Christopher 1984Ms Melanie Florence 1981Miss Barbara Harvey 1946Miss Carol Jackson 1982Miss Danielle Lux 1983History (BarbaraHarvey Appeal)(for the study & teaching of History)Mrs Vanessa Brand(Rodrigues) 1965 †Miss Anne Dawnay 1952Miss Gill Green 1972Mrs Janet Howarth (Ross) 1960Mrs Juliet Johnson (Adams) 1975Mrs Sarah Von Schmidt(Fatchen) 1989Boat ClubMiss Alison Walsh 1979The BryantBursary(to fund a bursary)Dr Molly Scopes (Bryant) 1954Building andFurniture FundMrs Rosie Oliver (Rogers) 1976Bursary FundMrs Nancy Bower(Thompson) 1939Mrs Lesley Brown (Wallace) 1963Mrs Shirley Cordeaux Wilde(Legge) 1952The Hon Mrs Anne Keynes(Adrian) 1942Mrs Angela Sinclair Loutit(De Renzy-Martin) 1939Mr Nick Martlew 2002Lady Angela Morgan(Rathbone) 1965Mrs Hilary Nightingale ofCromarty (Jones) 1948Mrs Corinne Petford(Chambers) 1951Mrs Margaret Williamson(Allott) 1956The Cromarty TrustThe Eleanor RathboneCharitable TrustThe <strong>Somerville</strong> London GroupCampaignUnspecified FundMr Leo Crane 1995Miss Carol Jackson 1982Mrs Lesley Lynn (Clarke) 1974Mrs Helen Mawson(Fuller) 1957Dr Penny McCarthy (Gee) 1962Ms Lyn Robertson 1961Chapel FundMs V JamesDr Olive Sayce (Davison)Chemistry(Jo Peach Appeal)(for the study and teaching of Chemistry)Mrs Judith Adam (Palmer) 1972Miss Kerry Anderson 1991Dr Elizabeth Austin 1970Ms Caroline Ben-Ari (Rhodes) 1974Mrs Jennifer Bennet (Caldwell) 1979Miss Moira Black 1968Ms Alex Cole 1976Mrs Janine Coulthard(Bailey) 1985Mrs Judith Dingle (Martin) 1979Mrs Mandy Fair (Aveyard) 1969Mrs Karen Flatt (Buckland) 1974Mrs Katherine Gargan(Everitt) 1979Dr Elizabeth Grayson(Thomas) 1973Mrs Jean Green (Morris) 1974Dr Roberta Hamme 1991Mrs Clair Harris (Stuart) 1999Miss Joanna Haxby 1975Mrs Claire Hayes (Lines) 1980Mrs Ruth Hazel (Grieves) 1978Anonymous 1977Lady Katherine Innes Ker(Jones) 1979Mrs Mary-Jane Jeanes(Zwar) 1975Mrs Verity Joubert (Curry) 1972Ms Celia Keen (Thorne) 1982Dr Jane Macintyre 1976Mrs Zoe Makepeace-Welsh(Makepeace) 1993Mrs Gillian Manning(Brace) 1968Dr Ben Mayes 1996Mrs Fiona Mayhew(McCallum) 1989Miss Yang-Ming Ooi 1984Ms Hilary Newiss 1974Ms Jackie Orme 1987Miss Emma O’Rourke 1984

