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Download - Paul Hartmann AG

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4 Interview with CEO Dr. Rinaldo RiguzziWhat does sustainability mean for the HARTMANN GROUP,and how do you define sustainability?In conformity with the Brundtland report, we understandsustainability to be a form of conducting business whichboth meets the current requirements and, at the same time,allows future generations to meet their needs. In this sense,sustainability belongs to our basic orientation. Therefore, itis part of our daily work, leading us in our work and decisionmaking processes and in making a long-term, comprehensivecommitment.In life cycle assessments we look, for example, at the entirelife cycle of our products, from raw material sourcing touser training, including proper disposal. With long-termassessments we can precisely track our progress and effectivelyinitiate improvement measures, continuously makingour work more sustainable.Therefore, we decided to prepare a special publication onthis subject. In this context, we also intend to redesign ourinternal management and communications processes in thefield of sustainability.In 2005, our corporate strategy FOCUS was implemented.In addition to financial goals, it explicitly includes strivingfor a sustainable way of conducting our business activities.Since then, we have gradually established appropriatesustainable structures, working closely with relevant Groupfunctions.With this brochure we are taking the first step on the pathto comprehensive sustainability communications. Its mainpurpose is to present the HARTMANN GROUP’s commitmentto sustainability to our customers, but it is also aimedat our suppliers and employees, providing them with aglimpse behind the scenes.“At HARTMANN, we have a special social responsibilitybecause we are one of the leading European companies in thehealth industry.”We consider ourselves not only to be a leader in thedevelopment of superior products that meet the higheststandards and have the least possible impact on theenvironment. We see ourselves primarily as a partner andadviser to our customers. Together with them, we want tofacilitate cost-effective use of products in hospitals andnursing homes, ease the workload of doctors and nurses,and thus help improve the quality of life for patients.This brochure is the first HARTMANN publicationon this subject. What was the reason for the publicationat this time?There are many reasons for this. As noted above, we seeourselves as a sustainable company. This has been provenby many activities at our locations around the world. Bythe way, we have been reporting on our internationalcommitment to environmental protection and occupationalsafety for many years. In recent times, our customers andpartners have, however, increasingly made inquiries aboutthis. They want to know how sustainable our products areand also how we design processes in a sustainable manner.What are the next steps? What is your plan?We will continue to gradually further develop our sustainabilitystrategy and our sustainability management.The Sustainability Workgroup set up one year ago willassume responsibilities across functions. It has alreadyfocused on key areas of our commitment such as environmentand resources, product responsibility as well asemployees and society.It is important for us to address the issue at its roots. Weintend to create lasting and stable structures, to fully implementthem in the Group, and to incorporate them into thedaily activities of our nearly 10,000 employees. Thesechanges take time. And I will give this time to our company– but not without repeatedly pushing for changes andconcrete progress. I am personally endorsing this approach.

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