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 13FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 – 31.7.09Dr Rebecca Parker(Green) 1993Professor Carole Pashley(Fairbairn) 1978Miss Neeta Patel 1980Dr Ann Prentice (Rubach) 1970Mrs Pat Sellers (Burns) 1971Mrs Catherine Shakespear(Robbins) 1972Dr Alison Singleton(Ricketts) 1975Mrs Diane Smith(Lightowler) 1978Dr Fiona <strong>Somerville</strong> 1980Mrs Catherine Steers(Francey) 1978Dr Alison Stewart (Lacey) 1988Mrs Meg Stewart (Wilson) 1992Anonymous 1975Mrs Carys Walshe (Cassidy) 1985Mrs Veronica Williams(Jones) 1972Mr David Willman 1996ModernLanguages(Christina RoafAppeal)(for the study & teaching ofModern Languages)Miss Kim Anderson 1978Dr Anne Isba (Lightfoot) 1964CommercialPartnerships/SponsorshipContemporary WatercoloursSorin Group UK LimitedTesco (with thanks toLucy Neville-Rolfe, 1970)All at Ponti’s and in particular theBoard of DirectorsThe Barbara CraigFellowship Fund(for Ancient History – in memoryof Barbara Craig)Dame Fiona CaldicottThe Binks Trust (with thanks to SirGerald and Lady Elliot, 1945)Lady Elliot(Margaret Whale) 1945Edith HaynesScholarship Fund(to fund scholarships for bothundergraduates and graduates)Dr Dorothy Collin (Halstead) 1947The FellowshipEndowment Fund(to contribute to cost of fellowships)Mrs Lesley Brown (Wallace) 1963Dr Betsy Wiggins (Fumagalli) 1968The Garden FundOxford U3A Universityof the Third AgeThe GeneralEndowment Fund(Ordered by Mat Year)1930-39Miss Elizabeth Monkhouse 1930Mrs Joanna Vernon (Gillies) 19371940-49Miss Valerie Dundas-Grant 1941Miss Sheila Harris 1943Mrs Amanda Parsons (Rhodes) 1944The Hon Mrs Jennet Campbell(Adrian) 1945Dr Avril Sykes (Hart) 1946Mrs Helen Grellier (Brindle) 19491950-59Mrs Ann Glennerster (Craine) 1953Dr Molly Scopes (Bryant) 1954Mrs Sue Cooper (Cherrington) 1955Mrs Hannah Edmonds(Oppenheimer) 1956Lady Elizabeth Bingham (Loxley) 1957Mrs Susan Hilken (Davies) 1957Professor Dame Averil Cameron(Sutton) 19581960-69Mrs Kath Boothman (Scott) 1962Mrs Jane Peretz (Wildman) 1962Dr Judith Ricks (Coles) 1963Mrs Hilary King (Presswood) 1965Mrs Caroline MacPherson(Bacon) 1966Dr Ilona Roth 1966Mrs Angela Gillibrand (Parry) 19681970-79Dr Mary MacRobert 1970Miss Hilary Walters 1973Miss Deborah Clark 1976Miss Lesley McCallum 1976Mrs Jane Trewhella(Carpenter) 19761980 onwardsDr Liane Saunders 1987

14 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Friends of<strong>Somerville</strong>Ms P WhiteheadThe GermanTravel Grant(to assist a student to travelto Germany)Mrs Vanessa Luedecke (Kelly) 1996Maths(Hilary OckendonAppeal)(for the study & teaching ofMathematics)Miss Rachel Gooden 1995Mrs Caroline Jarrett(Sankey) 1977Mr Robert Macdonald 1996Mr Jonathon McIntosh 1995Ms Hilary Newiss 1974Miss Pri Pinnaduwa 1987Mrs Rosamund Salisbury(Wright) 1964Mrs Wendy Seago (Lucas) 1982Miss Janice Selman 1978Mrs Rachel Waters(Hetherington) 1977Miss Carol Wood 1975AnonymousIrene BrownBursary(to support a bursary for students withdisabilities and health problems)Professor Edwina Brown 1967Mr Brendan BrownMr Morris BrownDon’t Leave Me As I am CharityJanet VaughanSociety(to support the society’s events)ChemoCentryxThe Jessel Fund(supports study and/orteaching of Classics)Dr Leslie DunnThe Binks Trust (with thanks toSir Gerald and Lady Elliot, 1945)Lady Elliot (Margaret Whale) 1945Medicine (JeanBanister BirthdayAppeal)(for medical student bursaries)Dr Jill Challener 1967Jennifer LoachFund(to support History undergraduates)Mr Richard Van OssMr T Van OssMs Celia Van OssLaw Appeal(to support the teaching ofLaw at <strong>Somerville</strong>)Miss Susan Bright 1984Mrs Eleanor Smith (Reid) 1996Mrs Margaret Willis (Andrews) 1940The Library FundMiss Pauline Adams (1962)Mrs Katherine Fricker (<strong>You</strong>ng) 1969Mrs Rosamund Salisbury(Wright) 1964Miss Linda Salt 1976Dr Olive Sayce (Davison)Mrs Miranda Villiers (McKenna) 1954Lisa MinoprioMemorial Fund(to provide a Bursary to anundergraduate in need offinancial assistance)Mrs Charmain EggarThe FreeGeneral ReserveMrs Clara Freeman (Jones) 1971Dr Niels Kroner 1996Mrs Sybella Stanley 1979Margaret PellyFund(to support a GraduateScholarship or a Junior ResearchFellowship in Medicine, Bio-medicalSciences, Psychology)Mrs Angela Gillibrand (Parry) 1968Mrs Jane Lawrence (Vaizey) 1959Dr Rosemary Millard(Troughton) 1950Dr Ann Taylor (Hughes Jones) 1946Margery FryHouse Fund(to benefit residents of Margery FryGraduate House)Professor Leslie O’Bell (Claff) 1968Mary <strong>Somerville</strong>ResearchFellowship(to fund a Junior Research Fellowship)Miss Jean Wilks 1936

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 15FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 – 31.7.09MichalaButterfield Appeal(to endow either a Scholarship orBursary in Michala’s name)Mr Kilby AspellMiss Claire Butler 1995Mr Leo Crane 1995Mrs Kathleen DevanneyMr & Mrs W EmmettMr & Mrs Margaret& Michael EmmettMr John EmmettMr & Mrs Bob& Margaret EmmettMrs Jeanette EmmettMr Paul Evans 1995Mrs Audrey Gale (Sander) 1956Mr James GoudieMs Bridget Hanney & FriendsMr Richard Hartshorn 1995Dr Rachel Isba 1995Dr Jane Loader (Aspell) 1995Ms Rachel Mapplebeck & Friendsthrough JustGivingMs Lesley MatthewsMrs Sarah MortonMrs Joyce PycroftMr Stephen PycroftMs Helen RiceMrs Eleanor Smith (Reid) 1996Ms Karen ThorntonMr Patrick TweedaleMiss Anna Tweedale 1995Mr & Mrs Vello& Jacqueline VahterMace LimitedCARE 24-7 LimitedLatvian Welfare FundPauline AdamsRetirement Appeal(for the conservation, cataloguingand scanning online of the college’sphotographic collection)Dr Gina Alexander (Pirani) 1953Dr Ruth Alloway 1972Miss Clare Ambrose 1987Miss Sonia Anderson 1962Miss Kim Anderson 1978Mr Ralph AppelbaumDr Elizabeth Austin 1970Mrs Penelope Baines (Lord) 1976Professor Caroline Barron(Hogarth) 1959Lady Elizabeth Bingham(Loxley) 1957Dr Angela Bonaccorso 1978Mrs Kath Boothman (Scott) 1962Mrs Lucy Borland (Dean) 1984Dr Marjorie Boulton 1941Mrs Nancy Bower(Thompson) 1939Professor Lalage Bown 1945Dr Muriel Bradshaw (Quick) 1947Mrs Alison Brech (Jones) 1965Mrs Kay Brock (StewartSandeman) 1972Miss Winifred Brown 1937Mrs Lesley Brown (Wallace) 1963Miss Nadine Brummer 1953Ms Alison Burns 1967Mrs Sally Chilver (Graves) 1932Dr Margaret Clark(Sidebottom) 1967Professor Gillian Clark(Metford) 1964Miss Celia Clarke 1952Ms Jacky Clements 1969Mrs Patricia Clough (Brown) 1946Miss Celia Clout 1951Dr Judith Collier 1975Dr Margaret Cone (Beckham) 1964Mrs Liz Cooke (Greenwood) 1964Mrs Paddy Crossley (Earnshaw) 1956Mrs Ann Currie(Mansfield-Robinson) 1953Miss Liz Daunton 1937Mrs Nicola Davies (Galeski) 1965Mrs Angela Davies (Holdich) 1967Mrs Margaret Dawes (Monk) 1936Dr Mary Dove †Professor Gráinne De BurcaProfessor Eileen Denza(<strong>You</strong>ng) 1958Miss Valerie Dundas-Grant 1941Miss Rosemary Dunhill 1962Dr Mary Ede (Turner) 1944Mrs Liz Finch (Gamble) 1959Mrs Jean Fooks (Scott) 1958Mrs Mary Foote (Hinchliffe) 1943Mrs Barbara Forrai(Lockwood) 1946Mrs Jo Forsyth(Newcombe) 1961Lady Hazel Fox (Stuart) 1946Mrs Clara Freeman (Jones) 1971Mrs Katherine Fricker(<strong>You</strong>ng) 1969Dr Barbara Gabrys 1998Mrs Jane Galbraith (Roaf) 1962Mrs Liz Gardner (Gue) 1975Dr Antonia Gransden(Morland) 1947Miss Ann Gray 1953Mrs Suzan Griffiths(Green) 1975Miss Diana Handford 1961Miss Ann Hansen 1959Mrs Elizabeth Harbord(Harris) 1971Dr Niamh HardimanMrs Mira Harding(Vidakovic) 1947Miss Barbara Harvey 1946Mrs Clare Hatcher(Lawrence) 1974Lady Margaret Heath(Bragg) 1950Mrs Jane Hodge (Aiken) 1935 †

16 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Mrs Wendy Holmes(Beswick) 1970Miss Cynthia Howard 1951Miss Lydia Howard 1960Mrs Janet Howarth (Ross) 1960Mrs Catherine Hughes (Pestell)Mrs Pauline Hunter Blair(Clarke) 1940Mrs Julie Jack (Rountree) 1964Miss Clare Jackson 1984Mrs Ruth Jolly (Foote) 1970Mrs Nina Kark (Mabey) 1943Mrs Mary Keen (Keegan) 1964Mrs Caroline Kenny(Arthur) 1956Ms Hiromi Kinoshita 1998Mrs Anne Kirkman (Fawcett) 1952Ms Elizabeth Knowles 1970Mrs Lepel Kornicka (Phipps) 1971Mrs Margaret Lee (Cox) 1943Dr Isabel Leeming (Forsyth) 1955Professor Laura Lepschy(Momigliano) 1952Ms Gill Linscott 1963Mrs Linda Loder (Homfray) 1986Mrs Bridget Long (Lymbery) 1968Miss Molly Loughnane 1937Professor Irene Lynch Fannon(Lynch) 1985Mrs Patricia MacAulay (Hale) 1945Professor Penelope Mackie 1971Dr Mary MacRobert 1970Ms Nadine Majaro 1975Mrs Harriet Maunsell(Dawes) 1962Dr Penny McCarthy (Gee) 1962Miss Marian McKellar 1946Dr Kate McLoughlin 1988Mrs Judith Mitchell(Bainbridge) 1967Mrs Rosemary Moore(Filmer) 1950Dr Elaine Moore 1967Ms Lynden Moore 1954Mrs Frances Nestor (Benn) 1982Miss Lucy Neville-Rolfe 1970Mrs Alexandra Nicol (Marr) 1966Dr Vivien Noakes 1990Miss Denise O’DonnellMrs Christian Parham(Fitzherbert) 1950Baroness Daphne Park 1940 †Dr Jo Parker (Martindale) 1970Miss Susan PartridgeLady Virginia Pasley (Wait) 1956Ms Hilary Pearson 1962Dr Luke Pitcher 1999Miss Anne Pope 1960Professor Tessa Rajak(Goldsmith) 1965Ms Judith Rattenbury 1958Mrs Stephanie Reynard(Ward) 1962Miss Joyce Reynolds 1937Miss Janet Richards 1962Miss Karen Richardson 1972Dr Christina Roaf (Drake) 1937Miss Jane Robinson 1978Dr Lucy Robinson 1970Ms Virginia Ross 1966Miss Madeleine Ruehl 1977Miss Linda Salt 1976Ms Katie Sambrook 1985Dr Olive Sayce (Davison)Professor Jane Sayers 1955Mrs Anne Seaton (Vernon) 1959Ms Ottilie Sefton 1972Revd Vera Sinton 1962Dr Julia Smith 1976Mrs Eleanor Smith (Reid) 1996The Rev Mrs Lydia Speller(Agnew) 1975Miss Jane Steedman 1966Dr Helen Steel 1976Mrs Margaret Stewart (Adams) 1949Dr Enid Stoye 1938Mrs Catherine Stoye (Wells) 1947Lady Eileen Strathnaver(Baker) 1964Lady Juliet Townsend (Smith) 1960Lady Phyllis Treitel (Cook) 1948Mrs Lucia Turner (Glanville) 1951Miss Daisy Turville-Petre 1993Dr Nermeen Varawalla 1989Miss Dominique VaughanWilliams 1976Mrs Frances Walsh (Innes) 1956Mrs Jenifer Wates (Weston) 1951Dr Trudy Watt 1971Hon Mr David Wedgwood BennDr Stephanie West (Pickard) 1956Miss Jean Wilks 1936Mrs Barbara Williamson(Freeman) 1952Mrs Margaret Williamson(Allott) 1956Mrs Susan Wood(Chenevix-Trench) 1942The PhillipsBursary(to fund a student bursary)Mrs Anne Morton (Phillips) 1973and Mr Guy MortonPhysics(Carole JordanAppeal)(for the study & teaching of Physics)Dr Anasuya Aruliah 1981Mr Martin Bates 1994Mrs Neena Bush (Soochak) 1983Mr Tim Cannon 1995Dr Ursula Cox (Nicholls) 1981Anonymous 1979Ms Caroline Keam 1992Rev Kate Le Sueur(Hindmarsh) 1981Ms Hilary Newiss 1974Dr Vicky Nield 1986Anonymous 1975Mrs Susan Sinagola(Livingstone) 1976Dr John Wells

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 17FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Mrs Trudie Wigley (Rothery) 1988Mrs Rosamund Williams(Manterfield) 1977Rita BradshawFund(for travelling scholarships forMedical Students)Dr Judith Collier 1975Mrs Jean Fooks (Scott) 195Dr Kate Lesseps (Lay) 1979Dr Ruth Lister 1944Dr Susan Noble (Barfield) 1959Dr June Raine (Harris) 1971RadcliffeObservatoryQuarter Building(towards funding 68 additionalstudent rooms)Miss Pauline Adams 1962Mrs Eleanor Arie (Aitken) 1959Dr Christine Avery 1959Mrs Helen Baker (Deakin) 1959Professor Caroline Barron(Hogarth) 1959Miss Shahnaz Batmanghelidj 1975Professor Catherine Belsey(Prigg) 1959Mrs Elizabeth Black (Austin) 1959Dr Helen Boon (Booth) 1959Mrs Lesley Brown (Wallace) 1963AnonymousMrs Sheila Clarke (Blair) 1959Professor Marian Dawkins(Stamp) 1963Dr Janet Edmunds (Holmes) 1959Mrs Ieva Eland (Antonovics) 1959Dr Karin ErdmannMrs Liz Finch (Gamble) 1959Dr Lucy Gaster 1959Mrs Jane Gordon(Mackintosh) 1959Professor Sarah GurrMs Lynn Haight (Schofield) 1966Miss Ann Hansen 1959Miss Madeleine Harmsworth 1959Dr Michael HaywardMrs Lisette Henrey (Coghlan) 1959Dr Hazel Jones (Lewis) 1959Mrs Liselotte Kastner (Adler) 1959Mrs Margaret Kenyon (Parry) 1959and Mr George KenyonMrs Jane Lawrence (Vaizey) 1959Mrs Mary Leedham-Green(Baldry) 1959Mrs Vicky Maltby (Elton) 1974Mrs Harriet Maunsell (Dawes) 1962Dr Jim McDonnellProfessor Lois McNayDr Nicolai MeinshausenMrs Sylvia Neumann (Bull) 1959Dr Susan Noble (Barfield) 1959Dr Ahilya Noone (Nehaul) 1959Dr Natalia NowakowskaBaroness Onora O’Neill 1959Dr Jo Parker (Martindale) 1970Mrs Kristin Payne (Maule) 1959Dr Mason PorterDr Victoria ProwseProfessor Stephen PulmanMrs Susanna Reid (Allison) 1959Mrs Jane Robinson (Packham) 1959Mrs Hilary Spurling (Forrest) 1959Professor Frances Stewart(Kaldor) 1958Professor Richard StoneProfessor Rajesh ThakkerMrs Frances Walsh (Innes) 1956Professor Jennifer WelshMr Leo Wouters 1997Mrs Lydia Wright (Giles) 1959ScholarshipEndowment FundMrs Margaret Stewart (Adams) 1949Senior MembersFund(for Senior Members infinancial need)Miss Pauline Adams 1962Miss Clare Mainprice 1974Miss Madeleine Ruehl 1977Legacies ReceivedMrs Elizabeth Attrill(Cunnington) 1933 †Dr Louisa Connor (Bulman) 1962 †Mrs Margaret Coolidge(Ensor) 1927 †Miss Jean Dawson 1946 †Miss Nan Dunbar †Mrs Dorothy Gummer(Shepherd) 1936 †Mrs Innes Herdan(Jackson) 1930 †Ms Winifred Holtby †Mr Mervyn Jones †Mrs Katherine Lewis(Matthews) 1943 †Mrs Mary McManus(Crozier) 1927 †Miss Francesca McManus 1957 †Miss Elma Mitchell (1938)†Professor Daphne Osborne †Lady Mary Pickard(Cozens-Hardy) 1937 †Mrs Gillian Tinsley(Higham) 1942 †Mrs Nancy Trenaman(Fisher) 1938 †Mr Mervyn Stuart Trenaman †Miss Norah Wooldridge †

18 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Donations in Memory of...Donor In Memory of... FundMs Shahnaz Batmanghelidj Mr Hooshang Batmanghelidj Radcliffe Observatory QuarterProfessor Edwina Brown 1967Mr Brendan Brown& Mr Morris BrownMrs Irene Joyce Brown(Goodman) 1939 †Irene Brown BursaryMrs Katherine Fricker(<strong>You</strong>ng) 1969Mrs Anne Knight(Earle) 1948Mr James MacnamaraMrs Sheila Mawby(Roxburgh) 1962Miss Linda Salt 1976Mr Irvine SimpsonMrs Margaret Stewart(Adams) 1949Mr Richard Van Oss,Mr Thomas Van Oss& Ms Celia Van OssMrs Miranda Villiers(McKenna) 1954Mrs Sheila Warson(Curtis) 1945Miss Catherine Vernon1969 †Dr Nina Coltart 1947 †Mrs Marcella Macnamara(von Schoenberg) 1978 †A Roxburgh C.Eng; F.I.E.T. †Miss Elizabeth MarieWohlwill 1934 †Mrs Pamela Simpson(Johnson) 1950 †The Hon Mrs June Benn(Barraclough) 1949 †Mrs Phoebe Van Oss(Herbert) 1950 †Dr Louisa Connor(Bulman) 1962 †Mrs Jean Lloyd(Brooksbank) 1945 †and Mrs Brenda Bunton(Sargent) 1945 †Library FundAnnual FundAnnual FundAnnual FundLibrary FundAnnual FundScholarshipEndowment FundThe Loach FundLibrary FundAnnual Fund


20 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09Volunteers andCommittee Members<strong>Somerville</strong> has a network of over 100 volunteers whomake a contribution to the <strong>College</strong> in many valuableways, by organising events such as those held by theLondon Group, <strong>Somerville</strong> Formal, Lawyers, Medics,Public Policy and City Groups; speaking at events;writing for the <strong>Somerville</strong> magazine; assisting in theDevelopment Office and advising <strong>Somerville</strong> onstrategic, development and financial issues through theDevelopment Board and Annual Fund Committee. ThePrincipal and Fellows would like to thank all those whohave given their time and commitment to the <strong>College</strong>.Annual FundCommitteeHelen Griffiths 1984Charlotte Morgan 1969Tom Ohta 2002Sybella Stanley 1979Judith Unwin 1973Sarah Watson 1993<strong>Somerville</strong>AssociationCommitteeGina Alexander (Pirani) 1953Thomas Fraine 2003Verity Holland 2002Clare Howarth (Latham) 1985Ferdy Lovett 1999Max Luedecke 1999Kate McLoughlin 1988Ian Mulheirn 1999Virginia Pasley (Wait) 1956Karen Richardson 1972 (Chair)Jane Robinson (Robinson) 1978Virginia Ross 1966Nermeen Varawalla 1989City CommitteeNoah Bulkin 1995Sarah Carter 1989Richard Fitter 1999James Forsyth 2002Raj Jeyakumar 2001Niels Kroner 1996Dan Mobley 1994Charlotte Morgan 1969 (Joint Chair)Lucy Neville-Rolfe 1970Annie Nicholson 2002Nicola Ralston (Thomas) 1974(Joint Chair)Janice Selman 1978Eleanor Smith (Reid) 1996Sarah Wyles (Ryle) 1987

<strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s Report | 21FOR GIFTS RECEIVED 1.8.08 - 31.7.09DevelopmentBoard MembersThomas BoltKim Bolt(July 2004 – Feb 2009)Doreen Boyce (Vaughan) 1953(Nov 2004 – Sept 2009)Paddy Crossley (Earnshaw) 1956(July 2004 – Dec 2008)Clara Freeman (Jones) 1971Sam Gyimah 1995Lynne Haight (Schofield) 1966Margaret Kenyon (Parry) 1959Niels Kroner 1996Nadine Majaro 1975(July 2004 – June 2009)Harriet Maunsell (Dawes) 1962Hilary Newiss 1974Roger Pilgrim(July 2004 – June 2009)Nicola Ralston (Thomas) 1974Jane Sender (Nothmann) 1974Sybella Stanley 1979Development andAlumni OfficeVolunteerBarbara Jeffrey (Robinson) 1957LawyersCommitteePauline Ashall 1978Susan Bright 1984Dara Christopher 1984Bev Cox 1985Ginny Harrison 1975Julie Hopkins (Hopkins) 1991Tom Hoskins 2002Tim Knipe 1997Annie LaPaz (Britten) 1978Elizabeth Philipps(Black) 1970 (Chair)Karen Richardson 1972Sheena Singla 1994Anna White 2009Literary LunchCommitteeAnn Currie(Mansfield-Robinson) 1953Katherine Duncan-JonesKate McLoughlin 1988Christina Roaf (Drake) 1937Jean Wilks 1936Jenny Wright (Allan) 1968LondonCommitteeKim Anderson 1978June Brown (Fisher) 1954Ginny Covell(Hardman Lea) 1973 (Chair)Bev Cox 1985Celia de Borchgrave d’Altena(Ogden) 1973Jane Gordon (Mackintosh) 1959Judith Mitchell (Bainbridge) 1967Sue Robson (Bodger) 1966Jean Seglow (Moncrieff) 1955Caroline Totterdill 1984Miranda Villiers (McKenna) 1954Sarah Wyles (Ryle) 1987MedicsCommitteeMary Jane Attenburrow 1980Farah Bhatti 1984Susanna Graham-Jones 1968Rachel Isba 1995Ibrahim Jalloh 1998Angela Mills 1966June Raine (Harris) 1971Natalie Shenker 1997Nermeen Varawalla 1989Wisia Wedzicha 1972Linette Whitehead (Dell) 1970Fenella Wojnarowska 1965Jenny Wright (Allan) 1968 (Chair)<strong>Somerville</strong> FormalThomas Fraine 2003Ferdy Lovett 1999Tristan Neagle 1999

6 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Donor’s ReportFinancialPosition&ObjectivesFinancial Year 2008-09Financial ReportFor the financial year 1 August 2008 – 31 July 2009

<strong>Somerville</strong> Financial Report | 231.8.08 - 31.7.09In spite of continued prudent and efficient management ofresources, the underlying financial position of the <strong>College</strong>remains of concern – <strong>Somerville</strong> is constantly strivingto maintain the highest academic standards, relating tothe core purpose of the <strong>College</strong>, against an extremelydifficult financial background with continued reductionof statutory funding, essential expenditure on buildingrefurbishment and inflationary increases in other costs.Against such a challenging background, thefinancial support from alumni and friendsof the <strong>College</strong> has once again been a keyfactor in enabling the <strong>College</strong> to fulfil itsobjectives. As a result of this, <strong>Somerville</strong> hada surplus of £794,000 for the year endingJuly 2009, excluding the restricted donationsand legacies transferred to the endowment.This compared with a surplus of £133,000for the previous year. The main reason forthis satisfactory outcome was the surplus of£615,000 achieved on the sale of a collegehouse at 179 Banbury Road which was nolonger required for student accommodation.The <strong>College</strong> continued to benefit fromlegacies and donations with income of£856,000 from unrestricted legacies and£190,000 from unrestricted donations.There was a significant increase in incomefrom conference and commercial eventswhich was offset by a further reduction ininvestment income and interest due to theimpact of the economic recession. Therewere some major improvements to buildingsand facilities which were capitalised, asrequired under the SORP format of accounts.Routine expenditure on buildings for repairsand renewals decreased when compared tothe previous year. Under the SORP format,increases in fixed assets have to be fundedfrom the Free General Reserve. This meantthat the surplus achieved this year wasagain fully used to finance expenditureon essential building works with the neteffect being that the Free General Reserveremained at zero.

24 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Financial Report1.8.08 - 31.7.09Funding sources in 2008-09 Expenditure in 2008-09Fees & tuition income £2,096,000 Academic & Administration £2,922,000Charges(Student Rents & Catering)£1,278,000 Catering, Domestic& Conferences£2,142,000Investment Income & Interest £1,442,000 Maintenance of premises £1,190,000Unrestricted Donations& Legacies£1,046,000 Fundraising £347,000Conferences £637,000 Other £326,000Commercial Rents £351,000Surplus on disposalof fixed assets£615,000Other £256,000Total income £7,721,000 Total expenditure £6,927,000Endowment AssetsThe endowment assets of <strong>Somerville</strong> reducedin value by £5m to £33.9m at July 2009, asshown in the balance sheet, largely dueto the continued worldwide fall in valueof equities. The return for the year on the<strong>College</strong>’s investments was -10.4% which wasdisappointing but considered acceptablein the circumstances. The <strong>College</strong>’s maininvestment portfolio is managed by NewtonInvestment Management Ltd under adiscretionary mandate and they fell below theset performance benchmark by 5.6%. Adviceon the <strong>College</strong>’s investments is also providedby alumni with significant experience ininvestment management. The value of theendowment maintains <strong>Somerville</strong>’s positionnear the middle of the league table of Oxfordcolleges ranked by endowment income.However, the use of the majority of thisendowment funding is restricted by wishesof the donors, which means that the incomemust be put to the funding of specific subjectsor activities. Currently the majority of thesefunds can be used but restricted funds doreduce the <strong>College</strong>’s level of flexibility toadapt should our needs change in the future.Only 60% of the cost of our senior teachingposts is covered by sufficient endowment topreserve them in perpetuity.

<strong>Somerville</strong> Financial Report | 25Future Plans1.8.08 - 31.7.091subsidise students and become self-sufficientGrow thein developing facilities for future students. AFree Generalbalance has however to be achieved betweenReservegrowing income from these areas whileThe financial operating position of <strong>Somerville</strong>maintaining the availability of college facilitiesis not yet secure. A key concern remains thefor essential academic purposes.low level of Free General Reserve which isavailable to support the future development of2the <strong>College</strong>. As stated above, the Free General Provide moreReserve has remained at zero because of accommodationthe need to fund expenditure on essential for studentsbuilding projects. The Charity Commission The <strong>College</strong> plans to provide morerecommends that a minimum Free General accommodation for students and significantReserve of between 3 and 6 months operating progress has been made on the majorcosts should be held to allow the <strong>College</strong> to project for new buildings on the Radcliffebe run effectively and to provide a buffer for Observatory Quarter site, formerly knownuninterrupted activities in the future and as the Radcliffe Infirmary site. As advisedthis would require a Free General Reserve of previously, the <strong>College</strong> has been offered theat least £2.5m. The <strong>College</strong> remains heavily opportunity to add some new buildings fordependent upon continuing close control of student accommodation and teaching andexpenditure and on maintaining the income library space on the boundary with the ROQfrom development activities, donations and site, in order to make the east-west pedestrianlegacies, conferences and commercial events, and cycle route along this boundary morein order to be able to operate at a ‘surplus’ attractive. Planning permission has now beenand to build its Free General Reserve. It is obtained for the scheme and constructiontherefore crucial for the <strong>College</strong> to continue will start by May 2010 on the first phaseto encourage and provide sufficient support of two student accommodation buildingsto those managers and staff responsible for providing 68 en-suite study bedrooms behindthese activities as it is their efforts which the Library/Holtby and behind House/Hostelwill enable this increasing source of income which should be completed and ready forto be generated. Growing the income from students in October 2011. A third building isDevelopment, conferences and commercial planned in due course behind Holtby/Park toevents, as has been achieved this year, will provide additional teaching rooms and spacehelp the <strong>College</strong> to maintain an operating for Library and archive storage in order to freesurplus and thus to continue to fulfil its up space elsewhere in <strong>College</strong>. This projectcore academic purpose and to support and requires a major financial commitment by

26 | <strong>Somerville</strong> Financial Report1.8.08 - 31.7.093the <strong>College</strong> but it is a unique opportunity toContinue to supportadd a substantial number of student roomsStudent Bursariesin a very convenient location which willand Hardshipconfirm <strong>Somerville</strong>’s place at the heart of theThe Oxford Opportunity Bursary (OOB) wasUniversity. Some funding has already beenintroduced in October 2006 in response toidentified for this project but the balancethe introduction of variable top-up fees ofwill have to come from borrowings from£3,000. The OOB covers new UK studentscommercial lenders until sufficient fundswith limited household income and offers acan be found from capital fundraising.generous level of support ranging from £100In the light of this major commitment onto £4,100 depending on declared incomes. Inthe ROQ site, the <strong>College</strong> will not be in2008-09, <strong>Somerville</strong> had 81 1st, 2nd and 3rda position to make a commitment to theyear undergraduates in receipt of OOBs.other student accommodation projectsThe Oxford Bursary and <strong>College</strong> Bursary(constructing a new building behind Penroseschemes are still being provided forand replacing the Vaughan Building)continuing and deferred entry students. Inuntil sufficient new funds have been2008-09, <strong>Somerville</strong> had 9 3rd and 4th yearraised through development activities orundergraduate students on full fee remissionin building up the Free General Reserveand eligible for the Oxford Bursary. Eachthrough donations and operating surpluses.student received a Bursary of £1,000 for theirfirst year and £500 for each subsequent year.The <strong>Somerville</strong> <strong>College</strong> Bursary schemecontinued for students on full and partialfees remission who are not eligible for theOxford Bursary. In 2008-09, <strong>Somerville</strong> had3 students who received a <strong>College</strong> Bursary.In total, 93 students received OOBs, Oxford2008-09 Number Total Value* Cost to <strong>Somerville</strong>Oxford OpportunityBursaries81 £195,996 £97,998Oxford Bursaries 9 £4,500 £2,250<strong>College</strong> Bursaries 3 £1,100 £1,100Total 93 £201,596 £101,348* Including any contributions from the University

<strong>Somerville</strong> Financial Report | 271.8.08 - 31.7.09Bursaries or <strong>College</strong> Bursaries, representingover 26% of eligible students, which is one ofthe highest ratios among Oxford colleges.The Bursary Fund at <strong>Somerville</strong> currentlyholds a capital of about £660,137 whichproduced an income of £21,776 in 2008-09.Thus the shortfall to the <strong>College</strong> for theseOOB, Oxford and <strong>College</strong> Bursaries in theyear was £79,572. However, the BursaryFund is intended to provide financialsupport to students for hardship, bridgingloans and grants, in addition to fundingthe various Bursary schemes. The capitalvalue of the Bursary Fund would need toincrease to £2,850,000 in order to providethe estimated £100,000 of income requiredto meet all these needs.In conclusion, the long-term futureof <strong>Somerville</strong> can only be secured bycontinuing to increase the endowmentand the associated endowment incomeand by consistently achieving an operatingsurplus to enable the growth of a strong FreeGeneral Reserve. The <strong>College</strong> would then besignificantly less vulnerable to changes inGovernment policy and the unpredictablelevels of future public funding.HELEN MORTONFellow and TreasurerNovember 2009

<strong>Somerville</strong> <strong>College</strong>Woodstock Road OX2 6HDTelephone 01865 270600www.some.ox.ac.ukExempt charity number: x4848, March 2010

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